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I still can’t believe I’m starting 2025 with a brand-new mini-story featuring Riley, my first published story! If you haven’t read it yet or want to re-read it, you can find it in the forum here or on AO3 or on Quotev!

That said, enjoy the read! If you have any advice or feedback, don’t hesitate to leave a comment!


I hope this year to write and to publish a fully improved version of "Grace and Lukas".




Luz Mendoza cleared her throat. “Ladies and gentlemen, today’s meeting isn’t like the others we’ve had in the past few weeks.” She paused, casting a wary glance at one of them. “Mark! Since you’re one of the last people to join the Super Secret Diaper Group, you’re not ready for what I’m about to say! Neither are the others!”

The person in question opened his mouth and raised a finger to respond, but Sally silenced him with a single look. He just smiled.

Pacing back and forth, Luz resumed speaking with a military demeanor: stern, harsh, and commanding. “Christmas was an unprecedented success, especially because it was the first one we spent together — and the first with Mark.”

“I admit it was a lot of fun!” he remarked, satisfied. Then he was struck by a fit of giggles. “Right, Riley?”

She looked away, slightly offended.

“Guys, now is not the time to get sidetracked!” Luz thundered, taking the floor again. “This will be the first Valentine’s Day we celebrate together! We must prepare ourselves as best as we can if we want our crushes to fall at our feet! That’s why I’ve decided that the project we propose to Mrs. Mullins will be: The Invitation Board!”

Riley, Ferg, Sally, and Mark exchanged puzzled glances but couldn’t hide their interest. A few indistinct murmurs followed but soon faded.

It was Riley, the first of the group, who stood up and prepared to continue the announcement. She felt confident about the idea and couldn’t wait to share it with her friends. Luckily, she was wearing a diaper under her jeans, where she could let her worries and anxieties flow, which were bound to surface soon enough. “Thank you, Luz. Could you go get the prototype, please?”

When Luz returned, she unrolled a long blue poster board with a simple table drawn on it featuring three columns, unevenly distributed in both cell length and width. The columns read: Organizer, Type of Date, and finally, Invitee.

She took a deep breath and let her bladder do its work, just like before a school presentation. One, two, three. Here we go!

“Our goal is *transparency,” she revealed enthusiastically. “Everyone knows who’s inviting whom and what kind of date it will be. We all know it’s common knowledge that we’re afraid to reveal our crushes. That’s why, with the Invitation Board, courage is mandatory! It’s a written but indirect and implicit invitation! So, what do you think?”

Sally wore a horrified expression. Mark’s mouth stretched into a not-so-genuine smile. Ferg squinted at the design, seemingly searching for something that would help him form an opinion.

Riley quickly did the math: her sister didn’t like it at all, Mark found it cute, and Ferg had no opinion. One out of three. A complete disaster.

Luz rolled up the poster and noticed her friend’s disappointed expression. “Well, what’s with the silence? Speak up, already!”

“For me, it’s a no,” Sally said coldly.

Mark followed with a hopeful tone: “It could be improved.”

Ferg looked at all his friends, then raised both hands to head level. “I hate to say it, but we might be better off scrapping this and starting fresh.”

Riley let out a disappointed sigh. The majority had spoken, so she had to throw in the towel and start over from scratch. She had spent days building that table. “Thanks for your honesty, guys.” She sat back down between her sister and Mark, silent.

“So, what now?” Ferg asked. “Do we have a plan B?”

“No,” Luz replied, looking at him. “We have to come up with something, and fast!”

As their friends began proposing ideas, Sally glanced at Riley. She leaned close and whispered into her ear, “Are you okay?”

Riley gave her a glum look.

“Even down there?”

She whispered back, “I peed while I was talking. And I need to go again! You?”

“Dry,” Sally replied. “But I should go to the bathroom.”

“Then let’s go.”

Riley raised her hand, and her friends fell silent. “I know we’re super late, but how about we take a break? Sally and I need to make a pit stop, and giving our brains some air wouldn’t be the worst idea.”

Ferg was the first to nod, folding his arms behind his head as he leaned back against the bed. “Finally, someone says it! Wake me up when everyone’s ready to start again.” He closed his eyes and pretended to fall asleep.

“You might want to go before you witness the end of the circle of life,” Mark joked as he watched Luz crawl toward a half-snoozing Ferg. Then their eyes met.

Riley chuckled, her cheeks suddenly turning red. Before she realized it, Sally grabbed her hand and began escorting her out of the room.




“Where do you think Mom is?” Sally asked, looking around. “Do you think she’s in the study?”

