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Posts posted by DipGuy365

  1. I still cannot seem to get around this.
    My diapers always, without fail, fold upwards between the legs to effectively create like a mound that isnt so helpful to channeling pee when you flood it. Also counteracts its expansion and poofiness which is just sad :( 

    I have tried actively folding it the other way, so it folds outwards and creates a channel. Then after literally a few steps walking or sitting down its back the other way again.

  2. 30 minutes ago.. 
    After a full day of drinking loads of water and wetting a lot.

    Its a tykables camelot and it had already leaked ive wet it so much. So when I felt the need to go poop I popped in a suppository and held it until I couldnt any longer.
    It was soft and squishy and ive squished it around a fair bit sitting in it.

    Safe to say this Diaper has been maxxed out!

  3. On 2/20/2022 at 4:27 AM, Wheels said:

    The bolded portion above is fuckin brilliant! ?  If somebody told me this a few times over the years I could've avoided some moments.

    To the OP, Not sure if this has been asked, but can you say whether or not she is as horny or kinky as you? Or at least half as much? And, is she cool with trying new things in general? If yes, I think that would be a major positive. 

    oh she for sure 100% is not anything close to as kinky or horny as me ?

    That is one of the tough points in the relationship for me personally. She basically never has a horny thought in her head and really takes some work to get her in the mood.
    And she has zero kinks.
    She is generally accepting of mine (of which there are many), and indulges one or two such as using a strapon with me. But even that is rare and again she kinda struggles to get into it properly, usually feels like she is only indulging me and not really letting herself go with it and that tends to make setting the mood for it all pretty difficult.

    I rarely feel anything in the way of passion or desire coming from her, plenty of love and care, but next to no passion. Which is a whole thing we need to work on in the relationship.

    • Like 1
  4. Thankyou everyone for the responses.
    Very much what I was expecting and very much mirroring my own thoughts on it too.

    I wasnt planning to try it, and im certainly not going to.
    But it was interesting and helpful to hear peoples insights and opinions :) 

    5 hours ago, Draventhedark said:

    I would just wear one to bed and test the waters with her. If she is truly commited to you she will tell you she doesn't like it and go from there. Also If she is accepting of it just talk to her about it. Lying to her will turn her away from it because that is what she will associate diapers with. My wife is accepting of me wearing only because I was honest with her about everything. I told her my desire to wear diapers is stronger then my will not to wear them. I have explained to her how there was many times I would quit wearing them because of me being ashamed of it but I always went back because the urge to wear would always return 10 fold. She isn't into it much but she has started over the years to walk by me when I'm wearing and smack my padded butt or rub it. I feel if I would of made up a situation to wear them she would of been completely turned off by it. Not sure what fetishes your girlfriend has but indulge in hers. Treat her extra special when your wearing them. Make them something that she will look forward to and not something she will want to run from. It is an odd fetish to many people. The fact that she knows you like to wear them means she is at least slightly accepting of them. End point is honesty in a relationship is everything, without it you don't have the trust that forms a real relationship. Maybe try putting a diaper on cooking a nice dinner and giving her a back massage. Being extra attentive when you wear could lead to a much better relationship in the end but lying will only destroy it.

    Only trouble with part of that advice is she doesnt have any fetishes or kinks ?
    Literally none, she's as vanilla as it gets as far as her own sexual interests go. Any level of kink in our relationship comes from me, and believe me there are many. Sexually we are as different as they come, which can be frustrating at times.
    She's accepting of everything though and indulges some (such as pegging). But generally her sex drive is pretty low and 9/10 times its me initiating anything. 

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, Little Sherri said:

    I understand what you're going for, @DipGuy365, and I can see why this would be an appealing route. While not identical to my approach to wearing 24/7 with my wife, philosophically, your idea is similar to the one I had. I translated a couple of "legitimate" bedwetting incidents, and a history of being a bedwetter as a kid, into openly wearing diapers to bed, which I then stretched out to the point where I was (and am) openly wearing diapers all the time. I got very lucky in that my wife seems to have accepted this weirdness on my part, but, I don't know that how my story has played out would be a "typical" outcome for most people. Her and I had, at that point, been married for almost two decades, we had kids, a business... there are a lot of ties binding us. I could have ended up living in my car over this... I got lucky. 

    My caveat would be that leaning into a medical explanation makes reversing course difficult. If your girlfriend gets completely turned off by the bedwetting and decides that maybe it's too much baggage for her, you might have to summon a miracle cure to save the situation. Also, depending on how serious you are about your future with this person, you might not want to establish a precedent for being misleading on very important topics, such as your health and medical history. I chickened out on being completely upfront with my wife initially, however, since then, I haven't expanded on, or even mentioned the medical angle to this, and we seem to have arrived at a kind of "don't ask, don't tell" policy about my wandering around at all hours in baby's underwear. (Although I'm seeing a urologist for an unrelated issue in a couple of months, and she did once muse about what they'd have to say when I show up in a diaper.) 

