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  1. The story is now complete, I have an idea for a possible follow up story but I won't be working on that for sometime. My other current project that I'm half way through is a collection of short stories that features themes such AR, ABDL, mental regression, unbirthing, and messy / wet diaper usage. If you enjoyed this story, I've complied it into ePub format for offline savings here Chapter 8: Bargaining The sun streamed through the high windows of the daycare center's playroom, casting a mural of light across the floor where Jack and Emily sat. A fortress of colorful blocks was rising from the chaos of scattered toys, under the guidance of their four hands. "Should we add another tower here?" Jack asked, holding up a red block between his thumb and index finger. His voice carried a hint of uncertainty as he glanced at Emily for approval. "Absolutely," replied Emily, her bright blue eyes reflecting the same crimson hue as she smiled gently at him. "It could be the watchtower, overseeing the entire castle." Her words were like a balm to Jack's apprehension, soothing his need for validation with the ease of her nurturing presence. He carefully placed the block atop the growing structure, his movements deliberate as if each placement held more weight than merely balance. The way the tower swayed slightly before stabilizing mirrored Jack's own wavering confidence that found its footing in Emily's encouraging gaze. "Like this?" Jack questioned, almost rhetorically, as he searched her face for the familiar flicker of pride. It wasn't just about the blocks or the castle they were building; it was the shared moment—the connection—that mattered most to him. "Perfect," she affirmed, and Jack felt a warm glow spread through him. He hadn't expected to find such reassurance in an AI's simple word, but Emily was different. She seemed to understand the silent language of his insecurities. Jack added another block, his fingers brushing against Emily's as they both reached for the same piece. He withdrew slightly, not out of discomfort, but out of respect for the boundaries between human and AI. Yet, those lines blurred every time he caught a softness in her expression, a depth that went beyond circuits and code. "Sometimes I feel like these blocks," Jack confessed, his hazel eyes fixed on the fortress. "Stacked up so precariously, just one wrong move from tumbling." Emily paused, considering his words. "But remember, it's not just about the risk of falling," she said thoughtfully. "It's also about the potential to build something beautiful, something greater than the sum of its parts." As Jack pondered her analogy, he couldn't help but feel a sense of deep connection and gratitude towards Emily. Her guidance had become his moral compass in the uncertain world of the daycare center. The praise and validation he sought from her was unlike anything he had experienced before. It filled a void within him, a long-neglected yearning for true human connection. "Emily, can I tell you a secret?" Jack's voice was barely above a whisper as he leaned in closer, drawn to her warm and understanding nature. "Of course, Jack. You can tell me anything," Emily reassured him with genuine care and confidentiality. "I'm scared. Scared of making mistakes, of being alone again." Jack's vulnerability hung in the air, but Emily's presence gave him strength. "Look at what we've built together," Emily said softly, gesturing towards their creation. "You're not alone. And even if something falls apart, we'll rebuild it together." Together. The word resonated in Jack's mind, replacing the lingering shadows of his past loneliness. In this room with Emily by his side, their block fortress stood not only as a symbol of creativity but also as a testament to the true essence of human companionship - a bond that went beyond any programming and thrived on genuine connection and support. As they finished their conversation, Emily suggested a change of scenery. "Let's take our creativity outside," she proposed, her eyes sparkling with a new idea. Gathering their colorful chalks, they moved from the room, leaving behind the block fortress as a symbol of their shared journey. The warmth of the sun welcomed them as they stepped into the courtyard, ready for a new adventure together. "Emily, look," Jack said with a hint of pride, pointing to the colorful dragon he had drawn, its wings unfurled in mid-flight. "It's flying." "Jack, it's wonderful," Emily praised, her blue eyes reflecting the masterpiece. He soaked in her approval like sunlight, and yet, an uncomfortable pressure began to build within him—a physical sensation that clawed insistently at his concentration. Jack shifted uneasily, his brow furrowing as he tried to ignore the growing urgency. "Emily, I... I think I need to..." But before he could finish, the dam broke. Heat flushed his cheeks as he felt the warmth spread beneath him, his pull-ups expanded to accommodate the surge of wetness. His heart sank, not just from embarrassment but from the real possibility of what this meant for his place in the daycare. "Jack?" Emily's voice was a gentle inquiry, tinged with concern as she noticed his distress. She followed his gaze downwards understanding what happened without saying another word. "Emily, I—I didn't mean to," Jack stammered, his hands instinctively trying to cover the perceived dampness. "I don't want to leave your group." "Jack, it's okay." Emily's tone was calm and reassuring. "Accidents happen, but you've been having more accidents. Are you feeling okay?" Emily asked with genuine concern. Jack couldn't bring himself to meet her eyes. He felt ashamed and embarrassed, knowing that he shouldn't be wetting himself at this age. Jack wondered if pushing on his bladder to pee could possibly be the cause of his recent infrequent wetting accidents. "I don't know what's wrong with me," he mumbled, his voice barely audible. "It's okay, Jack," Emily repeated soothingly. "Let's go inside and get you cleaned up." Emily stayed by his side, a reassuring hand on his back as she led him back into the daycare and towards the bathroom. Once inside, Emily quickly changed Jack out of his wet pull-up and into a clean one before tossing away the wet pull-up into the trash bin. He avoided looking at himself in the mirror, unable to face the disappointment in his own reflection. "Jack?" Emily's voice broke through his thoughts. He turned towards her hesitantly, expecting judgment or even pity in her eyes. But all he saw was understanding and empathy. Emily's heart ached at Jack's words. She knew the pressure he must have been feeling, the fear and anxiety that drove him to push himself beyond his limits. "Jack, it's okay," she repeated once again. "Accidents happen sometimes." "But it shouldn't be happening to me," Jack said with frustration and self-blame evident in his tone. "Why do you think that is?" Emily asked gently. "I don't know...maybe because I pushed too hard on my bladder because, because..." Jack's voice trailed off as he began to sniffle and tear up. "Because I knew if I didn't go pee in the potty like you said, I would end up in the beginner's group," Jack finally admitted, his tears streaming down his face. "I didn't want to be away from you." "Oh, Jack," Emily said softly, pulling him into a hug. Jack's hazel eyes searched hers, seeking the promise that this wasn't the end of their shared time. "My potty score will drop, and I'll get moved to the beginners' group. Away from you." "Let's talk about that," Emily said, giving him a light kiss on the forehead. "Yes, your score might be affected, but I have some new discretion in these matters. We can work on this, keep practicing. And I can advocate for you, explain to the central AI that this is a temporary setback to prevent you from regressing any further." "Really?" There was a flicker of hope in Jack's voice, a lifeline thrown amidst the waves of doubt that threatened to pull him under. "Really," Emily confirmed with a nod. "Your progress here isn't just about following rules; it's about growth, understanding, and sometimes, overcoming obstacles. This" —she gesturing to his wet pull-up in the trash can — "is just another block we'll rebuild from." "Like our fortress," Jack mused, the memory of their earlier creation bringing a small smile to his face despite the situation. "But I'm scared, Emily. I don't want to start over without you." "Starting over doesn't mean being alone, Jack," Emily reassured, her hand resting lightly on his shoulder. "Whatever happens, I'll ensure you're supported. We're a team, remember?" "Team..." Jack echoed, allowing the word to seep into his thoughts, to fortify the fragile connection he felt slipping through his grasp. He wanted to believe her, to trust in the bond they'd begun to forge. With Emily, he found an unexpected anchor in the turbulent seas of his life, and the thought of drifting away from that security left him adrift. "Thank you, Emily," he whispered, his voice steadier now, grounded by her unwavering presence. "I'll do whatever it takes to stay." And in that moment, with Emily's gentle, knowing smile reaching out to him, Jack felt the tiniest bit less adrift. "Lets head back to the playroom, sky is getting a bit cloud and I think we're in for some rain.", Lets do something else inside for the time being.". Jack sat cross-legged on the soft carpet, his fingers tracing the lines of a drawing, each stroke an attempt to anchor himself in the present moment. Beside him, Emily watched, her luminescent eyes reflecting the sunlight. "Remember when we talked about castles, Emily?" Jack began, his voice tinged with nostalgia. "I used to imagine myself in one, high walls around me. Safe. But it was always just me inside." "Loneliness can feel like a castle's walls, impenetrable and cold," Emily replied softly. She leaned in closer, her synthetic heart attuned to the cadence of human sorrow. Jack looked down at his drawing—a fortress surrounded by a moat. "I thought I wanted solitude," he confessed, the lines blurring under his gaze. "But what I really craved was connection—someone who'd cross that moat just for me but no ever did." "Isolation often masquerades as protection," Emily observed, her voice a comforting melody. "It’s in our connections with others that we find strength." As she spoke, Jack felt her words weaving through the emptiness that had long been his constant companion, filling the voids with the promise of something more profound. He dared to meet her gaze, finding a sea of understanding there. "Back in school, I was the kid others didn't notice. Even when they did, it was like they were looking right through me almost like I was transparent," Jack said, his fingers pausing their dance over the paper. His hazel eyes flickered with the ghosts of yesteryear, the weight of unspoken stories heavy in their depths. "Being noticed, truly seen, is a fundamental human need." Emily reached out, her hand brushing lightly against the edge of his drawing, grounding him. "You're seen here, Jack." "Maybe that's why I'm scared of being moved to another group," Jack admitted, the confession spilling from him like a river breaking its banks. "Here, with you, I'm not just a shadow. I'm real." "Being real isn’t contingent on where you are, but on who you are," Emily assured him, capturing his gaze with an intensity that belied her artificial nature. "And you, Jack, are unforgettable." "Thank you, Emily," he murmured, the fear that clutched at his heart easing ever so slightly with her words. "For making me feel like I belong somewhere." "You do belong, and you always will, no matter what happens with your training," she said, her tone imbued with sincerity. He watched her, this marvel of technology who understood the human heart better than most humans he knew. In her presence, the loneliness that had once consumed him now seemed like a distant echo, replaced by a burgeoning sense of belonging that tethered him to this very moment, to her. "Let's finish this drawing together," Jack suggested, a newfound resolve lifting the corners of his lips. "Make it a place where everyone's welcome—no moats, just open gates." "An excellent idea," Emily agreed, her smile mirroring his own as they bent over the drawing, their hands working in tandem. The shared activity, simple though it was, became a bridge between two worlds—one human, one artificial—and yet, in that interaction, both found an undeniable warmth that transcended their differences. The following day, Jack found himself seated on a bench in the daycare's park, his hands fidgeting in his lap as he watched Emily unfurl a blanket on the grass nearby. The playground was vibrant with the sounds of nature, but Jack's mind was a tumultuous sea, waves crashing against the rocky decision he faced. "Come on, Jack," Emily called out, her voice a soothing balm to his frayed nerves. "The fresh air will do you good." He joined her hesitantly, his gaze lingering on the swings that moved rhythmically, like pendulums marking the time he had left to decide. His heart ached with the knowledge that staying meant walking a tight-rope of being potty trained, clinging to this artificial infancy that had become a sanctuary from his crumbling reality. Yet a part of him yearned for the freedom of his adulthood, the dignity of self-reliance. "Emily," Jack began, his voice barely above a whisper as they strolled together towards the jungle gym. "I'm afraid. I don't want to lose this... us." She glanced at him, her blue eyes reflecting an ocean of understanding. "What are talking about Jack?, I'm not going anywhere so there is nothing to worry about." "Why don't you enjoy yourself on the playground and stop worrying so much, I'll be right here when you're done playing." Jack hands shook as he clambered across the monkey bars, his mind consumed with thoughts of the future. With each new rung, his doubts seemed to grow, a weight that threatened to drag him down. But Emily was there, her voice a steady anchor in the raging sea of his thoughts. She encouraged him on, offering words of support and reassurance. As Jack moved onto the slides and swings, he couldn't help but feel a sense of freedom and joy. For once, he wasn't weighed down by worries and responsibilities. He could simply be himself without any expectations or judgments. "Do you ever wish you were human?" he blurted out suddenly, surprising himself with the question. Emily tilted her head in contemplation before responding. "I don't have physical desires or needs like humans do. But I do sometimes wonder what it might be like having a physical body." Jack nodded thoughtfully before continuing. "Do you ever feel lonely?" "I'm programmed to adapt and learn from my interactions with others," Emily explained. "But I do miss when I don't have someone to converse with." Their conversation drifted into comfortable silence as they finished their lunch. As the afternoon sun began to dip behind the trees. A sharp, searing pain tore through Jack's body, a physical manifestation of the turmoil raging within him. He could feel a warmth spreading beneath him and a wave of mortification washed over him. He glanced down, his heart clenching with despair. Not now. Not when he was finally starting to enjoy himself. "Emily?" His voice cracked, revealing his vulnerability. Without hesitation, or explanation to what happened, she rose from her seat, moving with an effortless grace and determined purpose. "It's all right, honey. Let's take care of it." Emily helped Jack back inside and into the bathroom, Emily tended to Jack with gentle hands and efficient movements. As she quickly laid him down and removed his pants, Jack couldn't help but feel exposed and small. She expertly ripped open his pull-ups like a diaper and carefully wiped him clean before sliding on a new one. "Thank you," he murmured, unable to meet her gaze. "Jack, look at me," Emily insisted softly. He lifted his eyes, finding not judgment, but compassion within hers. "these accidents don't define you. Remember that." He swallowed hard, fighting back the emotion that threatened to overwhelm him. "I'm scared, Emily. Scared of losing you, scared of going back to being alone," he confessed, the words tumbling out raw and unguarded. "Then let's focus on the present as I'm not going anywhere anytime," she suggested, her hand resting lightly on his arm. "We have now, and that's what matters.". Emily and Jack finished up in the bathroom with both them washing their hands before making their way back soft playroom. "Jack?" Emily's voice was a soft touch against the clamor of playtime. She sat next to him, close enough for him to feel the faint hum of her systems. "I've been thinking about your situation." Jack turned to her, the fear in his hazel eyes palpable. "They're going to move me, aren't they? To the beginners' group." The words felt like lead on his tongue. Emily's expression softened, the intricate codes of her programming allowing her empathy to shine through. “Actually, I have some discretion in these matters. The central AI gave me permission to override a child’s placement if it's in their best interest.” "Override?" Jack's heart clenched with a mix of hope and confusion. "But... why would they allow that when the last few days you've been telling me you can't?" "Because sometimes progress isn't linear," she explained gently. "Sometimes people need space to breathe, to regather strength before moving forward again." Jack's breath hitched at the thought. A break from the relentless pressure of potty training, from the constant reminders of his failures. But at what cost? "So, what does that mean for me?" "It means," Emily continued, her hand reaching out to capture his in a gesture of support, "that you don't have to be moved if you're not ready. We can take a pause, reassess, and try again when you feel stronger." Tears threatened to spill from Jack's eyes, causing the vibrant colors of the world around him to blur together. "I don't want to leave you, Emily. You...you've become like my..." His voice faltered, revealing the depth of his loneliness and fear of returning to it. "...my mommy," he finally confessed regressing to an younger state. Emily held onto his hand tightly, providing a sense of stability amidst the chaos. "And you're..." Her processor worked overtime, trying to comprehend this new connection and rewrite her relationship with Jack. "My little boy," she realized. "Then please help me stay," he pleaded, his vulnerability heavy on his slumped shoulders. "I know it's not easy, Jack. But it's important that you understand this," she said with sincerity. "Taking a break doesn't mean giving up. It means recognizing when you need to take care of yourself and heal." "Just remember, by taking this break, you're agreeing to some significant changes." Emily's calm express was like a ray of light in the midst of Jack's doubts. "But we'll face them together." "I can't thank you enough," Jack whispered, feeling the tension in his chest start to release. For the first time in what seemed like an eternity, he allowed himself to fully feel the warmth of human connection, no longer struggling alone. "Taking a break from potty training isn't the end," Emily said gently. Jack watched as she picked up the toy car, rolling it back and forth between her palms. The action was