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Posts posted by Leah1998

  1. “Carly sweetie, why don’t you let me look after you I promise you will like it” she says looking at her seeing her more like a little doll then her fiancés sister.

    ”what if we make a bet you let me take control and if you don’t like it I’ll give you a hundred bucks”

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  2. Leah decided not to answer the question about whether she knew Kim wasn’t a kid. As they left the house. Once at the car and Kim was sitting the front seat, Leah smiled at how short Kim was and decided to have some fun. “Wait here I’ll be right back” she then went back into the house and picked up a car seat it was pink. Luckily she had got it for when her niece visited. When she got back to car she opened the passenger door.

    ”Kimmie if your going to sit at the front because of your height you will need to sit in a car seat otherwise we will be breaking the law. Come on sweetie” she says sternly.


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  3. Leah finished putting Kim’s hair in pigtails she was happy with the look but certainly wanted to make changes to Kim’s clothing but would wait a bit not wanting to scare the girl off.

    ”you may sit in the front if you promise to be a good girl! Now do you need to go toilet before we go” she says smiling as she then leaves the room.

    ”let’s go sweetie” she says heading downstairs and picking up her bag and phone.


  4. Leah had just turned 21 and had been working as a waitress in a bar for a few years after running away from home to get away from her parents. She knew she needed to find a better a job and was flicking through the job adds in a local paper when she saw a rich family were looking for a maid to look after there oldest daughter. Circling it she then called the number and spoke to the father.

    after speaking for a while he offered her job. Smiling she hung up and then handed in her notice before leaving and heading home. She spent the weekend getting ready buying some new clothes wanting to look her best.

    Leah left her house early wanting to make a good impression on her first day.she waited in the car a few minutes outside loving how the house looked. She then made her way to the front door and knocked.

    ”Yes I am and you must be Brianna your dads told me so much about you” she says smiling

  5. Once she had Carly laying on the bed. “I’m taking charge sweetie” she says and lifts her legs up exposing her bottom and gives Carly’s bottom 2 hard smacks. She wanted to show Carly that she could do anything she wanted to her.

    ”are you going to be a good girl for me Carly” 


  6. Leah had a big smile on her face as Kim called her mommy as she woke her up. She really did think it was adorable and it started to give Leah an idea. Shaking her head she took hold of Kim and gently guided her over towards a stool and got her to sit down. “It’s lunch time Kimmie” she said playfully as she started brushing her hair.

    ”did you sleep well? You looked really peaceful” she says as she gently brushes her hair. She had to admit that kim was naturally beautiful just really needed to make more effort.

    “You certainly aren’t going to the skate park today you need to rest and let your bruising heel” she says as she ties Kim’s hair up in pigtails.

    ”I’ll drive us sweetie” she says

  7. “Yes we’re sure your family but I will give you chores.” She said smiling. “I’ll have to ask mark where we put your chair you don’t need it right now.” She says as she picks up Carly’s prosthetic and puts it out of Carly’s reach she didn’t want Carly to be able to do much for herself.

    “I’ll have a look if we have something you can use as I do need to go shopping later and you can’t stay here on your own” she says as she gently pushes Carly so she’s laying down.

  8. Leah left Kim to rest for a few hours while she did a bit of housework and sat to watch tv while she had a cup of tea. She kept thinking about when she used to bully Kimmie and some of the things she had done to the girl. She had been shocked by how little Kim seemed to have changed. It was so easy for Leah to take control upstairs and she wanted to see what else she could do.

    after a while she went back upstairs and opened the bedroom door gently watching Kim sleep for a few minutes before she gently rocked her. “Wake up sweetie” she says as she smiles down at her. “Kimmie it’s time to get up” she adds before pulling the sheets back.

  9. Leah continued to gently rub the cream into the bruised area as she made sure it was ok. “Good girl Kimmie for letting me do this” she said as she finished. Then she lifted her legs back up and slide her panties back down and made sure they were on properly. She looked Kimmie up and down she didn’t like the tomboy look on her. “I’ve got some things I need to do then shall we go out for lunch my treat” she says smiling at her.

    ”you can have a nap then I’m sure you will feel a lot better sweetie” she says as she gently pulls the covers over Kimmie she loved how easy it was manipulate Kimmie still she just needed to think what she was going to do with her. Once she was tucked in.

    ”I’ll come wake you up in a bit relax sweetie” she says as she left the room. Once out the room she laughed quietly before heading downstairs 

  10. “Me too I want us to get along and I promise I’ll look after you” she says as she pulls Carly in for a hug she made sure to hold her firmly wanting Carly to feel like she wasn’t in control.

    she then lead Carly to her room it was next to the bathroom and was painted pink with very childish looking furniture the large four poster bed had pink bedding and a teddy bear on it. 

  11. Watching Kim acting so vulnerable in front of her was making Leah emotional she really was starting to see her differently no longer as her target for bullying but more like child she needed to look after. It seemed to Leah that she hadn’t grew up at all since high school.

    ”Kimmie it may sting a little bit but I promise afterwards you will feel better.” She says as she speaks she gently pushes Kim so she’s laying back on the bed then she lifts her legs up and slides her panties down to her knees so she can see all the bruising.

