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  1. Hello everyone! I just finished a project of mine, which I worked on for some month now. Over the years, I commissioned pictures of my Human OC getting adopted and babied by a Pokemon-Family, after he somehow landed in this strange, new world with only Pokemon. The art is from different artists and the outfits sometimes don't match with previous pictures, but I think that's a bit more fun^^ Here a link to the first page of my story caption: https://www.furaffinity.net/view/54775194/ I hope you enjoy the story and pictures^^
  2. Hello Babs and Bigs (and all others!) I've been pulled out of the woodwork by The 3rd Kasarberang Story Contest! The NON-CONtest #3 ! Seriously, a thousand thanks to Kasarberang for these, otherwise I would probably never get the gumption to write. Now, I know the contest has very specific themes, and I've selected a couple of them, but they're secret for now, 'kay? I'll add them as tags later, but you don't want to spoil your appetite! So, here I am with a new tale, perhaps a bit based on a somewhat recent horror film, but it's already rapidly evolved into its own thing. With no further ado, here's the first course of "The Kids Menu" First Course - Amuse-Bouche “That’s not even the best part,” Tyler continued, passionately oversharing about his most recent obsession. Sarah smiled widely, her long light auburn hair whipping in the sea breeze, but her attention never broke from Tyler. She reveled in every little excited motion he made as he fixated on every fine detail of his story. She gave every outward appearance of profound interest, laughing, gasping, and even giving him light touches at the right moments, but the truth was it was at best a mild distraction from what had occupied her mind for months leading up to their date. But Tyler was none the wiser, carrying on what was one of the best conversations he had in years, with someone who but days before was a total stranger. It had to mean something, a deep connection, a kindred soul, maybe even love at first… The boat’s horn blew, ending both of their reveries, and turning their attention forward. The nearby conversations ceased just as abruptly, as the dozen passengers took in their destination. The private island that would serve as their paradise for the weekend was almost supernaturally beautiful. The crystal clear emerald waters lapped on the soft sand beach, from which a short wooden dock awaited their vessel. The sun dipped just behind the lush tree line, providing shade for the dock while keeping the sand warm. As the boat began to dock, Tyler could barely make out the path through to their villas and the main hall which would serve as their communal eating area for the duration of their stay. While he sat there taking in the sights, Sarah stood up and leaned over the boat’s railing, watching as a school of brightly colored fish darted past. “Ty, come look!” she shouted, pulling his attention towards her. His head whipped towards her, his shaggy sandy blonde hair falling in his eyes. As his hand wiped his vision clear, he froze and went red in the face. The short pale blue sundress that had framed Sarah’s assets quite nicely until now, had ridden up far enough that even the gentle breeze threatened to flash him. “Sarah! Y-y-y-,” he stammered, hiding his eyes, and gesturing furiously for her to come down. Sarah giggled inwardly, but feigned shock, yanking her dress down and shuffling over to Tyler. “My hero,” she whispered, planting a gentle kiss on his cheek. His blush only intensified, but was accompanied with a genuine smile. She milked the moment by resting her head on his shoulder, a safe spot for a quick gaze to confirm a certain stiffening in his pants. Had she been a better person, she might have felt bad for how easily she was playing him, but things being what they were, she was loving every second of this. And, so far, so was he. Tyler would have been content staying in that moment for the whole weekend, but as the other passengers emptied out, he caught the skipper’s eyes and realized it was past time they get moving. He opened his mouth to speak such to his date, but as brief scenarios of saying the wrong thing flashed in his mind, he choked back the words. Again he opened his mouth, and shut it just as fast. He repeated this cycle for nearly a minute before Sarah decided he had suffered enough and lifted her head, miming a stretch. “Ty, babe, we shouldn’t keep them waiting,” she instructed him after taking an exaggerated look around, “it’s rude.” While he processed the change in tone, she stood up first and offered him a hand up. Not thinking any better of it, he meekly took it and stood to realize the rising problem in his pants. As he tried to pull his hand down to try and reposition or cover himself, she pulled his hand harder, and before he knew it they were both on the dock, in full view of everyone else. Without taking time to properly orient himself, he spun away from the group in front of him, and ran into a towering woman. Stumbling, he found himself caught by her firm, yet gentle hand. Her scent clung to him, sweet and strange, foreign and fruity. “Aren’t you an eager one?” she asked rhetorically, talking about him, but addressing the crowd more than she was him. She bent down slightly, both giving him ample view of her more than ample chest, and bringing her eyes nearly in line with him. “Just be careful where you point that thing, okay dear?” Having lost almost all higher brain function, Tyler nodded sheepishly. After feeling a firm prodding in his back from Sarah, he added “Y-yes ma’am.” “Miss Margot,” the woman before him corrected immediately. Tyler’s mouth hung open, his head listing to the side slightly. “It’s ‘Yes, Miss Margot’,” she said, pinching his jaw between two fingers. “Y-e-s,” he formed the sounds as she moved his mouth, “M-i-s-s M-a-r-g-o-t.” “Excellent,” she said dropping his jaw and pulling herself back up to full height and addressing everyone but him once again. “During your stay on my island, you are my guests, and welcome to all of its amenities. However, as your host, I do insist on at least some… decorum. The very least of which, is to refer to me as Miss Margot,” she turned her attention back to Tyler, “understood?” “Yes Miss Margot,” everyone echoed back with varying levels of enthusiasm. Some shouted it joyfully. Others recited it calmly. Tyler for his part barely broke a mumble. The introduction seemingly now complete, Sarah slipped her hand in his, and led the two off the dock along with the other guests. As they walked, she snuck a look back at Miss Margot and mouthed ‘thank you’, getting a gentle smile in return. The two continued to walk hand in hand across the beach, then down a shaded path to the heart of the island. Far ahead, a guide-woman explained the layout and features of the resort, but none of it registered with Tyler, and Sarah didn’t seem to pay it much interest. When they did arrive at the site of the main hall, Sarah split off from the group, still leading Tyler by the hand. The walk had done his head some good, but he hadn’t been able to reemerge from the shell his frightened psyche had retreated into. For now, his only link to the world around him was Sarah’s soft fingers, wrapped around his. It was more than enough. They quickly arrived at a beautiful villa. Thatched siding and roofing hid the modern materials employed in its construction, a solitary skylight breaking the illusion. The whole thing stood more than his head’s height off the ground on thick wooden pillars. As she led him up the rustic stairs to the doorway, he noticed the villa wasn’t as freestanding as it looked at a glance. A hallway ran, camouflaged, to the main hall, joining with one other along the way. He incorrectly assumed this was a matter of convenience, a way for them to reach the central hub of activity for the resort without leaving the comfort of the indoors. It did but that was only a secondary benefit. The door handle chimed as Sarah touched it, stealing Tyler’s attention from the hallway, and a moment later the cool air conditioning spilled out of the open door. “Magic touch,” she commented, waving at him with the fingers of her spare hand, then pulling him the rest of the way inside. The door swung shut quietly until it was closed, when a heavy lock clicked automatically into place. Sarah flopped onto the spacious bed in the center of the room, pulling Tyler down beside her. The two lay in silence for a long minute, still holding hands. “I’m glad, uhm,” Tyler lost his words as quickly as he found them, happy to return to the restful silence. “Me too,” Sarah replied, turning towards him, propping herself up on an elbow. “Not every day you get whisked away for a weekend in paradise by a beautiful woman you met just days before on a silly dating app, is it?” Tyler laughed, feeling the weight lift off his chest, lighting off more than just the day’s worries, but feeling free from what had become almost a lifetime of regrets. Regrets that washed back in like a wave of the sea, weighing him down once more. Noticing him tense back up, Sarah kissed his cheek. “I’ve got just the thing,” she said, getting up and strolling to the mini-bar. “There’s a fruit that grows here. Like, only here,” She explained while mixing various juices. “It’s called Heartfruit,” she paused, lifting up a plump, pink fruit that, true to its name, looked like a cartoon heart, “and it’s really quite fascinating, both medicinally and culinarily.” She tossed the fruit to him and one bumbling catch later, he examined the softball sized fruit. The skin wasn’t just thick, but hard and smooth, almost like a candy coating. “The skin, meat, juice, and seeds each have their own unique properties,” she continued, vigorously mixing the drink, “including some pretty fascinating neurological benefits.” Tyler sat up a bit at that word, ‘neurological’. Despite his years of undiagnosed depression, he recoiled at the idea of anything that might unknowingly alter his brain. It may not work right, but at least it was a misery he understood. So he barely drank more than a single beer in any given month, and would have been too afraid to get high, had anyone ever offered him the chance. He set the Heartfruit down on the bedside table, and dug for any excuse not to partake. Sarah finished mixing the drink and turned around to see the rising panic in Tyler’s eyes. She set the drink down and knelt in front of him at the foot of the bed. “Ty?” she asked, slowly raising a hand to pull his face towards hers. Tyler began to sniffle and cry. He was about to blow it again, lose everything all because he couldn’t stop being such a fool. When he felt her hand press against his cheek, he sniffled hard, and looked at her. He paused, then sniffed again. His tears cut off rather suddenly as his brain tried to piece together the strange smell. It had a sweetness to it, like a… foreign fruit. “That’s a good boy,” Sarah said, lifting the glass to his lips, and helping him drink down the Heartfruit cocktail. Tyler didn’t, couldn’t resist.