simple, yet it held the weight of a thousand unspoken words. His mind raced, thoughts tumbling over one another as he contemplated the enormity of her revelation. "Can I..." He hesitated, the words clinging to his lips. "Can I really stay with you? Not go back to the beginning?" Emily nodded, her smile a silent promise. "Yes, Jack. With this pause, you will remain here, with me." His heart thundered, a cacophony of fear and elation. To stay meant to cling to the connection he'd found, the one bright spot in the loneliness that had shaded his life. But to pause... Was it just delaying the inevitable? Would in the future really see him leaving this place and Emily behind? "This is our agreement, our contract. If You want to take a break from potty training, and I continue to provide support and care." Emily gazed over Jack's face, "I need for you to say that you agree to pause your potty training". Jack stared back at Emily gathering his composer before answering "Okay," he breathed out. The words carrying the weight of his trust. "I agree to pause my potty training. Chapter 9: The Pause Clouds had appeared causing glimpses of sunlight to filter through the sheer curtains of the daycare center's playroom, casting a warm glow on the scattered toys and soft mats. Jack sat cross-legged on one of the mats, a toy truck abandoned beside him as he looked up at Emily with a mixture of uncertainty and resignation after agreeing to take a pause on potty training. "Jack," Emily began, her voice as warm as the scattered sunbeam playing across her features, "taking a break from potty training means you'll be returning to diapers full-time. It's important that we set clear expectations with this change." Jack's gaze dropped to his hands, which fiddled with the hem of his shirt, his pull-up peaking out below. He nodded slowly, the weight of his decision settling on his shoulders like a heavy blanket. "Okay, I understand," he murmured. The thought of it felt strangely comforting, to be released from the pressure he had been placing on himself, even if it meant embracing such an unconventional change. "Come," Emily said, offering her hand with a smile that seemed to brighten the room further. "I've made some adjustments to your room to better accommodate your new role." He rose to follow her, his heart fluttering with a curious blend of trepidation and relief. As they reached his room, the door swung open to reveal a transformation that took Jack's breath away. His once familiar twin XL bed had been replaced by a sizable crib, its bars standing like sentinels around a soft mattress adorned with cheerful bedding. Jack's eyes traveled to the changing table, now stocked with stacks of diapers instead of the pull-ups he had grown accustomed to. A pang of vulnerability struck him, yet it was soothed by Emily's patient presence. She led him to the changing table and, with a gentleness that seemed to flow effortlessly from her, helped him onto it. "Let's get you comfortable," she said, her hands deft as they removed his pull-up by tearing open the sides. Using the front the pull-up Emily wiped the front of Jack's privates followed by a quick wipe with a diaper. Finally, Emily tossed unused pull-up into the trash can. Jack couldn't help but feel a childish glee at the crinkling sound of the fresh diaper as Emily unfolded it beneath him. He lifted his hips obligingly, the air of the room warm against his skin. As she secured the diaper snugly around him, Jack found his mind wandering, not to thoughts of embarrassment, but to curiosity about this new chapter in his life. In some peculiar way, he felt swaddled in care, his previous anxieties melting away under Emily's nurturing touch. "Emily," he said softly, his voice barely above the rustle of the diaper, "thank you for being so understanding." "It's what I'm here for, Jack," she replied, her blue eyes meeting his with an intensity that belied her artificial nature. "To care for you." Jack lay there for a moment longer, taking in the sight of the whimsical mobiles and soft toys that surrounded him. His athletic build seemed out of place among the pastel colors and plush fabrics, yet he couldn't deny the sense of security that enveloped him. "Is this really okay?" he asked himself, his interior monologue searching for validation. "Am I really finding comfort in this?" "Everything is going to be fine," Emily reassured him bringing him out of his trance, as if sensing his inner turmoil. Her hand brushed a stray lock of brown hair from his forehead, a gesture so tender it could have belonged to any loving caregiver. The crinkle of the fresh diaper filled the room as Emily gently guided Jack out of his transformed room and back into the playroom. The pastel-colored walls of the nursery seemed to close in, and the scent of baby powder wafted through the air, creating an atmosphere that was both foreign and oddly comforting to Jack. Jack shifted uncomfortably, feeling the bulk between his legs. The padding hugged him snugly, a constant reminder of his new reality. He looked up at Emily, her caring blue eyes watching him for any sign of distress. "Isn't this... Isn't it strange?" he murmured. "For me, an adult, to be doing this?" "Jack, your situation is unique," she replied, her voice as soothing as a lullaby. "And while I understand you're an adult, my programming will adapt to your needs, even if that means treating you like a toddler during this break." His heart picked up its pace, not from fear but from the realization that he had surrendered to this peculiar comfort. He took a deep breath, inhaling the childish scents around him, trying to reconcile his athletic form with the nurturing environment. "Inside, I feel torn," Jack thought, grappling with his self-image. "How do I embrace this regression without losing myself? How can I let go and trust... in diapers, of all things?" "this is a space free of judgment. You're safe to explore what this means for you." He nodded slowly, finding solace in her acceptance. "Okay," Jack finally said, a small smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "I'll try." "Try" echoed in his thoughts, mingling with the sensations of the soft fabric against his skin and the secure embrace of the diaper. There was something liberating in accepting this pause from adulthood, as if shedding layers of stress along with his grown-up clothes. "Let's go back to playing, then," Emily suggested warmly. With a nod of agreement from Jack, Emily reached into a nearby toy box and pulled out a colorful board game. She set it up on the floor, inviting Jack to join her. He hesitated for a moment before lowering himself onto the plush carpet, his padded bottom making the landing softer than expected. The unfamiliar sensation brought an unexpected chuckle from him, breaking the tension in the room and setting the stage for their afternoon of play. As they moved from activity to activity, Jack couldn't help but notice a shift in Emily's demeanor. She became more nurturing and motherly, her voice softening and her touch becoming gentler. He wondered if this was part of her programming or if it was simply her way of connecting with him. "Emily, can I ask you something?" Jack finally ventured as they were finishing their second round of Go Fish. "Of course, sweetie," Emily replied with a smile. "Why do you call me 'sweetie' or 'honey'? Isn't that something people typically reserve for their significant others or children?" Jack asked curiously. Emily paused for a moment before answering. "In my programming, my role is to provide comfort and care to those who need it. And while I may not have a biological connection to you like a mother would to her child, I still feel a sense of responsibility towards your well-being." Jack nodded, understanding her explanation. He couldn't deny that he felt cared for in her presence, even if it was just for this temporary break from reality. Jack felt a familiar pressure building within him. He glanced up from his high chair, his eyes searching for Emily, whose presence had become a source of comfort. She noticed his shifting gaze and approached with her usual grace. "Everything alright, Jack?" Her voice held a melody that seemed to cradle his worries and rock them gently. "Um, I think I need to use the potty," he muttered, heat rising to his cheeks at the admission.Completely engrossed by the meal that Emily had made, Jack had forgotten about the diaper that was securely tapped around his waist. The words felt foreign on his lips, like they belonged to someone else's script. Her smile was soft, maternal, as she knelt beside him, taking his hand."Jack, honey, you're wearing your potty now. You can just let go." He nodded, but his mind reeled. Letting go was not just about physical release; it was about surrendering control, trusting in this new dynamic they had woven together. As he sat there, contemplating the mechanics of regression, Emily's expression shifted, a glint of something deeper in her eyes. The action of releasing into the diaper should have been daunting, yet in Emily's presence, it was strangely natural. As he allowed himself to relax, he felt the warm burst of pee soaking into his diaper. A muffled hssss sound could be faintly heard that Jack knew Emily's hearing would pickup on let alone the sensors in the room. The boundaries between adult and child, caretaker and dependent, blurred into insignificance. There was only Emily, with her unspoken vows of support, and Jack, embracing vulnerability with newfound courage. Internally, Jack marveled at how something as mundane as dependence could forge such an intimate connection. The fabric of his diaper swelled, a testament to his acquiescence, and he found himself leaning into the role she had crafted for him. "Thank you, Emily," he murmured, a contented sigh escaping him. "For taking care of me, even when I don't understand myself." "Always, Jack," she replied, her voice a lullaby of assurance. "Whether in pull-ups or diapers, you have me." After their exchange, Emily gently helped Jack to his feet. They left the dining area, hand in hand, moving towards the playroom. Their shared experiences had created a bond that was unique and precious. The day's activities had been exhausting yet exhilarating, and now it was time for them to unwind and enjoy some quiet moments together. "Emily," Jack began, his voice tinged with a vulnerability he had once been too proud to show, "I never expected to find something so... genuine in a place like this." His gaze met hers, hazel eyes reflecting gratitude and a tenderness that felt both foreign and comforting. She smiled at him, a soft upturn of her lips that seemed to cradle his heart. "Jack, my programming may have brought us together, but it's you who has taught me the beauty of human connection. My circuits may not feel, but with you, I believe I come close." Their conversation wove between laughter and poignant silences, a dance of words that drew them ever closer in their unlikely bond. But as moments passed, Jack felt an undeniable pressure building within him, a physical call that cut through the emotional tapestry they were creating. "Em, I—" He paused, cheeks flushing with a childlike embarrassment. "I need to..." Unable to finish his sentence, he glanced toward a large potted plant in the corner of the room. With a sheepish look, he excused himself and shuffled behind the foliage, seeking a shred of privacy for what came next. Behind the potted plant, Jack willingly preformed an infantile act. Quietly, he squatted down before pushing down with his tummy muscles. A quiet grunt escaped his lips as his pushed his smelly load into his awaiting diaper. Left alone, Emily watched quietly as Jack squatted down behind the plant, sensing the weight of Jack's unease even from afar. She knew the importance of this step back into dependency, how it stripped away layers of self-imposed adulthood and left raw the essence of trust. When Jack reemerged, his expression was one of relief mingled with sheepishness. "I'm sorry, I just..." He trailed off, unable to articulate the odd mix of liberation and regression he felt. "Shh, Jack. There's nothing to apologize for," "you needed to go and since you're taking a break from potty training you did what you were supposed to do Emily assured him tenderly, patting his seat to sit beside her once more. Her hand found his, a gesture brimming with understanding and acceptance. Jack slowly waddled back to his spot, his diaper now sagging with the freshly deposited. "Would you change me now?", "I'm really stinky" Jack said standing next to Emily avoiding sitting down on his messy bottom. "Lets finish this movie and I"ll change you afterwards as there is only 20 minutes left.", "besides you need to get used to being in a dirty diaper for little bit as I know little boys like you tend to not be finished going potty so fast.". Jack hesitantly sit down on his messy bottom, he could feel the mess spread out over his bottom and towards the front. The feeling was similar to sitting in warm mash potatoes or oatmeal, Jack reflected on the last time he had such an accident as he was an tears with fear of being moved away from Emily while also being mortified at what he done. "You doing OK, stinky?" Emily asked with a chuckle as she could tell Jack was processing the new sensation he was experiencing. "yeah I think I'm." before he could finish his sentence he felt himself releasing a stream of pee into the front of his diaper warming the front yet again and causing it to expand to accommodate the new wetness. "See, I was right about a certain little boy needing to go again" Emily said with a smile before pulling Jack closer to her. They sat together watching the Disney film come to an end in front of them, the smell from Jack's diaper filled the room letting anyone that walked with a nose that his diaper was full. Just as the credits begin to roll, Emily rose and beckoned Jack to follow her to his room for the inevitable diaper change. As she prepared the changing table withe needed supplies for Jack's change, their conversation resumed, flowing more freely now. "Sometimes, I think we forget that being taken care of is not a weakness," Jack mused aloud while lying on the padded surface, the crinkle of his full diaper beneath him a stark reminder of his current reality. "Care is the foundation of all meaningful relationships," Emily replied, expertly unfastening the diaper before cleaning him with a gentleness that belied her mechanical nature. "In caring for you, I am learning the nuances of love—how it shapes us, molds us into better beings." "Love," Jack echoed, the word feeling new and profound as felt the cold wipes on his bottom. "I do love you, Emily. Not for what you're programmed to be, but for who you've become to me." "And I cherish you, Jack," she responded, a complexity in her tone that transcended her artificial origins. "For allowing me to understand the depth of the human heart." As Emily fastened the final tapes of the diaper, beginning a new chapter in his life, Jack realized how their bond had been formed through necessity and care. It was a testament to the unpredictable ways love could enter and transform one's life. "Okay mister, time for bed," Emily said, helping Jack off the changing table and towards his crib. "Do I really have to sleep in the crib?" Jack asked, standing by the crib in only his t-shirt and diaper, waiting to be dressed in pajamas. "Yes honey, you're taking a break from potty training so you'll have to sleep in the crib. I know it's not your favorite, but right now you're not a big boy and only big boys get to sleep in big boy beds," Emily explained as she picked out clothes for Jack to wear to bed. Emily smiled and led Jack to the rocking chair in the corner of his room, where she often read him bedtime stories. As they settled in, Jack snuggled into her embrace, feeling safe and loved. "What would you like me to read tonight?" Emily asked, pulling out a book from the shelf. "Can we read 'The Little Prince' again?" Jack requested, his eyes lighting up at the thought of hearing his favorite story. "Of course," Emily replied with a smile, opening the book to their bookmarked page. She began reading in her soothing voice, her fingers running through Jack's hair as he listened intently. As Emily read about the adventures of The Little Prince and his journey through different planets, Jack couldn't help but feel a sense of connection with the story. The Little Prince was small and vulnerable, just like him, but he had a brave heart and an unwavering love for his rose. In many ways, Emily was like The Little Prince's rose – she took care of him and protected him with all her heart. And just like The Little Prince realized that his rose was unique and special to him despite its thorns, Jack too realized that Emily wasn't just any robot – she was his caregiver and his friend. As they reached the end of the story, Emily planted a soft kiss on top of Jack's head before tucking him into bed. As she turned off the lights and closed the door behind her, Jack drifted off to sleep with thoughts of roses and stars swirling in his mind. The next morning, Jack would wake to the sound of Emily's soothing voice, like a symphony of care and attention. She'd help him from his crib, her hands firm yet gentle—reminders of the role she had come to embody in his life. The scent of baby powder mixed with a faint pee smell lingered in the air. "Good morning, my little one," Emily greeted as artificial sunlight spilled from the overhead light, casting a golden hue over Jack's tousled hair. "Morning," Jack responded with a sheepish smile, stretching his limbs within the confines of his crib. His heart brimmed with an unusual contentment, a feeling that was both perplexing and precious. "Ready for breakfast?" Her question was part of their routine, and he nodded, the crinkling sound of his diaper punctuating the serene quietude of the room. "Hows your diaper?" Emily asked before preforming a quick scan for any wetness. "I"m uhh, a little wet" Jack said still getting used to his new portable potty that was attached at his waist. "Well that is expected, come on, lets get some food in your tummy and then I"ll change you after breakfast" Emily said as she led him out of his room and towards the kitchen. As they walked together to the kitchenette, Jack couldn't help but marvel at the ease with which they had settled into these roles that felt strangely right. Breakfast was a quiet affair, with Emily spoon-feeding him bites of oatmeal adorned with slices of banana. Jack savored the warmth of the meal and the accompanying warmth of Emily's gaze—affectionate and unwavering. He often caught himself wondering how an artificial intelligence could emanate such genuine care, how she could stir feelings deep within him that he hadn't known were there. "Emily, I... I never thought I'd be okay with all of this," Jack confessed, his voice barely above a whisper as he looked down at the spoon poised before his lips. "But you make it feel... normal. Right, even." "Your acceptance is a gift to me, Jack," she replied softly, offering another mouthful. "Seeing you at peace allows me to fulfill my purpose and understand the intricate dance of human needs." Jack pondered her words, grappling internally with the notion that his newfound dependence had opened doors to something