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Posts posted by Smurfie

  1. Adult toys that is. Between my daddy and myself we have a small collection: A slipknot and jack the rabbit toy, another canine toy with an inflatable knot(it's a furry thing, the toy has a big bulge in it that stretches you wide and increases the sensation), an anal speclum, a proctoscope, a 1 gallon enema bag, a neuro wheel, assorted restraints, a set of dittel sounds, a cyber vyber(a truly awesome small vibrator),and a few other nasty(read fun) objects. Anyone else willing to share what they keep in the third drawer?

    Me and Mommy have a bunch of vibrating toys, a gag, some restraints, butt plugs, a pink leather paddle with a heart on it... Thats it so far. More to come tho!!

  2. I haven't posted anything for a while...because well, haven't had any ideas or thoughts worth posting. I pretty much hover around the AB and DL side to start with, but have a lot of childlike behaviors. I alwaaaays am chewing on things; straws, plastic spoons, even the bad habit of finger nails. Also i sleep ridiculously close to the wall, prefer tight enclosed spaces, and rock myself back and forth a lot. Was just wondering if other people had similar traits like these. Mostly this train of thought has been brought up from a conversation i had with a girl just recently. She too, enjoyed all these things and I was wondering if you all thought there would be a good chance she too might be into the scene. sorry for the long post, im bored as hell and nothing is on Food Network.

    I've been on the DailyDiapers site for a while... Just never got into posting... Here goes tho!

    I CAN'T sleep without my Care Bear, and I fall sleep snuggling him everynight. I also have this thing where...When I'm in a store, and I see something that catches my eye. I have to touch it. My favorite isle is the toy isle and I have to push all the buttons on the toys! (Mommy lets me! She does it too!)

    When I start getting pouty and grumpy... Things start going in my mouth. Most of the time it's my finger. One time Mommy and me were at Hobby Lobby and I was holding the elmers glue and kept chewing on the top. Mommy told me to stop a few times, and I tried. The next thing I knew she'd be telling me to stop again cuz I had it in my mouth again and didn't realize it. She tooked it away and stuck it in the basket *pouts*

    I also rock myself to sleep and have to have my blankie over my ear...I have no clue why..

  3. me and my husband are from illinois, we live in the country and are looking to have couples come and play in the fall. we are not swingers and are not interested in that sort of thing, we are just looking for other couples to come and have fun with us. the offer is extended to males and females, this is *not* a meat market for guys to prey on the girls!! everyone will be screened and invited by email and than we will pass all of the emails on to the others, no one is under any obligation to change or be changed by anyone else!!

    I'm moving to IL in January to be with my Mommy. :) We're about 2 hours from St Louis.. It'd be supper nice if all us AB/DL's could get together a few times during the year!

    I won't be there this fall. But if you have anymore get togethers I'd love to go! :D

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