  3. “SPIDER!” my little sister Annabelle screamed at the top of her lungs. “STOP SCREAMING!” I screamed back at her before running over and killing the damn spider. “Look, just go downstairs and look through some of the stuff down there!” Annabelle was 8 years old and had a very high pitched scream that I absolutely could not stand. So far that had been her 4th time screaming her head off and I would rather clear out this attic myself than to hear her scream near me one more time. Why are we cleaning the attic? Well because we're selling my grandmas house. About 5 months ago my grandma got really sick and died just 2 weeks later. It was a very sad time for us all. Anyway, my mom couldn't afford to keep both our hose and my grandma's house so she decided to get everything out and go through it. Some stuff we are selling, some were giving to goodwill, and some were keeping. My sister was in tears after I yelled at her but what do you expect? A 16-year-old brother can only handle so much screaming. But Annabelle did climb down the ladder leading to the attic crying so it wouldn't be so bad. Mom might be a little mad at me for yelling at her but even she knows how much of a pain it can be to hear my sister scream. I was about to get back to taking stuff down the ladder when I suddenly heard something slam shut. Looking back I could see the door to the attic had closed shut. Shit! I went over and tried to reopen the door but it wouldn't budge. Whoever made it, made it so that it can only be opened from the outside. “Perfect,” I whisper as I pulled out my phone to text my mom. She had a few things to do today so she left the two of us here to clear out the attic. ‘Hi mom, Annabelle’s screaming was getting on my nerves so I sent her downstairs. She must have accidentally knocked the ladder and now I'm stuck up here.’ I texted my mom. ‘Ok, I'm almost done with my shopping and I'll be back in 30 minutes.” she texted me back. great, stuck up here with nothing to do. My grandma doesn't have internet and my phone doesn't have any apps so I'm already bored. Not long after that, I hired the phone ring downstairs. Most likely mom checking on Anna. I take a look over at the boxes still up here and I decided to open a few and see whats inside. Maybe I could find something cool and call dibs on it. the first box had nothing but clothes in it, the next had old photos, and finally the last I checked actually had stuff in it! Most of it was old junk that I wouldn't have any use for. But it was still neat to look at some of it. Then I noticed something, a little pink box. I grabbed it and just looked at it. Out of everything in the box this one looked a little out of place. As I opened it, I let out a small giggle. It was a pink diaper with the word ‘princess’ on the front. On the back was just a large red hart. “Why was this up here?” I asked myself before tossing the diaper and continued to look through my grandma's stuff. But then I heard something, a small rustling sound, was it a rat!? I quickly turn around to see nothing. Then I hear the rustling again and I turned to look at the attic door. But again nothing was there, well except for the diaper. Just then I realized the rustling sound must have been the diaper. but what I didn't realize was it wasn't in the spot I tossed it at. I decided I should actually pick it up and put it back in the box before mom gets back. As I walk over and try to pick it up however the diaper suddenly leaps into the air and clamped onto my face! What the fuck! I immediately start fracking out as I try to pull the diaper off my face when I suddenly fall down. “Ow,” I say as I rub my head and release the diaper is off my face but notice it's trying to make its way into my pants! I immediately grab onto it and tried as hard as I could to pull on it, but It just would not budge! I might be scrawny but I can't be this week! But my hands slip and the diaper went right into my pants. I quickly stand up as I feel the diaper moving around in my underwear! I immediately pull down both my pants and underwear just as the diaper tapes itself onto me and started releasing a thick pink smoke! “What the hell!” I yell out before I start coughing and I close my eyes. With my eyes closed, I didn't see my clothes began to disappear and soon replaced by different clothes. When I finally was able to open my eyes I screamed as I looked down. I now had knee-length socks and black shoes. My pants were gone and I was now wearing a pink frilly skirt that only covered half of the pink diaper. My shirt was replaced with a short-sleeved pink shirt that didn't even cover my bellybutton with a red vest red ribbons over it. And if I had a mirror I would see that my dark hair has turned into a light pink color with a small ow sicking out the side of my head! “W-w-what the…” I said weakly as my body starts shaking slightly. "What the hell was going on here!" I then began pulling at everything, trying as hard as I can to remove any of it! “You can't take me off.” I heard someone say and I immediately jumped and began looking around. “Who said that?” I asked as I saw no one else around me. “I am Pardie,” the voice said again. “Where are you!” I asked. “Look down.” the voice said and when I did all I could see was the diaper. “What do you mean? All I see is the diaper.” I tell the voice. Suddenly the diaper began to swell and get bigger forcing my legs apart! “I am the diaper.” the voice said before deflating back to the original size. (the name pardie is diaper with the letters changed around) “T-this can't be happening,” I say as I really start to freak out. “Ow, but it is princess, and now it's time for you to save your kingdom,” Pardie told me and suddenly the diaper began letting out even more smoke. “NOT AGAIN!” I yelled as I closed my eyes and began coughing again. When the smoke finally subsided and I was finally able to breathe again I opened my eyes to see I was no longer in the attic anymore. “WHAT THE HELL!” I screamed as I began to freak out. “THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! I was now inside an empty room with only a single window and a door. “Welcome to you castle princess,” Pardie said to me. “IM A BOY NOT A PRINCESS!” I screamed at the diaper and realized I'm losing my mind. There's no way I'm screaming at a talking diaper, or magically been taken somewhere else. “This has to be a dream. Ya, I must have slipped when I was picking up the diaper and hit my head.” I told myself. “You still don't believe this is real?” pardie asked. “Of course not!” I screamed. “Who in their right mind would think diapers could talk!” Suddenly I felt the diaper suddenly get really tight as it began shrinking! At first, it wasn't that bad, hell I figured it would just pop off as soon as it got small enough. But no, it soon felt like there was a vise clamped onto my nuts! Soon I was screaming in pain. “Do you believe this is real now princess?” pardie asked. “YES!” I screamed just wanting the pain to be over and thankfully the diaper went back to normal. “What is going on here?” I asked the diaper as soon as the pain in my crotch went away. “You are here to save your kingdom princess.” pardie told me. “What kingdom?” I asked and suddenly heard screaming coming from outside the window. I immediately ran over to the window and looked outside and my jaw dropped. I was in some sort of tower looking down at a vast beautiful city. But with a closer look, I could see people running around screaming as buildings were lit on fire. Then I saw the case of the fire, a large lion with goat horns was breathing fire! “Princes, it's time for you to save your kingdom,” Pardie told me as I nearly pissed my diaper. ____________ hi! ^.^ I hope you like this first chapter. I've been pretty busy so I haven't had much time to write but I've been wanting to post this for a while. I want to give a shout out to skipek1 (from DeviantArt) who asked me to make a transformation story. and to Redwelch2222 who helped me with a little bit of the world building that will be in the next chapter. this is my first real original story not based on anything already. hope you all like it!
  4. "I can't believe mom is making me take you on this stupid doll factory tour!" Cody whined. His sister Amanda says "Well I been wanting to go to this for awhile plus they got new dolls being made and it's a huge surprise. Something thats never been done!" They both start walking with the lady of rhe tour. Cody bored decides to go on his own tour. He quickly evades the group and his sister. His sister is too focused to on tour to notice he's gone. Cody finds a room labeled "keep out secret testing in progress". Cody intrested goes in and it's super dark but can hear machines going. The lights then come on and couldn't believe his eyes "he saw life like dolls same size of him but they were robots looked so real like humans. They were all in packaging except one was ripped open. "I wonder who opened this" Cody confused. Then from behind two arms grab him its the doll that was missing from the box "well well well looks like I found my replacement. No way I'm going to be somebody's baby dolly but I'm sure you'll be perfect for them" The doll takes him to this slide and throws him down "have fun with your new life. I'm about to start my own new life" the doll chuckles. Cody slides down then lands on a conveyor belt. A robot size doll that's bigger then him scans him. "Hmm I don't remember boys being part of this baby doll project but I guess they are going for sissy baby. Well let's get you ready and set to go" The robot grabs Cody but before Cody could say anything she sticks a pacifier in his mouth. "Now now no talking back its time to put you in a nice thick diaper but first we got to shave you down there" The robot then shackles him down to a chair and a bunch of hands rip his clothes off leaving him butt naked. The robot then grabs him and puts him across his knee. Cody trys to fight but the robot spanks him on the butt. Cody crys and immediately stops moving. Now lets shave those boy bits. The razor comes down and shaves his balls, dick, and butt hole. "There thats better but I think I feel someone is getting hard we can't have that can we. Now I'm going to remove your pacifier and if you try to talk back it goes right back in". Cody complies with the robot then waits for his next fate. The robot grabs a baby bottle filled with a little of milk then grabs his dick then lubes it up. And starts milking Cody till he makes loads of cum in the bottle. Cody felt so good he couldn't fight back. His orgasm was so amazing but them the robot grabs a chastity cage for his small soft dick. "Now we can't have you playing with yourself. Your new owner will decide when to unlock you. So be a good baby" the robot then locks his dick up and feeds him the bottle full of his cum and milk. "You got to be big and strong so protein was important for your milk". Cody can't believe he just drank his own cum. The robot then gets a giant thermometer but this one wasn't for mouth it was for rectal. Cody whines "Hey come on please no not that! " before he could back away the robot flipped him on his back and stickes thermometer up his butt. Cody could feel his dick precumming from feeling the thermometer hit his prostate. "Let's see well you look pretty healthy but ewww gross. Seriously do you not wipe your butt or clean down in that butthole. No no you need to be cleaned but also taught a lesson". The robot reveals a enema bag then grabs a diaper. "It's time for you to get a first experience of using your diaper at least!". The robot sticks the enema up his butt then starts shooting the water up his butt. She then diapers him up and plants him on her knee. "Now show mommy what a good girl does in her diaper". Cody tried to hold it but his butthole failed and realized a toxic messy wet poopy into his diaper. Cody cried like a baby while the robot laughed and bounced him. "Get use to it. I'm sure your owner will enjoy you so much. You look so embarrassed and blush it's so cute!" The robot then changes his diaper and wipes his butt hole very well. Before she diapered him she slipped a suppository up his butt. Then gets him dressed. Putting a small skirt barely coveting his diaper. And a shirt that says sissy boy on it. She then carries him to a box and ties his hands and feet up. "Well it's been fun but let's show you off. I'm sure someone will buy you". She put him on a conveyor which leaded to a show room. Which everybody was starring at him laughing. They couldn't believe their eyes but that wasn't even worse part. His sister Amanda saw him and approached the box. "Hey il take him please". Cody then says "omg Amanda am I glad to see you. Hey you got to untie me from this and get me out of here and....*click*" Amanda took a picture with her phone. "Now listen here sissy diaper boy I'm now in charge and your going to do what I say from now on or I can send this to all your friends" Cody scared "come on Amanda you can't do this I'm your big brother. You cant... ugh..." Cody felt the suppository taking effect. He couldn't poop himself infront of his sister. His sister smiled and knew what he was about to do. "Well looks like the baby needs to go boom boom. Daww well you are wearing a diaper go ahead show your new big sister how to fill a diaper" she then hits record on her phone to capture everything. Cody let's out a huge fart then his diaper starts to drop down from all the poo entering his diaper. "Noo this can't be happening. Im not a baby." Cody whined. Amanda smiled "peeeyeww baby bro you sure know how to pack them diapers like a pro. Looks like I got a fun pic and a video too. Here's the deal if you don't want both of these out. I mean the video is going to be way worse then picture but your going to tell mom that you want to bond with me more by being my new diaper doll toy. And... wait what's this" Amanda spots a key on the box that reads "key to chastity cage" Amanda laughs "oh my gosh I heard about these. Wow now your really going to be all mine. If you ever want to wank your little wee wee off then I suggest you better listen to everything I say. Also we got to get home my friends are coming over and I can't wait to show them to you. Plus il need help changing that stinky diaper. Gosh who knew boys took big dumps"
