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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/04/2014 in Posts

  1. http://www.dailydiapers.com/board/index.php?/gallery/image/22893-fairground-finds/ Hi does anyone else collect abandoned soothers (dummies / pacis) that they find in the street? Well I do, I occasionally find them while walking the dog, although haven't seen any in a while. Well, just last week there has been a huge fair (biggest in Europe) called the Hoppings near me and I pass the site every day on the way to work. I had some spare time yesterday before work and I went to the site (called the Town Moor, its all grass). I'd had the idea for a while, and yes I found 3 straightaway on a 15minute walkabout. Also chatted to a couple of metal detectorists looking for coins, apparently there's quite a few coins that aren't even buried in the soil, theyre just in long grass. Anyway happy hunting to anyone who tries this - plastic gold! Tibsy
    1 point
  2. In this thread, I promised to post pictures of my completed outfit. I'm here to deliver! I wore this outfit around pride the entire weekend, with some small modifications on Sunday. I also was fully diapered the entire time. Fortunately, and perhaps magically, I didn't leak when we were out - though my companion kept on top of my changing (once in the ladies room, once in a porta potty, and a few times at her place/my place). M4s for the win! Also my first time being changed in a public restroom. Nobody slapped my ass, but I did get lead around on a rainbow leash (not pictured) not only by my companion, but also by one of her friends (who was also leading a dog, harrumph). I was also encouraged to show off my diaper cover on more than one occasion. But it's so cute, how could I not? The pacifier was used to hush me more than once, too. Enjoy the pictures. I had a ton of fun, and recommend it to everyone! Maybe come Folsom I'll wind up getting changed in public (*blushes*). But it sure beats waiting in massive lines to go to the bathroom! Feel free to ask questions... Diaper Pride! Enjoy the pictures, and thanks for your input! (Notice the tail?)
    1 point
  3. Well I have in the past, I remember I picked one up in the street....and might have sorta used it a bit :$
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Agree 100% with snugglebear.
    1 point
  6. Just some food for thought, "mommies" aren't a commodity you purchase off the shelf. They are people with personalities, their own life goals and attractions. Putting out an "I want a mommy post" the way that you might say "I want a new pair of shoes" or "I want a coke for lunch"may not get you a whole lot of responses. You are looking for a partner for an intimate relationship, not some random inanimate object. Try treating them as the people they are. Trying telling them something about yourself. Consider being multidimensional because there are a lot of people who want the same thing you do. Personally I found it far easier to find the love of my life (married 8 years and she's very much involved) and then introducing diapers to her once we had a relationship (but well before marriage). That being said the route you take is up to you but remember, "I want" posts seem to have a very low historic success rate, not sure yours will buck the trend. Snugglebear
    1 point
  7. Some good points about the TSA. I flew last December from Shreveport La. to Sanford Fl. Both airports are fairly small and don't have a problem on the to Florida but the return flight I ended up getting selected for additional screening. God you want to talk about nervous as I do wear out of need. Fortunately the agent was pleasant enough. Doesn't mean I like them as a matter of fact I can't stand all the stupid security. By the way I'm just throwing this out there but I'm not a democrat or republican I'm a proud libertarian. I'm against 99.9 percent of the stupid laws they seem to enact.
    1 point
  8. I'm still around, looking to talk and perhaps meet up. Been checking this here and there but the replys are few and far between, if you want to talk and such hit me up on email db2379@gmail.com,
    1 point
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