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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by Yuffie

  1. Alice had forgotten exactly how long time she had spent on that ship. It had been her mother's final gift to her, before the 10 year old saw her mother die right in front of her. It had been a ticket on this old freight-ship. A human trafficking ship really. It had departed from a relatively small harbor in Sweden, then traveled to China. There, a lot of other people boarded before they departed for California. Alice had spent the mos f the trip crying though.. but at least her mother had payed for some privacy on board this old boat. She had slept in her own quarters and didn't have to share the lavatory with other people for most of the time. But that had been then... since the moment they had made anchor at the California harbor, there had been a police raid. There had been a lot of arrests, but the INS had take in all the children. The only problem was that no one there spoke a word of Swedish and everyone assumed that Alice was Chinese. Her mom had been Chinese after all and the boat had come from China so it wasn't a baseless assumption. So now she was sitting in a "soft room". It was a room at the police station, designed to make children feel more at ease. It was really colorful and some old toys laying around. Alice wasn't in a very playful mood though and her tears had all dried up. She was still wearing the dirty jeans and the hoodie that one of the ships crew-mates had given her when it had been cold. It was many sizes too large so her hands disappeared inside the sleeves and her frail shoulder would slip through the neck-hole all the time. But it was warm at least. So instead, she was curled up on a small coach, hugging her legs against her chest and resting her chin on top her knees, the hood pulled up over her long, jet-black hair and her brown eyes just staring out emptily as her mind wandered elsewhere.
  2. Alice stood up and held onto Ralph's shirt as support as she pulled the skirt up around her waist. She then looked down and did a couple of half-twirls and giggled as the skirt swayed with her movements.
  3. Alice grinned and nodded. "Uh-huh" she replied as she took the shirt and started to pull it over her head, making her promptly fall on her padded bum since she couldn't see when she had the shirt over her eyes. She blushed as her head popped out from the neck-hole but she still smiled happily as she looked up at Ralph. "See, I could do it all by myself." she said with a happy giggle.
  4. Alice sat up on her diapered butt and watched as Ralph picked out her clothes. She stood up, the diaper forced her legs apart a little and it felt a bit weird.. but not bad. She waddled over to him and looked at the clothes with a little smile. "Pretty." she said more to herself than to her daddy. She then reached out for the shirt, thinking that she would dress herself.
  5. Alice smiled happily when she were put down on the thick diaper. "Yes please daddy." She chirped back as a reply, not really caring what was for breakfast but instead just being grateful for getting breakfast. She blushed like normal when he rubbed the powder in, but didn't protest, just squirmed shyly until he spoke again. "Yeah, that sounds great!" She replied excitedly and practically beamed up at him, completely forgetting about the diaper change that was going on.
  6. Alice let out another little sniffle before nodding. She reached her arms up for Ralph when he bent down to pick her up and she quickly wrapped both arms and legs around him. "O-okay daddy." she whispered and rested her head against his shoulder.
  7. Alice bit her lower lip when Ralph picked her out of the tub and lied her down on the floor. As soon as he turned his back o her she sat up on the cold floor and hugged his leg tightly. "I don't want another daddy..." she sniffled and clung even tighter to him
  8. Alice turned around and smiled up at Ralph. "Thank you daddy." she chirped happily and rested her chin on the rim of the tub. "Um..... breakfast sounds yummy." she then added after thinking about her options.
  9. Alice barely realized that Ralph left the room. She was so absorbed with drawing so she didn't notice that she was alone. And by the time he came back, she had drawn on the entire side of the tub, almost like a mural. She had colored soap on her hands and arms, and also some on her face and torso that she hadn't noticed. She had drawn mostly animals and trees, things she were familiar with from her life in the forest.
  10. "Ooooh..." Alice smiled as she watched with awe as Ralph drew with the crayon on the tub. "That looks like fun, daddy." Alice chirped and reach out for the crayon and started to drawy lines aimlessly on the tub, seemingly not even hearing or caring about Ralph worrying that they might be too babyish for her.
  11. Alice smiled back, then let out an embarrssed little 'eep' when he picked her up and put her in the tub. She giggled shyly about that before lying down. "Okay daddy, thank you." she replied sweetly before curling up in the tub and closed her eyes.
  12. Alice smiled as she watched the tub fill up. Then she turned her head and looked up at Ralph before shrugging her frail little shoulders. "...I don't know." she mumbled before looking back into the tub. It had felt nice when he helped her wash up yesterday.. even if it was embarrassing sometimes. "I.. I guess you can help me daddy." she whispered before looking back up at him with a shy smile.
  13. Alice blushed and looked away timidly during most of the changing, although she nodded in shy agreement when Ralph said that wearing a diaper was a good thing. She looked up at him, just in time for him to poke her nose and she giggled sweetly. "I'm not that little." she replied with a sweet smile and squirmed slightly as he wiped her bum.
  14. Alice looked up at Ralph and nodded with a shy smile "Okay daddy, I will." she whispered, then hugged him a little tighter.
  15. Alice nodded obediently before crawling out from under the bed. She stood up, wrapped her arms around Ralph's waist and nuzzled her face into him. "I got scared so I slept under the bed." Alice whispered meekly as if that fact wasn't clear already and she were trying to shift attention away from her messy diaper.
  16. Alice woke up with a gasp when she heard Ralph call out for her, but then she let out a gasp of relief. "I-I'm under here daddy." she replied weakly and poked out her head from under the bed and looked up at him with a little shy smile.
  17. A few hours into her sleep, Alice woke up. She was scared. It had started to rain outdoors and it was getting a bit windy. She started to hyper-ventilate and her instincts took over.
  18. Alice smiled sweetly as she were picked up and carried into the bedroom. The new diaper felt a bit bulky between her legs but also comfy and reassuring in some way.
  19. Alice blushed and shook her head meekly. "N-no I don't daddy:" She replied obediently and bit her lower lip as she looked away timidly.
  20. Alice whimpered a little when she had to let go of her daddy as she were put down on the floor. But she still felt all warm and cozy from sleeping under the late summer sun that had covered the car during their ride.
  21. Alice smiled shyly as she felt Ralph patting her bum through the diaper. She loved that feeling, but didn't know why, it just felt so comforting and nice. It really had been a long day for her, and it had been the best day she could ever remember.
  22. Alice let out a whimper as she were picked up and she slowly started to get half-awake. "W-where are we?" she whispered weakly and instinctively wrapped her legs around Ralph's waist and her arms around his neck before resting her head his shoulders.
  23. The soft sound of the car, the warmth of the sun through the windows and the movement easily put Alice to sleep in the car. She started to breath softly and she slept with her thumb half inside her mouth before she let out a little sound, almost like a whimper... then a little sigh as she started to pee her diaper in her sleep, making it start to swell up between her legs.
  24. Alice smiled blissfully between licks as she finished her treat, then she let out a content sigh and leaned back into the car-seat. "That was yummy." she whispered and closed her eyes with a big smile on her face, looking like she were about to fall asleep in her seat.
  25. I blushed shyly as she took her treat and licked it, then closed her eyes as her mouth filled with the wonderful taste. Then she looked up at Ralph and nodded obediently. "Yes Da.. Y-yes Ralph." She replied and blushed brightly at what she almost said. But her shy blush quickly changed into a giggle when she saw the spoonful zoom in front of her face. She opened her mouth and closed it around the spoon. "Mmmm..." she mimicked Ralph and the giggled happily before taking another bite of her own ice cream.
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