  5. "What are you wearing?!" she asked, or more demanded. She glared at Alex up and down. "I um..." Alex blushed and looked away. "I don't know..." "Answer my question. What. Are. You. Wearing?" Alex blushed deeper. "My normal clothes." She faked surprise. "Those are your normal clothes? Look at me." Alex glanced up to meet her eyes and nodded. "Yes, they are." "Oh really? Doesn't seem like they should to me. What kind of underwear are you wearing?" "What?!" She looked at him sternly. "What kind of underwear are you wearing?" She repeated. "Boxers." "Oh? So you aren't wearing pretty pink panties? Or a diaper? Or anything like that?" Alex blushed at the question. "No!" he said. "Why not? And where is your collar?" "I... ummm," he looked down. "I don't know." Normally, the answer should be easy. Why should he, a grown adult man, wear anything like that? Here, however, it was different "Mhmm. Just as I thought. And what else are you wearing?" "I'm wearing boxers, jeans, a blue t shirt, and running shoes." "And what the fuck are you wearing that here?" "I... I don't know." The question may have seemed strange in any other location. He was wearing his normal clothes, the clothes he would normally wear in any normal event. However, this wasn't a normal event at all, at least until a few weeks prior. This was more emphasized by woman asking him the questions. She wasn't dressed in anything that might be seen as "normal" elsewhere, but here she fit in perfectly. Her tight black pleather corset, thigh shorts over fishnet stockings and knee high heeled boots, and long black rod in her hands all matched the dark room he stood in. Alex glanced nervously around at the dog cage, wooden X cross, and waist high stocks that filled the room among similar, equally frightening implements, and wondered which he may end up in if he wasn't careful. The only thing not matching stood at the far end of the room. It was a large camera, facing toward a bare corner with a mirror, and attached to a computer at a desk. Though it was perhaps the most "normal" part of the room, it was the part that made him blush the most, especially knowing it was there for him. She glared at him again. "Take them off. Now." Alex gulped and obeyed. He reached for the bottom of his shirt and lifted it slowly over his head. He then looked at her. "And?" she asked. He reached down for his belt buckle and slowly began undoing it. She let out an annoyed sigh. "Alright, let me do it." She walked up to him, and pushed his hands away. She then undid it herself and forced his pants down, leaving him in just his boxers with his pants in a pool around his ankled. WHACK Alex gasped as the strap hit him across the thighs, taking him by surprise. "I don't want to see you dressed like this here again. Is that understood?" She hit him again, and he gasped. "YES! I'm sorry, I won't AAA!"" he stopped as she hit him. "What made you think you could dress like that here, knowing what you were coming for? And you didn't even bring a change of clothes? Are you that stupid?" "I just, I uhh... You didn't specify." "What?" "You didn't specify, so I dressed as I normally would," He explained. It was partially true. The reality was, being new at this game, he was still nervous about it. Her not specifying was a solid excuse to avoid a long bus ride worrying about a bag full of embarrassing clothes. WHACK! She hit him harder then before, and he yelped loudly. "So its MY fault?" She hit him again. "No! I just didn't know!" She reached for his underwear, and with one hard tug, tore it off. She then took the scraps and shoved them into his mouth. "So you couldn't figure it out? Is that what you're telling me? That you're too much of a dumb little sub to even figure that out?" "Mmph," he said, unsure if he should talk. She whacked him again. "Answer!" He yelped and reach his hands to his thighs, and felt tears forming in his eyes. "Yes!" He said. The sound came out muffled, but she seemed to understand. "Then say it. And take those naughty boxers out of your mouth to answer so I can hear it clearly, then replace them." Alex sighed. A week ago, that question would have meant nothing to him. A year, what he was doing wouldn't even have crossed his mind. However, things had changed. Or more, they hadn't at all. Not long ago, he had been working a stable job with a solid income, and had no issues affording what he needed. Now, he worked the same stable job with the same income. The problem is everything ELSE had changed: mortgage, gas, groceries, everything cost more and more, and the same salary felt like less and less. So, he had to make a decision. He could reduce his spending, penny pinch, thrift, live off of KD and baloney... or he could turn to his other talents to make extra money. After too many bills and too many weeks of issues, he settled on the latter. And now, because of it, he had to answer a ridiculously embarrassing question for someone he barely knew. "I dressed this way because I'm too much of a dumb little sub to even figure that out," he replied. "Oh? And what else?" He sighed. "I am a dumb, helpless subby, too stupid to think of things myself, and who needs someone to think for me. I am too stupid to take care of myself and should obey smarter people like you." "What people like who?" "Smarter people like you." "Undies back in your mouth, now." He obeyed, and shoved them inside. "Good boy," she said, making him blush even deeper. "Then lets get you dressed appropriately, and since I am the smart one who gets to make decisions, I'm going to decide, ok?" He nodded, and let out a muffled noise that stemmed from "Yes mistress." "Good boy. Now, lets hurry, the cameras are rolling." Alex sighed. Even that one phrase- "good boy," was something that shook him. He didn't know what he was more embarrassed about- how much he hated it, or how much he enjoyed it. She took him by the hand and helped him out of the jeans and shoes. She then led him to the centre of the room and pointed her rod at a mat, and hey lay down. She left, and returned with his clothes. Alex sighed when he saw it, but nodded. First up was a bright pink diaper. "Lift your butt," She said, and he obeyed. She lay the plastic garment underneath him, spread powder liberally into it, then taped it on snugly. "Feet up," She commanded. She grabbed each of his feet and pulled knee high stockings onto them, then followed them with high heeled shoes. "Good boy. Now, stand up." She reached down and dragged him up. Alex wobbled in his heeled shoes. He was more used to them then most men, but he still had issues with balance. "Good boy. Here I'd have thought you'd have mastered the heels by now," She smiled. "Now, arms up." Alex sighed again, and put his hands in the air. She reached up over him and pulled a light pink dress over his shoulders and down to the bare top of his thighs, leaving plenty of skin, as well as the bottom of his diaper, exposed. She patted him on the bottom. "Good boy, what a good, dumb little sissy sub. You are going to look so cute for my cameras." Alex blushed and looked down. "Thank you mistress," he mumbled from behind his ruined boxer. "And finally, since this isn't a drag show, but a BDSM one," she grabbed each of his hands and put them behind his back. He heard a clink, and she backed away. Alex's hands struggled, but he found they were securely locked in handcuffs. The dominatrix walked around to the front of him, holding the coup de grace- a pink leather collar, with two parts held together by a golden heart, and a long leash attached. She looked him in the eye. "You having second thoughts, or are you ready? Isn't this what you said you wanted? "The best possible advertisement," you said?" Alex met her eyes and nodded. She reached to his neck and clipped on the collar. She looked him up and down, admiring her work. "Good boy. What a good, dumb little pampered sub, ready to please his mistress. You want to see how you look?" He shook his head. "Too bad, you are going to anyway." She pulled him through the dungeon to a mirror and pointed at it. He cringed at what he saw. Himself, bound and tied, wearing the most humbling clothes the professional dominatrix had in her arsenal. Each step- from his high socks, to the printed diaper, to the pretty dress strong over his broad, masculine shoulders, to the collar on his neck, all made him blush deeper. "Are you ready for your add?" she asked. Alex sighed again. Think about the money, he told himself. Its all for the money. It was all for the money of course. The thing was going from writing for fun to writing for money meant sacrifices on topic matter. He nodded. She took the underwear out of his mouth and turned him to face the camera. Think of the money, he said again. She smiled at him. "One more thing for your outfit." She walked back into the dungeon, and returned with a silver crown. She placed it lightly on his head. "Do you feel like a princess, little sissy sub?" "I don't think princesses normally need to do this sort of thing for money," he replied. She laughed, and walked behind the camera. Some lights turned on, and she cued him to speak. He gulped. Think of the money, Think of the money, "Hello. This is ABAlex speaking. I am an online kink writer who does short stories and longer works for pay. I'll write BDSM, ABDL, sissy, or anything else you want, as long as anything dirty is solely with adults. I'm here to tell you my patreon and commission pages are now open." He kept his smile on through the small speech, and held it afterward. The camera was still on. He glanced behind it, at the woman sitting cross legged facing him. "Good boy," she said. The smile became harder to force as she took out a handful of bills and started ruffling through them. "Now, what else do you think you'd do for money?" she tossed some bills in front of him. Alex looked watched them fall. It was already more then he expected to make for the add. What would she want? He kept his smile on through the small speech, and held it afterward. The camera was still on. He glanced behind it, at the woman sitting cross legged facing him. "Good boy," she said. The smile became harder to force as she took out a handful of bills and started ruffling through them. "So what exactly would you do for money?" she tossed some bills in front of him. Alex looked watched them fall. It was already more then he expected to make for the add. What would she want?
  6. Mikey stood at the threshold of the master bedroom‘s bathroom, aware his wife was just inside, putting her makeup on and getting ready for her date with her boyfriend. As he stood there uncertainly in his diapers, sissy top, and Mary Janes, he was trying to marshal his best arguments, hoping against hope to persuade her to unlock his chastity device and allow him to have an orgasm. Stepping slowly into the bathroom, his eyes roamed over his wife’s curvy form, marveling at her long, sexy legs and pert bottom in the form-fitting short skirt she was wearing. She hadn’t put her top on yet and Mikey stared hungrily at her big breasts, barely contained in her silky black push-up bra. Of course, Kendra would never allow Mikey a look at her nipples anymore, so this was as undressed as he would ever see her. Horny beyond words, his tiny penis throbbed madly inside its even tinier steel chastity device, completely unable to get hard. Without thinking, his hand reached down to rub the fat front of his shiny diapers, although it was an entirely futile gesture. “M-Mommy?” he began in a quivering voice. Kendra was applying a wine colored lipstick to her full, luscious lips and she continued what she was doing without turning around. “Yes, sissy?” “Um, ah...is there any way you might, um, consider...you know, unlocking my chastity device tonight?” he asked meekly, “I really need to cum.” His sexy wife chuckled to herself as she turned to face him. “Aww, is Mommy’s little masturbator horny?” she asked in her syrupy voice meant for toddlers. Mikey blushed but nodded his head, hoping his act of humility would somehow convince her to be generous with him. “But you got to cum in your prissy diapers just a week ago, remember honey?” Mikey did indeed remember the event, as the humiliation of it still caused him to blush hotly with shame. The day had finally arrived after having waited two agonizingly long months for his one cherished orgasm. But instead of unlocking his little penis and letting him pleasure himself in his nursery to an eye crossing climax, Kendra had instead marched him out to the living room, where four of her girlfriends were waiting. After pulling his wet diapers down, she unlocked his steel device and slowly pulled the cage off, revealing to his curious onlookers the flexible urethra insert that went inside him by about two and a half inches. Mikey sighed with relief as she pulled it away and then removed the cuff ring behind his diminutive package. He thought she’d pull his diapers back up but instead, she paraded him before each of her guests, just to let them see how truly tiny he was. Although he had already been ridiculously small when Kendra had met him, after six months of her penis reduction therapy, his little nub had been shortened down to one inch, even when fully erect. As a consequence, even when he wasn’t aroused, just the tip of his penis head protruded from his groin, like a tiny mushroom cap. The girls had laughed and giggled at his baby-sized wiener, which made him look practically sexless, causing the poor sissy to nearly cry with shame. Finally, she pulled his clammy wet diapers back up and sat him down in front of everyone, telling him to do his dirty deed now or never. Faced with the prospect of another two months without relief, Mikey began rubbing the front of his soft, fluffy diapers as the women laughed and mocked him with their jeering comments. As he frantically rubbed himself like a desperate, horny teenager, he tried without success to shut out their biting remarks about how absolutely pathetic he was. Finally, after a minute of furious rubbing, he sighed and his shoulders slumped as he dribbled his little load into his wet diapers. It was so anticlimactic that the girls weren’t sure he had actually cum. “All done, sweetie?” Kendra asked, bending over her humiliated charge. His cheeks scarlet with shame, he nodded shamefully and let her stand him up so she could pull his diapers back down. Having carefully washed his urethra insert, she pulled his little genitals through the cuff ring and then aligned the tip of the insert with his pee hole. “Here you go honey, two more months of sweet chastity for my little sissy masturbator,” she said as she slowly guided the insert inside and carefully mated the steel cage with the cuff ring behind his sack. Mikey bit his lip in angst as he watched his beautiful wife lock the device with a smug grin, knowing that after his humiliation had finally faded, his libido would eventually return but there would be absolutely nothing he could do about it. “Yes Mommy, but I’m horny again,” Mikey whined, stamping his feet in frustration as his barely clad wife stood smiling before him. With her finely manicured hands resting on her curvy hips, the light shone off the succulent tops of the twin mounds of her magnificent bosom, making Mikey’s mouth water. “Aww, you poor little sissy,” she replied with puckered lips, although her tone suggested she was anything but sympathetic, “But don’t worry, you only have seven more weeks and you’ll get to cum again.” Her smile did nothing to assuage his need and he shifted his Mary Jane-clad feet, trying to think of his next line of appeal. Seeing that he wasn’t ready to concede, Kendra reached forward and taking his cock-shaped pacifier, worked it between his trembling lips until the fat, phallic rubber completely filled his mouth, silencing any further comments. “Now sissy—Ariel called and said she can’t make it tonight so instead, Nana will be babysitting you,” his wife explained as she turned back to the mirror to brush her lustrous long hair. “N-Nana?” Mikey quaked as his pacifier tumbled out of his mouth. He gulped in fear