    You might get lucky, and it plays out exactly as you envision - she gets used to you wearing diapers, it becomes a normal part of life, and you get to wear them into the foreseeable future with minimal resistance. Or, this could be a deal-breaker for her, in which case, you would need to decide how important wearing diapers is to you, versus your relationship with her. If the diapers need to take a backseat, then, you've put yourself in a more difficult position, pretending you HAVE to wear them, than if you were able to say "Okay, I can meet you half way, I'll wear them sometimes, or I'll only sleep in them when you're not here", or whatever the compromise ends up being. You can't negotiate with incontinence. 

    Thankyou for the response.
    We have been together just shy of 8 years and are very much committed to one another. So I dont for a second think it would cause any kind of relationship ending drama.. But i totally get how it could cause problems going about it in such a way.

    She does already know about the diapers as I mentioned and is ok with me wearing them around her on occasion, I just don't see her being receptive to the idea of me sleeping in one. (I dont even know if il enjoy that, might not find it comfortable, but id like to try)

    But id ultimately love for her to move from 'accepting' to 'supportive and encouraging' as it were. Possibly even get to the point as mentioned at the end of indulging my fantasy with her every now and then.
    For now at least she is a Looong way off of that.

  6. Hi Everyone,

    So I want to try and make Diapers a bit more normalised for my girlfriend.
    Im the DL but have only just again started wearing around her on occasion, after not doing so for a while. She only sees it as a fetish I have that she does not understand (though accepts).
    As I said, I want to get her far more comfortable to the point they are basically normalised for her, almost just like another form of underwear as many see them. I also want to try wearing to bed, which I have never done, just to see how it is. However I feel she will not be receptive to this at all.

    Which leads me onto a fleeting idea I had, no doubt clouded in judgement by my horny mind.
    All hypothetical for now but I want peoples opinions on this. And by all means call me out and be blunt if its a terrible idea and would make me a terrible person to try it ? it basically involves a fair amount of deception and dishonesty (which is why I do already think its a terrible idea ahaha)


    The idea is as follows: Remember, just hypothetical

    Over the course of a few weeks, I would intentionally and consciously wet the bed a handful of times.
    Now i dont often get up in the night for the toilet, so I would make sure to drink a bunch that day and before bed to ensure I wake up needing to pee. Then rather than go to the toilet I would simply wet the bed on purpose.
    I would then of course make out to my girlfriend asif it was a freak and genuine accident, and be all embarrassed and apologetic about it as you would expect.

    Then over the next few weeks I do the same thing a few more times.
    This would then give me genuine reason (in her mind) to need to suggest temporarily wearing diapers to bed as a precaution, and she would probably be fine with it and accept its a good idea considering the circumstances.

    The idea of this is that it would both allow me to wear to bed for the foreseeable without my Girlfriend protesting, and it would also help to rapidly bring her thinking around to them being necessary and me needing to wear them in that situation, which I think would help her get far more comfortable with them in any other situation too. In effect normalising them for her as first mentioned.

    2 birds, one stone. I get to try wearing at night without any protest and me in diapers gets far more normalised for my girlfriend, potentially leading to her opening up further to them in future. (man what I would give to see her wearing and using one with me ?)


    Once again, please be totally honest and blunt if it indeed sounds like a horrible idea and I will then bury it deep ?
    I just want to try wearing at night and want my Girlfriend to be more comfortable with them. And my weird mind goes to places like this ?



  7. Im in the slightly more unusual position that I only found out about the DL scene and that I had an interest around 1.5 years ago, currently having been with my girlfriend for 8 years.
    It was hard at first and I did keep it from her because I was embarrassed, but she found out unintentionally so I had to come completely clean with her.
    That was a hard conversation and there were lots of emotions, she mainly got upset that I felt the need to be hiding it from her rather than being upfront about it right away.

    Anyway, we are at the point where she is 'accepting' of it, id say tolerating. But she doesn't understand it really (its hard to explain to someone who sees no attraction in wearing and using diapers why its attractive!) and has absolutely no desire to try any aspect of it herself. Wont even entertain trying one on. She is very much Vanilla and has basically no fetishes of her own, and isnt a very horny person either. So I think that is why she finds it so difficult to even entertain the thought of wearing a diaper which she associates solely with either babies or medical incontinence, and most definitely not with anything sexual or recreational.

