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  1. Considering I don't want to push her at all I should just hold off on the whole thing and just be happy with the mild age play we partake in already. It's not mentioned between us that she is strictly 4 it really does fluctuate the phrase "daddy can I" is often uttered though and only because she knows that if she starts a sentence like that then she will most likely gets what she wants. I'm not complaining though hahaha
  2. Well I'm just stuck, she is so willing to wear for me until the day before in which it was planned then she chickens out. She has admitted that if the mood took her there she would be more willing. On the other hand I don't want to risk alienating her to soon. I like her more than I like this fetish but I think that's true because she plays along. A lot of our dates consist of infantile things, such a gitter and gue (glitter and glue) a very fun childhood past time she has, we make cupcakes. All the while she clutches my arm and whispers in my ear "I luv you daddy!" then I just melt. She enjoys that she can always get her way with me and that I always take care of her. The point is that she loves that I'm wrapped around her little finger. Oh and I'm on step 4&5, step 6&7 shouldn't be a problem. I always cuddle with her so that won't be hard. As for step 4 I'm stuck on how to introduce them to her. She likes being held down while I do what I want, the helpless feeling must turn her on? (she won't tell me what exactly she likes about that) So my thinking is that while I'm holding her down I just put one on her. Like you though should I introduce pull-ups first? She is around the age of a four year old when we play around, which is a lot. I find myself having to remind her that she can tone it down at any time if she is uncomfortable. This just launches a tiff about I should just tell her if I want her to stop. As far as nick names go I must say that princess and snuggle muffin are her faves. Before this turns into a ramble I'd just like to restate that it seems like I'm at a pivotal step in our carrying on.
  3. So I've been going out with a girl that I've know forever. It's been three months since we've been dating yet we've known each other in we were in 7th grade. The point is I told her about how I enjoy being a daddy figure. She is such a good sport and plays along and always calls me daddy. What I want to know is how do I go the next step?
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