“I don’t know!” Riley replied bitterly. “This diaper is starting to bother me!”

Sally made a face. “It’s always the same story. You pee more than you should, and then you do everything you can to avoid looking for Mom or Dad to get changed! If you keep this up, you’re going to get a nasty rash!”

They descended the last step of the staircase and turned toward the study on the opposite side.

“That’s not true!” Riley retorted, slightly offended. “I do it because I don’t want to bother them while they’re working.”

Sally let out a sound of frustration; she hated it when her sister denied the obvious. “Do I need to remind you that we have rules to follow? Rule number six: once we’ve wet or soiled our diaper, we have to tell Mom and/or Dad right away.”

“I know the rule!”

“Then why didn’t you stop and go find Mom?”

It took Riley a few moments to reply; she still hadn’t gotten over the rejection of her idea for the Valentine’s project. “Because… because I was showing you all my brilliant idea!”

They arrived at the door to the study, but neither seemed inclined to knock. They looked each other straight in the eyes.

“Brilliant!” Sally repeated sarcastically. “You mean invasive and open to ridicule!”

“What do you mean by that?”

“You know what I mean!” her sister shot back indignantly. “You know how boys react to mushy stuff! They don’t care how we feel! They don’t even know what love is!”

Riley burst out laughing. “You’re still mad at that boy from 2D? Timothy, right?”

She furrowed her brow angrily. “Yeah, boys don’t understand anything!”

“Or maybe he just wasn’t your type, Sally.” Riley tried to be reasonable. “You’re generalizing. There are other boys who might deserve you.”

“And what if I like girls too?” she pretended to hypothesize. “I could even have a crush on you, Riley Bishop.”

Riley felt a tinge of embarrassment. “Hey! Keep your feet on the ground! You know I love you like a sister!”

“Thanks for reminding me for the umpteenth time, sister!” Sally blew her a kiss. “But tell me, do you have a crush?”

Riley adopted a puzzled look. Wasn’t she the one who had dragged her here to get her diaper changed? A sense of embarrassment struck her, but she did her best to ignore it and focus on the study door. She knocked and waited.

“Oh, come on, Riley!” her sister almost begged. “I won’t laugh if you tell me!”

“I don’t have a crush on anyone, Sally.” Riley wanted to believe those words, but she couldn’t, and she didn’t know why. “Even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you. I know what you do when you find out other people’s secrets.”

Sally giggled mischievously. “Says the girl who peed herself at the supermarket because she thought she was wearing a diaper!”

Riley turned to her and punched her in the arm.

“Ow!” Sally promptly rubbed it. “Why’d you do that?”

“You know why,” Riley scolded her firmly, her head lowered as she recalled what had happened a year ago. Then, she resumed speaking in a serious tone: “Do you remember the theme of our last literature assignment? Write a dialogue between your current self and your past self from a year ago. How do you think 11-year-old Riley would have reacted to the news that, a year later, she’d have to wear diapers all the time because her parents think she’s at risk of losing control of her bladder?”

Only then did Sally realize what she had unconsciously done. “I’m sorry, I forgot this still hurts you.”

Riley’s expression changed, and she said gratefully, “Thanks for putting one on me.”

“It was Mom and Dad’s idea,” she admitted sincerely. “That’s what sisters are for, right?”

The sound of the lock mechanism clicked softly, and the door opened to reveal Helen, their mom, dressed in work clothes. “Girls, is something wrong?”

Sally spoke for both of them, whispering. “We peed, Mom. Could you change us, please?”

A reassuring smile formed on her face. “Let me finish the meeting, and then I’ll be there. Where are your friends?”

“In my room,” Riley replied.

“Oh,” their mom bit her lower lip, “tell them to move to the table in the living room so I can change you in complete privacy. Oh, before I forget, does your new friend need a change too?”

The girls exchanged a questioning look, then both shook their heads.

“Ask him, I don’t want him getting a rash. Then I’ll have to deal with his mom!”


Once she made sure Sally, Luz, and Ferg were out of earshot, Riley partially closed the door to her room and stood in front of Mark. Just like her mother, she looked him up and down, trying to figure out if he was wearing a diaper or not.

Of course, he was wearing one, but the jeans he had on concealed it very well.

“What are you doing?” he asked insistently. “Why are it just the two of us now?”

Riley felt that same sense of embarrassment again, her cheeks turning red. Again? Ugh, enough already! Why do I feel nervous when I’m around him? In a slight panic, she asked him, “Did you wet your diaper?”

Mark took a step back, seemingly unbothered by her question. “I don’t know. Can you help me check?”

