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Posts posted by hazardouskink

  1. i'm gonna raise my hand for another 'HATE metal, not crazy about video games'. granted, i play pokemon and strategy games (and have a weak spot for splinter cell games) but really... i'm super anti-metal.

    but yeah, by nature of the statistical cross-section of the community you're gonna get more manly stuff. it has 0% to do with diapers and 100% to do with sex and gender stereotypes. *shrug* it happens. XD

  2. also, wait till you start peeing in a position you find comfortable and then stand up and take a step. if you immediately clench the flow off the first time you'll know what to avoid in the future. it may take a while (weeks or months), but eventually you'll get into the swing of things.

    its gotten to the point for me where i can not only pee while walking in spurts, but i can walk, hold a conversation, and even jog while peeing. i can't run and pee (i think thats probably good!), but i can do most anything else. it really does take time and repetition to get yourself there, though. keep trying!

  3. i like it, but i also love the easy alternatives or substitutes for times when i'm really not interested in the cleanup or the 'real thing' isn't an option. things like inserting bananas and 'messing' with those or even oatmeal poured down a diaper do the trick a lot of the time, but really... there just isn't anything quite like completely messing your diaper. *sighs in fond memory*

  4. mods, could you please keep an eye on this thread? lets make sure it stays about diapers and doesn't wander in to political opinions like redneck and curiosity are attempting. we dont want anyone to loose an eye!

  5. well, now! its rare to see other female-to-male trannies in any subculture, diapers included! here i thought i was the only one.

    OP, i just have one thing to point out... you're taking an exceptionally biased cross-section of the sexes in your original description. not every guy is a closed off asshole and not every woman is mother teresa. take the time to explore more of the 'good' people in both boxes before you decide to make a life-changing decision just because you feel 'more like one than the other'.

    you're not too young, though. i transitioned when i was 18 and dont regret it a bit. no one who hasn't slept with me (obviously) has any idea that i was born female. dont ever let anyone tell you you're too young. i would advocate, however, at least 2 years of research. i knew when i was very young that everything was wrong, so i started my process young too.


  6. You could also try washcloths, hand towels, or bath towels cut down to whatever size, to divert even more suspicion.

    too right, i did that for lots of years and the night time weight fitted diapers i've sewn over the years all have a full hand towel as the soaker. i just find that it takes so dang long to dry in the dryer that birdseye or gauze is the better option. ^_^

  7. we've praised all the disposables and even some specific cloth diapers, sure; but i think its high time to pay homage to what many young diaper novices have tried... makeshift diapers! :lol:

    so lets hear it! best makeshift diapers!

    my own contribution is actually my main diapering style since i've been cutting down on disposables (only for messy enemas). i use gerber birdseye prefolds (a 12 pack is $11 @ walmart), regular all-white briefs, and plastic pants. why? well, i live in a dorm and use a communal laundry. its a WHOLE lot easier to explain away toddler-sized prefolds than adult-sized ones, plus the regular briefs as the 'cover' also negates any suspicion. with plastic pants i haven't had more than the occasional leak, and thats usually after 6-8 hours of wetting or playtimes when i strive to get as wet as possible as fast as i can. as a bonus everything dries MUCH faster and i can customize my diaper any way i want. if its time for bed i can pop in as many prefolds as i want... i could do twelve if i wanted to, but i wouldn't be able to get my legs closed at all! if i want to go out to run some errands or to class then i'll toss in 2.

    saves me money and money in the dryer, plus the overall bulk is so much lower than adult prefolds of similar thickness. so yay to the makeshift!