    I very rarely wear around her, though we have just had another discussion about it and I want to start doing so more often.

    I go through phases where i don't wear much and then times where I would be wearing all the time if I could. Im currently in the later!

    It would mean the absolute world to me if she were willing to try wearing one for me (as well as turn me on to no end of course ?)
    But at this point that doesn't look like it will ever happen. But reading other peoples stories of how their partners started similar to mine and eventually began engaging with them, I have hope.

  8. 2 hours ago, Ipmapants said:

    The 2 days is a rare outcome and the messing at night has happened to me 2 times and the last time was last night and then the time before that was like 4 years ago. So it doesn’t happen a lot but it is still possible!! I would say the ideal situation could be like if she was to have a girls night with her friends or something you can get a good amount of time in. It takes effect in like 1 to 3 hours. And then once it takes effect you just have to be sure to get as much out as possible in order to make sure you don’t mess at night. I was holding as long as I could and then had an accident and then I went to bed and then woke up I am sure my body was holding it as I slept and that is why that happened. 

    fair enough. I may give it a go some time if I get the chance then.
    She's a florist so on peak periods like mothers day which is coming up she works very late prepping. So I could get an entire day at least..

    Does it tend to be still very wet and runny messes like with many laxatives or..?

  9. 7 hours ago, Ipmapants said:

    Try magnesium citrate! It’s a little bottle of clear liquid that has a “flavor” it is disgusting but bearable so have a water bottle to chase it and also stay really hydrated. It’s wayyyy stronger than dulcolax. If you drink this laxative you will get an effect like I described and it will last a couple of hours if not until the next morning even! Just maybe skip messing for a day for maximum effectiveness. Just a couple of warnings though, wear a diaper for the rest of the day and while you sleep because after I posted this my diaper nearly leaked from messing and then I changed my diaper and went to sleep and woke up at around 1 in the morning uncontrollably messing my diaper. I even came home today (the day after I took the lax) and still felt my stomach gurgling from the laxative. It’s a lot more controlled the next day but still loose and dangerous! So unless you have a diaper on don’t think you can fart safely after taking this laxative?? (I learned my lesson the hard way)

    Sounds fantastic! How quickly does it take effect?

    Sadly for me I live with my Partner whom is not into the fetish so I only really indulge when im home and she is working. She is somewhat accepting of my desire to wear diapers and such, and ive worn around her before a few times (though not for a while), but not to the point that she would be comfortable with me wearing for 2 days straight around her while uncontrollably messing haha And I don't sleep in them so she certainly wouldn't be too comfortable me having to wear one to bed a messing it.

    If you could be sure the effects of that would wear off within 12 hours or so then I could probably give it a go. But if its really that powerful and that long lasting, Sadly not something I could try unless my GF was away for a few days :( 

  10. Hi All,

    Ive never used boosters before but am thinking of getting some.
    Wondering how much they actually work in terms of extending the capacity and 'range' of a diaper?

    Ive read stories on blogs of people using a medium to high capacity diaper with 3 or 4 boosters in it to go a full 24 hours. Does anyone have any experience with multiple boosters? 
    And if so, how would you position them in the diaper to get maximum effectiveness out of all of them?

    • Like 1
  11. I use suppositories fairly often with diapers to really enhance the desperation and losing control, which is what I really like. But without the then continuous cramps and ongoing bouts of it haha

    I have tried proper oral laxatives before but honestly they dont seem to do much to me. 2 dulcolax tablets before bed. Diapered all day the next day and just never seems to hit me. Which is a shame because what you describe is what I hope for, absolutely destroying the diaper with repeated waves of uncontrolled messing.
    But I dont want to risk taking more than the recommended 2 tablets.

    • Like 1
  12. I only do it once or twice a month at most. Not wearing often currently.
    But when I do, I almost always use a suppository to help because the thing I enjoy most is that absolute desperation and loss of control.
    The inevitable impending mess that no matter how hard you try, you know you cannot stop. Its like im going to mess my diaper whether I like it or not, and that feeling when I finally lose the battle and uncontrollably fill the diaper is pure bliss.
    I especially love it when im walking along by the river near my house. Literally continuous walking and just fill my diaper as I go.

    • Like 1
  13. Some yes and some no.
    I like the print of the Overnights, and most of the Rearz stuff.

    ABU barebum are quite kinda cute.
    The tye dye mega max are super cool, every diaper brand should do a tye dye option.

    Im not a fan of really babyish designs, but if the diaper is good its not gonna stop me.
    I dont particularly like the design on the Camelots but the diapers themselves of course are top!