“Sure, lower your jeans,” she said quickly, her eyes unable to stay focused on his handsome face. “You’re wearing a pull-up, right?”

“Oh yeah,” he replied cheerfully and started unbuttoning his jeans. “What about you? Are you wearing one of the classic ones?”

“Ha-ha.” Her eyes flicked toward her changing table. “If I’m not mistaken, your mom hates that type of diaper.”

“You can say that again.” Mark undid the last button and let his jeans fall. “Can you see the symbol, Riley? I can’t.”

It was an intense battle between her and her emotions. Riley struggled to keep her gaze steady on her friend, which made the check all the more difficult. I just need to see the symbol, not what’s underneath! I know boys are different from girls! Why do I feel so… nervous?! Mom, please, come here now!

“Well,” Mark stammered uncertainly, “is the symbol still there?”

“Uh…” Riley had her head turned to the left, with only one eye able to glance at the light blue pull-up her friend was wearing. What could he be thinking? Riley, for heaven’s sake, get a grip! Damn it! She sighed, making a futile attempt to examine the diaper with her one available eye. “Just another second, Mark. I’m almost there.”

Now it was Mark who was dying of embarrassment. He stood there, arms holding up his red hoodie, jeans around his ankles, with his pull-up fully visible. In front of him, his friend and classmate was looking—without much interest— at the garment that hid his private parts from the world.

“Riley, this isn’t the time to play games!” he scolded.

“I’m trying!” she replied with complete sincerity. “I don’t know what’s happening to me, but I can’t look at you!”

Instinctively, Mark crouched down to her level, trying to catch her gaze.

At that moment, Riley turned her head, and her lips accidentally collided with his.

Immediately afterward, her arms pushed him away, and he fell backward. Her heart was racing uncontrollably, her cheeks began to burn, and she felt the cold and dampness of her diaper pressing against her bottom.

It took her a few seconds to realize what had just happened. I… I just kissed… I just kissed Mark!
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The first thing Luz did after sitting at the table was to write down the idea on a sheet of paper Sally gave her. Just a moment ago, she thought she and her friends were done for. Now, with the inspiration that had just struck her, that thought faded away as she put it in writing.

Helen, Riley and Sally’s mom, passed by to check if they needed anything. Sally and Ferg answered no, while Luz shook her head.

“Are you sure, Luz?” she asked to confirm, slightly worried. “You seem… under pressure.”

Luz lifted her head from the paper and stopped writing. “I am a little, Mrs. Bishop. We need to propose a project to Mrs. Mullins, and we have no ideas!”

With a gesture, Helen motioned for Sally to approach her. “Riley’s idea won’t work?”

Luz gritted her teeth and looked at Ferg, who answered for her: “Unfortunately, we had to scrap it. It was too—”

Sally interrupted him abruptly. “She based it on the chart you have in your office. It eliminated both the privacy and the element of surprise that Mrs. Mullins expects from our project.”

“Exactly,” Luz and Ferg agreed simultaneously. The latter added calmly, “Next time, wait your turn to speak, Sally.”

Helen nodded. “Your friend is right. I expect you to apologize to him later.” She paused briefly. “How’s the diaper situation?”

Luz seemed entirely uninterested and quickly jotted down the final notes for her idea. Ferg, on the other hand, showed a slight embarrassment at hearing that conversation. He tried to avoid looking at Sally and her mother, but with little success. Sally handed him the paper and began reading it.

Sally responded indifferently, “Still dry, but if I stay here much longer, it won’t be dry for long.”

Out of the corner of her eye, Luz saw Helen lift Sally’s skirt slightly to check the diaper. A shiver ran through her—it was something she hadn’t seen in years and hoped never to experience herself again. She’d leave those matters to her friends.

Helen sighed with relief but still seemed far from reassured. “I thought you’d wet it, too, but I would’ve checked regardless, wet or dry. By the way, is your sister upstairs?”

“Yes, she’s with Mark. She said she went a lot.”

Helen’s expression darkened. “I’m afraid the medication isn’t helping as it should. I’ll have to schedule another appointment with Dr. Heinz. Is there anything else I should know?”

“This time, she knew she needed to go again,” Sally added, slightly struck. “Can I go to the bathroom now?”

Her mom nodded and then announced to everyone, “I’ll be back! It won’t take long!”

Helen and Luz watched her disappear into the adjacent hallway. Their gazes met like magnets.

“Medication?” Luz asked, puzzled. “Is Riley sick?”

