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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by tidit45

  1. As you lay me down in the crib and start the mobile above my head I start to get sleepy from the stress of the day. With a yawn and a light whine I ask "but what about school mommy, and my friends?"
  2. "Yes mommy.... sorry mommy." I say softly
  3. "But mommy yesterday I turned 11! Please I wanna be big girl!" I say wiggling around
  4. Even though I'm exhausted from everything today I look over at my new crib in pink with a mobile on top and a baby toy clipped to the one tail and get worried. Clinging to you I say "momma do I have to have a nap? I'm 11 years old remember?" I say softly around my pacifier
  5. "Ye...ye...yes...mommy..." I say dreading what may come soon, while still sucking on my pacifier. Laying on the changing table I look around at my new room still taking it all in while waiting to be dressed
  6. Blushes "mommy I did make a stinky...at the store...in...in... my pullup...." I start to cry again... "I'm sorry mommy, my tummy feels funny can I go sit on the potty?"
  7. Crying slightly less "thank you mama, I love you too" I say around my pacifier. Now slightly happy to be getting a change, especially since that lunch of baby food isn't sitting well in my tummy
  8. "Yes mamma, I sorry. I....I.... i just wanna be a big girl so your proud of me!" I say as I start sobbing
  9. I look at you with sad big blue eyes, "okay mama..." and continue to suck on my pacifier
  10. "But mommy!" Is what I try to say but thanks to the locking pacifier it comes out as "boo mawwwy"! I start to fuss over feeling like such a baby
  11. I eat the horrible tasting food in disgust but eat it up quickly from being so hungry. In the process making a mess of the food on my face, bib, out fit and high chair. After the 3rd jar is eaten up I'm full and disgusted with my self, I look up with pleasing eyes.... "Mommy please I'm full now, can I please get down I'm so sorry..." I say with a combo hiccup and burp.
  12. "But mommy it's really uncomfortable!" I say as I'm lifted from the playpen. I begin to fuss as you put the bib around my neck "Mommy I don't need all this I promise I'm not a baby! I'm 11 years old! My birthday was yesterday!"
  13. "I'll be good mommy if I can get out of this diaper..." I say sadly. "Mommy can I have something to eat soon I'm hungry" I say as you pick me up from the playpen
  14. As I hear the moving of things finally stop upstairs I begin to worry and wiggle about in my very soaked diaper.
  15. "Yes momma... sorry momma... I....I'll be good" I sadly sputter out as you put the pacifier back in my mouth. I can't believe this is happening, I'm suppose to be big and supposed to going into middle school and here I am in a soaked diaper, baby clothes, sucking my new pacifier, and sitting in my new and vey pink and babyish playpen. I think to myself as I begin to worry what would my grandparents think, or even the people at school. Then another thought comes to my head... will mommy really treat me like an 11 month old!? Just like what that lady said at the store.... I can't imagine not being able to walk or talk like how I am now. I start to imagine me as an infant as I hear you changing my room around, becoming more scared
  16. I just suck my thumb and cry softly. My stomach is upset because I'm hungry and in a now moving car to who knows were, and my head hurts as half of my mind wants me to flip out and tell mommy how much of a big girl I really am, the other half says I'm just a little baby and always have been. I close my eyes and suck my thumb shutting out the world for a minute to stop it all from spinning.
  17. I can do nothing but cry, realizing that mommy is turning me into a baby and I can't do much about it, but more importantly I'm starving. Since I missed out on my oatmeal before shopping I'm hopping the baby food and formula mommy picked up are forgotten about. "Mama can we eat soon atleast I'm so hungry" I say with a sniffle shifting around in my wet diaper
  18. "BBBUUUUTTTTT MAMA!!!! I don't wanna be a baby, I wanna be a big girl, I wanna go to middwle school, I don't wanna be in diapers! I yell out still wiggling around in my now pretty wet diaper. I have a feeling looking down at the floor of missing my pacifier too, but also remembering I didn't get to eat this morning now with my stomach growling
  19. "No I didn't! Mommy i swaer im not a baby. Please school starts in a week and i just tuwned 11 yesterday, I don't wanna be a baby in middle school! They already think I'm a baby because I'm so small!" I try to make my case while squirming around seeing we are almost home
  20. "But mommy I don't wanna wear diapers to school and look like a baby! I am a big girl!" I shout spitting out my pacifier wetting my self a little more
  21. "But mommy you can't do that! They'll make fun of me! No one in 6th grade wears diapers!"
  22. I look at you with sad eyes, I take out my pacifier "Mama am I really a baby? I wanna be a big girl school starts next week." I sniffle a little
  23. Im crying behind my new pacifier as we get up to the check out lane. The cashier is cooing at me telling me how adorable I am, but the clerk comes over and held the pacifier harder to my mouth. I began to suck on it and feeling a sense of calm from it. "I'm not really great at babysitting due to work and school..." the clerk states taking a card from her pocket. "But this is the best daycare around for tiny widdle babies like your little cutie here!" She smiles at me and mommy handing mommy the card, my crying had just about subsided thanks to the pacifier I'm now suckling at
  24. I sniffle from behind the pacifier watching helplessly as mommy and the store girl plot my babyhood. "Well the walker, playpen and crib will all help her be more controlled especially since 11 month olds aren't supposed to be walking yet hehehehe. I suggest a time out chair with straps to hold her, plus these booties and mittens right here well keep her from standing up, walking or grasping anything little babies shouldn't be touching." the young clerk says tickling my chin causing me to giggle behind my pacifier and making me wet a little. "Also I'd get her some muscle relaxers and laxatives to keep baby regular" the clerk says whispering to mommy while I'm still being tickled
  25. At the just grow up comment I sniffle a little and nod my head while sucking on the pacifier harder now. I shift a little in the cart seat pushing my thick diaper around like an awkward pillow. Also now noticing I might have to pee again soon. "She's such a cute little fussy baby hehe" the clerk giggle after being told that the girl who looks 8 at the most but dressed like a baby is only 11 months. " Looks like you'll have some work to do then! I'd suggest a walker, playpen, pacifiers, bottles, changing mat, booties, and a play mat for such a young one!" She says giggling again
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