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LL Medico Diapers and More Bambino Diapers - ABDL Diaper Store


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Everything posted by doorset

  1. Kurt says "not less it says so , though might need stop for pullups they only gave me a few" ( while he said this his face gos flat red for a moment)" they said it should clear up after a while " though not a student of subtly the drs hinted that his bladder trouble may go away or get worce only time will tell
  2. Darla while the kids went to Tanya she loads all the samples up packages them cleans up takes the ears and tails to the closet lock them up and takes the sample boxes and has a transport coming take them to the labs asap Tanya says " take all the want the mouse doll plushies are my favorite the dresses where a challenge to do " Lyn sneaks off and checks out storage room 11 grabs a box then comes back with a cart with vintage toys new in package many really rare and expensive toys original transformers gundams Barbys model cars machbox and many more the cart hid her compleatly as she walked up to stear it was a tv with a camra in front so you could see ahead of what looked like a huge cabnet full of toys Lyn says every one gets one each week you all behave you will get ONE any misbehaving any fussing that makes us call extra staff for help and that week you do not get one storage room 11 is a special room where toys in it can reach thousands of dollars to get this set is under one hundred but none the less has many nice vintage and modern toys that are not cheap " Mitch smiles then Darla says " we have legos you cant get anymore to all the stuff in the legoroom is all from the last 2 year " Mitch says "ohhhhhhhhh" MIlly finds a gundam set that had a zaku and a gundam
  3. Milly says" i am a cookie monsters " eats the cookies fast while makeing nahm nahm nahm sounds
  4. Kurt says i guss i can be a kid once more i thought i would have to manage my famlys stuff we are not rich but we have all we needed i know i am not that big but i do want to keep some stuff of my dads in storage may be ten years befor i get to use it but his rifle collection and other weapons are cool but i figure i have them locked up some where safe and paied for " KUrt mutters " NUTS" grabs something out one of his bags and says " be right back " and takes off befor a responce can be made he comes back looking emberased he says well " you found me befor they did dinner so wear to from hear " he gathers his stuff up he trys to not take help but can be clealy be seen hurting the staff at some point gives Akiza his meds and stats if given them and told to take he will but if it says as needed he will not take it unless made to
  5. Tanya says " take what you want dear i make more every day i get paied more for makeing you guys stuff then just as a nanny the costume room has alot of my work i am going to be makeing cloths alot of you kids asked for i have a craft room just off the beedroom areas "
  6. kurt " any wear is better then places like diss" his small bag of toys are extras and ones that are baged up of gundams He thinks for a moment then says " if i am lucky unufff to not have to stay here i might as well make another kid happy as i figured i lose these here on the way out ill give them to this place so some one elce not as lucky has something to play with "
  7. Darla gets Yuka to sit and preps her arm and asks did you see any tails you like " she waits for her to get talking and slips the needle in when Yuka was distracted ans says " i am in hold still " she fills the viles then just as easy as she got in puts a band aid on her and says " you did well pick what ever you want one set of ears and tail " Lyn takes Miguel to Tanya and has her show Miguel what she has to give Tanya opens the huge bag and sets scarves blanets plushies all hand made on a table makes a point to set a cat tail on a chair that looks as if shes finnishing adding a bandaid on the tail and says " anything on the table dear is done and you may have though these tails i finnishing are for all who get there blood drawn without a fuss " a few more projects are in her bag along with printed paterns for cloths the kids requested
  8. mill ate tried to keep up and keeps quite
  9. Lyn says " alot got done today i do as much as i can some things are not my job i just try and keep you from going though to much stress , i think your done for today more tomore when i get back that way you do not do much and get to worked up" she shifts around says "lets see whats in Tanyas bag"
  10. Milly ate quietly when done she looks around looking to see any clues of a cookie jar or bags of cookies
  11. sweetie i worked in a childrens hosptal for years befor this and my Mother Tanya made those tailes and ears old trick off somthing you can not get unless your good" once Reiko was sat she worked quickly and sight as she was about to stick says " look at your sister" the second he was detracted she slid the need in with as little pain as you can do gets all the vile filled she needs puts a band aid on and slides the needle out and puts up his stuff and starts to print the new labels then says " well you can chose yours there are rainbow tiger ones at the bottom and please tell the others if they ask they get there blood done without a fuss with me free special tails and eas, ok sweetie Yuka when you are ready , ask your broth how i did"