Helen offered a sad smile. “Not exactly. Let’s just say her body isn’t telling her when it’s time to go to the bathroom anymore. She started wetting herself without realizing it over the summer, and since the situation wasn’t improving, we had to put her in diapers all day and night. She even wears them to school—your teachers know about it.”

Luz looked down. “She never told us.”

“I asked her not to,” Helen admitted, slightly regretful. “I know you, Ferg, and Mark are the only friends who’ve accepted her childish side, but I’m afraid someone might hurt her for something she can no longer control. I hope you understand. Greg and I do this because we love her and want her to be safe.”

Luz listened carefully and couldn’t blame either Riley or Sally for keeping the issue a secret. Their parents wanted the best for them, especially emotionally and mentally. She now understood Riley’s bitter comment when they were in the room. The less others know, the less Riley suffers.

“How is she handling it all?” Ferg joined the conversation. “I mean, the medication… and the accidents.”

“She takes the medication without complaints or tantrums. As for the accidents… well, they upset her,” Helen replied reassuringly, sensing the worry in his voice. Before leaving, she added, “Now, excuse me, but I need to check on those two. Good luck with your project!”

Luz counted to thirty and then asked her friend, “What do you think? It’s similar to Riley’s idea, but better!”

Ferg scratched his head uncertainly. “You literally removed the chart and changed the title! And tell me, what are you putting in the middle? What will Riley think when she finds out?”

Luz furrowed her brows. Of course, she knew what to place under the title—she had thought through her idea entirely, and Helen and Sally had just given her the missing piece to complete it! But Riley…

With a sunny expression, Sally returned at that moment and sat next to her.

“Love letters, invitations, anonymous confessions — anything you can think of,” Luz replied confidently. “It’s perfect! Mrs. Mullins will be surprised when she sees it!”

“See what?” Sally interjected, and without a word, took the paper from Ferg’s hands.

“She might, but what about Riley?” Ferg retorted, aghast. “I say we think of another idea!”

Luz slammed both hands on the table. “Hey, I put a lot of effort into this!”

“You threw it together in five minutes! And you did it in front of Mrs. Bishop!” He turned to Sally. “Don’t tell me you’re on board with this!”

Riley’s sister chose not to take sides in the argument, but her pleased expression as she read what was written betrayed her.

Luz seized the opportunity. “Even Sally agrees! See? Two against one—we’ve practically decided!”

Ferg’s patience was nearing its limit. He gritted his teeth to avoid yelling and drawing Mrs. Bishop’s attention from upstairs. “Let me remind you that our group has five people! Two yes, one no, and three I don’t know! So don’t claim victory just yet, Luz!”

Luz opened her mouth to respond, but Sally raised her hand in front of her face, signaling her to listen and keep quiet. She then shot a stern look at Ferg, urging him to do the same.

“This is not what Riley meant when she said to take a break,” Sally began cautiously. “I understand we’re running out of time; I understand, Ferg, that you care about Riley’s feelings. But this isn’t the right way to discuss it. Have you already forgotten what happened yesterday in front of Mr. Johnson?”

Luz rolled her eyes toward the ceiling in annoyance. How could she forget the heated debate between Beth and Luke about the Asian continent? At first, it went well, flowing smoothly and comprehensibly. Then it descended into chaos because Luke wanted to dominate her presentation. It ended with Beth getting an A and Luke a C.

Sally continued, “If we get heated and angry, everything will fall apart! Until Riley and Mark are here, we’ll talk about something else. I bet Mom won’t take long to change them.”

At that point, Ferg’s expression shifted from angry to incredulous, and he raised an eyebrow. “Change them? Mark’s wearing…”

Luz and Sally burst into hearty laughter.



Mark was the first to get back on his feet. Quickly, he grabbed his jeans from around his ankles, pulled them up over his pull-up, and buttoned them. He felt a sting on his forehead. Where had he hit it so hard for it to hurt this much?

He tried touching it. “Ow! That hurts!”

He looked at Riley, who was sitting there staring at him with terror written across her face, one hand brushing against her lips. The sight raised a lot of questions in his mind.

“Are you okay?” he asked, helping her up. “Why did you push me?”

Silence. Mark sensed that what she was feeling wasn’t fear but pure, sincere embarrassment — or perhaps shame.

“Why won’t you answer me?” He took a few steps back. Anxiety took hold of him, prompting him to blurt out nonsense: “Oh no, you’ve lost your ability to talk! No, even worse — you can’t hear me anymore! The push made you deaf! Oh no, your family is going to kill me! Riley, please, give me a sign!”

