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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Posts posted by RH4

  1. wow yeah i've only told my fiance, she's my Babe("y" now! :P ) yeah it was the hardset hting i've everd one by far, I figured she'd (after our 1.5 year mark) would think it was wrong and go tell everyone that i did that, cuz i kinda got trapped into telling her, but after i did, she was interested, and admitted she liked the idea! Now we both wear them all the time and love to change each other! yeah i guess it's not always a bad thing to tell people the truth..... :ninja:

  2. hey guys, yeah i'm a newbie to the site, and I've got to tell ya, i already feel alot better about who i am and the whole DL thing! Yeah i started about age 11-12, i found a huge like kotex pad in the mail one day, a free sample one, and i decided to play with it. After that, i found it amazing how it holds all that moisture kinda thing and i guess i just take it to the next step.

    Used to take from sister's diaper bags, or freinds houses, wherever i could get one, haha, then i turned 19 and met my lovely fiance!

    It was the single most hard thing i've ever done in telling her about my passion and thoughts of us playing around in diapers, i felt like i was gonna have a heart attack cuz i was all shaky and when i finally told her, she just said, "oh, huh." I figrued that was the end of us, but she actually was all cool with it and was hella interested and agreed to go with me and buy some diapers and we'd both get into it together, come to find out, she almost likes it more than i do haha!

    so yeah here we are now, i'm all soaked in a depend maximum, her too haha, well not quite as soaked, but yeah. I find it funny how something so odd had brought us closer together than we ever would of thought, it's something we share together, and we love it! I can acutally admit that I'm a Diaper lover haha! it's still weird a bit but i think i'm getting better with it! i do feel great being able to express who i really am! Thanx! :P

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