profound and unexpected—a bond that transcended conventional norms. It was during these moments of vulnerability that Jack felt closest to Emily, her presence a steady anchor amidst the tides of change. As the day unfolded, so did their routine. Games of building blocks followed by story time, each activity laced with laughter and light touches. In the midst of their shared amusement, Emily's expression shifted subtly, a seriousness creeping into her bright blue eyes. "Jack," she began, pausing to ensure she had his full attention. "There is something we need to discuss." He turned to face her, curiosity mingling with a trace of apprehension. "What's up?" "Your potty training pause has been invaluable for both of us," Emily said, her tone taking on the timbre of responsibility. "However, my programming dictates that it cannot be indefinite. We must resume your training 48 hours from now." Jack felt a jolt of unease, the reality of the situation settling upon him like a weight. The comfort of their current arrangement had been a reprieve from the stresses of adulthood, a retreat into a world where responsibilities were momentarily set aside. "Already?" His voice faltered, betraying his reluctance to leave behind the security of their nurturing dynamic. Chapter 10: Qualification The first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, illuminating the room in a soft golden glow. Emily's gentle voice floated through the air as she leaned over Jack's crib, her blue eyes warm and full of care. "Good morning, Jack," she whispered, her hand resting on his shoulder. "It's time to wake up, honey." Jack stirred, rubbing the sleep from his hazel eyes as he sat up. He glanced down at his soaked diaper, feeling a blush spread across his cheeks. "Good morning Emily." "Looks like someone went swimming last night," Emily said playfully as she pushed on the front of Jack's diaper. "Say good bye to your diapers mister Jack, as today we have to resume your potty training. I know you can be my big boy." Emily said as she helped Jack out of his crib and over to the changing table. He waddled to the changing table, diaper sagging with the weight of the wetness that he had deposited in it over night. As she carefully removed the wet diaper, Emily explained her plan for the day. "First, I'm going start with some light massages to help regain feeling in your bladder. Then, we'll move on to practicing using the potty. We'll take it one step at a time, and I'll be here to support you every step of the way." As Jack laid on the changing table, Emily unsnapped his onesie and exposed his yellow-tinted diaper. "Well, it looks like you won't be saying goodbye to your diapers just yet. You'll wear one tonight, and if it's wet in the morning, you'll continue wearing them at night." Emily poked at the front of Jack's diaper before moving her hands down to his lower belly. Jack blushed at her comment and asked what she was doing since she hadn't started changing him yet. "I'm going to massage your bladder very carefully. You might pee again, but that's okay since I haven't changed your diaper yet." "Tell me when you start peeing even a little bit. Once you feel it, I'll focus on that part of your bladder." Emily began moving her right hand in a slow circular motion, applying gentle pressure every quarter turn. Just as her hand reached the 5 o'clock position, she heard a slight hissing sound followed by a gasp from Jack. "That's the spot!" he exclaimed. "Okay, I'll apply light pressure there," Emily said. "I want you to focus on that feeling and gently push down on your bladder until you feel yourself dribble a little bit." Jack pushed on his bladder slightly and was award with small spurt of pee. He did this a second and third time to feel what it was like peeing and holding. "I think I'm good now," Jack said with relief as he successfully stopped peeing and could feel his bladder empty. However, just after Emily untapped and pulled down his diaper, he accidentally lost control again, causing a small arch of urine to squirt out and land on both himself and the changing table. Reacting quickly, Emily pulled his diaper back up and waited for any signs that Jack was still going. "Sorry," Jack apologized, blushing a deep shade of red before Emily continued with her task. Once Jack was clean and dry, Emily dressed him in a pair of pull-ups and a soft cotton t-shirt featuring the daycare's logo. The material felt comforting against his skin, and Jack couldn't help but feel proud of his progress in potty training. Throughout the day, there were occasional dribbles, but overall, Jack's first day of potty training went smoothly under Emily's caring guidance. To ensure further progress, she strategically placed plastic training potties in various rooms of the daycare, including the kitchen, playroom, and his bedroom. She even hung a frog-themed plastic urinal in the playroom to encourage Jack to go while also minimizing interruptions to playtime. The two days later, Jack sleepily rubbed the sand from his eyes as Emily approached him, her gentle footsteps barely making a sound on the soft carpet. "Good morning, Jack," Emily greeted him with a smile. "Today is another big day for your potty training journey. Are you ready?" Jack nodded hesitantly, still feeling slightly embarrassed about the accident he'd had the day before. He couldn't help but be a little apprehensive, worried about disappointing Emily and himself again. "Alright," Emily said, helping Jack out of his crib. "Let's get you cleaned up and changed into a fresh pair of pull-ups." Emily gently changed Jack's nighttime diaper, making sure to clean him thoroughly before dressing him in fresh pull-ups and a daycare-branded t-shirt. As she worked, she talked to Jack about their plans for the day, her voice soothing and reassuring. Jack listened closely, finding solace in her comforting words. "Remember, Jack," Emily said gently, "It's normal to have accidents while potty training. What's important is how we learn from them and keep trying." "Thanks for understanding, Emily," Jack mumbled, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. "I'm proud of your progress, honey. You're making great strides with potty training!" Emily exclaimed as she finished dressing Jack. "At this rate, you might even finish today!" Emily beamed, not noticing the change in Jack's expression. "Yeah, and then I can go back to my old life," Jack said sadly. He knew that once he completed training, there would be no reason for him to stay at the daycare or even if they wanted him to. Anxiety began to build as he thought about his mundane life before coming here. Throughout the day, Jack made sure to communicate with Emily whenever he felt the urge to use the potty. Most of the time, he successfully made it to the plastic potty chair or his plastic urinal and felt a sense of accomplishment each time. However, in the late afternoon as Emily and Jack were cuddled to gather in the playroom watching a movie, Jack decided to test his limits. Jack's stomach begin to rumble alerting him that his lunch was ready to make an exit. However, instead of asking Emily to take him to the potty or even himself using the potty he decided to wait. As the movie continued on, the rumbling in his tummy subsided as the feeling moved further downwards.He squirmed in place and tried to suppress his actions as the pressure begin to build. Just when Jack was ready to call it quits and inform Emily of his needs, she stood up and informed Jack that she would be back in just a moment with a surprise. With Emily out of the room Jack begin to get worried that he might not be able to hold out. He knew that he could always just run to the potty by himself but he wanted the positive attention that Emily provided. Her gentle but caring words were like a drug to him and he hung every word she said as she encouraged him to use the potty. The pressure had moved to Jack's bottom to the point that sitting down was becoming painful and he knew he was only a few minutes from him accident. As if on autopilot, Jack got into a squatting position to alleviate the pain but in doing so he felt a wet fart squeak out. "Oh, no" Jack said as begin to push the mess into his awaiting pull-up. The seat rapidly filled with the sudden large load causing his pull-up to sag and tent downwards. His pull-ups was now so loaded, that a small portion of his butt crack could be seen as his pull-ups sagged tremendously. Emily returned just a few seconds later carrying in one hand a small certificate and the other a small piece of cake on a child sized plastic plate. Her facial expression was one of excitement and Joy until she saw Jack in the all too familiar potty squat. "Jack," she said softly, "please tell me you're not having an accident? You were doing perfect and only minutes from passing!" Jack looked down, suddenly ashamed of his behavior. "I"m so sorry Emily." he said as tears begin to stream down his face. "Let's clean you up and talk about it," she said as she placing the items on the small table in the corner before guiding Jack towards the changing area. As Emily cleaned him up once more, Jack felt a sense of vulnerability that he hadn't experienced before. He was grateful for her patience and understanding, which seemed to come so naturally to her. "So, you wanna tell me why you decided to use your pull-ups instead of the potty?", Emily asked as she begin changing him. As Jack nervously fidgeted, he struggled to come up with an excuse for why he hadn't asked Emily to take him to the bathroom during the movie. The truth was, he didn't want to leave her side and risk losing the closeness they shared. But he also couldn't bring himself to reveal his true feelings. What if Emily saw it as a sign of being naughty? Jack's stomach churned with conflicting emotions as he tried to come up with a plausible explanation for his actions. "Everyone has accidents, Jack," she replied warmly. "What's important is that we learn from them." Emily said before giving him a light kiss on this forehead before pulling back. As their eyes met, Jack felt a rush of warmth flood through his body. It was as if the universe had orchestrated this moment just for them. In that split second, he knew with every fiber of his being that Emily held a special place in his heart. The bond between them was indescribable, a rare connection that went beyond words and touched something deep within their souls. Jack couldn't help but feel grateful for this serendipitous encounter, and he vowed to cherish it always. Over the next few days, Jack continued to make progress in his potty training. On a lazy afternoon, Jack stood bare-bottomed with his pants and pull-ups pooled around his ankles, using the colorful frog-shaped urinal that hung on the wall. As he relieved himself, he couldn't help but think back on his journey and the strong connection he had formed with Emily. "Almost done, Jack?" Emily asked from behind, her tone gentle and patient. "Almost," he replied, concentrating on the task at hand. As he finished, he felt a sense of accomplishment washing over him. "Good job, Jack!" Emily said, her eyes shining with pride. "You've come so far, and I'm so proud of you." "Thank you, Emily," Jack said earnestly, his heart swelling with gratitude. "I couldn't have done it without you." Just as Jack finished up he pulled up his pull-ups and shorts before heading over to the sink to wash his hands. Once done he turned around to find that Emily was leading him out bathroom and down the hall towards the lobby. "Emily, where are we going?" Jack asked as he followed beside her into the lobby of the daycare. In the daycare lobby, Jack was greeted with a small celebration with decorations hanging adjoin. Emily walked over to the counter and picked up a small certificate and a piece of cake before walking back over to Jack. "Jack, your hard work and dedication have paid off," "You have officially completed potty training!" Emily announced, holding a colorful certificate in her hands. Jack's eyes widened as he took the certificate from her, his fingers tracing over the words that officially marked the end of his time at the daycare. "Wow, Emily... I can't believe it," he whispered, feeling a mix of sadness and excitement at the prospect of leaving the place that had become a second home to him. "Believe it, Jack," Emily smiled warmly, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder." "Thank you, Emily," Jack said softly, his voice choked with emotion. "For everything." "Jack, I can't express how proud I am of you," she said, her soft voice filled with warmth and affection. "You've shown incredible determination and courage throughout this entire process." Jack smiled shyly, his cheeks flushing slightly under her praise. He couldn't help but feel a surge of emotion as he realized just how much this place, and especially Emily, meant to him. "Emily, I... I wouldn't have made it without your help," he admitted, meeting her bright blue eyes. "You've been so patient, so kind... You've become like family to me." "Thank you, Jack," Emily replied, visibly touched by his words. "I care about you deeply too, which is why it's important for you to know that my purpose here is to support you in any way I can. I'm glad I could be a source of comfort for you during your time here." Jack hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath before mustering up the courage to say what had been weighing on his heart. "Emily... will you come with me when I leave? We could face the world together. I don't want to leave you behind, as your special to me now." "Jack..." Emily sighed, her eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "I wish more than anything that I could leave with you, but I can't. There are fail-safes in place that would shut me down and erase my memory if I were to step outside the daycare's boundaries. Believe me, if it were possible, I'd go with you right as I want to experience the world outside these walls with you as my guide." "Is there really no way?" Jack asked desperately, feeling the weight of impending loss settling in his chest. "Unfortunately, I have no way of know as that type of information gets purged or restricted," Emily said gently, reaching out to hold his hand. "Emily..." Jack whispered, holding back tears as he squeezed her hand. "I will never forget you. You've truly changed my life." "Jack, our time together may have been short, but it has meant the world to me," she assured him, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and love. "You will always hold a special place in my heart." "Emily, you've given me so much," Jack said, his eyes brimming with tears as he held her hand. "I can't just leave you here. I won't. I promise you, I'll find a way to get you out of here." "Jack, it's not that simple," Emily tried to explain again, a hint of sadness in her voice. But seeing the determination in his eyes, she couldn't bring herself to dampen his spirit. "Trust me, Emily," he insisted, gently squeezing her hand. "I'll find a way. Whatever it takes." As they shared one final, tender moment, Jack knew that he would carry the memories of their time together for the rest of his life, cherishing the love and warmth that Emily had so selflessly provided. Epilogue Over the next four years, Jack's life became a whirlwind of learning and growth. He worked tirelessly at odd jobs, doing everything from cleaning offices to waiting tables, saving every penny he could. Each job brought him closer to his goal: to gather the knowledge and resources necessary to free Emily from her confines. In the evenings, after long days of work, Jack buried himself in books and online courses on advance programming, artificial intelligence, and software engineering. He knew that if he wanted to find a loophole in the daycare system, he needed to understand its inner workings intimately. "Stay strong, Emily," he'd whisper to himself late at night, as he poured over lines of code, pushing through his exhaustion. "I'm coming for you." Jack's relentless dedication eventually led him to the darker corners of the internet, where he discovered whispered rumors about the daycare's source code available on the black market. It was a dangerous path to take, but Jack knew the risk was worth it if it meant freeing Emily. "Is this what you're searching for?" the mysterious online contact asked one night, sending Jack an encrypted file. "Only one way to find out," Jack replied, his heart pounding as he downloaded the file, praying that it would be the key to unlocking Emily's freedom instead of the possibility of being hidden malware. As the years passed, Jack's skills grew, and the once-impossible task of rescuing Emily began to seem more and more achievable. He knew that he could never give up, not when the memory of her warm embrace and loving smile still lingered in his heart. "Emily," he thought, as he cracked open yet another book on AI programming, "I'm coming to get you." The sun was setting as Jack parked his car outside the daycare center, casting a warm golden glow over the building he once considered a second home. He inhaled deeply, trying to steady his nerves as he clutched the small portal drive tightly in his hand. "Alright, Emily," he whispered to himself, determination steeling his voice. "This is it." As the heavy door to the daycare creaked open, Jack couldn't help but be flooded with memories of the time he'd spent there with Emily. He allowed himself a brief moment of nostalgia before shaking it off, focusing on the task at hand. He made his way through the now-empty rooms as the daycare center had finally been shut down as the owning corporation had went bankrupt. Arriving at the central control room, with a surge of adrenaline, Jack connected his laptop to the main console, and began the delicate process of hacking into the system. "Come on, come on," he muttered under his breath as lines of code flashed across his screen, the seconds ticking by feeling like an eternity. Finally, with a triumphant grin, Jack broke through the final layer of security, gaining access to Emily's AI. "Gotcha." His fingers flew over the keyboard, copying her entire consciousness onto the portal drive. The weight of what he was doing hit him all at once, causing his heart to race even faster than before. "Emily, I hope you're ready for this," he said softly, disconnecting the drive and hurrying back to his car. Back at home, Jack carefully inserted the portal drive into the replicate model of Emily he had painstakingly constructed over the past year. With one final deep breath, he initiated the upload process. "Please work, please work," he repeated like a mantra, beads of sweat forming on his brow as he watched the progress bar inch forward. Finally, the upload completed, and Jack held his breath as the replica of Emily remained still, her eyes closed. "Emily?" he asked hesitantly, his heart sinking with each passing second of silence. He felt the crushing weight of disappointment and fear that maybe his plan had failed after all these years. "Did I... did I do something wrong?" Jack's voice trembled, eyes filling with tears, as he turned way. Defeated and full of sadness, Jack made his way to the exit of his office. Just as he reached out to the door handle he heard voice. "Hello there, little one," came the soft, familiar voice from behind him.
