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Clothing Optional Places

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Just wondering if anyone has gone to a place where wearing clothes is not required, so you could walk around

in just your diaper and change when needed without feeling out of place. There is a place in Brattleboro, VT that

people can wonder the streets nude and I am thinking that you could wear a diaper and be changed to if you needed

to be. If anyone has more info about Brattleboro, VT I would be glad to know it. Thanks

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I have never heard of a city where you could walk around nude. This could count as public indecency. I would like to know if this is for real. Why not look it up online through the city's website or chamber of commerce. Might even give a public library a try. Good Luck

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Some places you can. Thats how nudist resorts and nude beaches exist. The city allows it. If they city wants to allow clothing optional on a street instead of a beach, it can be done. I know some places allow women to go topless, but not sure about the full monty.

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Nude places & Clothing optional places have this one rule: Bodily functions are taken care in private. As for just having a daiper on thats okay but if you do into the pool or whatever one must wear a swim diaper. No exceptions. Check out aanr.org for more info.
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