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How to stop emails?

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I'm getting emails when someone messages me.  I don't want or need these emails, & I thought I'd switched them off.  How can I stop them?


Me too


"The administrator has disabled this feature from being toggled."


5 hours ago, Stroller said:

I'm getting emails when someone messages me.  I don't want or need these emails, & I thought I'd switched them off.  How can I stop them?

I had the same i did not want emails to my yahoo account and notifications on my iphone so i just blocked the emails to my account from DD in my yahoo settings. Maybe you can do the same i dont get any notifications or email from DD i just get my messages within DD. hope it helps.

55 minutes ago, DailyDi said:

I made all notifications toggle-able.

Thanks!  I've now switched off the ones I couldn't before, so I hope that'll do it.


What would be nice would be, like the old Yahoo groups, the ability to have new posts in clubs and their replies available as emials so you could have back and forth conversations like an instant messenger almost. The old RUFFLES & RIBBONS GIRLS' HOME had a Yahoo group with 900 members back in the early 2000's before Yaho went crazy. If there were interest, I could make a RRGH club. Also, might as well delete the RRGH subforum as it gets no use and I could put what is there as threads in such a club

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