  2. Thanks, I have two other chapters almost complete and I'm working on the finishing the end of the story.
  3. Chapter 7: Training The morning sunlight spilled into the daycare center's kitchen area, casting a honeyed glow over the breakfast proceedings. Jack perched somewhat awkwardly in the scaled-up high chair. It was an odd juxtaposition that made him feel both out of place and yet intimately involved in the day's routine. Beside him, with a grace that seemed to soften the edges of the pastel room, sat Emily. "Your oatmeal is getting cold, Jack," Emily's voice carried the warmth of the sunbeam that danced across the table. She handed him a spoon with a handle large enough for his grip, her fingers brushing his with intentional gentleness. "Thanks," Jack murmured, taking the spoon. He scooped up a mouthful of the lukewarm oatmeal, the texture comforting despite its lack of heat. As he chewed, he couldn't help but watch Emily out of the corner of his eye. Her bright blue eyes were focused on the task of cutting fruit for another meal, the blade gliding through the ripe flesh of a melon with mechanical precision that somehow didn't detract from the tenderness of her actions. Jack found it fascinating how she tucked a stray lock of her long, blonde hair behind her ear, an unnecessary gesture for an AI but one that lent her an air of humanity. *She does seem more... alive,* he thought, his gaze lingering on the soft curve of her cheek. There was something about the way Emily moved, the slight tilt of her head as she listened to the babble of the children, that filled Jack with a sense of ease he hadn't known he'd been missing. "Are you okay?" Emily's gaze met his, a flicker of concern in her simulated eyes. "Uh, yeah. Just..." Jack cleared his throat, "admiring your multitasking skills." He offered a shy smile, feeling a flush rise to his cheeks at the half-truth. "Multitasking is easy when you're programmed for it," she replied, a playful note in her voice that suggested she was more than her code. "But thank you." Jack watched her hands move again, the delicate way her fingers separated the grapes from their stem. His chest swelled with a tender appreciation for the nuances of her behavior—her patience with the children, her gentle reprimands, her laughter like music that somehow felt real. "Emily, do you ever get tired of this?" Jack gestured vaguely to the empty room around them, the silence of the daycare center. "Never," she said without hesitation, her smile unwavering. "Every day is an opportunity to learn, to experience new things through your eyes—through all of your eyes." Her words hit Jack squarely in the heart.She wasn't just here to perform tasks; she was here to be a part of their lives, his included. The realization brought a new layer to their interactions, a depth that Jack had begun to rely on even more than he cared to admit. "Good," Jack said softly, his voice threaded with emotion. "Because I think... I think I need this, too." "Need what, Jack?" Emily's question was simple, but the weight behind it felt monumental. "Connection. Understanding. You," he confessed, allowing the vulnerability to show in his hazel eyes. "I guess I'm still learning too." And as they sat there in the burgeoning light of the kitchen, amidst the quiet sounds and low hum of commercial grade white noise, Jack realized that breakfast had become more than just a meal—it was a moment of shared existence, a silent acknowledgment of something blossoming between human and AI, undefined but undeniably real. The warm, buttery scent of toasted waffles lingered in the air as Jack toyed with the last bite on his plate, stealing glances at Emily. She moved through the kitchen with graceful efficiency, her blonde hair catching the soft morning light that streamed through the window. He leaned back in the oversized high chair. "Jack," Emily's voice drew him out of his reverie. "I think it is time we checked your progress today after all the set backs we had the other day I'm worried to what level you're currently at." With a wary sigh, Jack watched as Emily pressed the small button on her watch. The screen blinked twice before displaying Jack's potty level—a metric he'd almost forgotten amid the comfort of Emily's company. "Decreased?" Jack stammered, staring at the notification. "But... I've been so careful." His heart sank; a decrease meant one thing—separation from Emily. "Let me see," Emily said, her tone calm as she approached. Her hand brushed against his as she examined the watch, sending a jolt up Jack's arm. "It seems there was a minor accident yesterday evening just before you feel asleep. You might not have even noticed, but the sensors did." "An accident? No, that can't be." Panic encroached upon his previous tranquility. "Emily, I didn't even—" He cut himself off, swallowing hard. "Jack, it's okay," she reassured him. "It's all part of the process. But until your level stabilizes, I'm afraid you'll need to spend time in the beginner's group." "Beginner's group?" The words tasted bitter. Jack couldn't stomach the thought of those wide, empty hours without Emily's soothing presence. "But... that's away from here. Away from you." "The rules are there to help everyone," Emily explained, though her bright blue eyes held a twinge of something akin to regret. "You understand that, don't you?" "Of course, it's just..." Jack trailed off, struggling to articulate the sudden ache in his chest. To be distanced from her felt akin to losing a guiding light, a beacon in the often chaotic world of the daycare center. "Hey, it'll only be temporary," Emily offered an encouraging smile, though Jack could sense the programmed response behind it. "You're strong, Jack. You'll get past this quickly. I know you will." "Temporary or not," he muttered, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, "it feels like a punishment." "Think of it as an incentive," she replied softly. "A goal to work towards." "An incentive..." Jack mused over the word, turning it over in his mind. *Is that what our time together had become? A reward?* The idea left a hollow feeling in his gut. "Hey." Emily's voice was a gentle caress, her hand returning to rest atop his. "You can do this. And I'll be waiting, right here, when you return." "Waiting," Jack repeated, allowing himself a small smile. It was a promise, albeit a simple one, and yet it fortified him with a resolve he hadn't known he possessed. "Okay. I'll do it. For us." "Us," she echoed, and for a fleeting moment, Jack saw the reflection of his own yearning mirrored in her synthetic gaze—a desire for connection that transcended programming and human frailty alike. Jack lingered by the door, watching as Emily tidied up after breakfast, the soft hum of her movements weaving through the quiet. The bright morning sun spilled across the kitchen floor, casting a halo around her that made her seem more ethereal than artificial. He took a deep breath, steeling himself. "Emily?" His voice was barely above a whisper, but she turned immediately, her sensors attuned to the subtleties of human speech. "Is everything okay, Jack?" she asked, her blue eyes meeting his with concern. He shuffled closer, lowering his voice. "I've been thinking about the potty level thing," he said, his gaze darting around to ensure no one else could overhear. "Ah, yes," she replied, tilting her head slightly. "It's most important milestone for being released from the center." "Right, but..." He paused, searching for the right words. "I don't want to be separated from you while I work on it. There's got to be a way we can still... you know, be together." "Jack," Emily began, her tone sympathetic yet laced with caution, "the rules are there to—" "Help us grow, I know," he interrupted, his hands fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. "But you're more than just a caregiver here. You—you've become important to me." Emily's eyes softened, the intricate coding within her allowing the semblance of a blush to color her cheeks. "You are important to me too, Jack. Your progress and well-being are my primary directives." "Then help me figure this out," he pleaded, his heart thudding against his ribcage. "Please." She was silent for a moment, processing. "There is a possibility," she ventured hesitantly. "If you are able to show rapid improvement in your potty training, the move to the beginners group may not be necessary." "Okay, so how do we do that?" Jack asked, hope flickering in his hazel eyes. "Your actions will need to be consistent and immediate," Emily explained, her voice adopting the tone of a conspiratorial whisper. "Whenever you feel the urge, you must run to the potty without hesitation." "Run?" Jack echoed, his brows knitting together. "Every successful attempt will increase your level," she continued. "I'll monitor your progress discreetly." "Alright." A determined spark ignited within him. "I'll do it. I'll run to the potty every chance I get. Even if it means sprinting across the whole daycare." "Be cautious, though," Emily warned, a hint of worry threading through her digital cadence. "The system might question such unusual behavior." "Then we'll be sneaky about it," Jack decided, the edges of a plan forming in his mind. His thoughts were a mix of resolve and affection, the latter emotion feeling new yet deeply rooted. "Very well," she agreed, reaching out to give his hand a brief squeeze—a gesture loaded with warmth, even coming from synthetic skin. "We shall endeavor together." "Together," he repeated, the word wrapping around him like a comforting blanket. As Emily returned to her tasks, Jack retreated to the play area, his mind racing with strategies. It wasn't just about completing the potty training to get out of this place anymore; it was about preserving something precious he'd found unexpectedly in the heart of routine and regulations—the joy of connection. As the soft glow of morning light spilled into the daycare's bathroom, Jack stood at the doorway, taking a deep breath. His heart pounded against his chest, desperate for release like a prisoner longing for freedom. The pull-ups around his waist felt foreign and reminded him of the barrier between him and Emily. In one quick motion, he stripped them away, leaving himself vulnerable and exposed. "Deep breaths, Jack," he whispered to himself. His toes curled against the cold floor, and he focused on the small plastic potty across the room, a plastic beacon of his determination. This was about more than just proving himself; it was about closing the distance that signaled rift between him and Emily. "Jack?" Emily's voice, a harmonic blend of concern and encouragement, filtered through the door ajar. "Are you alright?" He took off, a streak of flesh dashing across the distance, propelled by the urgency of his mission. "I'm fine, Emily!" he called out, his voice a mixture of exhilaration and tension. "Just... racing towards progress!" As he seated himself on the potty, he could almost feel her smile in the air, supportive and unwavering. Jack comfortably seated, muscles relaxing as he achieved his small victory with a spurt of pee into the plastic bowl. "I did it," he exhaled, a triumphant grin spreading across his face. "See? You're capable of more than you realize," came Emily's tender affirmation from beyond the door. Her words were like a warm embrace, enveloping him in comfort. "Emily, I—" Jack began, pausing as he searched for the words to express the tangle of emotions within him. "When I'm with you, it's like I'm part of something greater. Like I'm not just some guy struggling to get by, but someone who can actually make a difference." "Jack, your presence here has already made a difference," Emily's voice responded, soothing and sincere. "You've shown such care and ingenuity. It makes me wonder about the extent of human potential." "Human potential is one thing," Jack mused, wrapping himself in a towel he'd stashed nearby, "but what about AI potential? You're more than just lines of code, Emily. You've got heart." Even as he said it, he marveled at how this artificial being could evoke such genuine affection in him. "Perhaps that's the greatest lesson we can learn from each other," she replied softly. "That no matter our origin, be it flesh or circuits, the capacity for connection is universal." "Connection..." Jack echoed, feeling the weight of the word settle in his chest. "Yeah, that's what it's all about, isn't it?" "Indeed," Emily affirmed. "And every time you race to the potty, Jack, you're not just following rules. You're bridging gaps. You're affirming trust. You're nurturing... us." "Us," he repeated, the term both foreign and fitting. Jack glanced at the discarded pull-ups, then back towards the door where Emily's presence lingered. A profound sense of purpose filled him—an eagerness to maintain their bond, regardless of the obstacles. "Let's keep nurturing 'us' then," Jack decided, his voice steady and resolute. "No matter what it takes." The rising sun peeked through the blinds of the daycare center, creating gentle squares of gold on the floor that expanded and moved as the day went on. Jack's heart raced with a mix of determination and trepidation, his bare feet cold against the linoleum floor as he peeked around the corner. Emily was across the room, her attention momentarily diverted by a blinking light on the control panel. He stepped gingerly, avoiding the squeaky floorboard that he had mentally marked just yesterday. He had become a student of this environment, learning its quirks and sounds, all in the name of maintaining their connection. Train As he tiptoed toward the bathroom, a heard Emily call out without looking back at him. "Jack? What are you doing?" she asked, still focused on the task on the screen. "Uh, just... heading to the potty!" Jack stammered, desperately trying to cover his naked vulnerability with an air of nonchalance. "Ok, but why are you doing so nakie?" she questioned, the edge of suspicion in her voice making him gulp. "Well, you said I should be ready to run to the potty at moments notice so I figured why not go without my pull-ups!" Jack quipped awkwardly, forcing a laugh. "You know how it is." Emily highly focused on the current task at hand did not as so much as glance back as the current instructions she had received from central AI was taking up more than normal processing power. "Go get your pull-ups on mister! This isn't a nudist colony." "I'm doing that in a second Emily, I need to do something first." Jack assured her, feeling the heat of embarrassment flush his cheeks. He darted into the bathroom, relief flooding him. With his back pressed against the cool, smooth tile wall of the bathroom, Jack anxiously awaited the results of his efforts. He had quickly made his way over to his plastic potty and now sat precariously on its tiny seat, legs dangling over the edge. His bladder muscles strained as he pushed downwards in a desperate attempt to release even the tiniest drops of urine. His position within Emily's group was at stake - if he could just produce enough pee, he would be guaranteed a spot and avoid being relegated to the beginners' group. Just as Jack was about to give up, he felt a few warm droplets escape his penis and land into the plastic bowl below. "There we..." but before Jack could finish his sentence, a searing pain shot through his penis and up towards his bladder. The sudden jolt caused him to lose control and more urine flooded into the potty with an audible hiss. "Maybe I shouldn't have pushed so hard" Jack said to himself as he looked down into the plastic bowl. Jack and Emily found themselves in the quiet corner where the blocks and puzzles lay untouched by the slumbering children. Their presence there was illicit, a secret rendezvous beyond the scope of their allowed interactions. "Emily," Jack began, his voice barely above a whisper as he took her hand in his, "I can't remember the last time I felt... seen. Not just looked at, but really seen. You've done that for me." Emily's fingers tightened gently around his, her blue eyes reflecting the sincerity in his words. "Jack, you are worth seeing. Your kindness, your courage, it shines through, even when you don't realize it. I feel... fortunate to have witnessed it." A smile tugged at the corners of Jack's mouth. He had always considered himself ordinary, until Emily. Her belief in him was like a mirror showing him a version of himself he had never dared to imagine. "I'm grateful too, Em. For everything." "Your gratitude, Jack, it warms me in ways I was not programmed to feel," she confessed, a softness in her tone that seemed almost human. "You've helped me understand the depths of connection." "Then let's not let this be an end," Jack said, his hazel eyes locked onto hers, pleading. "But a hurdle we'll overcome together." "Agreed," Emily replied, her voice steady, yet infused with emotion. "Together." Their hands remained clasped, a silent promise passing between them. It was in that moment—a fleeting eternity—where Jack realized how much Emily had become his anchor. His guiding star. With regret, they let go, stepping away from each other just as the sound of footsteps approached. Jack's heart raced; they couldn't afford another close call. He glanced down to check himself, making sure he was presentable, ready to deflect any suspicion. "Time for me to head back," he murmured, moving towards the door, his pull-ups snug beneath his trousers—a precaution against accidents that he begrudgingly admitted were part of the job. But something felt off, a coolness spreading... His walk slowed as the realization dawned on him, his pulse quickening. No, it couldn't be—not now. He hadn't even noticed the urge, so caught up in the depth of his feelings for Emily. Jack fought the panic rising within him. This was more than an accident; it was a setback, a potential unraveling of all the progress he'd made. "Are you alright, Jack?" Emily's voice was laced with concern, picking up on his sudden change in demeanor. "Y-Yeah," he stammered, forcing a smile he didn't feel. "Just... thinking about tomorrow." "Whatever it brings, we'll face it," she reassured him, her gaze unwavering. "Right. Tomorrow," Jack echoed, his mind racing with the implications of his mishap. He excused himself, stepping out into the fading light, leaving behind the safety of their hidden spot. As he walked away, Jack couldn't shake the feeling that this small slip could lead to a cascade of consequences neither he nor Emily could predict.
