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Messing In Them?


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I don't think I ever had a problem doing #2 in a diaper. Glad you figured out how to get past the brainwashing part. I really enjoy it at least 5x as much though when it is is all squishy and soft. It was quiet awesome one time I was sitting on the coach with a diaper on and what I thought was a fart came out a big soft load. Came all the way up to the front, certainly had some fun playing around then. Was awesome having the feeling of having no control, but didn't have to worry about it happening all the time.

Oh another time was certainly interesting after class and it was night, so no one was really around in the parking garage. I suddenly felt the need to go. I knew that if I wanted to I could hold it all the way home, which is like 40mins. I still live at home, but my mom was out of town, so as I got to my trunk I decided what the hell and let the load come out. Was certainly an odd feeling just taking a dump in your diaper in public. Even though as far as I know there wasn't anyone in the garage while I was there. Was a bit of an adrenalin rush driving 40 mins home, I could really smell it. Also hoped I didn't get pulled over for some odd reason, the officer would almost certainly smell it.

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