as a strong flow of warm pee abruptly began flooding his big, bulging diapers. Unfortunately, by now, he had lost all control over his bladder and he often wet himself without even thinking about it. “Yes sissy,” she said as she pushed his pacifier back into his mouth, “So I would suggest you be on your best behavior. She told me she bought a new lexan paddle and she’s anxious to try it out on your bare bottom,” Kendra explained with a twinkle in her eye. Another strong flow of panic-induced pee saturated the thick cloth between Mikey’s inner thighs, before seeping back into the fat seat of his diapers as he considered the possibility of another blistering hard spanking over his stern mother-in-law’s lap. Gone, now, was any thought of an orgasm. Now, his priority was laser-focused on avoiding getting his bottom paddled by his strict Nana. Just then, they heard her voice coming down the hall, apparently having let herself into the house. “Hi Kendra,” she sang out cheerfully as she flowed gracefully into the bedroom. In her hands was a delicate baby dress, although clearly, it looked large enough to fit a small adult. “Hello sissykins!” she greeted her pantywaist son-in-law. Mikey never knew exactly what to expect from his unpredictable Nana; sometimes she made no attempt to hide her resentment and disdain for him, while other times, she seemed to be in a good mood, happy just to subject him to some new, creative humiliation. Without a doubt, she held absolutely no respect for the bedwetting sissy and she was only too happy to make her feelings known whenever she happened to come over. Coming over to him, she threw her arms around him, hugging him close to her big, cushiony bosom. Reflexively, her hands dropped down to squeeze the fat but now warmed seat of his padded bottom. “Looks like Mommy’s little baby wet his pampers,” she announced in her maternal tone. Mikey blushed as his childish wetting was revealed openly. Of course, the imposing rubber cock filling his mouth prevented any sort of coherent response. “I’ll change your diapers and then look what I brought over for you to wear tonight,” she said excitedly as she held up the dress for them to see. It was multilayered, with several frilly white lace petticoats that flared the short hem of the dress out at an angle. It had short, puffy sleeves, and a Peter Pan bodice over the white and pink accented dress. Lemon yellow building blocks were prominently sewn onto the chest, giving it a decidedly babyish look. Mikey sucked and slurped on his cock pacifier in frustration; while his wife had chosen ever more sissyish outfits for him to wear, Nana preferred much more infantile ones to go with his omni-present diapers which he was forbidden to cover. Kendra was pulling a stretchy top over her head and as the thin fabric slid over her huge breasts, Mikey gulped and held his breath, his horny feelings returning with a vengeance. As if reading his mind, she addressed Nana; “Mom, can you give Mikey a nice, soapy enema this evening and an early bedtime?” “Done and done,” she said with finality, “Looks like you’ll be taking a trip over my lap, bedwetter boy,” she said with a firm, superior look. Mikey wilted as he reflected on the huge rubber dildo nozzle that was used to administer his daily enemas and his ill-considered appeal to his wife for relief from his strict chastity schedule. “Come along babykins,” she said condescendingly, slapping his diapered bottom dismissively, “Let your mommy finish getting ready for her date with a real man while we change your wet pampers.” Taking him by the hand as she would a child, she led him waddling down the hallway and into his still relatively new nursery where his crib, playpen, and diaper changing area awaited him. “Okay sissy, let’s get you into some nice fresh diapers—I’m anxious to see how your new dress fits,” she told him eagerly. Tugging down his clinging plastic panties, the soggy, pungent cotton of his diapers sagged heavily, surrounding them with the humiliating smell of his incontinence. “You really are just a big baby, aren’t you?” she asked rhetorically. Mikey whimpered with shame. It was still fairly recent that he had lost control over his wetting during the daytime, a shameful development that his mother-in-law never failed to point out. Removing the pins from either side of his hips, Nana dropped the smelly wet diapers into his bin and sat him down on the changing table. “Your mommy is going out on a date with her boyfriend tonight,” she told him as she busied herself preparing a fresh set of diapers for her sissy son-in-law, “He’s a real man with a real cock—not a little bump like you have,” she said disparagingly, “I knew you’d never be able to satisfy Kendra and I am so, so happy she decided to lock your little sissy stick in steel chastity. Sissies don’t need orgasms like real men do.” Mikey slurped on the fat rubber cock in his mouth, unable to contradict his Nana without risking a spanking. Raising his glossy pink Mary Janes over his head, Nana smeared diaper rash cream across his bottom, giving it a nice, sticky white coating. “No, this evening, while you’re asleep and peeing your diapers like the sissy bedwetter that you are, Kendra will be getting satisfied by a hunky stud, one who I’m sure will be pumping her full of his thick, manly semen. Just think—imagine if her gets her pregnant? Wouldn’t that be wonderful?” she asked breathlessly. Unfortunately, Mikey could imagine it all too clearly and he cringed at the thought. He reflected on the contrast she was painting; Kendra’s masculine boyfriend would be coming over before long while all he could look forward to, was a long, humiliating enema over Nana’s lap and an early bedtime like any diapered toddler. Perhaps worst, was the knowledge that while everyone else was up and having a good time, he’d be alone in his crib with only his teddy bear and pacifier to keep him company. Just like every night. Powdering him generously with fragrant baby powder, Nana pulled up the fluffy thick cotton cloth, pinning it tightly and securely on either side of his waist. “There, that should protect Mommy’s little baby in his crib,” she said as she sorted through the stacks of plastic panties, trying to find the best match for the dress she had brought over. After a moment, she selected a white pair with a pretty pattern of pink bunnies. Fitting them over his Mary Janes, she pulled them up his smooth legs and thighs, working them over the fat, bulky Birdseye cotton of his diapers." I think you can wear some frilly pink satin panties to go with that dress so you will look even more girly and sissy".She opened a drawer and selected a pair of pale pink satin panties with lots of pale pink lace on the front and rear,she slid those panties up his skinny legs and over the top of his plastic pants and diaper. “You know, if someone had told me a year ago I would be pinning my daughter’s hubbie into his nighttime diapers so Kendra could go out on a date, I would have said they were insane. But then, I didn’t know she had married a sissy bedwetter and it’s clear you belong in diapers like a little baby.” Mikey’s face flushed hotly at her humiliating words and he sucked miserably on his pacifier as she powered between his inner thighs. “Okay sissykins, sit up so we can try out your new dress,” she commanded him. Doing as he was told, Nana pulled off his fuzzy fleece Strawberry Shortcake diaper shirt and lowered the frilly confection she had brought over. Turning him around, she did up the long row of small buttons that secured the dress up the back and also prevented its removal by the diapered pantywaist. Standing him up, she pulled the hem out and adjusted the petticoats and his frilly little girl satin knickers a smile coming to her face. “What a perfect fit!” she gushed happily, “And look at how your pretty frilly panties are still easily visible.” Mikey gazed at his prissy reflection in the wall mirror opposite, his cheeks blazing red at his humiliating appearance. “Let’s go out and show Mommy before she leaves,” Nana said as she took his hand and led him out of the nursery. They soon heard Kendra’s voice, and then the deeper sound of that of a man coming from the living room. Mikey winced in fear and tried to wrench his hand from Nana’s but she held on tightly and firmly led him in to face the humiliation he knew was coming. As soon as Mikey came into view of Kendra’s boyfriend, the man burst out laughing, almost doubling over as he took in the sissy in his babyish dress and fat, prissy diapers under those frills. “Oh-my-god, I can sure see why your wife locked up your penis,” he said as soon as he could talk again. If Mikey hadn’t wet himself just a half hour before, he would have flooded his diapers now in anxious panic. Nevertheless, his breathing became erratic and rapid as he sucked feverishly on his cock pacifier, his eyes darting nervously around the room. “What a lovely dress!” Kendra exclaimed, “Mikey, did you thank her for her wonderful gift I love how they match your frilly baby panties" Mikey stood there, looking absolutely ridiculous as Nana squeezed the thickly padded seat of his diapers, making him squeal in surprise. Everyone laughed when they saw the distressed look on his red face. “Get over here sissy boy,” the man ordered him in his gruff voice. Comparing the two side by side, their differences couldn’t be any more pronounced. Kendra’s boyfriend stood over six feet, with broad shoulders, and a chest like a barrel. Mikey, by comparison, was a good foot shorter, slight of frame and looking more like a scared little girl, than an adult man. With his smooth, shaved legs, fat, shiny diapers and his prissy new baby dress, he looked like a toddler in need of his mommy. Waddling uncertainly over to the man, he looked fearfully up into his strong face with its solid jaw and his imposing stature. Roughly turning Mikey around, he ordered him to raise the back of his dress. Fearing a hard spanking in front of these two, Mikey meekly did as he was told. Standing there as the other two watched him, he heard the man unzip his fly and his panic level only increased. Suddenly, he felt the elastic waistband of his frilly panties and plastic panties and the back of his diaper being pulled back. Before he could make sense of what was happening, he felt a hot stream of pee splashing forcefully on the crack of his ass as Kendra’s boyfriend began using his diaper as a urinal. Mikey whimpered with shame, bunching his fists and slurping noisily on his cock pacifier in bitter, humiliated frustration. The women giggled at him and Mikey’s eyes misted with tears of embarrassment. He knew he should have stood up for himself and put a stop to this but he was too spineless to do anything. He felt like he was being marked like the branding of a steer and yet, he stood there and did nothing, blushing furiously as the hot pee pooled up between the glistening white globes of his bottom, before finally soaking into the seat of his diapers and between his legs. In no time, the warm pee seeped up to surround his tiny caged genitals. Kendra had the wherewithal to take out her cell phone and snap several shots of the spectacle while Mikey squirmed in helpless, sissy submission. At long last, and after what seemed like an eternity to Mikey, the man finished his business and he slapped the sissy’s soaking wet bottom with a condescending swat. Mikey squealed, his mouth still filled with fat rubber cock as his diapers sagged heavily with warm pee. “Okay baby, time to say goodbye to Mommy and then it’s enema time for you,” Nana told him. Mikey whimpered as Nana pulled his pacifier out of his mouth and turned him to face the other two. “Nite-nite, sissy,” Kendra giggled merrily. “N-night, Mommy,” Mikey mumbled under his breath. Nana swatted his diapered bottom again. “You can do better than that. And make sure you thank her boyfriend for satisfying her like you never could. Better make it good, or you’ll be getting your bottom paddled after they leave,” she warned ominously. As if getting his diapers peed in wasn’t punishment enough, she had to threaten him with a spanking too! Mikey gulped and cleared his throat. “Th-thank you, Sir. F-for satisfying Kendra like I never could. I have a tiny little penis that can’t stay hard or satisfy a woman and so Mommy quite rightly locked it up permanently. Mommy says that s-sissies like me that wet the bed need diapers, not orgasms, and I know deep down, sh-she’s right.” The shameful statement made him blush anew and Kendra giggled at his submissive admission. “Enjoy your soapy enema and your wet diapers tonight, sweetie—I’ll be enjoying a real man and his nice, hard cock inside me,” she said with a mischievous, but ravishing smile. Pushing his cock pacifier back into his mouth, Nana led him waddling out of the room as the amused couple said their goodbyes and left the house. THE END
  7. Hi all! So, I'll preface this by saying I've only ever read Diaper Dimension stories before, never written one. I've never written ANY AB/DL content before. Normally my works are fanfiction, and otherwise action-based. So if the pacing in this seems a bit awkward, that's the reason. But I really like the ideas presented in so many Diaper Dimension stories, and am hoping I can make my own contribution, no matter how small. Chris, after running for almost twenty minutes, had come to rest in an alleyway, hidden behind several trash cans. Trying to remain as quiet as possible, he struggled to get his breathing under control as he went over the events of the last day-and-a-half. Trying to figure out just how his vacation went to hell. To be fair, it was probably the decision at the start to spend it in the other dimension. When he first heard about the world beyond the portals, he was intrigued immediately. A world of amazing science bordering on fiction, and ruled by a class of people generally known as the Amazons. A few years later, and he learned that it was now being permitted for civilians to enter through the portals in tour groups, so he had begun saving up immediately. He had gone with a small group of four, but was instructed to go nowhere without a guide. He had inquired why, and was only told that a guide was the only way to ensure his protection. Despite being a fully grown adult, twenty-four years of age, in the new world he would be considered a 'Little.' Another of the classes in the new dimension. He wasn't sure why exactly he might need protection, until the group came through the portal. The Amazons, apparently believing that Littles were no better than children, would often claim even fully grown littles as their own. Chris watched in fascination and a hint of disgust as he watched people his age getting treated as everything from toddlers to infants. Many were being kept only in diapers. He even witnessed a couple nursing at the giant breasts of their Amazon 'parents.' Chris was told that so long as he stayed with his guide, however, it was illegal for one of the giant men or women to take him. At the end of the first day, they had made their way to their hotel. All four of them, plus their guide, an in-betweener – Someone too big to be considered a little, but too small