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Posts posted by JessThePrincess

  1. She noticed the look of disappointment but reassured him. They would have plenty of time to get to know each other better. The best way to go about that was to take it slow. "Tonight. We meet back here When every 

    One is asleep" she said before grabbing her supplies and heading out. Apart from their own pleasures, she could really use his abilities, to help build up This school. 

  2. This man was impossible, every attack she tried the man was already one step ahead of her. He was obviously prepared while she barley had any training whatsoever. It was hardly even fair. But now wasnt time to pout. She had not only fight for her sister and friend, but her city. 

    After she had gotten up from the last blast, she just about had it. Frustrated, and angry, she used it to generate more power in her gifted abilities to create a orb of fire. She threw that orb  toward the man and blew him across the field. 

  3. He was right. If her weakness was exposed, she would be left vulnerable and his reputation would be history. "That's why we must keep it to ourselves" she decided. That was best for them both. "Our own little secret." Noticing a tear run down his cheek she wiped it away. 

    Before it got too long, she got up from her bed. "They'll start getting suspicious if they notice we been gone this long." Asprilla got ready to leave to get back to her duties.

  4. Nicole watched as in the distance as 2 other strong soliders blocked the escape route for her friend and sister. It was too late and that wasnt good for her considering that they already had the high ground. 

    It also triggered off her suit to be equipped, ready for a fight. These people were indeed big and tough but she wasn't going to let anything happen to her sister and angela if she had anything to do with it. "LET THEM GO!" she shouted. "Or else."

  5. Messing from the god Asprilla tried to smile back. It's been tough on her these last couple of years and never thought anyone would understand what a she really went thru. This must be been a blessing from the gods and Ferrum was all hers for the taking. If that was trye, sye had to take advantage, to gain his trust. Hooefully he eventually learned to trust her like she trusted him by taking him to her room. But how would was the question. Her eyes looked up into ferrums. "I care about you ferrum" the domains just went right out and said it. "That's why I sent you down here with me. To learn more about you."

  6. An alarm was suddenly was sounding off in her head. This was new. "do you hear that?" she asked angela, looking around for where the sound was coming from. "No?" Angela replied, looking with her even though she head nothing. It had to be one of her new abilities. And it didn't sound good. Nicole was hoping it wasn't what it thought it was. Chances are, it was. She had to get Angela to leave and fast. 

    Nicole shot up, "You need to go. NOW." Angela got up with her. "What? Nicole, You're starting to scare me..." her friend grabbed her sister and placed her in Angela's arms and gently shoved her. "Just go. trust me." That was when Angela heard something loud coming. And they took off, leaving the food and diaper bag behind. The pronlem was now,  her suit had yet to activate. Maybe when some they came closer. Whatever it was. 

  7. Asprilla listened intently to everything the young man said. And the more he described his mother, the more she wanted to open her heart up to him. Which was odd because she hadn't felt this way in the longest time. It was nice to feel this again. So nice, she almost saw herself in his stories because thats the mother she always hoped to be. But it never happened that way. Thats why being near Ferrum and hearing his stories was so important to her. 

    She put a hand on Ferrum's soft, musular shoulder with a soft smile in hopes she would be comforting to him. "I'm so sorry for Your loss" she apologized again. She didn't much else to say, it was almost as if she was out of touch after such a tragic life. She took a deep breathe deading the fact she would bring up her husband and unborn child. "I understand. I always hoped to be a mother and hoped to be just like Yours was to You. But..." She looked away. 

  8. A couple days passed and during those days, there was construction in her town so there was some noise in the distance. It caused her and her sister crazy at first but eentually gotten used to it. On the news, they endlessly talked about the hero who saved their town by chasing down these evil doers. This brought a sense of pride to Nicole, made her feel like a true hero. But she hoped she wouldn't have to use the armored suit again, that was scary.

    It was the weekend and a beautiful day at this time, that gave Nicole an idea. To help get her mind off things, she decided to invite Angela to a little picnic in the park in the afternoon, when it was more quiet and less people. So off they went. 

    As usual, the parents weren't around on the weekend, so they beought Nicole's 3 year old baby sister along and set up camp under a dark tree. There they had a blanket laid out, food, and diaper bag which was filled with all the baby needs. It was nice. No one around. 