    ”your such a brave girl” she says as she starts gently rubbing the cream in making sure to be as soft as possible.

  12. Rosie was surprised when she found out her fiancé was the brother of the girl she loved to bully when she was in high school. She couldn’t wait to see her again. When mark asked if Carly could move in Rosie couldn’t help smiling but she wanted it on her terms Carly would have to agree to live by her rules.

    As she walked into the room she looked Carly up and down. “Yes I am it’s lovely to see you again Carly” she said smiling down at her.

  13. Leah walked back into the bedroom and wasn’t surprised to see that Kim had moved but was disappointed seeing she had put some clothes on. She walked nearer her and put the cream down on the bed before speaking. .

    ”Kim take a seat” as she spoke she patted the bed gently. “Let me take a look at this bruising then we can decide what to do for the rest of the day.” She spoke gently. She really did want Kim to like her weirdly she had a soft spot of Kim she had always thought she was cute and adorable and was glad that hadn’t changed.

  14. Leah left Kim to enjoy her bath while she checked her room was ready for her. It was lovely bedroom Leah had decorated it herself it was a soft baby pink, with a beautiful four poster bed in the middle with soft pink bedding and lots of pillows. There was also a large tv and lots of wardrobes. Leah made sure she had remembered to put the mattress protector on the bed ready for Kim. She didn’t want the mattress getting ruined.

    she had just finished when she heard Kim calling her. She came out the room smiling and walked towards her taking her hand gently. “This way sweetie I’ll show you, then I’m looking at your bruise your brother won’t forgive me if I don’t” she says as she starts leading her down the corridor and into the bedroom.

    ”I hope you like the room” she says as she leads her towards the bed and then gently pushes her on to the bed so she’s laying down then she starts inspecting the wound removing the towel leaving Kim naked. “Kimmie I’m going to put some pain relief cream on this be good and don’t move till I get back” she says and gets up and walks out into the corridor and is gone about 4 minutes before she gets back.


  15. Charlotte had been going to the gym for a few weeks and had heard from a few of the girls that she should stay away from Alex he had reputation as a player. She was 27, had long strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. 6’2 and had the body of a model.

    ”hi I’m Alex I’m Charlotte. Nice to meet you too.”

  16. When Kim went upstairs Leah picked up her mobile and called her fiancée she let him know his sister had arrived safely and was settling in. They spoke for a while before he had to go. Leah did miss him while he was away. Actually having Kim here would at least mean she had some company.

    Wanting to keep Kim thinking things would be different now. She made her way upstairs knocking on the door before walking in. Seeing Kim standing there looking at the bath. She places a hand gently on her shoulder. “It’s ok I promise there’s no sharks” she says cheerfully. “Give me these sweetie. I really do want things to be different between us” she says as she pulls the dirty clothes gently out of her hands.

    ”is there anything you want before you get in the bath. That bruise looks bad Kimmie I’ll have a look it at when you get out ok” she says

  17. Leah had thought long and hard about what she was going to do and say when Kim arrived her first thought was to kick her out but she did love her fiancé and she would soon be family and family was important to Leah. She smiled at her.

    ”I’m sorry for how I acted in high school sweetie. I hope you can learn to forgive me. I want you to feel like this is your home. We want you stay as long as you want” she says smiling at her she was going to let Kimmie relax and let her guard down before she started putting her in her place.

    ”I’ve laid some towels out in your bedroom, why don’t you have a bath and let me wash those clothes you will feel a lot better. Then we can have a proper chat later on.” She says nicely 

  18. Leah loved her life she was happily engaged to a very successful businessman which meant she didn’t have to work in fact he had insisted she didn’t. Leah spent most of her time hanging with friends and shopping especially when he was a away on one of his long trips due to work.

    They had first met at school even though he was a few years older then her. The very first time they met was when Leah and a few of her friends where chasing their favourite prey a girl called Kim who they loved to bully, it still makes her smile that he turned out to be her big brother.

    She was glad Kim never found out about them dating and even more so that they where engaged and planning on getting married in the summer. 
    Leah couldn’t believe it when her fiancé asked her if it was ok if Kim came to live with them she was desperate and needed somewhere to stay. At first she wanted to say no but after a few minutes she agreed as Kim knew that she would have to do as she was told.

    Leah was watching TV in the lounge when she heard the door open standing up she made her way to the hall way. Leah was 6’3 and had gorgeous blonde hair and blues eyes. As she got nearer looking Kim up and down she didn’t look like she had grown at all.

    smiling at Kim deciding to be nice for now. “Welcome Kimmie, how was journey” 

  19. Hi I’m new my names Leah. I’m looking to roleplay let me know if you like any of my ideas or have one you want to do.

    1- your my mother in law you get fired and lose your house , you ask if you can come live with us and I agree as long as you agree to live by my rules and I slowly take away your independence 

    2- we went to school together I bullied you all the way through school , you went away for university and when you came back you came to stay with your big brother and am shocked to find I’m his fiancé 

    3- your my boss I catch you stealing and we come to an arrangement so I won’t tell anyone. I slowly take more and more control from you.

    let me know what you think 


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