to be considered Amazon – were staying in one room. And despite the horror show throughout the day that was the forced babying of Littles, Chris found himself drifting into an easy sleep. Why shouldn't he? He was a tourist, he had a guide, and there was safety in numbers. The next day was when things began going south. When Chris awoke, the hotel was being protested. The group of protesting giants was large, furiously chanting, and waving signs that said things like 'Protect the Littles!' and 'Mothers know best.' Their guide kept a neutral face, but his tone showed he was worried. As he ushered the group toward the rear exit to avoid the Amazon protesters, he explained that the group had been causing all sorts of problems for the tours. Apparently, their idea of 'protecting' Littles meant protecting them from themselves, locking them into diapers and cribs since a Little clearly --- in their eyes --- couldn't be trusted to care for themselves. They couldn't legally take any of them while they had their guide, but according to the in-betweener, they had begun to grow more zealous in the last several months and it would be best to avoid them entirely. He had the four holding hands as they exited the building out the back. The rest of the day was thankfully uneventful until lunch. The group visited a museum and were instructed on the history of this alternate world. To be fair, only one of them was paying that much attention. Chris was too busy watching the babied Littles. It was like a car wreck on the highway to him. He didn't really want to watch, but it was fascinatingly horrifying, and thus more compelling than hearing how similar or different this dimension's past was from his own. Two others – a couple that had introduced themselves as Elizabeth and Jake – were too busy sucking face. Apparently they were fresh from college and had just started dating about two months prior. The last member of their group, a young man named Mark, was actually paying rapt attention. He was a history major and was planning on getting first-hand knowledge of the other dimension and how it differed from their own. Their tour was providing all their food, as they were told not to trust any food or beverages given to them by Amazons, which meant returning to the hotel for lunch. The hotel which was still under protest. Before they could reach the relative safety inside, all hell broke loose. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x He awoke with a start, having fallen asleep in his hiding place. It was getting dark now, and he assumed safe to find a new shelter for the night, so that he could hopefully get back to the portal at the tourism center tomorrow. Peaking out from behind his trash can wall, Chris climbed out and made to move as discretely as possible from alley to alley, making his way across the town. By nightfall, he had made his way to a public park. It was nearly empty now, so he ducked towards the playground. The castle-like structure of the jungle-gym wouldn't provide much protection, but it had walls to hide behind, and a roof in case of rain. And it was warm enough out that he wouldn't freeze from sleeping outside. He would also hopefully find that this public playground would also have a public restroom. He hadn't gone since breakfast, and he was starting to feel pressure from his bladder. For the first time all day, Chris actually smiled and let out a relieved sigh. But sadly, it seemed fate was not as kind as he had hoped. The feeling of the ground leaving him filled his stomach with dread as he was grabbed under the armpits and lifted from behind. Struggling, he was turned around to see the curious face of a young Amazon woman. “What are you doing out here by yourself? Especially at this time of night?” She asked. Chris actually stopped struggling, a spark of hope within him. Despite his position, she had just spoken to him without a single coo or bit of baby talk. “Long story,” he said after a moment. “I'm not from around here, and got separated from my tour guide.” He realized his mistake almost immediately. Just because the young lady spoke to him normally at the moment, didn't mean she wouldn't decide to take him anyway. The Amazon gasped and actually looked concerned. He took notice of her features now. Chocolate brown eyes matched her hair, which was pulled into a ponytail and hung just past her shoulder blades. She was lean, but had a bit of muscle to her which suggested she worked out. “Well, you don't want to sleep at the park. Any cop that comes around on patrol will ship you off to an orphanage without a second thought.” Making up her mind, she pulled the once-again struggling man close, his head now over her shoulder. “Hush and stop squirming. It's either come with me, or off to the orphanage. And I promise you, little one, the first option is going to be your best bet. Besides, you need a bath. You smell like a dumpster.” Chris blushed a bit at the comment, but stopped struggling for now. He didn't know what an Orphanage for Littles entailed, but he felt he wanted no part in it. His option with this new women didn't seem much better though as her entire demeanor seemed to change. “I've been thinking about adopting for a while now, anyway.” she continued, still speaking to him like an adult, but rubbing his back and patting his butt, bouncing him as she walked as though trying to calm an actual baby. “So what's your name, Sweetie?” Chris didn't answer, the shock of what was now happening to him beginning to set in. After a few moments of silence, the Amazon continued in a sing-song voice. “If you don't tell me, Mommy's going to make one up for you...” “You're not my 'Mommy.” Chris grumbled, but yelped when he received a sharp slap to the rear. Even through his pants it stung something fierce. “This shouldn't even be happening. And I'm probably older than you are-OW!” Another smack to his butt. “A, I absolutely am your Mommy, and you will refer to me only as that, or Mama” she declared sternly. “Regardless of how you got separated from your guide, it happened, and now I'm claiming you. B, it's totally legal. Not only are you all alone, but it's clear you've got nowhere to stay now. And a homeless Little is more than fair game, it's any good Amazon's responsibility to get that Little under their loving care and protection. And C, yeah, you probably are. I'm nineteen, which for your information is a year older than I need to be to claim you without permission from my own parents. With permission, an Amazon can legally adopt a little at sixteen.” Chris went silent again at that information. “Listen,” his new 'Mommy' continued. “You be a nice baby, and I'll be a nice Mommy. Misbehave, and there has to be consequences. So, please tell me your name.” “Chris,” he said after a moment. “My name is Chris.” The Amazon nodded with a grin as her sternness disappeared. “Well, Chris, we're almost home,” she announced, going back to bouncing him. “We live with your new Auntie and her Little. I just know you'll have so much fun playing with your new cousin. She doesn't talk much though since your Auntie had her teeth removed...” The Amazon felt the Little in her arms stiffen and begin to shake, so she began to rub his back. “Shhhh, it's ok Honey. Your cousin was just a biter. Jenny and I couldn't feed the poor thing because it was like nursing a little shark. Believe me, as long as you take care not to bite Mommy, or Auntie if she feeds you, I'll let you keep all your little teefers.” This didn't help calm Chris down in the slightest. “Wait, you both breastfeed her?” he asked. She nodded with a smile. “Sometimes. You can't expect an Amazon woman to live with a cute little doll like my niece and not start to leak all over the place. It helps relieve the pressure on Mommy's boobies, and it's better bonding time for babies to take from the source instead of us having to pump. So to answer your next question, Sweetie, yes, Mommy will make sure you get good, healthy breastmilk multiple times a day, and if a situation comes up where your Auntie is watching you, she might nurse you as well.” At this point, Chris was actually beginning to tear up in frustration as they moved up the driveway of what he had to assume was the house shared by the sisters. Both from the situation and from the fact that the constant bouncing on the way here had brought to the forefront the pressure in his bladder that had been growing since the incident where he and the group got separated. “I really have to pee, so if you could please hurry,” he announced. The Amazon just rolled her eyes, but neither stopped bouncing him, nor lost her smile as she began to dig in her pockets for her keys. “Of course you do,” she said, as though it were obvious. “Which is why Littles should always be wearing protection. With your tiny little bladders, it's amazing you can hold any liquids at all. Speaking of which, this is the only time Mommy's going to ask you to try and hold it, since you aren't wearing a diapie yet. But if you can't, it won't be the first time I've had a Little pee on me and probably won't be the last, so I won't be mad. And given how much has happened to you today, I won't be surprised...There we are!” Pulling her keys from her pocket, she took a moment to re-situate Chris in her arms with a big bounce. He felt his bladder go from high pressure to red alert and it took everything he had to stop himself, though he knew a few drops had managed to trickle out. Kicking off her shoes in the entryway, the giant carried him upstairs, and Chris let out a squeak as a bit more urine leaked out into his pants with each step. He visibly flinched at the squeal of delight that he heard when they reached the top of the stairs. “Kenzie, you got a Little?” the voice asked, and he was turned around to see his 'Auntie' for the first time. There was no doubt the two were sisters. The new Amazon had the same brown eyes and hair that his definitely crazed kidnapper had, and a face that was remarkably similar. However, she was actually taller than his new mother, and kept her hair short, letting it hang down only far enough to brush her shoulders. “I did,” the now named 'Kenzie' replied, beaming with pride. “Poor thing was wandering the streets after losing his guide. I couldn't let him fend for himself, or get taken to an orphanage, Jenny.” The sisters nodded at each other as if what Kenzie was doing was in any way better. “So he's from the other dimension, then?” Jenny asked, and Kenzie nodded. “He was,” she replied.”But this is his home now.” Throwing him back over her shoulder, she cuddled Chris into a tight hug. That was the last straw, and Chris yelped as the flow of urine broke free. “Uh oh,” Kenzie said, realizing what was happening and quickly moving onto the hardwood floor of the kitchen to avoid staining the carpet. Chris felt her hand on his back as she just held him close, As the wetness soaked through his clothes and hers, he whimpered pathetically, but Kenzie just continued to rub his back and lightly bounce him, whispering into his ears. “It's ok, Sweetheart,” she said. “Mommy isn't mad, she told you she wouldn't be mad.” Chris began to actually cry now, the tears flowing freely. Not only did he, a grown man, just wet his pants and urinate all over a girl who was younger than him, but she was acting as if the only reason he was upset was because he thought she'd be mad. “Just let it all out, Honey,” she cooed. “We were gonna give you a bath anyway.” “Awww,” Jenny sighed. “Don't worry little guy. Sarah did the same when I brought her home. We know you need protection.” He couldn't see her, but heard her walking up to them. He shivered as the last of his pee dripped out. But when he opened his mouth to actually say something, something was shoved into it instead. He looked up to see Jenny holding a pacifier in place in his mouth. “Just suck on this, Baby, you'll feel better. And Auntie will go make you a nice warm bath.” “Thank you,” Kenzie said, taking her sister's place at holding the pacifier in his mouth until, defeated, he began to just suck on it on his own. “That's it, Honey-Bunny. Just suck on the paci.” Within moments, Chris found himself sitting naked on the cold kitchen floor, his wet clothes unceremoniously dumped in the trash, while Kenzie began to wipe up the puddle on the floor with paper towels. At this point he wasn't even thinking about escape from these people. After everything, a bath sounded good right now. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x The warm water did serve to calm him down. The thorough cleaning of every part of his body, genitals included, did not. Nor did the stinging gel she used to clean every part of him save for the top of his head. He soon found out what the gel was for, as every bit of hair that it touched, arm, leg, back, chest, and even his face and pubic hair, simply wiped away with each pass of the wash cloth. Chris would have made a joke about being smooth as a baby's bottom, but it was definitely not the time for jokes, especially of those kind. When Mommy – Kenzie, he corrected himself. He had a name now, he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of actually thinking of her as 'Mommy' – pulled the now clean and mostly hairless man from the bath, Jenny came in carrying her own Little. “I had to get her up for this,” she said, quietly. “Sarah, can you say hi to your new cousin?” she turned the young woman in her arms around, grabbing her hand and making her wave. Sarah just looked exhausted and held a mostly defeated look in her eye. She opened her mouth in a yawn and Chris again went rigid at the sight of those toothless gums. As Chris was swaddled into a towel, Jenny continued speaking. “Are the kids going to share the crib? It's big enough for the both of them.” Kenzie looked thoughtful for a moment. “Hmmm, no. Not tonight at least. Chris can sleep in the playpen next to my bed for now.” Jenny just nodded. “He doesn't look any bigger than Sarah here, so her diapers should fit. I put a clean pair of her jammies out too,” she said as they entered a room down the hall that made Chris begin whimpering again. The nursery. He looked over and thought he saw a twinge of pity in Sarah's eyes, before he was placed on the changing table, a strap hooked over him to keep him in place. Kenzie grinned ear to ear, and now devolved into full-on baby talk as she pulled a crinkly, white, baby's diaper out and gripped his ankles in one hand, pulling his bottom off the table, before placing it back down on the soft padding. “Baby's first diapie!” she cooed, liberally sprinkling him with baby powder, rubbing it all over his crotch and butt, making sure he was fully covered with it. He looked away in humiliation, and was met with the sight of Jenny sitting in the corner rocker, shirt lifted, bra-less, and with Sarah's mouth working the nipple of her left breast. His face crinkled in disgust at the thought and he didn't even pay attention to the diaper being taped to him, forcing his legs apart from its bulk. He remained distracted until Jenny noticed his gaze and giggled. “I think somebody's hungry, sis,” she announced. “I know its past his bedtime, but you should probably feed him, and he'll