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Posts posted by LittleSissySarah

  1. She clings into daddy's leg before peeking out and smiling at the lady and her children. Her little girl gives a little smile back.

    She looks at you and catches the lady saying she was wanting to find a friend for her 4 year old daughter.

  2. She giggled a little and just clutched her teddy as daddy did what he has to, letting out a little gasp as he wiped her, not used to the cold of the wipe or someone touching her. As she jumped down out the car she saw a lady with her children watching, the lady smiled and waved before approaching.

    Sarah his behind daddy as she approached, not realising that she did look like a little girl and maybe the lady was just being nice.

  3. "I know daddy but I didn't want use them for that, I feel like such a baby, can't we go home daddy? I hate feeling like this"

    She cries as he leans over to hug her, she felt slightly better as he spoke gently and wiped her tears away but could still feel her diaper expanding.

  4. She blushes and tries to ignore the pressure by wriggling a liitle

    "Daddy I have to go"

    She stops talking when they drive over a bump, causing her to lose her control, tears flow from her eyes as she fills her diaper

  5. "Daddy I don't want to poop myself"

    As she says this a mother walks past with her little girl and we hear the little girl giggle.

    She looks at daddy and knows he's serious so she just cuddles teddy and yawns before slipping her thumb in her mouth

  6. She blushes as she stares at what she is wearing, knowing that at some point there will be comments about her padded butt. She cuddles teddy as she is handed him back, her eyes wide as she is told to poop herself too.

    "Daddy, i look like a baby, I can't get my legs together"

  7. She wanders down the toy aisle lookin at the differnent things oblivious to want was happening until she heard the sound of dripping water and felt a familiar wetness.

    She looks down and sees a puddle forming under her and bursts into tears.


  8. As she walked down the aisles her eyes spotted the toy section, a teddy bear the first thing she sees

    "Daddy, Daddy" he didn't answer, she looks at him and he is focused on something.

    She let's go of the cart and walks over to the teddy, she picks it up and feels how soft he is

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