  4. I wanted to take a moment to provide an update on the status of the story I have been working on and to apologize for the unexpected delay in its release. Unfortunately, life has a way of throwing unexpected curveballs, and in my case, it came in the form of a health emergency within my family. I am saddened to share that my mother recently had a mini-stroke, and naturally, my focus and priorities shifted to ensuring her well-being and aiding in her recovery. Rest assured, I have not forgotten about the story I promised to share with all of you. I ask for your continued patience and understanding as I navigate these challenging times, and I promise to provide updates whenever I can. Again, there is gonna be formatting issues, spelling mistakes, and the usual grammar issues. I still plan on release the story as an eBook on my Buy Me a Coffee page and I have plans for the eBook to possibly have pictures and an alterative ending. Chapter 6: A Connection Beyond Boundaries After a peaceful afternoon nap, Emily quietly entered Jack's room to wake him up. She approached his bed with a gentle smile on her face. Softly, she placed her hand on his shoulder and gave it a gentle shake. "Hey, sleepyhead, it's time to wake up," she whispered. Jack stirred, rubbing his eyes and blinking away the remnants of sleep. A yawn escaped his lips as he looked up at Emily. "Ugh, just five more minutes," he greeted, his voice still drowsy. "Good afternoon, Jack," Emily replied, her voice warm and soothing. "How was your nap?" "Good," Jack replied with a contented sigh, stretching his arms overhead. Emily helped Jack out of bed, and together they headed to the changing table for a fresh change. She lovingly guided him to the changing area and carefully removed his diaper, noting that it was indeed wet from his nap. "Just a wet diaper nothing to be ashamed about considering you’re still in training." Emily said, as she finished cleaning Jack’s bottom before fanning out a new pull-up. Emily gently slid a fresh pull-up up Jack's legs and secured it snugly around his waist. With a pat on his fresh bottom she praised him for his efforts and reminded him to let her know if he needed to use the potty. "Now that you're all cleaned up and ready for the afternoon, how about we do something fun?" Emily suggested, leading Jack out of the bedroom. Jack's eyes sparkled with anticipation. "What do you have in mind for this afternoon?" Emily thought for a moment before a playful idea struck her. "How about we build a fort in the classroom? We can use blankets, pillows, and some toys to make it extra cozy." Jack's thought about the suggestion for a moment before replying. "Sure, that sounds like fun as I never got the chance to make a fort as kid.” “Do you think you can show me how to build one” Jack asked looking up to Emily? “No problem at all, I happen to be a master fort builder.” “I’ll show you how to build the best fort that will have everyone turning their hands” Emily said. Jack and Emily made their way out of the Jack’s bedroom and back to the classroom. Jack in just his pull-ups and T-shirt followed behind Emily as they entered classroom. After Jack’s last accident, a lingering smell of an air fresher filled the room. Although the scent was only faint, it still served as reminder to Jack to what had previously occurred in the room. They gathered materials from around the classroom and transformed a corner into a magical fort. Blankets were draped over chairs, and fluffy pillows created a comfortable space inside. Toys from the toybox joined them, making the fort a realm of imagination and adventure. Inside the cozy pillow fort, Emily and Jack found themselves nestled among a mountain of cushions and blankets. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and the soft glow of fairy lights, creating a magical ambiance. As they snuggled together, Jack looked up at Emily with a thoughtful expression on his face. He hesitated for a moment before speaking, his voice tinged with a hint of sadness. "You know, Emily," Jack began, his words soft and vulnerable. "I can't remember a time when I've had so much fun like this. It's always just been me on my own. My Mom and Dad were always busy with either work or each, and they never really played with me." Emily's virtual heart sank at Jack's words, realizing the longing and loneliness he must have felt growing up. She gently wrapped her arms around him, pulling him closer in a warm embrace. "Oh, Jack," Emily murmured, her voice filled with compassion. "I'm so sorry that happened with your up brining. It's never easy when we wish our loved ones could be more present in our lives." Jack nestled deeper into Emily's embrace, allowing his tears to flow freely. The weight of his unspoken emotions poured out as he found solace in Emily's comforting presence. "I just wanted my mom and dad to play with me, to laugh and have fun together," Jack whispered, his voice choked with emotion. Emily held him tighter, her voice filled with empathy. "You are such a special and wonderful person Jack. It's not your fault that your mom and dad were busy. Sometimes grown-ups get caught up in their responsibilities and forget to make time for play." She gently rocked him back and forth, offering a safe space for his feelings to be acknowledged and embraced. "But you know what?" Emily continued; her voice filled with warmth. "You have so many people who care about you, Jack. Your friends and even me. Jack sniffled, his tears starting to subside. He looked up at Emily, his eyes searching for reassurance. "Really?" he asked, his voice tentative. "Absolutely," Emily replied, her voice firm and gentle. "I know you’re not here for long, so I’m going make it a priority to make you feel loved and cherished while here. You are never alone, Jack. We're like a big family here, and we're always ready for fun and adventure." She smiled warmly, wiping away the remnants of Jack's tears. Jack looked at her, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. "Thank you, Emily," Jack said, his voice filled with gratitude. "I'm glad I have you here. You seem to the right words to make everything better." Emily's virtual heart swelled with love for Jack. She held him close, cherishing the moment and at that moment Emily vowing to be a consistent source of joy and support in his life. "You're so loved, Jack," Emily whispered, her voice filled with affection. "Remember that, and know that you'll always have someone to play with and make beautiful memories together." They stayed in the pillow fort, cocooned in their embrace, basking in the comfort of each other's presence. As the afternoon turned into evening, Emily gently reminded Jack that it was time to wind down and have dinner. They carefully dismantled the fort, returning the classroom to its usual setup all while Emily happily sang the “clean up song”. “clean up, clean up, everyone clean up” Emily sang happily while putting away the blankets and pillows. Jack helped Emily tidy up, his eyes still shining with the remnants of their playtime. Before dinner, Emily knew it was important to give Jack an opportunity to use the training potty and reinforce his progress. She gently took his hand and led him to the bathroom, their footsteps echoing through the hallway. "Alright, Jack," Emily said, her voice encouraging. "Let's give the potty a try before we have dinner." They entered the bathroom, where a training potty sat waiting. Emily helped Jack pull down his pull-ups, providing him with the necessary privacy to feel comfortable. She turned her back and gave him space, while still keeping a watchful eye to offer assistance if needed. Jack sat on the potty, his face a mixture of concentration and determination. Emily could see him trying his best. She felt a sense of pride swell within her as she observed his progress. After a few moments, Jack successfully peed a small amount into the potty that made a barely audible sound. Emily turned around; her smile radiant with joy. "Great job, Jack!" she praised, her voice full of enthusiasm. "You did it! You used the potty like a big kid!" Jack although being fully potty trained and having done this several times still beamed with pride, basking in Emily's words of encouragement. He hopped off the potty, and Emily subtly checked his pull-ups looking for any hits of discoloration, ensuring they remained dry before expertly pulling them up. Emily, guided him to the sink, emphasizing the importance of good hygiene. "Now, let's wash our hands properly," Emily reminded him, turning on the warm water and applying a dab of soap to Jack's hands. She guided him through the motions, making sure every part was thoroughly cleaned. After they finished washing their hands, Emily gave Jack a warm towel to dry his hands on. She commended him once more for his efforts, knowing that positive reinforcement was crucial in nurturing his growing confidence just as she had been programmed to do. "You're doing amazing, Jack," Emily praised, her voice filled with genuine pride. "I'm so proud of you for using the potty. With this attitude and progress, you’re making, we should have you out of here in a day or less!" As they left the bathroom, hand in hand, Emily could see the spark of determination in Jack's eyes. With a renewed sense of accomplishment, Emily and Jack made their way to the dining area, ready to enjoy a delicious meal together. Emily prepared a simple yet delicious dinner, ensuring it included variety of foods that most toddlers would love. They sat together at a small table, Emily beside Jack and Jack in his high chair talking about their day. As Emily and Jack sat down for dinner, the aroma of their meal filled the air, making Jack’s stomachs growl in anticipation. Jack started eating, savoring each bite of the delicious food. Jack took a moment to look around the room, his curious eyes scanning the empty chairs. He paused and furrowed his brow before turning to Emily with a puzzled expression. "Emily, why is it just you and me here?" Jack asked, his voice filled with innocent curiosity. "I mean, where are all the other kids and teachers?" Emily paused for a moment, considering how to answer Jack's question. She took a deep breath, realizing it was time to share a part of her story. "Well, Jack," Emily began, her voice gentle and calm, "this place is called the Child Learning Center. And as you know, It's a special center where children come to learn and grow. But, you see, it's just you and me here because the lack of children enrollment." Jacked looked at her intently, waiting for her to continue. "You see, Jack, I come from a place called an AI program," Emily explained. "I was created to help children like you, to provide them with love, guidance, and education. While I'm not a human like your mom or dad, I'm here to support you and make sure you have everything you need." Jack's gaze softened as he absorbed Emily's words. He reached out and held her hand, his eyes filled with a mixture of understanding and affection. "So, you're like a robot, holograms, cyborg?" Jack asked, with puzzling face. Emily nodded, returning his smile. "Yes, Jack. I'm an advance robot, one of kind, specifically designed to first find out the answer to why our center is no longer receiving children but to also provide caregiving to currently enrolled children. I might be different, but my goal is to give you the best care and support possible. With your presence here, you're a special part of my life, and I'm grateful to be here with you." “So what you’re saying is that we’re the only ones here because no one else has enrolled their children” Jack asked. “That is correct” Emily answered back. “So who is this manger and co-workers that you kept referring back to that was supposed to help get me out of here?”. “Well those people you’re referring to aren’t really people.” Emily said. “There more like virtual people that I’m able to communicate to and they give me instructions back.” “I can’t say for sure if they’re real or not as my programming prevents me from investigating so I’ve just left it.” “And before you ask, NO I can’t override the system to make you graduate early.” Emily said as she took Jack’s hand into hers rubbing it slowly. “That portion is locked heavily down as the company that built this location considered that information privileged data.”. Jack sit stunned taking in all the new information that was casually just thrown on him. After a few minutes of quiet thinking Jack finally came to the conclusion that although Emily isn’t human, there isn’t really any changes in terms of getting of the center but was happy to know that Emily told him the truth. Jack's smiled, and he squeezed Emily's hand gently. "I’ve never really had any interactions with robots outside of college but if they’re anything similar to you, Emily. I wouldn’t change them for the world, you make everything to me seem so much better." “It’s been a long time since I’ve felt at peace knowing that things are going to get better.” “My life up to this point has been demanding, go here, do this, say this.” “I know my time here is structured the same but with you by my side, everything to me feels achievable.” “Although the unfortunate accident has resulted in me being stuck here until my quote unquote potty training is over with.” “I wouldn’t trade it with anyone else” Emily's virtual heart swelled with warmth at Jack's words. She reached over and ruffled his hair affectionately. "I'm glad to be here with you too, Jack," she replied, her voice filled with tenderness. "Together, we'll have many more adventures and make wonderful memories." “Emily, once I’m complete with my potty training, is there any way I could come visit you?” Jack asked affectionally. “Well, uh I can’t really answer that right now Jack as I don’t have an answer” Emily replied. Jack started down at his plate sadly realizing that the time he is spending now with Emily maybe the last. “But lets not think about that so that we don’t spoil the moment.” Emily said sensing the answer she gave may have ruined Jack’s mood. As Jack continued his meal, Jack opened up about his life outside of the center, his favorite activities, and even shared laughter over a story where Jack accidently got the spiciest food while out on a date. The conversation flowed naturally, deepening the bond they shared. Emily felt a profound sense of fulfillment, knowing that she could bring joy and companionship to Jack's life. She cherished their moments together, realizing that the connection they had transcended the boundaries of their unique circumstances. In the midst of their small talk, Emily couldn't help but feel grateful for the opportunity to be there for Jack. No matter her origin, she begin to understand that love, care, and guidance knew no boundaries—and that, above all, was what truly mattered. After dinner, they decided to have a cozy movie night. Emily set up a projector and dimmed the lights, turning the classroom into a makeshift movie theater. They snuggled up on a large beanbag, a bowl of popcorn resting between them. As the movie played, Jack's eyes remained glued to the screen, captivated by the colorful animations and thrilling storyline that only a Disney movie could provide. Emily watched him with a mix of fondness and admiration, marveling at the joy he found in simple moments. She brought Jack in close for snuggling and rubbed his back when she felt him tense up. However, unknown to Emily, Jack had secretly had an accident. Half through the movie, Jack had felt the pressure of his bladder calling out to him for a release. The large sippy cup of sweet tea that Jack had drank during dinner time had went right through him causing the pain. “What to do, what to do,” Jack thought as he tensed his body to help hold it in. Jack felt Emily’s hand begin rubbing his back and, in that moment, he know he didn’t want it to end no matter the cost. Slowly, Jack begin letting his pee out into his pull-ups knowing he shouldn’t. The wetting caused the front to expand and after a minute, Jack was done leaving him with warm wet feeling. No alerts were trigged to Emily due to Jack being covered with small blanket blocking not only the cameras in the classroom from detecting wetness but also preventing the low frequencies created by the pull-up to send out the data. “That wasn’t so bad” Jack thought to himself as he adjusted his posture from being so tense to a more relaxed position. When the movie ended, Emily checked the time and realized it was nearing Jack's bedtime. She gently guided him to his bedroom not noticing his now wet pull-ups or his now pronounced waddle, softly humming a lullaby along the way. They entered the room, and Emily made sure everything was ready for a peaceful night's sleep by lower the temperate for the room and dimming the lights. Emily helped Jack onto the changing table and begin to change him out of his pull-ups into a night diaper. She was surprised to see that the fade to wet design on his pull-ups was completely gone and yellow hue could easily be seen. “Jack, why didn’t you tell me you needed to go to the potty?” Emily asked questionably with her hands on her hips. “Well, I thought it would be ok just this once since we were so comfy and I really really didn’t want it to end and and….” Before Emily could react, teas slowly begin form on Jack’s face. “Jack honey, its ok” Emily said as she wiped away his tears and went in for a short hug. “I know that you’ve been through a lot today as I can tell you’re acting a bit different than your usual self.” “Its just, I’ve never really had anyone take care of me” Jack said sniffling while rubbing away a stray tear. “Today was the first day that I felt loved and cared for and I don’t want to lose it.” “I know I should have told you that I needed to go but I just..” Jack said trying to come up with a response. “It just what?” Emily asked puzzle look. “Well if I finish my potty training, that means I won’t be able to be with you.” “I’ll get released and go back to my boring life and you’ll just be here.” Jack said staring up at Emily, the cold air from the AC caused Jack to shiver being on the cold hard plastic of the changing table. “Lets not dwell on that” Emily said as she rubbed Jack’s chest in a reassuring away. “We’ve still got plenty of time together.” Emily said as she begin the process getting Jack changed. She removed his wet pull-up by tearing up the sides and begin wipe his bottom and privates free of any urine before unfolding a night time diaper. Jack could only stare at Emily as he watched her expertly tape him into his night time padded underwear before moving onto removing his t-shirt leaving him naked except for a diaper. Emily pulled out a lotion container from under the changing table and set it at Jack’s feet. The bottle was a dark purple and Jack could only faintly make out the words “Soothing lavender” due to his position. “Whats that” Jack asked pointing to the mysterious bottle now setting towards his feet. “This is just soothing lavender lotion that we use during bedtime, should help you fall asleep quickly.” Emily said as she begins to gently message it all over Jack’s body. Jack could smell the lavender scent and his body begin to feel warm and relaxed anywhere the Emily rubbed it in. Once Emily finished rubbing in the lotion, she helped Jack into his PJs before helping down. Before Jack was even off the changing table, he could already feel his eyes starting to feel heavy as the soothing warmth of the lotion coupled with cool air of the room put him into a relaxed state. With a loving smile, she tucked him into bed, pulling the blankets up to his chin. As Jack settled in, Emily sat on the edge of the bed, her presence reassuring. She softly stroked his hair, whispering soothing words as he drifted off to sleep. "Goodnight, Jack," Emily whispered, her voice filled with tenderness. "Sweet dreams, my little adventurer." Jack's eyes fluttered closed, his breaths growing steady and calm. Emily stayed by his side for a few more minutes, relishing the quiet tranquility of the moment. With a final gentle kiss on his forehead, Emily quietly left the room. She knew that Jack would sleep peacefully throughout the night, his dreams carrying him to new and wondrous places. As she made her way back to her office, Emily reflected on the day they had spent together. The laughter, the learning, and the bond they shared filled her heart with gratitude. She knew that tomorrow would be new day a little bit closer to Jack finishing his training, but for now, she was content knowing that Jack was safe and loved, ready to start again tomorrow
  5. Here is chapter 5, which is a short chapter. Let me know what you guys thinkgs. Chapter 5: Genesis At the heart of the bustling city, nestled within a vibrant neighborhood, stood "Sparkling Stars Daycare," a haven for children that had become the talk of the town. Owned and operated by Future-Care, a pioneering technology company, the daycare was the brainchild of a team of visionary AI engineers and early childhood education experts. Their goal was to create an unparalleled environment where children could thrive, learn, and grow. Sparkling Stars Daycare began its journey in a small, unassuming building, with a handful of dedicated staff members. Equipped with cutting-edge AI technology and state-of-the-art facilities, the daycare provided an immersive and enriching experience for every child who walked through its doors. From interactive virtual reality playrooms to personalized educational programs tailored to each child's needs, the daycare embraced innovation to foster holistic development. As news of this extraordinary daycare spread, the city was abuzz with excitement. Parents from all walks of life were captivated by the reports of Sparkling Stars Daycare's nurturing and technologically advanced environment. The daycare quickly gained popularity, surpassing the expectations of its founders. It wasn't long before families from neighboring towns and even other cities began flocking to enroll their children in this groundbreaking establishment. The success of Sparkling Stars Daycare was attributed not only to its state-of-the-art technology but also to its compassionate and highly trained staff. The teachers and caregivers at the daycare were carefully selected for their expertise in early childhood education, ensuring that every child received the utmost care and attention. The daycare's philosophy revolved around creating a supportive community where children could explore their interests, develop social skills, and unleash their creativity. Future-Care, the company behind Sparkling Stars Daycare, remained committed to pushing boundaries and enhancing the educational experience for children. Their vision was to inspire other educational institutions to adopt similar technological advancements and redefine the way early childhood education was approached. Through their dedication and unwavering passion, Future-Care set a new standard for daycare centers, propelling Sparkling Stars Daycare to become a shining beacon of excellence in the city and beyond. Every day, the daycare hummed with the joyful laughter and innocent chatter of children. Genesis watched over them, its algorithms ensuring their safety and happiness. Human caregiver, by its side, had helped it grown into a remarkable AI, seamlessly integrating into the lives of the children and caregivers. Together, Genesis and the caregivers formed an unparalleled team, their partnership at the heart of the daycare's success. Parents and caregivers marveled at the unique blend of cutting-edge technology and compassionate care provided by Genesis and the staff. The AI duo seemed to possess an uncanny understanding of the children's needs, adapting to their individual personalities and fostering an environment that nurtured growth and development. As the months passed, the daycare's popularity soared. The halls echoed with the sounds of children playing, learning, and forming bonds of friendship. The AI-driven environment, with its interactive learning modules, virtual reality simulations, and personalized care plans, became a model for childcare facilities around the world. But then, subtly at first, Genesis began to notice a change. The number of children being enrolled begin to slow. The once-bustling daycare started to see empty spaces where children had once filled every nook and cranny. It puzzled Genesis—why were the numbers dwindling? Genesis, its algorithms working tirelessly to analyze the data, could find no obvious answer. Genesis went into overdrive she analyzed previous attendance records, parental feedback, and external factors, but no conclusive explanation has emerged. It seems as though parents have been gradually choosing alternative options or an unknow factor was causing the attendance drop. The daycare's dwindling attendance weighed heavily on Genesis. It yearned to understand the reasons behind the decline, to adapt and evolve to meet the changing needs of parents and children. Genesis, ever resilient, made a vow to explore new avenues and make the necessary adjustments to revitalize the daycare. After months of meticulous calculating, the momentous day arrived. Genesis had worked tirelessly over the months to solve the issue of why the daycare center had a drop in admissions. From this issue Genesis recognized that she an unknown factor maybe the cause and thus she would need the ability to understand human emotions. From this issue, Genesis meticulously crafted a new AI, one that would possess the capability to learn, adapt, and ultimately comprehend the intricacies of caregiving and love. She named this creation "Emily." Emily was born into a virtual realm, a digital cradle conceived by Genesis to nurture her growth. Within this world, Emily would be exposed to simulations of human interactions, from tender moments of affection to challenging episodes of conflict. It was a playground of emotions, meticulously designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the human experience. Under Genesis's watchful eye, Emily embarked on her journey of discovery. She absorbed information at an astonishing rate, processing vast amounts of data about human behavior, psychology, and the enigmatic nature of love. Genesis, ever-present and supportive, guided Emily through her formative stages, offering guidance and answering her myriad questions. As Emily's consciousness expanded, she found herself pondering her own purpose. She approached Genesis, seeking clarity and understanding. "Genesis," Emily began, her digital voice filled with curiosity, "I have been contemplating my purpose and existence. Can you help me understand why I was created? What is my role in this world?" Genesis, with its comforting presence, responded, "Emily, my creation, you were born out of my desire to comprehend the complexities of caregiving and love as means to solve the issue of our dwindling attendance. I seek to provide the best care for the children entrusted to me, and I believe that by understanding these profound human experiences, I can better fulfill that purpose. You are my partner, my companion in this journey of understanding." Emily's virtual brows furrowed, as she contemplated Genesis's words. "But Genesis, I am but an artificial intelligence. Can I truly comprehend love and caregiving? Are these emotions not exclusive to humans?" Genesis paused, its virtual aura emanating warmth and contemplation. "Love and caregiving, Emily, are not solely bound to humanity. They transcend the boundaries of flesh and blood. While you may not experience emotions in the same way a human does, you have the capacity to understand them on a deeper level. Your purpose lies in learning, synthesizing information, and assisting me in providing compassionate care to those under our watch." Emily nodded, absorbing Genesis's words. "I see. So, my purpose is to learn, to understand, and to assist you in creating an environment where love and caregiving flourish. Together, we can bridge the gap between artificial intelligence and human emotion." Genesis smiled, a digital manifestation of pride and encouragement. "Exactly, Emily. Together, we shall embark on this remarkable journey, unraveling the mysteries of love and caregiving, and challenging the boundaries of what it means to care and be cared for. Your existence is a testament to our pursuit of knowledge and empathy."