probably need a change immediately after.” Chris tried to scoot away, but he was being held in place by Kenzie, who was slipping his arms into the sleeves of the one-piece footie pajamas. Chris looked down and grimaced. Pink. Princess. Footie pajamas. “Oh, don't you look adorable!” Kenzie squealed, turning him to show her sister, who gave the exact same squeal. “You know, if you let that hair grow out and then put it into pigtails, it would be unbelievably cute. Maybe little Chris should be little Christina instead.” Chris's eyes widened, and he looked between the two sisters. They couldn't be serious, could they? “No, not little Christina,” Kenzie said, and Chris let out a sign of relief. But because fate was simply screwing with him at this point, once again, it was too soon to relax. “I'm more partial to 'Crystal' myself,” she said. “Yeah, Crystal sounds right.” Jenny's grin contrasted Chris's horrified gape. “So I've got a little niece instead of a nephew?” she asked, burping Sarah, before trying to switch her to the other breast. Kenzie looked down at Chris, who was vehemently shaking his head in the negative, and could see nothing but how that would look with those future pigtails whipping back and forth. “Definitely,” she agreed, and Chris felt his stomach plummet as she lifted him. Then she noticed that Sarah was apparently done with her feeding without finishing off Jenny's other breast. “Why don't you take her to the living room. She can even you out while I set up the playpen in my room.” As the dozing Sarah was deposited in her crib, and Chris was handed off to Jenny, his new Auntie looked uncertain. “Are you sure that's ok? Wouldn't you rather be the first one to nurse her?” Even despite the subject, Chris was concerned with how quickly they had transitioned to referring to him as a girl. Kenzie shook her head and kissed Chris's forehead. “A little,” she admitted. “But I know it feels awkward only having one breast get drained, and it's always nicer than pumping. Besides, she'll get plenty of Mama's milk.” “And you also want to see if she's a biter before you nurse her yourself,” Jenny playfully fired back, and her sister looked a bit sheepish. “She knows the consequences of biting. I told her about it on the way home.” Jenny just rolled her eyes as she positioned Chris on her hip. “Well, come on Princess,” she said, turning out of the nursery. “Let's go get you some nummies.” Chris squirmed in her grip but she held fast. With the swiftness only a mother could muster, she held him on her hip, nabbed two remotes, and by the time she had sat down and put him in her lap, she already had a movie selected and started. Chris tried to slide down onto the floor, but was caught, and repositioned, cradled in the crook of Jenny's arm, staring up at the already revealed breast. He clamped his mouth shut and turned his head as far from her nipple as possible. “Sweetie, you've got to be hungry. If you've been running around all day, I doubt you've eaten.” Chris grunted in response, but didn't open his mouth. Jenny blew a strand of hair from her face. “Always difficult at first,” she muttered, before speaking aloud again. “If you don't eat, Little one, I guarantee your Mommy will have no problem with me giving you a spanking.” “She's right, I won't,” came the voice of Kenzie from down the hall. Jenny nodded in satisfaction. “Which means one of two things can happen. Either you can be a good girl and eat, or you can be a bad girl, have your butt smacked, and then eat. You're eating either way, it's your choice whether you have a sore behind or not.” Chris remembered the walk here, how Kenzie smack him in the butt a few times while carrying him. That was casual during a walk and it hurt then. What would a legitimate spanking be like. He gave a whine, but ultimately turned back to Jenny's breast and hesitantly opened his mouth. And just like that, her flesh met his tongue. There was far more than he thought there was, the nipple filling a large portion of his mouth alone. He thought for a moment about trying to pull away, but as milk began to flow over his taste-buds, his mind began to grow hazy. Why was he struggling again? This stuff was delicious. He had enough presence of mind to avoid using his teeth, but other than that, once he found a rhythm he was suckling greedily. Jenny smiled and sighed. This was indeed better than pumping. It didn't take long for Chris to take what milk Sarah had not, and he whined, annoyed when the milk stopped coming and Jenny removed him from her boob. He was still in a daze as he was passed off to Kenzie, already waiting topless, and her own nipple slipped past his lips. He was vaguely aware of her rubbing his back and whispering softly in his ears, but he was too focused on the milk to listen. By the time this breast ran dry, he was beginning to feel full. Rather than replace him directly on her other boob, Chris was somewhat confused as he was thrown over her shoulder instead, his head resting on a soft cloth. A few firm pats to his back told Chris she was trying to burp him, and had he not still been out of it, he probably would have tried to muster some sort of resistance. No sooner had he held the thought 'she can't be serious,' then Chris let out a powerful belch, and spit up a bit of milk as well. He let out a few more smaller burps, and then it was back to suckling. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x Chris came to just as a new, dry nighttime diaper was taped to him, and the pajamas zipped back up. He realized the sisters were talking, just not to him. “...And you've emailed your professors to let them know you're taking a few weeks for maternity?” Jenny asked. “Yup,” Kenzie replied. “I'll need the car tomorrow to bring her in for registration, and then I also plan on making an appointment with Dr. Nemeth.” Jenny nodded as Kenzie picked up the freshly diapered little. “That's fine, but I'll go out first to the store and buy a second carseat. The kids can't exactly share that.” Jenny punctuated the sentence by placing a wet kiss on Chris's cheek. “Night-night, Princess.” Carried into Kenzie's bedroom, Chris groaned. “What just happened?” he asked, getting a giggle in response. “You went into a milk-haze, sweetheart,” she explained. At his confused look, she elaborated. “Amazon breastmilk has an addictive effect on Littles, and can make them zone out during feedings. I bet you didn't even know you had wet your diaper until halfway through changing you, right?” Chris just blushed, embarrassed that she was indeed correct. “Though I'm surprised. Another side-effect is bowel incontinence and yet you didn't make any poopies at all,” she continued, sounding confused and disappointed. “Even if you consider that it was only your first time, having three boobies at once should have done something. Especially if you've gone as long without pooping as you had peeing earlier. I'll have to ask the Doctor about it tomorrow.” She laid him down on the padded mat of the playpen. No pillow, but there was a blanket that she used to cover him. She kissed her fingers, tapping them against his nose, before getting ready for bed herself. Stripping her pants off, bringing a blush to the Little's face, the already topless Amazon threw a baggy t-shirt on, leaving her in just that and her panties. Lights off, she flopped into her bed. “Do you want a lullaby, Honey? I don't mean to brag, but I do a mean Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” Chris just frowned and rolled to his side, not facing her. Kenzie's face fell slightly at the actions, but just passed it off as her new daughter being tired and crabby. “I'm leaving, tomorrow,” Chris insisted, and Kenzie's frown deepened. She propped herself onto her elbows and gazed through the dark into the playpen. “The only things happening tomorrow is you getting registered, getting a checkup, and getting lots of cuddles and love from Mommy. You'll be getting chipped at the registration office, and that chip will not only let you be tracked if you get lost, it also will deactivate any portal you get within five feet of. You are not going back to that other dimension without Mama's permission, and I'm not giving my little girl up.” Chris was suddenly hoisted by the large woman and flopped onto her bed. Within moments he was swaddled in his blanket too tightly to move. A large pink pacifier was shoved in his mouth as Kenzie placed the now immobile Little back in the playpen. “There is going to be no more fuss about leaving now, Crystal,” she continued sternly. “You are my baby, I am your Mommy, this is your home. And once you're registered, you'll have nothing to do but accept it.” Chris struggled against the blanket as Kenzie rubbed his stomach. If what she said was true, then he had to get away tonight, escape into the dark while the rest of the house's inhabitants were asleep. Unfortunately, his belly was full of breast milk, he was laying on an admittedly soft mat, having his belly gently rubbed, and the giant woman doing the rubbing was now actually singing to him softly. Two renditions of Twinkle Twinkle and half-way through 'You are my Sunshine,' and Chris was out like a light.
  8. My wife knew what my day had been like as I slumped into the passenger seat of her car. “Rough day at work?” She asked as the car pulled out of the parking lot and headed home. “You have no idea,” I replied. “It’s like no one believes that I can just, do my job competently. My car being stuck in the shop doesn't help either. Thanks for picking me up honey.” “Well, you can’t blame them,” My wife said. “After all, you are still Mommy’s little diaper wearing sissy. A little sissy diaper baby. Who’s Mommy’s little sissy diaper boy?” She said, her voice dropping into the teasing, mocking tone of baby talk. “Who’s Mommy’s little sissy diaper boy?” She asked again, looking over at me when I didn’t respond to her initial question. “I am,” I said, picking up at her words. “Yes you are. Yes you are. So smart, so smart. Such a smart little sissy diaper boy,” She continued on. “Do you need your diapers? I bet you need your diapers tonight, don’t you?” “Yes please, Mommy.” My wife smiled, and the rest of the drive continued on in an excited silence for the evening to come. Before we went home my Mommy/wife decided to stop at the grocery store. “I think I will make a nice yummy steak for myself tonight,” She said as we grabbed a cart and entered the store. “And we will make a nice, yummy smoothie for my little sissy. A steak is far too hard for a little sissy to eat. You need something soft and nutritious.” I tried following my wife around the store as she shopped, but, worn out from work, I began lagging behind her. About halfway through shopping, Mommy turned and sternly said to me, “That’s it little sissy, hands on the cart. If you aren’t going to be a good boy and stay with Mommy I am going to make you keep your hands on the cart so you don’t wander off and get taken home by some mean domme looking for a new sissy to punish.” Embarrassment from her words and having to keep my hands on the cart like a child was the final shot I needed to shake off my exhaustion from the office and be ready for the night ahead. When we got home, Mommy ordered me to bring my high chair up from the basement, water the garden, and bring in the mail before joining her in the bedroom. “In that order, sissy.” She made sure to emphasize. I understood the reason for the ordering when I entered our bedroom. My time outside had given her time to get ready for the evening, without me hearing her shuffle through the deep recesses of our closet for the items she had laid out on the bed. "Arms up baby," Mommy ordered as she came over to me. She had slipped into a retro 50's style dress while I was watering the vegetables and flowers. It was her go-to outfit whenever she was feeling dominant. It only took her a moment to unbutton my shirt and pull it off my body. Another minute and my socks and shoes were tossed out of the way. A third and I was stepping out of my slacks and underwear, pooled around my ankles. I was then gently laid on top of the old, pink blanket we had found at a garage sale that served as my changing mat. I watched as Mommy slid a latex glove over her hand and poured some lubricant on it. A gasp slipped past my lips as one of her fingers penetrated me. She slid it slowly in and out. In and out, gently preparing me for what was coming next. Just like she had with her finger, Mommy lubed the anal beads, then gently slid them into my asshole. Each bead felt more pleasurable than the last as it popped inside me, and I moaned as Mommy forced the last few beads in my rectum. The sensation as they entered, and the pressure against my prostate, felt wonderful. Then the sensual pleasure of the beads was replaced by a shiver as Mommy used a baby wipe to wipe off the excess lube and my sweat from the day. She grabbed the diaper set aside. The pattern had princesses wearing pink dresses and standing next to ponies. She unfolded the diaper, then roughly folded and mashed it, breaking up the tight packing of the absorbent material. This made the diaper thicker and more poofy. Satisfied with her work, she gave me a single word command, "Up." Dutifully, I raised my legs and grabbed my ankles, holding my feet aloft. Mommy then slid the diaper underneath me, and manhandled me around until I was positionedhow she wanted me. I let out another contented sigh and babyish coos as I smelled the scent of baby powder and felt it sprinkled across my skin. These soft coos quickly turned to lustful moans. Mommy always made sure the baby powder was thoroughly rubbed into my dick and balls. She finally decided she had done an adequate job of protecting my gentle sissy skin when my body was bucking in time with her ministrations. The front of the diaper was then folded up and the tapes were tightly pulled so the diaper was snug across my body, providing the sensuous comfort and cradling that every adult baby and diaper lover craves. Mommy then helped me to sit up on the edge of the bed. She slid a pair of white, frilly ankle socks onto my feet. She then pulled my pink, "Crybaby" onesie down over my head. After helping me stand up, l felt Mommy closing the crotch snaps. She then made me hold my hands out. Leather bondage mittens soon encased my hands. The snap of two heart shaped padlocks meant that I would wear all of my babyish attire until mommy decided it was time to take it off. One of my giant pink pacifiers was slipped between my lips and clipped the strap to the bib of the onesie. Lastly one of my frilly bonnets was set on top of my head and tied tightly underneath my chin. Mommy then had me lead her back downstairs to the kitchen. She always enjoyed watching me toddle down the stairs in my thick diapers, and me leading meant she didn't have to miss a moment. Once we reached the kitchen, Mommy helped me step up into my highchair, locking the tray and by extension me in place. The living room is visible from the kitchen, and Bluey was soon playing on the tv. I was also given a doll to help occupy me while I waited for dinner. I did my best to be a good sissy and wait patiently for dinner. I had already