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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by RPcat18

  1. Emma groaned as the bottle was taken away. When she slipped her hand in her diaper and showed James she was diapered she whimpered and wriggled like a fussy baby.
  2. " I I didn't poop on purpose it was an accident." She whimpered. She looked up at him " I I will tell you I need to go." She sais
  3. " We can maybe take Emma shopping latter." Mel said thinking she really needed clothes. They finished eating and headed out Mel's arm around Jess's waist as they headed out to the car. Emma didn't notice buy as she walked there was a small wet patch on her jeans.
  4. " How about we take Emma on a tour of the town show her her new school and stuff?" Mel said. Emma tensed as she mentioned school.
  5. Emma comeply relaxed wetting a bit and looking just like a big baby.
  6. Sara tensed " No no please don't send me back I I will be good I promise please." She whimpered holding onto his shirt.
  7. Emma grinned. " Thanks sissy." She said calling her what she used to always call her. Mel giggled a bit at this finding it very cute.
  8. Emma whimpered " I will be good." She muttered and nodded. Before she knew it the bottle was being popped in her mouth. However yo all their surprises it seemed to relax her. She shut her eyes and sucked happily.
  9. She looked up at him with big eyes " You just want me yo wet myself but but I'm an adult." She whimpered.
  10. Emma whimpered knowing he was right and just sat there and waited for Mel. When she got back she whimpered " Pl please don't tell anyone."
  11. She whimpered feeling the wet diaper between her legs. " I'm not a baby." She huffed. However soon she found herself being laid down and having her diaper changed like an infant.
  12. " Yeah but I wanna be able to help and it might be fun." She said kinda liking the idea of doing something with her sister. " Maybe you two can find something else to do together." Mel suggested.
  13. " You started when you were 15 I'm 16 doesn't that mean I'm old enough ." Emma said with a pout. Mel grinned loving the look in Jess's eyes as she touched her. " She has a point Jess." Mel said
  14. Emma whimpered and cuddled her teddy. She wasn't having much fun being here. " I want my daddy." She whimpered out.
  15. She tensed as he felt her diaper and it was too much for her all coming out turning it all wet and squishy. " I I told you I needed to go before." She whined.
  16. Mel smiled seeing Jess and took a napkin and wiped some grease off her cheek. " Hay sexy." She whispered to her moving in on the booth so she could sit down and rubbing her lower back sliding the back of her hand into the back of her jeans. Emma smiled at Jess and asked " Was it easy to fix ?how long have you fixed things? Could you show me how?" She asked clearly still wanting to be just like her big sis.
  17. " Um thanks." She said. " So um I'm really sorry about last night." Emma said to Mel. " What why are you sorry hun?"Mel asked. " I know you and Jess probably wanted to be alone and I was being a big baby."She said. " Emma do you know how worried Jess would be if she found out you had a nightmare and didn't come to her for comfort. It's fine honey I'm glad your here Jess missed you allot and it's great to finally meet the baby sister she talks so much about." She said to her. Emma blushed. But said " Thanks Mel...your really nice I'm glad you and Jess seem to be patching things up." She said.
  18. " Um yeah." Emma said shyly. She did kinda like how much she looked like Jess but it was tad odd having allot of people knowing who she was. " She arrived yesterday. " Mel said. She always tried to be as nice as she could around Steph.
  19. " Oh um some French toast and some coffee would be good." Mel said and Emma nodded " I will have the same please." " You don't need coffee Emma your loosing sleep as it is how about some orange juice." Mel said in protective doctor mode. Emma blushed and just nodded " Fine can I have orange music instead." Steph could see this was the sister Jess had said was moving in with her. Though Emma did look a lot younger than 16.
  20. Mel tensed seeing Steph and nodded at Jess " Ok love." She said giving her a quick kiss and a descrte pat on the ass, marking her territory a bit. Emma went and sat at a both with her and quietly asked " So um Jess seems kinda blind to people flirting with her Huh?" Emma had had a hard life but it made her pretty good at reading people and even though she looked young she was quite bright. Mel blushed at how the teen noticed that and said " I like to think it's because she is only attracted to me but it's hard not to get bothered by Steph sometimes." She admitted. " You should tell Jess how you feel and I do suspect it is because she only has eyes for you...she looks at you like...well I have never seen her look like that before." She said which meant a lot to Mel.
  21. Emma whimpered a bit upset by all of this. She held her teddy close and curled up on the bed hugging it. It was clear the diaper wasn't the only new babyish thing about her.
  22. " I Im not lying I I know when I need yo go I I just can't hold it long." She whimpered however as she talked she leaked into her diaper.
  23. Mel frowned and blushed as they entered looking down the guilt coming back now. Emma was a bit tense about everyone staring over at them and hid behind Jess a bit.
  24. Emma's cheeks went bright red and she looked down shyly " I I don't need a Mommy." She said though there was longing for her mother in her voice.
  25. " I I need to pee can can I get past you please?" She whimpered.
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