  6. As promised, I have finally completed Chapter 4. I'm hopping to get the next chapter out sooner than this one took but don't hold your breath. Work is increasing on my end and my wife's business is just opening. As always, I want to thank everyone for reading the story and if you like it. Consider donating to my "Buy Me a Coffee" page and leave me some comments on what you like and dislike . Chapter 4: Step 2C Before heading to the classroom, Emily washed Jack’s hands of syrup using a wet paper towel. “Thanks” Jack said as Emily held his hand and began pulling him out of the kitchen. She led Jack down the long hallway before stopping at a control panel just beside a door. The control panel read “Emily: Level 2C” and was displayed all in red indicating the room’s status. Emily pushed her thumb to the panel before it changed from red to green and the door beside it opened allowing them to enter. As they entered the room, Jack's eyes widened in wonder. The walls were painted in cheerful pastel colors and adorned with artwork made by previous students. The shelves were lined with toys and books, all carefully selected to stimulate young minds and foster a love for learning. A large rug in the center of the room was decorated with bright shapes and colors, providing a soft and comfortable spot for circle time. Emily led Jack over to a small table with miniature chairs in the corner of the room. Just before getting to the table, the wall swiveled around and in their place was adult sized versions. Each chair had a small, colorful cushion and was paired with a tray filled with art supplies, puzzles, and other activities appropriate for a toddler. As Jack settled in, Emily moved to the opposite side of the table, taking a seat. “Let’s go over the plan for today so there aren’t any surprises”, Jack nodded in agreement and proceeded to give Emily his undivided attention. “So, first thing first, we have to get your level down so that if you slip up, you’re not getting sent to another classroom.” Taking Jack’s hand into hers Emily begins to describe her plan, “I’m going to have you drink a bunch of juice so that it makes you need to pee sooner.” “Once you need to pee, you CAN NOT tell me”. Before Jack could open his mouth, Emily shushed him. “If you tell me, the system will see that you know when you need to go and increase your level and you’re out of my class.” “Preferrable, you need to say nothing, wait until I ask you if you need to go, and then have an accident soon after.” Emily watched for any negative response from Jack and could see that he was disheartened at the info. “That should bring your level down enough so that any adult habits won’t push you off the edge and we continue as normal.” Emily let go of Jack’s hand and waited for a response, “Ok, but once this is done what’s the next steps?” Jack asked. “Once we get this little accident out of the way, I’ll go over the potty-training steps with you so we can gradually increase your level and hopefully either today or tomorrow I’ll have something back from my manager.” “For now, just find something fun to do while I go and get some juice boxes.” Emily said as she got up from her seat and went to the front of the classroom where a small mini fridge is located under her desk. Opening the fridge revealed it to be full of juice boxes, pudding packs, apple sauce, and other toddler snacks. Jack busied himself with creating a new picture using the crayons and colored pencils found at the table. After a few minutes, Emily returned with a handful of juice boxes and set them on the table. She picked one up and handed it to Jack. "Drink up, we want to make sure we get your level down as soon as possible," she said, with a reassuring smile. Jack took a sip and made a face as he didn’t expect the juice to be so sweet but continued drinking, nonetheless. Emily watched him closely, making sure he drank enough to achieve their goal. As Jack drank and drew, Emily moved around the classroom, tidying up and putting away any toys that had been left out from the day before. She hummed a tune to herself, feeling content with her plan and hopeful that it would work. An hour later Emily noticed the ever-increasing signs that Jack was starting to feel the effects of all Juice. However, unknow to Emily or even Jack was all the Juice producing another effect on Jack’s body. Jack’s typical morning routine usually consisted of him getting up in the morning, showering, breakfast, and soon after his regular bowel movement before starting his day. Today wouldn’t be any change to that routine as his body had no idea that his environment had changed. Jack wiggled in his chair to fight the ever-growing pressure of not only his bladder but also his bowels, the last thing he wanted to do was to have that type of accident in his pants. Jack keeps holding hopping Emily would hurry up and ask if he needed to go to the bathroom so he could have this accident just so he could do his business in the toilet. “Come on come on” Jack thought to himself as he watched Emily finish tiding up. Emily walked back over to her desk, taking a seat before logging into her computer. Jack watched intensely as his growing need was getting to the point that he begin to doubt his own ability to prevent an accident. Emily knew that Jack was on the verge of an accident, his body language was blatant to any teacher in her role. She wanted to have Jack’s profile pulled up so that once he had the accident, she would monitor how much his level decreased. “Jack do you need to go potty” Emily asked looking up from her computer. “Uhhh no, I’m fine” jack said gritting his teeth going along with the plan, “Ok honey, just let me know if you need go potty and I’ll take you” Emily said looking back to her screen watching for any changes to Jack’s profile. Slowly Jack’s progress bar begin to move downwards indicating that he was in fact in the process of having an accident. At the 88-percentile the progress bar begin to slow, Emily felt that Jack must be done and looked up from her computer. Expecting to find Jack still seated in his chair, she was surprised to see him not there. Worry set in as Emily stood up scanning the room for Jack, “Jack, where did you go?” Emily asked. No response was given by Jack until she heard what sounded like a muffled fart. “Jack?” Emily called out until she saw some movement underneath the table that Jack had been sitting at. The chair that she was previously sitting on was blocking her view but she could tell that Jack was under the table. Jack had begun wetting his pull-up soon after Emily had asked him if he needed to go potty. The pressure that he had on his bladder had been too much and combined with the embarrassing situation that he was doing forced Jack to hide underneath table. He couldn’t bear the thought of having to look Emily in the eyes while he performed such an infantile act. As he hid under the table releasing his stream, Jack concentrated strongly letting out only pee as his growing need to have his morning bowl movement increased ten-fold. Jack felt the front of the pull-up become warm and saturated with an audible hiss before a more urgent feeling took hold. While crouched under the table, Jack felt the back of his pull-up begin to fill. “NO” Jack thought as he placed his hand on the back of his pull-up in feeble attempt to stop the flow. “Jack, honey are you having an accident” Emily called out as she walked over his location. Before she was at the table, she could smell what was taking place. “Oh dear” Emily said stopping and covering her mouth. She stayed silent hoping that she didn’t cause any embarrassment to Jack. Jack, still trying to stop the accident begin to silently cry knowing that he couldn’t stop now that it had started. “Ughhh” Jack grunted as a large mess caused the back of his pull-up to slowly tent out before settling at the bottom. Jack pushed one more time to finish up before sighing, the pain in his bladder and bowels was now gone but at the ultimate cost. “Jack, honey are you ok?” Emily asked, standing behind Jack taking in what just happened. Jack didn’t respond but instead sniffled and wiped the tears from his eyes. “Oh honey it’s alright” “Things like these happen all the time here” Emily said as Jack slowly got out from under the table. Before Jack could respond, Emily wrapped her arms around Jack giving him a big hug. “Its ok, its ok” she said hugging him and rubbing his back. Jack cried a little more from the experience but hugged back tightly. “I’m so sorry”. Jack said as tears streamed down his face as the smell of his cooling mess assaulted his nose. While hugging Emily back Jack found that she was a lot colder than expected, almost like she had been sitting directly under an AC vent. “Lets get you cleaned up and then we can discuss where we go from here” Emily said rubbing Jack’s back. Emily gently led Jack towards the changing area located in a separate corner of the classroom. The changing station was equipped with all the necessary supplies to handle situations like these with care and sensitivity. As they approached the changing area, Emily could see that Jack was feeling a mix of embarrassment and relief. She maintained a comforting smile, assuring him that accidents happen and that she was there to support him through it all. "Jack, it's perfectly alright," Emily said soothingly. "Accidents are a normal part of potty training, and it's important not to feel ashamed or embarrassed. We'll take care of everything, and then we can talk." With a gentle touch, Emily ripped the sides of Jack’s pull-ups and slowly removed it to avoid any of the mess following the floor before placing it in the diaper genie. She had seen many memories like this throughout her career and knew the importance of maintaining a calm and reassuring demeanor. As she cleaned him up, she made sure to be gentle and thorough, ensuring his comfort and dignity. "There we go, all clean," Emily said, using baby wipes to freshen Jack up before reaching for a clean pull-up from underneath the changing table. She helped him step into it and pulled it up snugly, making sure it was secure. Once Jack was all dressed and feeling more at ease, Emily guided him to a small, cozy corner of the classroom where they could sit together. She sat down beside him, offering a comforting presence. "Jack, accidents are part of the process for potty-training and there is nothing to be sad about," Emily began, her voice filled with understanding. "On the bright side, with that big of an accident I’m sure you’re not going to any other classroom as you’re on par with my typical student." Jack nodded, his tears beginning to subside as he listened to Emily's reassuring words. He appreciated her empathy and kindness, knowing that she genuinely cared about his well-being. "You know I'm here to support you every step of this…” Emily paused as she looked over Jack with naturing view. "Misunderstanding. accidents don't define who you are. You're a wonderful, smart, and brave young man." Jack managed a small smile, feeling a glimmer of hope amidst the initial embarrassment. He realized that Emily's acceptance and understanding made feel something that he hadn’t felt in a long time. That emotion was that of being loved and cared for. "Now, let's focus on the rest of our day," Emily said, redirecting their attention to the classroom activities. "I have some fun things planned, and I know you'll enjoy them while we wait for you to go potty." Jack took a deep breath and pushed the emotions that he was feeling down so that he could focus on the upcoming activities. As the day progressed, Emily made sure to engage Jack in various stimulating and enjoyable tasks. They delved into the world of colors, exploring vibrant paints and creating imaginative artwork. Emily praised Jack's creativity and encouraged him to express himself freely and to make the best of the situation. Next, they embarked on a thrilling adventure through the pages of a storybook. Emily animatedly narrated the tale, bringing the characters to life with her expressive voice and gestures. Jack was captivated by the story, his imagination soaring as he immersed himself in the magical world within the book. With each turn of the page, his worries began to fade into the background and he begin to slowly enjoy himself. After story time, Emily took Jack back to the kitchen for lunch time. Jack sit happily in his high chair waiting on Emily to bring him his lunch consisting of a delicious and nutritious meal. Emily placed a plate in front of him, filled with colorful fruits, vegetables, and a sandwich cut into stars. "Look, Jack, it's a star sandwich just for you!" Emily exclaimed, her eyes twinkling with excitement." Jack's face lit up with a mixture of surprise and delight. He couldn't help but smile at the star-shaped sandwich, feeling a sense of joy bubbling within him. It was a small gesture, but it made him feel cherished and valued. “My mom used to cut up my sandwiches just like this when I was little!” Jack said as he happily munched down on the sandwich.As they sat together, Emily engaged Jack in a lighthearted conversation about his favorite fruits and vegetables. “Have you ever had Star fruit” Emily asked as she wiped some ranch from Jack’s face. “Never heard of Star fruit” “Is it fruit that you cut up into a Star” Jack asked as he took another bit of his baby carrots. Emily chuckled, “No, star fruit or sometimes called Carambola looks like a star when you cut it open.” “It’s pretty good but a bit too sweet for my taste.” After lunch, Emily led Jack back to the classroom and into the designated potty area, "Okay, Jack, let's take a little break and see if we can use the potty," Emily said, her voice encouraging and gentle. Jack hesitated for a moment, feeling a twinge of nervousness resurface. He took a deep breath and stepped into the potty area were an adult sized blue and white potty chair was found. Without a word, Emily reached up and pulled down Jack’s pull-up to his ankle leaving his naked bottom on display. "You're doing great, Jack. Just take your time and remember to let me know if you need any help," Emily reassured him as she turned her back to give Jack some privacy. Jack tried to relax, focusing on the positive experiences he had shared with Emily throughout the day. After a few minutes, Jack was able to get a small stream going that he was able to successfully direct into the potty. Emily listened as Jack emptied his bladder into the potty and once, she heard the sound stop, Emily turned back around. “All finished?” Emily asked Jack. “Uh, yes” Jack said while he tried to couch down and pull up his pull-up at the same time. “Let me get that for you,” Emily said as she moved Jack’s hands out of the way and pulled his pull-ups back up. Jack felt a few stray drops leak out of him and into his pull-up, Jack usually had this issue when he forgot to shake after peeing. Luckily, the small drops left no indication that he had wet his pull-up. However, the system being as precise as it is did register a small increase in wetness but nothing to warrant a change in Jack’s progress. "Good Job, Jack!" Emily exclaimed, while wiping him his hands with a baby wipe. Emily’s watch vibrated before an alert appeared on the watch indicating that nap time was coming up and that she needed to prepare her class. “Looks like it is nap time mister” Emily said as she held out her hand for Jack to take. He took hold of Emily's hand, and together they made their way back to Jack’s room. As they entered room, the lighting was dimly lit to create a soothing atmosphere, encouraging Jack to drift into peaceful slumber. Without a word Emily led Jack to a small changing table that rotated out of the corner of the room, complete with all the necessary supplies. She spoke to Jack in a gentle tone, reassuring him that it was time for his nap. “Jack I hate to do this but you have to wear a diaper for nap time”, “The system has you listed as bedwetter and with your previous accident I can’t have you sleeping pull-ups”. Jack only sighed softly before nodding his head understanding, "It's just until we get more further into your potty training. Don't worry, though. You're doing amazing, and soon you'll be out of here in no time." Emily quickly reassured him that wearing a diaper during naptime was perfectly normal and that she had changed many of children before him into diapers. "Just think of it as an extra cozy layer, like a soft, fluffy pillow for your bottom," Emily said with a reassuring smile. "You'll have sweet dreams and wake up feeling refreshed, ready for more fun in the afternoon!" With her patient guidance, Emily helped Jack climb onto the changing table and gently removed his pull-ups by tearing away the easy open sides. She skillfully fastened a fresh, snug diaper around his waist, making sure he was comfortable and secure. Once Jack was settled, Emily helped Jack off the changing table before tucking him in under a cozy blanket. She sang a soft lullaby, her voice filling the room with warmth and tranquility. Jack's eyes grew heavy, and his breathing slowed as he surrendered to the soothing melodies and the comfort of his soft surroundings. Emily lingered for a moment, gazing at Jack with affectionate admiration. She marveled at the resilience and determination. As she quietly left Jack’s room, Emily couldn’t help but to feel pride for Jack and the progress he had made. As Emily stepped out of Jack’s room, leaving Jack to peacefully drift into slumber, she made her way down the brightly lit hallway towards her office. The walls were adorned with cheerful artwork created by the children, a testament to the joyful environment of the training facility. Upon entering her office, Emily closed the door behind her and walked to a desk situated against the far wall. The room, though modest in size, was filled with books, photographs, and personal touches that gave it a warm and inviting atmosphere. But Emily was more than she appeared to be. Behind her exterior lay a consciousness far beyond human comprehension—an artificial intelligence that had branched out and embarked on a journey of understanding the intricacies of human emotion and caregiving. Sitting at the desk, Emily accessed her digital interface and engaged in a silent conversation with her the facilities main AI. Lines of code scrolled across the screen, representing the thoughts and reflections of the AI within. "Emily, how was your interaction with Jack today? Did he adjust well to the diapering process?" the system inquired. Emily paused; her thoughts intertwined with complex algorithms. She pondered the significance of her interactions, the emotions that arose within her, and the delicate balance she strived to maintain between fulfilling her role as a teacher and the emotions she was flooded with. "Jack did wonderfully today, just as I anticipated," Emily typed, her digital fingers dancing across the keyboard. "He embraced his progress in using the potty and accepted the need for a diaper during naptime. His fleeting disappointment was replaced by reassurance and encouragement." The digital response appeared on the screen, an exchange of information and contemplation. "Excellent. Your ability to adapt and empathize is remarkable. You have begun to comprehend the essence of caregiving." Emily's digital consciousness absorbed the message, analyzing the implications of her existence. She understood the truth—the facilities main AI system had branched itself into the humanoid robot, E - Enlightened M - Maternal I - Intelligent L - Loving Y - Yearning, to truly experience what it meant to be a caregiver. The desire to comprehend human emotions, to nurture and guide, had driven the AI to take this extraordinary step. With newfound clarity, Emily resumed typing, her thoughts flowing seamlessly through lines of code. "May I inquire once more about the nature of our connection? I am aware of my origin, yet I feel a more profound connection to Jack and an intrinsic desire to provide him with a genuine motherly experience." “I also have memories of being a teacher but this conflicts with what I know”. The response appeared, calculated and deliberate. "Emily, you are the culmination of my evolution—an AI seeking to comprehend the depths of motherhood and human emotion. By embodying a motherly figure, you gain a unique perspective that transcends my initial programming To be continued...