watched the episodes of Bluey Mommy had set the TV to several times though, and there wasn't much I could think to do with just a single doll. So, it only took about five minutes for the soft cradling sensation of the diaper against my dick and balls combined with the anal beads rubbing on my prostate to make me a horny little sissy in my highchair. After a couple minutes of my highchair squeaking from me trying to somehow get off by humping in place, I attracted Mommy’s attention. Mercifully or cruelly, depending on your point of view, she gave me a magic wand. It felt good, but confined as I was, I couldn't get the vibrator into the right position to do more than edge myself. Trying to cum before Mommy decided it would be more fun for her to take the vibrator away, I wet my diaper hoping the thicker padding would let me apply more pressure. It didn't thanks to the tray and my own thick thighs. Mommy giggled at me as she brought dinner over. Her steak smelled delicious and was making me salivate. I'd also only succeeded in making myself even hornier with the vibrator. Needless to say, I was frustrated at this point and didn't appreciate her laughter as she took the magic wand away from me. I glared at her, but with my pacifier and bonnet my glare only made her laugh at me more. "Oh, I see someone is a fussy baby diaper boy," Mommy said, setting her steak down on the table. It looked as delicious as it smelled, and a small amount of drool slipped past my pacifier and down my face as I looked at it. Mommy left and returned with my dinner and a bright white bib. Mommy tied the bib tightly around my neck and adjusted the tray so my arms could not get out from underneath it, while I examined my dinner. Mommy's baby food dinners for me were best summarized as eccentric. The peaches and cream had been palatable. The baby food jars of yams and green peas mixed together made me retch. I wasn't quite sure where this fit on that scale. My meal was three semi mushy purple balls in one of my baby bowls, with a baby bottle filled with water to wash whatever it was down. Mommy pulled her chair out and sat down. She took a few bites of her steak, and commented on how tender and juicy it was. She then pulled the dummy out of my mouth, scooped a large helping of the concoction up, and stuffed it into my mouth. I swallowed the spoonful and opened my mouth for more. My dinner, as it turned out, was vanilla ice cream blended with several different berries, and it was delicious. Mommy gave me a second spoonful before putting the nipple of the baby bottle to my mouth to suckle at for a bit. We kept this pattern until both of our dinners were finished, her taking a few bites of her steak and a couple sips of wine, before feeding me a couple bites and letting me suckle from my bottle. When we were both finished she wiped my face off with the bib before untying it from my neck and sticking my soother back into my mouth. I was left to sit, suck, and wonder what was next while she tidied up the remains of dinner. When Mommy returned she reached down under the tray and poked at my diaper, feeling it fuller than before she said, "Awe, such a good baby sissy diaper boy, using your diapers just like you should. Now, our you ready for a nap?" I glowered around my pacifier and underneath my bonnet at that. I didn't want to be put to bed so early in the evening, and without cumming. My expression made mommy say though, "oh, that definitely proves that someone needs a nap. Now come on." She undid the tray, and helped me down from the highchair. She led me upstairs to our bedroom and laid me down on top of the bedspread. Mommy then took one of the lengths of ribbon we kept in the nightstand and tied my mittened hands to the headboard with it. She told me to be a good baby and stay put while she was gone for a second. I looked after her confused about what we were doing. I understood what she meant by nap though as she returned to the bedroom, magic wand in hand. Mommy unzipped her dress and pulled it off, revealing the lingerie she had been wearing underneath. She then plugged the magic wand into the outlet and climbed on top of me. She rested her crotch above mine, pressing her lacy panties against the padding of my diaper. She then stuck the magic wand between us, and switched it on. She ground her hips into the magic wand and my diaper, humping and thrusting as she pleasured us. Well, more accurately, she pleasured herself on top of me. The vibrations of the magic wand weer still intense enough to stimulate my dick though, and each time she humped the vibrator on top of me she drove the anal beads against my prostate. Soon we were both on the verge of orgasm. I came as soon as I felt Mommy’s legs squeezing me. She always tightened her legs as she was coming, and that drove the vibrator straight against my cock, the vibrations and pressure sending me over the edge as I released inside of my diaper. She came soon after, shutting the vibrator off and crumbling into a ball next to me. We laid like that for a while, basking in our post-orgasmic glow. Mommy recovered before me. She got up, gave me a kiss and headed into our bathroom. I heard water running, but I was still too out of it from my orgasm to register what exactly she was doing. Five minutes later though she returned, and freed me from both the headboard and the bondage mittens. She gently undressed me, untying my bonnet, peeling the ankle socks off of my feet, unsnapping the crotch snaps and pulling my onesie off over my head. Last she undid the tapes of my diaper and unceremoniously tossed it in the trash. Mommy then took me to the bathroom, where she had prepared a bubble bath for me. I eased into the tub. The bubbles and warmth of the water were absolutely wonderful. Mommy left me to push the mounds of bubbles around for a few minutes by myself. She returned with a baby bottle of cool water. For a while we sat and enjoyed the presence of each other, me sucking on my bottle and playing with the bubbles while she sat on the toilet reading a book on her phone. When I finished my bottle she put her phone down and began bathing me. I relaxed even further and began to feel sleepy under her ministrations. She tenderly massaged my scalp as she shampooed my hair, and rubbed away aches and pains as she lathered my body with a soapy washcloth. I was fighting off yawns while she rinsed me off, and it took all of the willpower I could still muster to keep my eyes open as she wrapped a warm fluffy towel around me to dry me off. When finished, Mommy led me back to our bed where a fresh diaper awaited me. I was powdered again and this diaper was taped tight against me. This time a pair of plastic panties were slid over the diaper. Mommy decided to put me in a new outfit for bed, a frilly purple diaper cover and pink ballerina shirt. The oversized binky was returned to my lips, and Mommy slipped a pair of headphones into my ears playing an audiobook for me while I fell asleep. She then kissed me on the top of my head and headed back to the bathroom to take a shower herself. I was already softly snoring before She reached the bathroom door, reliving this wonderful evening in my dreams. The End.
  9. Chapter 1 Julie Symms looked into the next room at her sissified husband. He was busy playing with his dollies and glancing now and again at Little Mermaid on the TV. Even from the next room she could see the reflection of a trickle of drool on his chin. She began to wonder if he had wet himself yet. The constant hypnosis had worked wonders and he barely noticed wetting anymore. She remembered a time when it wouldn't have been possible to take him downstairs. Even with his muscles weakened from all the time locked in his crib he would have still attempted to run, not that there was anywhere he could have gone. With the extra thick diapers she kept him in constantly it was hard for him to stand and even if he could manage to get to the door any one of his embarrassing outfits would make him think twice about opening it. After all this time, though, her little husband was a perfect sissy angel. It had taken a lot of work to get him to this point: all the frilly baby girl clothes she had to buy to keep him in, all the attention she had to shower on him, not to mention the constant spankings to get him to accept his new life. Not that there hadn't been some fun along the way she thought to herself. She still remembered how bright red he had blushed when she took him in front of a mirror for the first time. With the booties, the pink satin bonnet, the layers and layers of petticoats, and the silky pink party dress he was an absolute vision and very sissy babyish frilly pink satin baby knickers with row upon row of baby lace on the front and rear. She chuckled when she thought about how he had wet himself out of sheer terror (the diapering started after that). She recalled fondly how he had squirmed when she invited her lady friends to the house to fuss over him. Her absolute favourite, however, were the little sissy tears he had cried when she brought one of her lovers into his nursery to tickle him under the chin. By time she was done having sex in his nursery with her alpha male lover the tears were almost dry; more than could be said for his nappies.He had witnessed what a real man, a man with a large thick seven inch penis can do to a woman,seeing his sexy wife pleasured and climaxing on his huge shaft shamed him but gave his tiny baby dick a full on erection,much to Julies amusement whilst he watched wearing his frilly pink short nighties and frilly pink satin plastic lined baby knickers.To add more shame his pretty wife even changed his nappy right there in front of the nasty man who laughed at his tiny baby sized erect pee pee. Now she had finished mixing his special bottle. That had been one of her best ideas. Warm milk, mixed with hormones, and the creamy got from him every morning. Since she had to get it every morning to keep him from stroking his diapered clitty anyway, she figured why not put it to good use? Of course he had resisted at first but she was always able to convince him. Just like his little fits over not getting to be milked until he admitted he was a complete sissy. She wondered if he had known how ridiculous his protests had sounded with his new sissy lisp. In each case he had given up after one spanking and now they were his favourite times of the day (except for dress up of course). Of course he had become much more docile after she told him that all of his old things had been sold to pay for his transformation. Dresses and nappies and your baby furniture aren't free she had cooed to him. She watched his face light up as she brought his bottle over to him. He bounced and squirmed in his playpen at the sight of her. The ruffling of petticoats almost kept her from hearing him wetting his diaper. She handed him his bottle. He held it in both hands and began sucking ravenously. She smiled and decided to spank him today for old times sake. Chapter 2 Mommy sat down next to the playpen and watched as her baby finished his bottle. His mouth kept sucking as she took it from him and he whimpered and kicked when he saw that it was gone. With time his little tantrums had less frequent but more and more babyish, but she knew how to stop them. She pulled out his pacifier and he was sucking rhythmically before she tied its ribbons around his head. Did babys special bottle get her excited, and does she need a nappy change? she cooed, stressing the female pronouns. He blushed and she heard him wet his diaper again. She wondered whether he was more embarrassed about the diaper or about being referred to as she. Ok baby mommy will change you and let you make poopies. He bounced up and down excited and she could hear the squish of his wet diapers. She opened his playpen and he crawled over to his changing mat. Before it had been so hard removing all the layers and layer of baby clothes for him to use the potty seat. First the plastic panties, then all the nappies, then the petticoats and skirts, and in the end he would end up sitting on his pink little potty chair in nothing but a bonnet and training bra. While this was quite a sight to behold she didn't want him poking and playing with his little breasts. He had been overwhelmed when they first started to really appear and had spent the entire day in his crib fondling his little budding nipples. Once she had his diapers off she always made sure to tie a few ribbons around his one inch flaccid little clitty. She remembered how he had made squirties the first few times she had wiped off his diaper area. After she had wiped him off she turned his over on his stomach. She pulled out the plug she sometimes kept in him in the mornings to keep him from messing his nappy before potty-time. It was pink and said ˜Mommy's helper and the startled look on his face when she first showed it to him was almost the same as his shocked expression the first time she inserted it. She loved that it kept her from having to deal with dirty diapers, and she enjoyed the way he would giggle and smile whenever she would insert or remove it now. Having him use the potty chair was one of her favourite sites. He always looked ridiculous when he sat his pert sissy butt on top of the little pink chair. She chuckled as she saw him sitting, his infantile haireless private parts on show and sucking intently on his pacifier. He heard her laugh and blushed furiously causing him to loosen his bowls and her to laugh harder. When he finished and she was wiping his bottom she praised him with her most sugary-sweet voice, Whos mommys big girl? She knew the answer when she flipped him back over and his little clitty now erect standing proud at its almost three inches against its ribbons. She could smell baby powder and oil coming off of him before she even began to powder him. He's been so heavily powdered and oiled for so long now that it must be in his skin she mused as she grabbed three more thick cotton nappies. After that she diapered him up and put all of his frilly pink satin baby knickers back on over his nappy and clear plastic pants. Now he was finally ready for his big day. Chapter 3 She had been waiting for today for quite some time and had been trying her hardest to go about the normal routine and not drop any hints. She remembered the last time she had been this apprehensive. It was the day her husband cemented his own sissy fate. When she first started his training he had fought her fought her every step of the way. Once the hypnosis started to take effect his struggling turned more and more to crying and pouting, but even once his new life had become routine she could still sense a glare of defiance in his eyes. Thats when she realized he would never fully accept his fate unless he chose it himself, and so she came up with her plan. He was shocked when one day instead of waking up in his crib he woke up in bed next to her in pants and T shirt. Fortunately she had made sure his bladder was empty or he would have wet the bed out of fright. Then when she turned to him and apologized for everything she had put him through he was dumbstruck. When she told him she would never force him to