    • Like 1
  14. As the title says, im currently wearing my first ever Northshore MegaMax.
    Im in the UK so until recently they were hard to get, but finally picked up some samples from Nappies R us recently (they were out of full packs in my size :( )

    Gotta say im impressed! 
    I knew they were good from all the community raving about them but seriously, ive wet this thing like 7 times already, and half of those have been floods. And its going strong!
    Probably the fullest diaper ive been in at this point already and no leaks yet. The bulk is amazing.

    I wonder if its to do with the fit? Because this is a Medium and fits me perfectly, honestly the most comfortable diaper ive ever tried.
    Mediums in other brands are uncomfortable on my legs and larges are a little too large (generally ok, but could be snugger)


    Anyway, yeah. MegaMax, VERY impressed!


    It leaked at about 1pm after around 4.5 hours wearing and honestly 9 or 10 wettings, with some real floods in there. I was sitting at a desk most of the day too so it was compressed.
    Decided to slice some holes in the bottom and double up with a Large Playdayz cotton backed diaper over the top.
    Come taking them off at 4:30 (due to more significant leaks and a mess, the holes were not enough for it to soak through much and it still leaked out the sides) it was by far the most ive ever wet in any diaper, single or doubled.

    Weighed two fresh diapers together - 388g

    Weight of the two I took off - 3778g! And the majority of that being the mega max.

    This has made me curious though. The theoretical capacity of the MM is around 6000ml right? So 6L.
    Going off of weight, I put around 3.3L of pee into those diapers, probably about 3L of that in the MegaMax alone, but it was leaking a lot for the last wetting.

    Has anyone ever gotten even close to the stated max capacity of any ABDL diaper before leaking significantly?

  15. Currently wearing my first ever Mega Max, after all the hype around them I was excited to finally get to try one (in the UK, harder to get)

    Its probably the best fitting diaper I have ever worn so far!
    A medium is absolutely perfect. Usually mediums are too tight on the legs, and larges are a little loose. This is just right.

    Cant wait to fill it!

  16. So...

    I just went out for a short bike ride on my Mountain bike to some local woods (around 4 miles from my house) to do some trail building.
    I got myself kitted up, bag packed with all my kit and a shovel to dig and work on the jumps with.
    But for the first time ever, I also diapered up.
    A Tykables Goodnight.

    Now I hadn't been for a poop for near 2 days (intentionally of course) so the need was building, and to spice things up even more, I put a suppository in my pocket to take with me.
    I had my first wetting just before I left the house, first pee of the day so quite a flood to get the diaper nice and wet.

    Heading to the trails I realised it was not only more comfortable than I expected to ride in a diaper, but its padding worked quite well like a cycle short pad.
    I got there and set to digging and building, then after about an hour and a half I was getting a little bored digging and the urge was increasing.
    So I waited until there was noone in sight (quite a few walkers passing through), took the suppository out and with a quick dive down the back of my pants and diaper, popped it in my ass.

    It began working quickly and within 10 minutes of a little more digging I was struggling to hold it. So I went and started packing my bag back up, and right as I was doing so and the urge was getting just too much, a couple walked by me on the near footpath. Literally looking at me as the passed and right as they were, the suppository won. Out flooded near 2 days worth of poop, suppository assisted so quite soft and quite a lot!
    I will never get bored of that incredible feeling as you fill up your diaper. Especially when it is assisted with a suppository or enema etc, they just make it so much better. The feeling of losing the battle and the helplessness of filling your diaper whether you like it or not, and being out of the house makes it even better. Such a kick!

    As soon as I had finished, the poop had subsided and the diaper was suitably full, I grabbed my bike and mounted.
    Sitting on the saddle of course you sit exactly where the poop is situated in the diaper, with all of your weight on that spot. So naturally it thoroughly smushed around to the front and back, then even more so once I started riding.
    Riding in the messed diaper actually felt really good. It was almost like even more extra cushioning, and the feeling of it smushing up around was lovely.


    It took me around 15 minutes to ride home.
    Then the cleanup was the longest ive had as the amount of smushing from the saddle had really made a right mess. (I think its time for a shave back there too, a little too much hair for my liking and for this activity)

    Now im horny as hell after a fantastic morning and am enjoying myself a while with my toy collection.
    All in all a brilliant day.

    To those of you who cycle, give it a go!

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  17. A necessary part.
    I don't exactly enjoy it. But as others have said, if youre gonna make a mess of yourself then youre gonna have to clean it up at some point.

    The enjoyment and pleasure and thrill etc I get from a desperate huge mess in my diaper is more than worth the quick cleanup and jump in the shower afterwards.

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