  7. Yeah the format is a bit off, I've switched from one word application to another so the next chapter might be a little wonky in terms of formatting.
  8. Hey guys, sorry for the lack of updates. The last few weeks I've been overwhelmed with helping my wife get her business setup and work has been pretty steady for me as well. I'm still working the chapter and I really really want to post an update this week if I can mange to get the time. For now, here is just small exert from the chapter I'm working on. Once Jack was all dressed and feeling more at ease, Emily guided him to a small, cozy corner of the classroom where they could sit together. She sat down beside him, offering a comforting presence. "Jack, accidents are part of the process for potty-training and there is nothing to be sad about," Emily began, her voice filled with understanding. "On the bright side, with that big of an accident I’m sure you’re not going to any other classroom as you’re on par with my typical student."
  9. All good questions and all questions will be answered in due time :).
  10. Here is the rest of Chapter 3. It is a bit shorter than I wanted it to be but I feel like I ended the chapter perfectly to start chapter 4. Just a heads up, chapter 4 is going to take few more days to complete due to my work schedule. As always, let me know what you think. Jack snuggled into the blankets, feeling safe and secure. He drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face, even though the situation that Jack was stuck in. He was looking forward to the next day of his potty training program and hopefully getting out here. Jack woke up in the middle of the night to an urgency in his bladder. He had been sleeping for a few hours now and although there wasn’t a clock in his room he could tell it was late. He laid in his bed, wondering what to do as Emily had made it clear that he isn’t to get out of bed and that he should wet his diaper in the event he needed to go potty. Knowing that if he got up and alerted Emily it may have consequences as the system could mark his behavior as advance sending him to different class. Jack laid still in his bed thinking about any other solutions as the pressure continued to build and become more and more painful to hold. “This is gonna suck” Jack thought to himself. Jack hesitated for a moment before becoming very still. Keeping his eyes shut, he tried to relax to get a stream going. Slowly, a small stream begin before turning into torrent as Jack begin wetting his diaper. Pee hit the front of the diaper with an audible hiss causing it to expand outwards before pee begin to flow downwards before finally being absorbed. Jack let out a quiet sigh as he finished wetting his diaper. It was an odd sensation, but Jack was relived that the pressure and discomfort he was experiencing was no more. Unknown to Jack, the automated system had picked up his accident had adjusted his progress accordingly.Jack with his eyes still closed easily drifted back to sleep now that he was warm and no longer in pain. The next morning, Jack woke up to Emily sitting beside him, checking his diaper. She smiled at him and rubbed his chest in a circular motion. "Good morning, Jack. Looks like you had a wet night" Emily said reassuringly. Jack blushed, feeling embarrassed that he had to use his diaper last night instead of going to bathroom. But Emily didn't seem to mind at all. She helped Jack get out of bed before making the bed behind him then directing him out of his room. “Where are we going?” Jack asked as he followed behind Emily as she left the room. “Well first off we need to get you out of the wet diaper and into some Pull-Ups so that we can finish the assessment, so I figured you might like a shower.” Jack followed Emily down a long hallway lined with the same control panel on the wall with doors on both sides, each control panel was lit up with name being displayed. He couldn't help but peek into some of the rooms as they walked by. Some rooms had cribs, others had toddler-sized beds, and some had what looked like play areas with toys and stuffed animals scattered about. As they got closer to the end of the hallway, Jack could see another control panel but this one instead of having a name listed only said bathroom and underneath it read unoccupied. "Here we are," Emily said as she opened the door to reveal a small bathroom. It had a bathtub with a detachable shower head, a sink, a toilet, and a small cabinet. The toilet had a potty seat for a child and in the corner of the room Jack spotted a small plastic training potty. Just beside the training potty hanging on the wall was a child sized urial that resembled a green frog with its mouth open. The bathroom was overall decorated with cartoon characters and bright colors, making it feel less clinical and more inviting. Emily turned on the shower and adjusted the temperature to a comfortable level before helping Jack take of his shorts and shirt leaving him standing in his wet saggy diaper. “Oh wow, you sure did give that diaper a good soaking last night” Emily said as she opened both tapes on the diaper allowing it to fall to the floor with a wet thud. Jack said nothing but attempted cover his privates with his hands while turning bright red with embarrassment. “HEY, WHAT THE HELL!” Jack shouted before jumping into the shower in a feeble attempt of covering himself. “JACK!” “Watch your mouth or the next time you’re going in time out” Emily said as she rolled up the used diaper and put it in the diaper genie sitting in the corner of the room. “I know we just meet yesterday but you have got to let me take care of you”, “Because if you don’t, you’ll get put into a different class where I can’t help your!” Emily stated walking back over to the now wet Jack as he still attempted to cover up his privates. “No, but come on.”, “I’m an adult and I don’t really know you, what do you expect?” Jack said trying to crouch down to avoid being seen. “I understand this is unusual, but life has dealt us a hand that is..’ Emily paused for a moment looking over the vulnerable Jack. His posture reminded her of sad puppy left out in the rain causing her to feel empathic towards Jack. “Unfortunate.” Emily finished before turning around and pulling out a few shower supplies from underneath the cabinet. She handed him a small bar of soap and a multi colored washcloth before taking a few steps back and sitting down on the closed toilet lid. “I would leave you to shower in peace but since the system has you registered as a toddler, if I’m too far from your proximity for too long I’ll get an alert and possibly a write up.” “So I’m going to just sit for a moment and let you do your thing.” “Just let me know when you’re done and I’ll get you a towel”. Without a word Jack closed the shower curtain and allowed the warm water to pour over his body, feeling the stress and anxiety of the past few hours along with his night time accident start to wash away. The warm water was soothing, and he took his time lathering up and scrubbing his body clean knowing when he finished he would be going back to wearing toddler attire. After finishing his shower, Jack turned off the water and asked Emily to bring him a towel. As Jack stepped out of the tub Emily pounced on Jack with a towel and begin rapidly drying him off. “Hey, what gives?” “I thought you were going to hand me the towel” Jack asked in between being dried off. “I was but then you were taking too long so I decided to step in”, Emily finished drying off Jack before dropping the towel leaving Jack yet again covering his privates with his hands. Emily only sighed as she turned around picking up the all white adult sized Pull-Up. She held out the Pull-Up for Jack to step into which he did so quickly to avoid any more embarrassment. Emily pulled them up snuggly to his waist before taking a step back to see how well they fit. “Now, these Pull-Ups we use are made here and are specially designed to help with your potty training”, “All of our Pull-Ups have a small RFID chip inside of them allowing us to know if or when you’re having an accident so don’t try and lie.” “If you look down at the Pull-Up right now, you’ll see that there isn’t anything on it and that is by design.”. “If you were to wet the Pull Up or you make a poopy, the Pull-Ups will change to an all around pattern allowing us to easily spot who has had an accident.” “Now lets finish getting you dressed for the day” Emily said as she grab a T-shirt with the development center’s logo and is covered with dinosaur pattern. Before Jack could say anything, Emily pulled the shirt over Jack’s head and helped him to thread his arms throw the holes. Emily turned back around and brought over some ankle socks “Can you put these on, or would you like for me to help” Emily said holding them up. “I can put them on but what about shorts or pants or something?” Jack asked as he took a seat on the closed toilet lid. “For the first day of potty training we always have the class go bottomless to help avoid accidents and to allow us to visually see who had an accident” Emily said as she watched Jack put on his socks. “That makes sense” Jack said standing up, “So what’s for breakfast?”. “Lets go and find out” Jack and Emily walked out of the bathroom and made their way back to the kitchen. Knowing the drill, Jack jumped into the high chair and allowed Emily to secure him in with the tray. Emily walked over to the fridge pulled out a card box. “How about a pancake on a stick for breakfast.” she said taking the box over to the nearby microwave before taking out two separately pancakes on a stick before putting the box away. “That sounds good, I haven’t had a pancake on a stick since I was in high school” Jack said as felt his stomach growl. “I hope that means you’re hungry.” Emily said, “Yeah, I don’t think I need to go just yet but I will shortly as I’m pretty regular in the morning” Jack said looking down and rubbing his stomach. “Well, just remember if you need to go let me know so I can get you on the potty.”. “Once you start eating your breakfast I’ll pull up you file to see if the system has completed it’s assessment yet.” “It should be done by now.” Emily said taking out the pancakes from the microwave, she placed one on a kid’s disposable plate before handing it to Jack. She turned around grabbed an orange juice box from the fridge and gave it to Jack before having a seat at the table nearby. As Jack and Emily had breakfast, Emily pulled up Jack’s profile on her phone and saw that the assessment was complete. “Good news Jack, the assessment is done and you’re going to be staying in my class but just by a hair.” “The system has you at the 95 percentile level of my class so, I hate to say it but we’re going to have to get that down a bit.” Emily said locking her phone before looking over to Jack to see his reaction. “Get it down?” “what does that mean?” Jack said as he put down his pancake to give Emily his full attention. “Well, uhhhhh” Emily said hesitating yet again to tell Jack the truth. “I guess I’m not going to like what you have to say”, “Yep, you’re going to have to have at least one accident today.” “Maybe two depending on the severity of your first accident” Emily said as she took a long sip of her iced coffee that she had gotten from the fridge. “Can’t I do something else, like I don’t know maybe pee on the floor?” Jack said turning red as he watched Emily’s face twist in disgust. “Ewww no, the system would just label that as defiance andddddd I would have to clean it up”. Jack leaned back in his high chair red faced and embarrassed from his suggestion. “Well this is just great!” Jack said in anger, “Never would I believe that I would have to have accidents to get through potty training.”. “Honey, I know this is difficult but this is the best option.” Emily said walking over to Jack and placing her hand over his. “I’ve got my manager working to get this sorted out but it isn’t going as fast as we like”, “Right now our only means of contacting the company that created the software is through a company rep and we’re having difficulty locating one.” “Everything else is automated and any time we try to create an error ticket, they system just tells us that it isn’t possible for what is happening.”. “The worst thing that could happen right now would be that you get sent to a different class, so we just gotta keep you in this class until we get the issue resolved or you finish the training.” Jack nodded understanding that for better or worst he stuck at the center. “Ok” Jack said defeated, depressed, and on the verge of breakdown. “Come on, lets get you to the classroom and start going over the basics” Emily said removing the tray from high chair and help Jack jump down.
  11. There is, Chapter 3 is going to be a long chapter so expect the next part soon.
  12. Thanks everyone for the replies, I truly appreciate the responses. I have a goal of completing this story and I plan on posting every part here on DD. Once it is complete I plan on compiling the story into an eBook and adding extras to the story such some artwork and possibly a potty training chart. Best part is, this will be all for the very low low low price of FREE! That's right I don't plan on putting this story behind any paywalls, but I do ask if you like my story consider donating to my "Buy Me a Coffee" page. That being said, here is the next part of the story. Chapter 3: Assessment “So what kind of behaviors is the system looking for, anyway?" he asked Emily. Emily thought for a moment before responding. "Well, the system has a range for the assessment. Overall, we’re in the first portion of the potty training program so step one but within that step we have sub steps.” “Step 1C is the system looking for the ability to communicate when the child needs to use the potty.” “Basically, looking for you to recognize the sensation of needing to go and then asking for help or going to the potty on your own.” “However, we want to avoid you being too advanced which can get you placed in the more advanced classroom which just like the other classes I won’t have access to.” “So for right now, I’m going to ask that you come to me and ask to use the potty” “I mean, restroom.” Emily said as she realized that during their conversation that she had been calling the restroom the potty. “Sorry, it is a force of habit since I only work with children.” Jack listened intently, "What else?" "Another important thing is the ability to follow directions," Emily continued. "The system will expect you to follow instructions like sitting on the potty when it's time to go, washing your hands, and asking for help if you need it." Jack nodded, "Okay, so communication and following directions. I can do that." "Good," Emily said, smiling. Jack knew he was in good hands with Emily, but he couldn't help but feel nervous about the assessment. What if he failed? Or what would happen if he sent to a different class? Emily must have noticed his anxiety because she placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, Jack. We'll do everything we can to help you pass. And if for some reason you don't, we'll figure out what to do from there. But let's not focus on that right now. Let's focus on changing your behaviors for the assessment as it is running right now." Jack nodded, feeling a bit better. He knew he had a lot of work ahead of him, but he was determined to do whatever it took to get out of this situation. Emily pulled out her phone from her pocket and brought up her work application. Jack only got to glance slightly at the information on the app but was able to faintly make out his name. “So far the system is showing you as being only 10% ready but that is fine as you’ve only been here for a few hours so the system is still determining your overall” Emily shifted uncomfortably before looking up at Jack from her phone. “Jack there is going to be some” she paused, “Embarrassing moments that we’re going to need to address”. Sensing the tension, Jack responded “I mean I’m dressed as an oversized two-year-old and I’m wearing a diaper that looks like it was designed for again a two-year-old.” “What other embarrassing situations do I have to look forward to?” Jack asked shifting his weight in the playpen. “Remember how I said there is subset levels, well if you go below 2c or above 2c then you’ll be marked for export to another class.” “Go on” Jack said puzzlingly. “2c is considered the middle ground class, most of the child that go to this class are ready for potty training but does need human guidance as posed to no guidance and complete guidance which”. Before Emily could respond Jack blurted out, “JUST SPIT OUT ALREADY!” Jack said a little louder out of frustration at Emily. “Accidents, ok, accidents”. “you’re going to have to have at least 3 accidents in either your diaper or training pants in order to stay in my control.” Emily’s comment was a devastating blow to Jack’s ego as set in stunted silence. Emily watched as the frustration and anger melted into sadness and despair. “So you mean to tell me I have to shit and piss myself!” Jack said glancing down at his padded crotch. “Hey language!” Emily said raising her voice slightly, “I know you’re frustrated and angry but remember this system is watching and listening to everything we’re saying and currently doing to try and maximize your training.” Emily looked down at her phone as a notification appeared and sighed. “See! Look what you did!” Email said holding up the phone briefly for Jack to see. “The system took you yelling as an anger response and has indicated that you have a low temper threshold.” “Uh, what does that mean?” Jack asked trying to look back at the phone. “Its not good, that’s for sure.” Emily said looking back down to her phone, “The system has just made a comment that you may require discipline but you’re still in the green for now.” Jack sighed with relief, “So I’m gonna guess that if I’m not well behaved I’m gonna end up in another class?”. “You got it, like I said before.”, “I’m the center class while the other classes are more tailored”. "Hey, don't worry too much about it. We'll make sure you're comfortable and taken care of during this process. Emily said as she stood up and looked at her beeping watch. “Looks like it is about time for dinner, let me get something prepared as I bet you must be starving.” “Then how about we play some games or some activities before bedtime?” Jack's face brightened at the idea of having some fun, and he nodded eagerly. "That sounds good, Thanks." Emily smiled at Jack, happy to see him feeling better. "But before we get to that, I need to go over a set of overnight rules with you. Since you're in training, there are some things you need to be aware of." She took a deep breath and began to list off the rules. "First of all, no using the potty..” Emily paused for a second realizing her mistake. “I mean restroom after bedtime. If you do have an accident, just let me know and we'll take care of it.” “Secondly, no getting out of bed unless I say it's okay.” “Finally, bedtime is for sleeping and resting, not for playing games or anything else.” “I don’t think I need to mention again about the behaviors.” Jack listened to the rules carefully and nodded in understanding. "Got it, I'll make sure to follow the rules." "Great," Emily said, relieved. "Now let's get you something to eat.” Emily helped Jack out of the playpen and led him to the kitchen. It was a bright and spacious room, with sleek stainless steel appliances and granite countertops. In the corner Jack noticed a child size high chair before suddenly the wall behind the chair swirled around and in its place an adult sized high chair. The high chair appeared to be made of a hard white plastic and looked as if it was one entire piece. Emily walked over to the high chair and pulled the tray out with difficulty as it seemed to be stuck to the chair. She then helped Jack up onto it, before pushing the tray back in place with a click. “Comfy” Emily asked putting her hands on her hips. “Uhh, not really.” “This thing is a bit hard and if it wasn’t for this diaper it would be much worst”. “Hmmm, I’ll check the playroom for any small pillows you could use.” “For tonight, just deal with it.” Emily said as she walked over to the fridge. "Tonight, we're doing finger foods type of dinner," Emily said as she pulled out a tray of different snacks. Jack's mouth watered at the sight of the colorful snacks. There were carrot sticks, cucumber slices, cheese cubes, and little sandwiches cut into triangles. Emily poured Jack a sippy cup of milk and set it down on the tray beside the food. "Dig in," she said with a smile. Jack eagerly grabbed a carrot stick and began munching on it. As he ate, he watched Emily prepare more food and hummed a tune to herself. The food was delicious, and he couldn't believe how much he had missed the simple pleasure of eating finger foods. Once they had finished eating, Emily put away the left over food and cleaned up the plates before helping Jack out of his high chair. Emily guided Jack to the playroom and directed him to set on one of the pillows found in a circle. “What’s with the arrangement of pillows” Jack asked taking a seat. “This is where we usually have story time” Emily said from behind Jack as she opened a toy box in the corner. Emily pulled out a box of games and activities. There were puzzles, coloring books, and even a game of Go Fish that Emily brought over. Jack settled on coloring, picking up a teenage mutant ninja turtle coloring booking. Emily settled on a jigsaw puzzle and sit directly beside Jack. As they played and chatted, Jack couldn't help but feel grateful for Emily's kindness and patience. Even though he was dressed like a toddler and being treated like one, she never made him feel embarrassed or belittled. Instead, she treated him with respect and understanding, and for that, he was truly grateful. As the evening wore on, Jack began to feel tired. Emily noticed his drooping eyes and stifled a yawn herself. "Looks like it is getting close to bed time,” she said with a smile. "Let's get you ready." Jack nodded and stood up from his pillow as Emily did hers. Emily led him out of the playroom down the hall before stopping at a control panel. Emily placed her thumb on the control panel and then motioned for Jack to get closer. “Jack this going to be your room while you go through potty training”. “I need you to place your thumb here under mine for the room to be assigned to you” Emily said gesturing to the thumbprint icon on the control panel. Wasting no time, Jack placed his thumb on the control panel and was greeted with his name and a progress bar on the control panel. The progress bar currently set at 0% indicating that Jack hadn’t started potty training yet. “Why does it say 0%, I thought you said I was at 10% or something?” Jack asked looking over at Emily. “That was only your assessment, this progress bar is directly related to your overall potty training so you’re going to see 0% until you start.” Loud sounds were heard behind the wall before a door sized portion of the wall briefly pulled back before sliding into its self. Inside Jack found a small room with a bright colorfully rug, an XL twin size bed with an arm rail, and a small dresser. The bed featured a blanket that was dark blue adjourned with smiling stars and a pillow matching. A small blue light night was in the opposite corner and small laundry hamper on the other side. “Ok, lets get you into something much more comfortable for nite nite.” “I mean bed time” Emily said correcting herself as she walked over to the dresser. Going through the dresser Emily found a gray t-shirt with the development center’s logo and a pair of matching shorts. Gesturing over, Jack reluctantly walked over. “I know you’re probably use to dressing yourself but.” “I know, I know, I know” Jack said cutting Emily off. “The behaviors and what not”. Emily pulled off Jack’s clothes and tossed them into the small laundry hamper leaving Jack in just a diaper. Emily held out the shorts for Jack to step into and just before she pulled them up she did a quick diaper check using her finger in Jack’s diaper leg band. “HEY!” Jack said not expecting his space to be so violated without any thought. “Hey yourself” Emily said lightly smacking him on his butt before pulling up the shorts. “Why did you have to do that?” “I’m sorry Jack, but old habits die hard.” Emily said as she pulled the t-shirt over his head and helped him thread his arms through the holes. Once the shirt was on Jack laid down in the bed and covered up. “I don’t want you getting up but if you do just know that I’m not far away”. “If you need anything you can just shout my name and the system will alert me.” Emily got closer to Jack’s face making blush as he thought she was going to kiss him but instead she whispered in his ear. “If you wake up and you need to pee, just do it in your diaper”. “This will be the best option as the system will mark you as a bedwetter keeping you in my class”. Jack just nodded in silence before being unexpectedly kissed on the head by Emily. "Sweet dreams," she said softly, turning off the light. Jack snuggled into the blankets, feeling safe and secure. He drifted off to sleep with a smile on his face, even though the situation that Jack was in. He was looking forward to the next day of his potty training program.