  9. She was hoping she wasn't making Ferrum uncomfortable. She admitted, it was indeed odd that a Domina would take a Gladiato to he room, unless they were in love. But een then it was rare. She was suppose to be strong and cold. But for Ferrum, she let her guard down meaning she actually cared for him. "Tell me more about Your mother." she caught right to the chase, anxious to hear more of the story. 

  10. Thankfully the city wasn't beyond repair. Just some broken windows, rolled over car and some shaken up people. Luckily Nicole showed up when she did or things would've been much worse. The thing is though, the people will never know the person who saved them. Nicole wasn't sure they wanted them to know. She wasn't into fame that much. 

    "Is everything okay?" she said once she said Angela standing there trying not to go into a nervous breakdown as she held the baby. "Oh thank God You're okay!" she hugged he friend. "where were you?" Nicole didn't think of an excuse yet. She had to think of something logical fast. "I had to make sure my friends were okay." She replied gabbing her baby sister and hugging her. 

  11. This was also knew for the Domina considering she never, ever let anyone in her room before. Let alone a gladiator but something about him caused her to feel something. Something she hasn't felt in a long time. But there was no way she could let that be shown to the people outsde, of course. Wihch explained the whole reason they came here. She sat down on her bed. She didn't have much in her room, she was poor after all butgotta start out somewhere. "Sit with me." she said paddig the bed beside her. 

  12. After the long fight was over, eerything went quiet. It sounded like those people, whoever they left, got the hell out of dodge, along with their leader. She was surprised he een survived that crushing, but hoped she scared him off and to never return. It was over. So she thought.

    But her suit still remained on, she can tell by its heavy padding and soft spadex. In certain spots, it felt especally armored for tough fights like she was just in. Her forearms, helmet, legs. Whenever she walked, she could feel the armor padding from her butt, between her legs and up her front end. 

    But no matter how weird it felt, these abilities felt great. Just then though, the armor faded. Must've a a sign that the coast was clear. That was a relief, so she headed home about a mile away. Once inside, she closed the door. 

  13. Nicoles armor seemed absorb the canons and as it did, the young girl had no problem walking up to the canons and smashing them with her own hands. They were small and broke easily enough that it looked like they were cheaply made. 

    Then she took one of the canons and chucked it at Angelus who wasn't able to move in time due to Nicole's quick throwing speed.That was when she thought it was finally oer. So she bent over and tried catching her breathe. 

  14. On the way to her room, she looked behind her and noticed Ferrum's amazement. He was checking everything out, just like a child would do. That cuased her to smile. "do you like it?" she asked. "its been here for many years. many have been here long before i was even here."

    A little bit further into her quarters they went. "here we are" opening that door, it showed a well furnished room and almost a lot of he furnature was red, that was her favorite color. 

  15. That burst sent Nicole flying and upon impact onto the concrete streets below, her body curved right across it. Okay. That hurt. This guy had to have special skills, which she wasn't expecting. She leaped up, doing her best not to show any weakness.

    She considered handing the armor and ending this. She knew nothing about this thing anyway, just that it gave her nightmares and wet dreams.  But these were bad people and if it was one thing she knew, was to never back down. Let alone people like these. 
    She walked up to Angelus, and gave her a strong punch of her own, which took all that she had. And that at least knocked him to the ground. 

  16. The impact of the mans landing startled Nicole, almost causing her to lose her balance.He was definately bigger and stronger looking than the rest. Which meant he had to be the leader. He had to be responsible for all of this. To think that he hurt innocent citizens and destroyed many things in the town angered her.

    She wasn't even sure what this guy wanted. "What do You want?!" she yelled out of frustration. 

  17. Asprilla brushed off the trainer and was walking once again side by side with Ferrum. "I want to talk with You more." she glanced around, there wasn't many people around cosidering that she couldn't afford more warriors and trainers, but she was still paranoid about people listening. And this was important to her. "In private." 

    The Domina led the young boy into the hall of the large building. Eventually they reached a locked door and opened to reeal winding steps leading downwad. She never brought anyone down here before so it felt odd to her. She was sure it felt odd for Ferrum too. "We're gonig to be my quarters." she reassured him. 