  12. Kurt tries to smile but his heavy heart proved to much and it was easy to tell he was trying but he was struggling inside a few bruise still seen and a bandage on his belly could be noticed though the white shirt they had him wear he says " hi i just got hear my name is Kurt you may heard of my mess from the news a few weeks back ,.... i hate drunks ................... sorry Mam " for all he had bin though the fires in his eyes still burned bright he says " at lest i have some of my extra gundams they said not to bring anything i do not mind loosing only a few more days of sorting alowed left so i am tired they are boxing what i want to keep and if i am lucky whoever wants me will help me deside what to do with whats left otherwise they are selling it and all the money go,s in trust ..... thinkig oh sorry mam you probly did not want to know all of that "
  13. Lyn looks at Miguel and says " first nights are scary but think on this even if i was here i would have to sleep and though in the building i would not be right there Tanya is here by now she is a mountain of a lady but shes nicer then me she knits and and dose crafts while not busy and makes you kids stuff and shes Darlas mother girght now there the only famly on staff Darla says " i need a a little blood for some tests " Darla motions for Reiko says" thankfully i brought extra stuff " Reiko lables where allready printed and it was easy to tell some of the testing was DNA to check for genetic problems a few cases where ready for the samples to be taken away as soon as she collected them . ((note your ctrs you will decide the results these test just alow for each persons needs to be defined ))
  14. Darla says " well i half expected this i realy need you bolth but wanted to spare you sweets your brother was going to let me get him see if there was any trouble befor checking you later now i have a silly tihng here if you like to do this as well she points to a box with different cat tails with bandaids on them and maching necko ears get you blood drawn get a cute ear and tail only get for doing it " Darla smiled hoping to snag a volunteer making her job easier and better for them A tall nanny with silver hair heavyset despite being 6ft 5 in she was cheery with cartoons all over her outfit and says " hi little ones I am Tanya i am a nanny though i will probably handle the bigger ones as we get more hope my little girl here is doing well and your not giving her much grief" she chuckles the bag she has with her is full of hand made toys yarn and needles to do the work fill the bag
  15. Lyn says calmly " you have two choices dear eather i stay the night and you do not see me for a few days or i get some sleep get my paperwork done and able to come back tomorrow because a 18 hr or more sift means 48 hr required off what whould you have me do "
  16. though Milly like to feed herself hot soup was not one of her more favorite things to eat on her own as she had to let it cool or she would get burned as she wore so much of it so she says " ok you can feeds"
  17. Darla had the kit ready and waits for Reiko with a smile Lyn says " i get off two hrs Darla plans on overtime as a few kids need better looked at and some times will have to wait till night now , i will be back before most of you are awake so do not worry Miguel i work 6 days a week for 2 weeks then 5days for one the six so that i am here the most for day shift nannys darla works the same though Tanya would be my favorite nite staff shes a bit on the large size but the sweetist lady you will ever meet but she is huge 6ft 5in and heavyset but a sweet lady but i will say her sister whos a nurse on days needs listend to if you want Tanya to like you "
  18. Kurt was just brought in from the hospital they let him get a few toys from his house but as he no long had any living relatives and was much to young to on his own was taken to the orphanage , all his family owned was his but if he did not get a family fast he would lose it all so stated he would accept any one who wanted him instead of loosing all he owned though it was not a lot he is hoping to get a few things give his new family some stuff and maybe get a few toys with the minimum they would let him keep after stuff sells . the car crash that took his family also left him banged up though he got away with only a few injury's though it kept him in the hospital for a few weeks and he is annoyed his bladder has bin giving him trouble at night though he has bin taking it easy so he enters the building dreading where they will put him and when of if he would find famly
  19. Milly " ok whats for dinner" looks to see what it is
  20. Lyn says " well some of you get to see what the staff have gathered for your rooms some of you we had alot in our storeroom some will be coming for the most part your wallpaper and a few things are in anything that had a green tag we had in any red tags will come later and you may have temporary items we do hope you like whats in there snacks are at the nannys station meds you may need are with the nurses i do recommend to find a nurse you like and can trust as they will beable to help more"
  21. milly tries to get eye lvl so she could look eye to eye to see what color her new moms eyes are while showing off her gem green eyes once she managed to get eye contack she giggles and says " your fines "
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