  8. i thought the same thing when i first saw the commercial and tried it out. i used 4 layers of the stuff under a cloth diaper and plastic pants.

    shamwows are basically... flat sponges. sure, they soak up a lot but the second you apply any pressure to the cloth it forces all the water out. i discovered this when i decided to flood the shamwows while standing. after about 30 seconds my skin felt dry and i had no leaks. i thought i had discovered the DLs dream! but after enjoying myself for a while i decided to plop down and surf the internet. the second my butt hit the chair all bets were off. all of the pee the shamwows had been holding gushed out and i was left sitting in a puddle of my own piss, like i was using just a pair of plastic pants and the single cloth diaper.

    so while they could make an entertaining stuffer, i wouldn't recommend investing in them for any serious use.

  9. there is a thread about this somewhere thats quite a few pages long, but in short: not really. sure, there is a possibility of infection, but hey... there's a possibility of being in an accident every time you drive, right? i've used bananas many times and have never had a problem other than possibly runny stools for a while afterwords.


  10. ah, yes... the classic binge/purge.

    i have been on many forums in many places and all of them share one thing (other than a love of diapers, of course): the cycle. the majority of diaper wearers who aren't dependent in my experience tend to go thru these phases. i certainly do. i was confused in the beginning, because i thought it was a sign that i should try to stop all together. but over time (and multiple dips and peaks in the cycle of diaper lovin') you realize that its just the way things will be.

    Kudos to you for just putting your diapers away; many people have bemoaned the fact that they trashed hundreds of dollars worth of diapers only to have to buy them back a few weeks, months, or even years later. you're doing the right thing. i've stashed diapers before for 2-3 months at a time, but i've always come back. enduring the cycle is an intense thing, it can be trying emotionally if you don't just put it out of your mind and accept that it will happen and that some day there's a pretty high chance that it'll be back.

    when you think about it, i suppose it makes sense. when i'm really into my diaper phase it is super intense. it goes from "hey, i should try a diaper today" all the way to "MUST BE 24/7, I WISH I COULD LIVE IN DIAPERS OMG" obsessed! its hard to keep up a desire that intense for the duration of your life. after pouring in that much attention and energy it makes sense that your body or mind gets too much of a good thing and says "ok, enough of that... time to mellow for a while". hence the purge.

    others have spoken about moderation in use. that sounds great for those who can tolerate it, but i personally wasn't meant for a diaper every other day or so. it would become too mundane for me, and the urgency and sexuality of getting to wear diapers would diminish over time. i much prefer going a few weeks without lending a second thought to diapers and then a few weeks where just the thought of being padded makes me jump.

    so you're definitely not alone, mate! Just wade thru it, and hopefully we'll see you back sometime soon! :thumbsup:

  11. definitely a major part of my fantasies!

    i dont have the balls to wet a mattress that doesn't belong to me and i'm too tight-fisted to shell out for a second mattress for pee time (or ruin my existing mattress), so alas thats one of those rare delights that remains in my 'to do' category. but that's high on my bucket list, i assure you. you're not alone! :)

  12. yep, for sure! i dont always wet my briefs/undies when i get in just because i do share a bathroom with a room mate and often cross paths when i come out of the shower (and holding a pair of wet briefs would be horribly awkward). but i can guarentee that no matter where i am or who i'm with i will ALWAYS pee in the shower. :D

  13. if it hurts to go, chances are you're suffering from constipation (assuming you dont have health issues like hemorrhoids or the likes). The best prescription for that is simple: FIBER. dark leafy greens, fruits, products like metamucil and Activia, or even fiber bulkers will help. just be sure you're also getting enough water each day, or lots of fiber could potentially backfire. also watch grease/oil intake, as that can cause runny or loose stools.

  14. i like wetting a LOT and messing when its possible (aka when i have time to do the lengthy cleanup). No diaper will ever be taken off dry, I can tell you that!

    Its all about the feeling for me. the release, the hot squishy padding, the fact that you can be in a crowd of people completely pissing yourself and no one will ever know... i'm not into AB at all, and it does actually disgust me for some reason. I have no desire to crawl around on the floor and sputter gibberish like I'm 2.

    I have tried pacifiers in the past, but they aggravated my TMJ, so its just diapers, diapers, and more diapers for me! :lol:

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