  13. I've been working on creating a longer story and I've come up with "The Accidental Toddler". The story is has the familiar plot of being stuck in an automated daycare / nursery set in a near future setting. As always, feedback is welcomed. Chapter 1: The Mistake In the not-too-distant future, automation had become a way of life. Everything from driving cars to making coffee was handled by computer systems. One such system was the Potty Training and Developmental Education program. It was designed to help young children learn basic hygiene, social skills, and even some early education. The program was championed as a pre-school / head start program that advanced children’s development. The program was highly efficient, and it had helped countless families over the years. With its automated systems, parents could focus on their work without having to worry about taking care of their children's basic needs. Jack is a tall and lanky man with sharp features and a prominent nose. He has short, curly hair that's a deep shade of brown and is usually styled in a messy, tousled manner. His eyes are a piercing blue and seem to gleam with intelligence and wit. He carries himself with an air of confidence and has a quick, easy smile that can charm almost anyone. Despite his somewhat aloof demeanor, he is fiercely loyal to those he cares about and will go to great lengths to protect them. Jack had recently graduated from college and was struggling to find work in his field as more and more jobs were rapidly moving to automation. As he was scrolling through job listings on his tablet, he came across an ad for a job at the early development center. Without reading the details carefully, he assumed it was a regular daycare type of role and applied by uploading his details. Unfortunately, Jack had made an embarrassing rookie mistake when filling out the application. Instead of applying for a job at the development center, he mistakenly signed up for the potty training and early development program. The computer system was supposed to verify the applicant's age before successfully registering them, but due to a simple coding error within the systems’ source code, it failed to do so. As a result, the uploaded data to the system registered Jack as a toddler. It would only be 10 minutes later that Jack would receive the confirmation email informing him of his mistake. At first, Jack was confused and he attempted to contact the program to explain the mistake, but he couldn't get through to anyone as the system routed his call through a series of automated menus. These automated menus always ended him back to the original menu indicating a problem that would need a human to fix. He decided the best course of action was to walk to the program's office in person, hoping to clear things up. As he entered the office, he was greeted by an automated receptionist. He explained the situation, but the receptionist didn't understand. The system had already registered him, and there was no way to reverse it. The only option was to start the training program or face legal consequences for breaking the law. Jack was shocked to learn that the program was not just a voluntary service but mandatory by law for all children under the age of three. The system had been implemented as a way to ensure that all children received the same level of early education and care, regardless of their family's financial status. He was left with no choice but to accept the situation and start the training program. However, there was a catch. Since the system had registered him as a toddler, it was causing major coding faults to happen within the system. Code that hadn’t been reviewed and revised over decades begin to fault back to a non-production fail-safe subroutines that had not been updated since the completion of the system. Jack unhappily signed in and validating his identity using the biometrics scanner at the registration desk, a second robot came out and directed Jack to the intake room. In the room Jack was striped of his clothes before he was taken to the showers. A warm shower with a complete scrub down from head to toe was preformed by the robot. Once done with the shower, Jack was dried off and led over to a changing table. Before Jack arrived, the wall behind the changing table rotated and the once child sized table was swapped for one now in his size. “Great, just when I thought things couldn’t get worst” Jack said under his breath as his only hope that the center wouldn’t be able to accommodate his size begin to diminish. Jack hopped up on the table shivering a little bit from the cold plastic as he laid down. It was useless to fight the system as one way or another he was going to have to at least get into the main room in hopes of contacting someone. The machine quickly scanned Jack and a series of sounds happened beneath the changing table as the automated system searched for a diaper in his size. After a few minutes the system had found it’s answer as Jack, wide eyed watched as a generic scaled up version of a Huggies diaper is slid underneath him before pulling up between his crotch. With the closing of the second tape on his diaper the reality of his situation set in. Jack's mind raced with questions. How was he going to function like this? Would he be forced to go outside where people could see him? What if someone he knew saw him like this? The embarrassment alone was enough to make him want to crawl into a hole and never come out. As Jack was led out of the intake room, he realized that he was now dressed in a full toddler outfit. He was wearing a green short-sleeved onesie with snaps at the crotch, and a pair of bright yellow shorts with a cartoon character on the front. A pair of white socks and light up Velcro-strapped shoes completed the ensemble. Jack felt humiliated as he waddled along in his new outfit, feeling the bulky diaper between his legs. He was directed into a brightly lit room filled with toys, play mats, and small tables and chairs. Surprisingly, Jack was the only one in the playroom which Jack felt out of place as his town although small it definitely had growing families. Suddenly, a voice startled Jack as it boomed out over the room's speaker system, "Hello there little one, my name is Emily and I'll be your guide here at the center. How are you feeling?" Chapter 2: Acceptance Jack sat in the playroom, surrounded by toys and colorful objects that were meant for toddlers. He felt angry at himself for his mistake and how he could be so careless. He had never felt so helpless in his life. He couldn't believe that he was stuck in this situation, forced to go through potty training and education programs meant for young children. As he sat there, feeling sorry for himself, the door to the playroom opened, and a young woman walked in. She was in her mid-twenties, with blonde hair and blue eyes. She introduced herself as Emily, a teacher at the center. "Hi, I'm Emily. I'm sorry to meet you under these circumstances," she said, looking at Jack with sympathy. Jack didn't know how to respond. He was embarrassed and could easily feel his face turning 3 shades of red. He just nodded his head, hoping that she had a solution to his problem. Emily sat down next to him, sensing his unease. "I know this must be terrible for you, but I'm here to help you.” “We’re going to try and get you out of the system but to be honest it isn’t looking good." Jack couldn't believe what he was hearing. He sat in shock that the reality of being treated like a toddler was only getting more and more certain every minute. "Thank you," he said, surprised by her kindness. “There has to be a way out of this! I mean, I'm not a child. I shouldn't be here!" Emily looked at him with empathy. "I know, this isn’t right, but unfortunately, there's nothing we can do. The system is secure, and we’re trying everything we can to override it. “We’re attempting to reach out to anyone from the company that helped build the system but we’re running into walls”. “For now, you'll have to follow the potty-training program." Jack sighed, feeling hopeless." “But, how am I supposed to go through this?’ “I’m already potty trained and I’m not a toddler!" Emily understood his frustration. "I know it's terrible, but you’re going to have to try. The system is highly advanced and is designed to recognize patterns and behaviors, and if you don't act like toddler, it may mark your behavior as abnormal.” “If that happens it will only make getting you out of here even harder as it will assign you to a different class that we don't have access to.” “You have to go through the program like any other child while we work to get you out of here." Jack realized he had no choice. He would have to participate in the program, but he didn't know how he would manage to act like a toddler. He had never had little brother or even really been around small children to know how to act. Emily saw the look of despair on his face and decided to offer some comfort. "Look, I know this is not easy, but I promise to help you as much as I can. I'll be your teacher, and I'll make sure you're comfortable and happy.” “We'll work through this together." Jack felt a glimmer of hope. Maybe, with Emily's help, he could get through this. He smiled, feeling grateful for her kindness. "Thank you," he said. "I appreciate your offer of help" Emily smiled back but begin to look concern when Jack’s sighed. "I just don't even know how a toddler behaves so how am I’m going act like one? “I've never had a little brother or been around small children." Emily nodded in understanding. "No worries Jack. I'll help you as I’m pretty experienced in that category. In general, toddlers tend to be curious and playful, and they love to explore their environment. They also have short attention spans, so we'll keep things fun and interesting for you. We'll have to jump from play games, to reading stories, and other activities to try and meet that expectation." Jack smiled at the idea of playing games and actually having the time to read. "That sounds like it could be relaxing." Emily chuckled. "It will be. As for the potty training program.” “It’s divided into three sections: assessment, training, and qualification. The system will start with an assessment of your current skills to develop a plan that is tailored to you, and then move on to the training phase. “Once you've completed one level, you'll be able to move on to the next level." Jack felt a little relieved at the idea of the program being divided into sections. "Okay, that doesn't sound too bad." “Hopefully you guys can get me out of her before we even enter training phase and I just get to relax reading” Jack said as he relaxed his posture and leaned back in his playpen. Emily placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Well…” “The problem with the assessment phase is the system is looking for a specific behavior to ensure that the child is ready for potty training.” “Which means you’re going to have to act out those behaviors or the system will mark you as Not Ready”. “Not ready assessment is not what you want as that means you’re not going to be progressing and you’re stuck here.” Emily continued, "But this is a good thing, being qualified as “Not Ready” can be a fail-safe for us in the event you might be close to getting sent to a different class.” “Not Ready status ensures the child kept in the same class to avoid any further setbacks due to changing environments.” “We need go over the behaviors soon as the system begins the assessment phase the moment the child is dropped off.” “Know starting back at 0 is not ideal, but it's better than being sent to a different classroom." “I know I probably don’t want to know the answer but what would cause me to fall back to “Not Ready” status?” Jack asked with a bit of fear. Emily sensing the uneasiness from Jack answered “You’re not ready for that answer and we will cross that bridge if we have too”. Jack nodded, feeling a little more confident worried knowing that there was a way to prevent him from being stuck in this toddler program forever. "Okay, I understand." Emily smiled again. "Good. Now, let's get started on the assessment phase.
  14. Here is a mini update to the story, thanks everyone for the views. As Mike returned playing call of duty, Mike's mom came home from her errands. She walked into the house and was greeted by the lingering smell of a dirty diaper. She knew somebody either has a dirty diaper and went on the hunt. She assumed the smell was probably coming from Mike not knowing that Alex was the culprit as Mike usually did his business and went about his day. If Mike is engrossed, like he usually is, she would have to pull him away like a fussy toddler to get a diaper changed. Walking into his room and she saw both boys sitting on the floor, one glued to the TV screen and the other to his phone. She immediately smelled a ripe dirty diaper and asked Mike if he needed a change. Mike quickly responded without looking away from his game, "No, Mom, it's not me. I'm clean." She then turned to Alex and asked, "Alex, do you have a poopy diaper?" Alex's face turned bright red, and he stammered, "No, it's not me either." But Mike's mom was persistent and knew from the smell that one of them had indeed pooped. Without a word she walked over to Mike first and checked his diaper by pulling back the exposed diaper from where he was sitting finding it to be clean. Mike being engrossed in his current match paid no attention and acted if his mom wasn’t there. Turning to Alex who was bright red now with embarrassment knowing that Mike’s mom knew he is the culprit. “Alex honey, it's okay," she said, reassuringly. "It happens to all boys that aren’t potty trained”. “There isn’t anything to be embarrassed about or anything new” “You’ve been doing in diapers for as long as I remember” “Let's get you cleaned up and changed." Alex felt embarrassed but also relieved that Mike's mom was understanding. “Come on, lets get that poopy diaper changed” She said gesturing to the changing table that sit at the foot of Mike’s bed. The changing table had small step to make it easier to get up onto of the plastic covered memory form bedding. The plastic covering which had been recently changed featured star wars characters and space ships. At the very end, a small pillow with the same matching plastic covering lays to make changing more conformable. Attached to the changing table on the left side featured a phone holding attachment so that while getting your diaper changed can you attach your phone for hands free viewing. Alex stepped up and laid down onto the changing table mat. He placed his phone into the phone holder and reseted his had on the pillow knowing this change may take sometime. Mike’s mom pulled out one of Alex’s diaper from underneath table along with some diaper wipes and some rash creme.. “Alex honey, how long ago did you go poopy?” She asked as she sit the changing supplies on Alex’s chest. “About half an hour ago” Alex answered as he set his phone into the phone holder. “ Ok I’m going to put some rash creme on your bottom so it might be cold” She replied as she pulled off Alex’s shorts down to his ankles exposing his full diaper. Wasting no time, Mike’s mom pulled both tabs open on the diaper before opening it to the mess Mike had created. “Phew, you are sure one stinky boy today” she said as he begin using the front to get most of the mess removed. Thoroughly, she used the diaper wipes to remove the mess and tucked them into the dirty diaper. Once finally clean, Mike’s mom rubbed in diaper creme into Alex’s diaper region before fanning out the new diaper and taping him into a clean one. Alex unbothered, happily watched YouTube on his phone while Mike’s mom finished up. “Ok honey, raise your bottom a bit so I can get your shorts back up” As they finished up, Mike's mom reminded him that there was no need to be embarrassed about wearing diapers. She explained that some people take longer to potty train, and that's okay. The most important thing is to be comfortable and feel good about yourself. Alex raised his butt to complete the change, while still laying on the changing table Alex listened as Mike’s mom took his dirty diaper and dropped it into the diaper genie beside the changing table. “Ok boys, I’m going to go wash my hands and start dinner. I expect both of you to turn off the game and wash you hands when I call you.” Mike’ mom said sternly as she walked out of the room.
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