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Everything posted by tidit45

  1. "All you have to do is act like a big mature 9 year old, that simple. So first part of the test is eating dinner, if you can eat dinner with out making a mess you'll pass part one. Part two will be a math test since your mom says your really good at math for your age. And part 3 should be simple for a 9 year old and that's to keep your pullup clean and dry. Hows that sound baby Alexa?" Smerking under the caring look on my face knowing full well with my hypnotic gaze I can turn any one of those 3 things upside down hahaha!
  2. "Hhhmmm ok than little one how about this, you prove to me your a big mature 7 year... I mean 9 year old girl. Ok? I'll give you a little test hows that sound?" I ask you quizzically as I put some apple juice with a little bit of laxative in it while having my back towards you.
  3. "Ok mommy I'll do my best, to get ready to be a big girl again when the time comes..." I say unhappily just wanting to get up from my nap at this point
  4. I giggle at you while I put you down on your seat at the dinner table. The chicken tenders are being warmed up as I take the mashed peas and applesauce containers from my bag. "Awe honey you dont have to lie to me I know your small for your age and a little immature, and still working on potty training, but there's no shame in being 7 honey." I proclaimed while fixing a small plate of tenders for you as well as getting the jars of baby food ready and set to the table. "Of course you can have a drink! What would you like little one?" I say sweetly
  5. "Aw don't be shy now little one! I thought your mommy told me you were 7. 7 year olds can use their words..." I say giggling a little knowing full well you are 9 years old. (I just need to see where shes at right now I dont want her being a full baby yet.) I think to my self intensely.
  6. "Feeling better Alexa?" I ask as we make it to the kitchen feeling you being less tense against my body. "How about some yummy chicken tenders, mashed peas, and applesauce?" I say looking into the refrigerator
  7. "H...h...how do me become big again?" Looking down at my smelly diaper and falling a warm rush of pee filling up the front now
  8. I gently finish cleaning you up with baby wipes and get you dressed in the pullup and onesie. I pick you up and carry you on one hip retrieving your pacifier and replace your thumb with it in your mouth. After getting the laundry into a pile I switch you to a cradle position and gently rock you try to get you to calm down. "Let's go eat dinner baby that'll help calm you down. Accidents happen when your potty training"
  9. "Oh my! What's happened baby? I guess you aren't just a bed wetter huh? Maybe we should work on potty training next time I'm here!. For now let's get you cleaned up and go down stairs for dinner." I chuckle and coo at you while starting to change out your jeans and my little pony shirt for your new baby outfit. <this is going too good, I might need to slow this down lol> i think to my self while cleaning you up
  10. "Mommy was I ever really a big girl?" I say looking at you with big doe eyes
  11. "Awe dont cry little one look what what I got for you!" I say as I come cuddle you while tapping your pacifier back into your mouth, and show you a fuzzy Sofia the first onesie and a Sofia the first pullup.
  12. As I come back over to the bed with my hands behind my back I lock eyes with you again. "Doesn't baby like Sofia the first? I think she'll love the surprise or is that too babyish for you?" I say smirking
  13. "Now isn't that better and your adorable!" I say tickling you a little. Seeing that you've calmed down I lay you down on your bed and start going through my bag once again. "Now it's time to get a little one like your self ready for bed I know its early but we can have some fun and dinner after we get to comfy cozy and protected..." I say with a wink
  14. As I bring you into your bedroom I sit with you still in my arms rocking you gently. I look at you square in the eyes and say "Awe... dont worry little one your still a big girl. But you know you want your thumb when your upset or feeling sleepy....but you can always have this when I'm here instead..." as I pull a pink and blue "Frozen" pacifier out of my bag and pop it in your mouth replacing your thumb. "See now isn't that even nicer little one?" I say still keeping my gaze to your eyes.
  15. *hey sorry for my disappearance it's been a crazy week.* As I place your thumb back into your mouth I begin to carry you and my bag up stairs to your bedroom to get you ready for bed. " Time to get widdle Alexa ready for beddy bye time so we can have more fun before it's your bed time." I say sweetly.
  16. "Aw there there baby girl it's ok, dont worry about that just look into my eyes and keep your thumb in your mouth itll help calm you down like it always does...after all baby doesnt wanna have an accident." I say cheerfully cooing at you rocking you slowly in my arms now
  17. "I'm sorry mommy! It's just so embarrassing and I just dont want this! I... I... I wanna be 11 again not some baby..." I say teary eyed
  18. "Now baby girl you will listen to the sound of my voice and do as I say... when ever you feel sleepy or upset you will suck your thumb. You may not want to but your body will do as I say...understand my little baby?" Melissa says softly but firmly in her hypnotic trance, patting Alexa's behind as she carries her around the living room like a small sleepy toddler. [Its ok no worries]
  19. I wipe your face down with a baby wipe, and pick you up again and continue my gaze. "Aw is someone becoming sleepy? I bet your ready to suck that thumb and get ready for bed huh? I know mommy said you stopped but you still do sick your thumb huh baby?"
  20. I stair into your eyes with my hypnotic gaze, "Ok baby I'll make you a little sandwich and a drink, did you finish your homework? I know first grade can be really tough" I know fully well that shes in 4th grade but it's time this strong willed girl be brought down to a younger level.
  21. "Well sure my little baby pumpkin, what would you like for a little snancky? I'll be making dinner soon so nothing too big" I say sweetly while patting your bottom. I think to my self this will be too easy she'll be a toddler before the morning of shes putting up no fight so far... still smiling into your eyes
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