Without realizing it, Mark placed his hands on her shoulders and locked his brown eyes with her green ones. His heart raced as though he’d run for miles, and her silence was driving him mad. Why isn’t she speaking? Is she a robot and I broke her?

Riley’s lips started to curl into a smile, and then she burst out laughing. Between fits of laughter, she finally spoke: “I didn’t go deaf, Mark! And I can still talk! Do you really think a little push would make me lose my hearing? Or my ability to speak!”

Mark let out a sigh of relief. Hearing her laugh erased the image of her family coming after him with weapons of all sorts, ready to make him disappear. He would hug his parents again tonight.

“You never know!” he replied firmly. “Better safe than sorry! Are you sure you’re not hurt?”

Riley looked at the floor—pristine and, more importantly, dry. She felt the padded diaper against her bottom, then the front, and made an annoyed face. “The diaper softened the fall, so nothing’s broken. Too bad my pants got wet.”

Mark listened but didn’t look at her dark purple pants. He asked innocently, “How many times did you go?”

Riley blushed and instinctively clasped her hands in front of her lower body. “Two… maybe three times?”

“And do you need to go again?”

She shook her head, still smiling. “I-I did… before I pushed you.”

“Oh.” Mark was caught off guard. “So… we both have wet diapers now?”

Before Riley could respond, two soft knocks came from the door.

Her mother entered, pushing the door slightly ajar and looking at them with an expression Riley had come to know well over the past year. She asked curiously, “Who wants to go first?”

Mark stepped back. “Ladies first.”

Riley took two steps back, her gaze challenging. “Guests first.”

For the first time, he blushed nervously and looked at Mrs. Bishop. “Do I really have to go first?”

Her mom simply smiled. “This time, it’s your turn, Mark. And then I need to have a little chat with my daughter,” she said, her gaze soft but firm as it locked onto Riley. “Alone.”

Riley lowered her eyes and instinctively squeezed Mark’s hand.

He pretended not to notice the warmth of her hand mingling with his, and he was happier than he could ever admit.


Mark’s diaper change didn’t take long—barely a minute. Unlike hers, he wore a pull-up. Riley knew the steps by heart: take off the pull-up like regular underwear, clean up with a wet wipe, and put on a new one. It was a shame her parents had taken away the option of alternating between pull-ups and regular diapers.

After he told her it was her turn, Riley wanted to stop him and ask him to stay with her for the entire time it took to get a clean diaper on her skin. Please stay.

Unfortunately, she had to smile at him and tell him the others had moved to the living room. “Follow the voices,” she said, waving him off. He waved back, nearly tripping down the stairs.

Why do I feel strange? Why do I feel butterflies in my stomach when I look at him?

She tried to push those thoughts away. Not even her mom’s lecture about wetting her diaper more than necessary could distract her, as she remained distant and lost in thought. 

“Riley!” her mother thundered. “Are you listening to me?”

She sat on the changing table without pants, her wet diaper still taped to her, while her mother watched her with a guarded expression, ready to scold her. Oh, no.

She shook her head regretfully. “No, Mom.”

Her mom sighed in exasperation. “Riley, you need to stop zoning out! This isn’t the first time I’ve seen you like this—your teachers mention it too. What’s going on with you? Not to mention the fact that you wet your diaper twice without telling me!”

Riley sighed. She should’ve guessed Sally would tattle again, but she knew it was for her own good, and getting mad at her would be foolish. She couldn’t blame her for her mistakes.


“At least tell me you felt the urge both times!”

“Yes, both times.”

Her mom ran a hand over her face. “Let’s set aside the issue of urges for now. Why didn’t you come find me after you wet it the first time?”

Riley found the question difficult. “I was presenting my idea to my friends… I thought it was like a test, and… I don’t know, Mom.”

“Take three deep breaths and then answer me,” her mother instructed gently.

Sally, I hate you.

Riley obeyed. “I didn’t want to bother you… or rather… I didn’t want to.”

“Remind me of diaper rule six,” her mom began sternly, “when I wet or soil my diaper…”

Even in first person… I’m in so much trouble!

“I have to tell Mom and/or Dad right away,” she finished sadly.

“Did you do that?”

“No, I didn’t,” she admitted quietly. “No video-games for two weeks?”

Her mom helped her lie back on the changing mat, adjusted the pillow, and lifted her hoodie slightly. “That sounds like a fair punishment. I expect you to tell your dad and sister about this later too. Understood?”


Her mom ripped open the tabs of her diaper and began cleaning her up.



It took her several seconds to speak. “I think I have a crush on Mark.”

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