  18. Asprilla lay there in shock and awe. All she could do was blink. About a mniute later after catching her breath, she had no problem getting back to her own too feet. "Well done." she said to Ferrum. That was all she could say. 

    While she was embaressed, she also admired him. Ferrum's story and stength reminded her of her own. Like him, she always a fighter, and considered herself the greatest warrior in the school. Until she met the young boy. She must've been getting too old for this. "You are a strong one."

  19. Aspirlla shook her head. Tere would be plenty of time for Ferrum to train. She wanted to find out more about his skills. "You got much potential, boy." she said. "But You still have a lot to learn." 

    She grabbed the cloest sword she can find and tossed it to him, expecting him to catch it. Before Ferrum could understand what was going on, Asprilla took out her own sword. This wasn't going to be a real fight and didn't intend to hurt him in any way. She just wanted to see what he had in him.  She would find out his strengths and weaknesses and she can work with him from there.

  20. As these people landed their first attacks, Nicole flinched thinking that she would be harmed. She was just a young girl, after all. And these were well-trained soliders who seemed to know what they were doing. But to her surprise she wasn't hurt as much as she thought she would be. The suit, it seemed to be shielding her. 

    Nicole eventally built enough courage and thought she would give it a shot in fighting herself, although she neer fought in her life. When landed her first couple of punches, she sent the men and vechicles flying, some of the men even got throw at the vechicles. As for the drones coming her way, she just used them like frisbees by tossing one at the others causing them to all explode. This was fun, she thought. 

  21. Aspilla shook her head in disappointment. What was she going to do? She had very few resources, very few boys to work with. And what she did had, was slowing falling apart from her eyes. What went down a couple minutes ago proof of that.

    She tued to Ferrum. "My apologies, young man." she sincerely said with a straight posture and looking as tough as she could. "Sometimes I can get over my head." she hated to admit it, considering she was the ruler of this school. But even leaders weren't meant be perfect. She did strive for it. Not just for herself, but her warriors too. 

  22. First Nicole was scared, then tough, and now confused. It seemed like everything mixed together at that moment and didn't know to how reply when he falsely accused her. She just knew something was growing inside of her and she didn't know what.

    That was when the armored suit first appeared. It first grew from the top of her finger tips and quickly made its way from head and her toes before she could act. Suddnely she felt more powerful and stronger than shes ever been. And to be honest, it felt kinda good. 

    The suited young girl looked at her hands and back up at the soliders. She just smiled, even though the others couldn't see it thru her helmet. 

  23. The Domina showed signs of reaching an agreement. That was rare, coming from even her. So the women closed her eyes and opened them again, with he eyes still on the boy. "very well then..." she understood she was a little bit oer her head, which was still one of her greatest flaws.

    She gestured for the trainer next to her. "take this boy and have him clean up the school. I want everything cleaned before dawn the next morning." even though she let him slip this time, she still had to punish him. She couldn't let her boys go unchecked. 

  24. The young girl made the effort to hide between houses and bushes as she made her way down the street. She didn't want to get caught for obvious reasons. But even if she did, she was just a little girl. They wouldn't stop and harm a little girl...would they?

    When one of them called out to her, she stopped in her tracks and put her hands up. She made her way into the streets where some of them and their vechiles were stationed. "Okay, okay...just relax." Her blood pressure was starting to sky rocket. Its never been this high before. Still, Nicole did her best to keep he cool. 

  25. cole and Angela sat in silence as they watched the news coverage. It was showing what was happening in their streets when the helicopter they ww re recording from got shot down by a man in a seemingly white suit. Nicole couldn't make the person out in time before the screen went black. She had to do something before her city went to hell No one else was

    She checked the phones to see if she could call her friends and parents. No need to call the authorities since they were already were aware. The phones were down. This was just great. 

    "Ill be back." Nicole said walking over in a hurry and placing a hand on the door knob. "Where are you going?! Are you crazy?!" Her friend got up after her. "The phones are down and I have to get help." Angela nodded, understanding.

    Nicole was out the door and was already greeted by soldiers not too far down the street. 

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