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  1. I know the topic of telling others about desire to wear diapers has been raised before but I have a couple of questions that I don't think have been covered in some of the other topics. What I am looking for is a way to wear diapers around my family whenever I want without them actually knowing about my DL desires. For financial and other reasons I live at home with my parents who are retired and, aside from the occasional day trip, are almost always at home (sigh). The only real opportunities I have to wear for long periods of time are at night in bed and whenever they're away (which isn't often). Lately I've developed a kind of "overactive bladder" where I urinate at least ten to fifteen times a day. I chalk this up to the medication I'm on and also because of dry-mouth caused by that same med I tend to drink a fair amount of liquids daily. I sigh to myself every time I go to the bathroom (especially at work or when I'm out of the house) because I think it would be a lot more convienent to just wear a diaper. I don't leak, though, so I'm not sure if my kind of "overactive bladder" can be used as a "valid" excuse to wear them. I also don't want to fake any "accidents." I've been pointing out to my mom lately that I'm going a lot and it's kind of inconvienent but I have not gotten the courage up to mention the D word. I'm kind of waiting for the perfect opportunity to just slip it into the conversation. I don't want her to have any inkling that it has to do with an actual desire to wear diapers. I also don't want her to insist I go to the doctor's to get tested for problems. In my imaginaton I conjure up a conversation where I'm complaining, once again, of how annoying it is to have to go to the bathroom so often and my mother says, somewhat jokingly, "Maybe you should wear diapers," or something to that effect. Then I turn to her and say, "Well actually, I did consider it, but I didn't know how you and dad would take it so I didn't say anything cause it's embarassing." The conversation would go from there where I would eventually convince her that I was going to try diapers and see if that helped with my "problem." Yay, the end. Then I could diaper whenever I want, still be in control, and not have to fake being incontinent on any level. I wouldn't have to hide my diapers any more. On the other hand, I'm afraid if I mention it I'll get the dubious look from mom, the silence, then the disbelieving, "You don't need diapers! Those are for babies/old people! You can't sit in your own pee all day! That's gross!" Then I'd be doubly afraid to wear diapers and it would just be awkward between me and my folks from then on. So...with that horribly long explanation: What do you all think? Is non-leaky OAB a "valid" excuse to wear diapers? Should I bring it up to mom directly or wait for the "perfect opportunity" that may never arrive? Please let me know your thoughts, observations, and if any of you have used a simmilar excuse with close family members, please let me know how it went. Thanks!
  2. The first time i told a friend about my bed wetting was in 5th grade. Me and some friends were hanging out on the play ground. We were telling each other our 'deepest darkest secrets'. My turn came and i told them that i wet the bed. They didnt seamed to shocked because they pointed to the next person and said "ok. Your turn". After that i told one of my friends "omg. That boy over there is realy cute" joking around she called the boys name and said "she likes you" i tried to get her to stop talking so i put my hand over her mouth. She pushed my hand away and said "eww. I dont know if your hand was in your pee". Noone laughed but my face was red. The second time was in 7th grade. My best friend (not from 5th grade) wanted me to sleep to her house on the last day of school before she moves away. We made big plans to do all kinds of fun stuff. Movies. Pizza. Prank calls. Make overs. Well when i was packing i realized i had no more pull ups and my parents could not get me any untill after the sleepover "money dont grow on trees damit". I knew i was gonna have to tell my bf...so i took a deep breath and told her. She didnt laugh. She said oh ok...i think we may have something to put on the extra matress. And that was all she said about it. Luckaly i didnt pee the bed. I woke up dry and was able to chill out in my pjs. Once while i was sleeping over at my cousins house (i was 17 she was 15) i told her that i like diapers. Well she knows that i wet the bed and normaly i wear pull ups when i would sleep over. She knows about my pull ups and seen me put it on many times (we got dressed in her room) but she didnt know i looove diapers. One night instead of bringing the usual pull up with me.. i was bold and took a tabed diaper with me and decided to tell her my secret..we were very close and i trust her with my secrets. I mean, she never told anyone else about my bedwetting. Anyway, nite came and we staerted getting dressed. I pulled out my tabed diaper and she asked "wat is that. Where is your night thong" (night thong is her way of way of saying 'pull up' ...sort of an inside joke because she knows i would never wear a thong) Thats when i came out and told her "i like to wear diapers for fun. It makes me feel realy good wearing them because i love diapers." She then said "i dont have to change you or anything do i...i mean, you do that youself rite". I blushed and still in shock i had just told my cousin this and i told her "um.. noo....i mean i can do it myself" and i begged her not to tell anyone about it. She told me "chill out. Im not gonna tell anyone. Best friends keep secrets". So after that i slipped under the blanket and started putting the diaper on.. at first it was embarassing but then me and my cousin started clowning and joking about it "omg. Its sounds like an baby diaper" "lol. I look like a little old lady" and we started acting like little old ladies (the cranky bitter kind). That was the last and only time i talked to her about it. I kinda regret telling her, but that was 6 years ago...she probably forgot about it...i hope. Hell, as far as i know she probably thought it was a joke. She is the only one i have ever told about my diaper fetish. Have you ever told anyone about your bedwetting or love of diapers?
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