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Posts posted by tidit45

  1. "We'll go around the neighborhood first then I'll let you go see that extra spooky house if your good and I think you can handle it." Dee said knowing the tales of the place but not believing them as she held the girls hands to start trick or treating

  2. Dee holds her special girl close for a little while before feeling her 10 year olds diaper become warm but seeing how it was nearly wet she leaves Sarah alone about it for now and tells her to go play until dinner and if she needs to go potty to come get her as she pops the pacifier back into Sarah's mouth. Dee leaves the girl to play and has a conversation with her youngest Ava about what's going on with her sister. A couple hours late both girls are called down for dinner and all 3 eat and tell stories about the day. At bedtime Sarah is changed into another diaper since she wet twice more since they've gotten home. The Halloween day flys by the kids get dressed up for school Dee made sarah wear the princess costume with a diaper since she paid for that first but promised that she will be dressed up as a big baby for trick or treating. As Dee finishes Sarah's costume by tieing a big bow into saeahs neck for the baby bib Sarah and Ava were ready to go trick or treating. Sarah had on a bright pink baby cap with a big bib that said stinky in yellow blocks, a onesie pj with doc mc stuffins on it and of course her extra thick diaper. Ava was dressed as the little mermaid.

  3. Dee looks at her sad pleating child, shed do anything for her kids but knew she couldn't keep Sarah a baby forever. She pulled Sarah close and held her before speaking very motherly. "My little love bug, your such a big girl now I know things are tough with your accidents as of late and I know things are never easy when your little 3 year old sister is almost as tall as you at age 10 but there is no reason to give up on being a big girl. Think of all the things a big girl can do verses a baby! I wanted to let you know differently but now as good as ever. I'm going to put you back into pullups during the day and work with you on your potty training when your not is school, but at night or long trips I'm going to have you in diapers and you can ask and I'll help you go potty. How does that sound little one? Please dont give up on being my big girl. And just think tomorrow is Halloween so we get to dress you up as a baby but just for pretend. I'll even let you go to that really spooky house!"

  4. This startles Dee as shes finishing putting the pullups and diapers in the panty draw. "Well look who's up...now wait what honey is this because of your accidents? Are the kids at school teasing you? I know you now wanna be a baby for Halloween but what's going on here my little one?" Dee says sitting down on the bed looking at the groggy little girl with only a tee shirt and thick baby diaper on.

  5. Amber chuckled since the mirror was gone so was her chance of being older for now. "Alright little one calm down and dont worry I see what the problem is, I'll get you changed as soon as we get inside ok?" The witch grins as she watches Mary kicking her feet forgetting about her need to potty

  6. (So sorry its Ann I got mixed up.)

    Austin only being 4 says "hi lady my brother is new and me too! We both in here for the summa! Oooooooo looky ball pit!" He spits out before running off with the other kids. Ms. Green smiles and pats Austin's bum as he runs by "Have fun little one let me know when you need the potty!" She then turns to Dan. "Oh sorry little one but your signed up to be in here, your mom asked you to help out but since there is myself, Ms.Fanks and Mrs. A here today you can run along and play with the others. Dont forget to let me know when you need the potty little one." She smiles and sends him off with a pat on his rear as well.

  7. "What's wrong little one? Can you use your big girl words to tell Aunty Amber?" Amber coos putting on a concerned face as she hits more bumps only half way up the drive

  8. Once home 15 minutes later Dee takes Ava inside with the bags and tells her to go straight up stairs to her room til she comes talk to her. Dee then carries the sleeping Sarah upstairs to her bedroom and starts to put the new pullups in Sarah's panty draw while Sarah sleeps quietly suckling on her pacifier 

  9. Dee gives Dan a quick snack to the bottom. "If you act like a toddler throwing a tantrum then yes I can and they can treat you like one if you need to be! Now behave!" Dee turns her attention to the check in woman as she checks in her sons she explains that Danny wants to be a helper in the same room his brother will be in instead of with the other big boys and girls. The lady giggles and says that'll be fine if hes in the room but he will be an informal helper. Dee kisses Dan and Austin on the heads and says her goodbyes as she leaves and they get walked to a big toddler daycare room. They are greeted by Mr. Green. "Hello little ones welcome your both new yes?" Ms. Green is a very tall average weight well busumed 25 year old with a big warm smile

  10. "No answers huh? Ok that's ok little one. Here have some yummy milk from your sippy cup itll make you feel better too." Gina says handing little jane a sippy cup of milk once she pulled her pants up over the thick pullup. "All dry now babies. Are you having fun baby belle?" Gina coos as she picks up Jane to sit down and rock with her 

  11. Jane started the car and they were off on their two hour journey to the kids party place it has a ball pit, plow up slides and optical courses and swings. Jane looks in the back seat and smiles at the rear view seeing her big six year old girl sleeping soundly with her pacifier and her big 10 year old girl being good and patient so far on the trip. Jane reaches into her bag about 15 minutes into the drive and hands Leana the iPad to play on. "I'm sorry baby if I come off as hard on you but I just want the best for you. I love you and you'll always be my big girl even with you diapers and pacifier." Jane says sincerely looking at her oldest daughter

  12. Gina made quick work of the diaper replacing it with an even thicker diaper on belle. "You pee peed so much today I think it's safer for you to be in this thick diaper baby." Fixing Belle's onesie she places her in a playpen with a bunch of baby toys popping a pacifier into her mouth. Gina the picks up Jane to bring her over to the changing table she hums as she changes Jane into pullups. "Now little Jane since your a big girl can you tell me anything? Like your and baby Belle's ages? Or where you live?"

  13. Kendra smiled sleepily behind her paci managing to say "swissy safe." Before dozing off.  Jane buckled Leana into her carseat giving her a kiss on the head "Thank you sweetie for being such a good girl for the baby sitter so far." Jane turned to Cecelia "I wish her dress was closer to what Kendra is wearing but not a bad choice. Let's get going shall we?" Saying as she hopes into the drivers seat

  14. Dee gets out of the car smiling at the greeters at the drop off area once they are parked. First she gets out Austin who runs over to the friendly greeters then as she starts to get dan out of his carseat she speaks softly. "No I'm sorry Danny but I cant have you out there by your self this is a safe place for you. And your too young to have a girlfriend little one." Dee even lifts the small boy from his car seat to place him on the ground as she grabs his hand they all walk inside.

  15. "Mommy they're loud and what....what... what if I need the potty? I dont want them here. They'll see my nursery too! I just wanna be a big girl at school tomorrow all i wanted was a big girl training bra like my friends. They are probably grown up to regular bras now!" I raise my voice with my emotions taking over

  16. "Oh believe me Sarah I want to talk to you too. For now both of you hush up. Til we get home you both have been naughty little girls on this shopping trip." Dee pushes the pacifier back into Sarah's mouth. Seeing this Ava clams up too not wanting such a babyish item Dee almost has the family home

  17. Amber put on a confused face. "Aw what's wrong little one? Did you go potty in you training pants? Did you drop your toy?" Amber suppressed her urge to smile at the toddler sized 5 year old still with blotches of syrup all over her. They were just pulling into the long drive way back to the house the very bumpy driveway

  18. "Aw no big girl words from a little baby that fine. I bet big baby doesnt remember what 2 plus 2 is any more do you math genius?" Melissa coos and walks them to the kitchen to grab another bottle

  19. The mirror gleamed and turned into another hanging toy raddle as the car seat glowed bright as did the 12 year old who now shrunk in her dazed state to that of her former 5 year old soon both the spell and the glow wore off. Amber smiled as the now 5 year old  started to suck on her middle and pointer fingers.

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