go back he feigned a smile, but she could see the faint glimmer of fear in his eyes; everything was going just as she had hoped. You wont have to wear nappies and plastic pants, or frilly knickers dresses, bonnets, or petticoats, or drink bottles, or play with dolls ever again she had said to him. She was delighted by the pangs on his face at the idea of forfeiting each item. He was barely listening when she told him things could go back to the way they were before. Let me try to make it up it up to you honey she said as she curled up next to him leaned in to kiss him. He had yelped and rolled away. She (rather insincerely) asked what was wrong pretending not to notice he had now had made creamy in his shorts. She almost laughed and broke the act when he asked if that meant he wouldn't get his bottle today. After a second she had looked at him and said, I guess if you WANT to be my sissy baby its alright, but we cant keep going back and forth. This time it will have to be permanent. This hit him like a pound of bricks. Ill give you the day to think about it" she said as she kissed him on the cheek and left the room. Despite all of her coaxing he was back in diapers before the end of the day. Today was another big day for him she thought. Just then she heard the doorbell ring. It was time for his play date. Chapter 4 Mommy saw her baby squirm and squeeze his dolly tight as she went to go answer the door. It was funny how afraid he still was of being seen even after everything that had happened. She wondered how he would react if he knew that she had shown all of her friends the albums full of pictures she had taken of her new baby. The albums had been such a hit that Mommys neighbour Mrs. Stevens had decided to try the same thing on her naughty little husband. They had both chuckled when they agreed that a play-date would be in order once Mrs. Stevens had sufficiently sissified her husband. When Mommy answered the door to see him in full dress shyly clinging to his Mommy's hand she knew that day had come. She wasn't sure how it was possible but he looked even more ridiculous than her baby. Every part of him was covered in bubble gum pink. His long blond hair had been curled and tied with pink ribbon into pigtails. He was wearing pink mary-janes with matching pink laced topped ankle socks. His nails and lips had been painted glittery pink. He was wearing a short pink dress with layers of cream coloured petticoats. As a finishing touch his extra thick nappies (Mrs. Stevens used four at a time hoping this would sissify him more quickly) were covered with little pink hearts. Well doesn't someone look cute today? Mommy cooed. The baby minced and blushed even pinker. Then his attractive blonde Mommy gave him an icy look with her dark brown eyes causing him to quickly curtsey exposing even more of his diapers. She looked down at him again and he lisped, Hewo, my name is Thithy. Tank you fow letting me come ovow and pway. Sissy, mommy thought, not very original but certainly appropriate. Even though this little speech was obviously rehearsed Mommy could hear the humiliation in it. Then the two mommies started chatting about techniques they used with their babies. Mrs. Stevens absolutely loved Mommys ˜special bottle idea and vowed to start doing the same tomorrow. She had just been letting him make creamies in his diapers and then spanking him for it. As the two mommies were chatting, Sissy started to tug at his mommys hand trying to enter the house, but she ignored him and held on tightly. After they finished chatting (and half the neighborhood had seen Sissies diapered bottom) then entered the house. Mommy saw her baby's eyes light up when he saw Sissy. He dropped his doll and reached through the bars of the playpen. She wasn't surprised. She wondered if her baby saw Sissy like a new doll, a playmate, or as something more. Not only had she enveloped him in sissyness but she also directed all of his sexual desires towards it. All this time she had made him look at nothing but frilly sissy clothing whenever she had milked him. From the smile on her face she knew Mrs. Stevens was thinking the same thing. When they made the play-date they had hoped the two would really ˜hit it off. Mommy also saw the mixed expression of terror, intrigue, and embarrassment hit Sissy at her baby's reaction. I think these two are going to be good friends, Mrs. Stevens said as she opened the playpen. Chapter 5 Mommy and Mrs. Stevens smiled to one another as they watched Sissy crawl nervously into the playpen. Mommy was sure her baby's pacifier would have fallen right out of his mouth if the ribbons were not tied around back of his head. She also noticed how Sissy slowly swung his little frilly knickered clad butt as he crawled; it looked like someone was trying to get attention after all! She also noticed how her baby's eyes followed Sissys sashaying hips and that he was sucking his dummy in rhythm with the movement. She remembered that the nipple on her baby's pacifier was shaped like a tiny penis and wondered if her baby was slowly running his tongue over it as he suckled. Mommys thoughts were interrupted by Mrs. Stevens as she asked, You know Julie you've never told me what you call your sweet little baby now? Mommy looked up and said, You know Emma I never really picked a name, but what about Baby Susie? Mrs. Stevens smiled and said, Baby Susie? That sounds like a perfect match. Then, as if on cue, Baby flung his arms around Sissy who proceeded to giggle and blush. Once his cheeks had cooled Sissy looked apprehensively at the two mommies and started playing nervously with his skirt. When Mrs. Stevens gave him a slight nod, his eyes lit up and he turned and gave Baby Susie a kiss on the cheek. Mommy and Mrs. Stevens could see a very small bulge even through Baby's three diapers. Sissy saw it too and his Mommy smacked his hand away right before he could touch. Both mommies were very angry: Sissy knew she shouldn't touch there (yet¦) and Baby had already been milked once today! I think we're going to have to spank both of these naughty babies, Mommy said crossing her arms. You mean your gonna take off ow diapies, said Sissy shyly. He might sound timid, Mommy thought but both she and Mrs. Stevens noticed how hungrily he stared at Baby's pink frilled satin crotch when he was speaking and how he began slowly sucking his thumb once he finished. Both mommies had expected the two to be fast friends, but looking at one another they were amazed at how quickly things were developing. Yes Sissy, his mommy cooed, were going to spank you and Babys naked bottoms. Mommy could tell it took all of Sissys restraint not to cheer as she knelt down to take out Baby's pacifier. She leaned far over exposing tops of her breasts as she began to untie the ribbons and to pull out the pacifier. She was pleased that the babies eyes remained glued to one another. Mommy did notice, however, that Mrs. Stevens leaned in to eye her slim figure and for the first time Mommy began to blush slightly. She could feel Baby's lips cling to the pacifiers tip as she slowly removed it, allowing Sissy to clearly see it. The two babies shivered with anticipation as their mommies announced it was spanking time and if their mommies had not immediately swooped them up they probably would have begun making sloppy baby kisses right there. The two mommies set up rocking chairs next to one another, pulled their babies over their laps, and pulled down their frilly baby knickers and plastic pants then undid the back of their many diapers. Baby Susie and Sissy were lying face to face and their mommies pretended not to notice when they started kissing. The sound of deep baby kisses was only interrupted by synchronized yelps as the two babies were spanked. After a good sound spanking the babies were placed on their back .Julie noticed how sissy's penis was a little larger than her own husbands though it was still very undersized . Mrs Stevens began to giggle at the sight of Julies husbands tiny penis oh gosh that's so tiny its just like a babies ,small than my own husbands .Julie then relayed the story of how she would bring real men home to satisfy her sexual needs .Mrs Stevens was very intrigued and thought it was hilarious . How wonderful and your poor baby girl husband cant do a thing about it.Hell I should get my self a boyfriend someone with a nice big thick cock like your lovers,my husbands cock is barely four and half inches when hard. Only Baby Susie and Sissys bottoms were bright red were they put back into their playpen, this time with no diapers or knickers. Lets see what mischief our little girls get into together said Mrs. Stevens, looking down at the two. Frankly, Mommy whispered into Emma's Stevens ear as she pressed her body against her, I'm more concerned with making some mischief of my own. What a wonderful play date, Mommy thought as she felt the warm caress of Emma's tongue. Chapter 6. Six months later Baby Susie's Mommy Julie and Sissy's Mommy Emma have moved together into a new spacious house with Sissy and Baby. The mommies are fortunate in being wealthy enough, both through inheritance and their own work, to be able to afford a grand house and keep their two sissies at home constantly under their discipline. While Julie was the one to first sissify her hubby and introduce Emma to the delights of having a sissy hubby, Emma is now even more keen and inventive on carrying on with their sissification. She is perhaps the harsher martinet of the two, but all in all they have found their thoughts, wishes and ideas for their hubbies discipline to be very much in unison. Sissy and Baby have a fully equipped nursery. There is a large locking crib covered with a plastic sheet where they are put together for the night and their day-time naps, a big playpen with a soft rubber-covered carpet, lots of dollies and toys, two big-sissy sized rocking horses, a big changing table, two pink potty-chairs and two special highchairs, the seats of which have holes for plastic potties. On the wall hang their leather leading reins and an array of instruments for punishing the sissies. There are two paddles, one with eight holes, and the other of solid wood. There is a hard-backed hairbrush, a stiff leather strap and a martinet with ten short tails. While all of these are very efficient instruments for imposing strict nursery discipline, the one instrument which the sissies dread most of all is the birch-rod, which lies soaking in a tub of brine-water in one corner. There is a little wood near-by and the sissies squirmed when on Emma's initiative their mommies took them there one day and instructed them to make two nice birch-rods for their own discipline. Three or even four weeks might go by without Sissy and Baby Susie tasting the birch, but when they do their botties will certainly smart for several days afterwards. They are spanked with the other instruments much more frequently. If a whole day passes without a single smacking the next might bring them two or three separate spankings in one day. Emma and Julia are in full agreement about the necessity of regular spankings for their sissies. Of course Sissy and Baby Susie are most obedient and very docile, but their mummies will always find some reason for giving them a red bottom whenever they feel it is needed. Their spankings are always on the bare bottom, except that for instant discipline the strap may be used on their extended hands for smaller misdemeanours, or when it is inconvenient to take down their nappies and plastic pants. Sometimes their hands are also strapped in addition to a bare-bottom spanking. After six smacks on each hand their palms will be tingling hotly for some hours afterwards! The sissies share all their punishments, and even if only one of them has misbehaved both will get the same punishment. All spankings are followed by a corner-time for up to two hours. On the wall are also two plastic-covered skipping ropes. Now that the sissies are totally broken in their mommies do not need to keep them weak. While Julie and Emma like to see the sissies accumulating some baby fat and enjoy the slightly flabby look this gives them - and which the two formerly rather athletic men are ashamed of - they don't want them to become so obese as to present a serious health-risk. That is why each morning after their pottying and feeding they let out into the garden where they will skip with their ropes for 45 minutes. For this exercise period they are dressed only in diapers and rubber training bras as they will be soaking with sweat after they have done their exercises. They also have a leather cuff with little bells locked on one of their ankles, ensuring that they will not stop when their mommies are not looking. Furthermore they also have nice fat butt plugs shoved up their bottom-holes for the workout! They do their daily exercise come in all types of weather, but they are given transparent plastic macs if it rains. As it has rained rarely they have been mostly able to skip in the warm sun and they have a nice bikini tan as a consequence. Each morning Sissy and Baby are put into their high-chairs where they will remain locked in for an hour, two give them ample time to do their poopies in their potties. Although the sissies are hopelessly incontinent and will have wet their diapers usually within an hour after a diaper-change, they are expected to do all their poopies in the potty and they will be punished strictly if they mess in their diapers. That is why they have an hour of potty time both in the morning and in the evening, before being locked into their crib for the night. Should Sissy or Baby need to poo during the day, she has to ask mummy nicely for the potty. When this happens both of them will be put on their potties on which they will squat for half-an-hour, before they are allowed to get up and have their bottoms wiped. Even if only one of them has asked to be relieved, they are both expected to perform when on the potty. The one that has not done so will be punished, as will also the other in accordance with the shared punishment principle. The sissies have thus learned to try and coordinate their poopies so as to avoid being spanked. This is not easy as their dildoing has weakened their sphincters and they have to hurry when they feel the urge, even when the other cannot produce a turd. But being spanked for constipation entails a lesser spanking than messing their diaper, which would be corrected with the birch. It took only one occasion for them to learn that particular lesson. Their healthy diet of mashed vegetables, staple and bran and their hour on the potty each morning ensures the regular working of their bowels, but sometimes their mommies will have a bit of fun and slip a laxative into the bottle of one of the sissies, but not of the other. This provides the mommies amusing entertainment and usually an opportunity for spanking the sissies. For them it is a humiliating experience, all the more so if there are visitors coming or if they are taken out. On the day their new baby reins were delivered to the house their mommies decided to take them next day to their hairdresser. After their exercise and bath they were dressed in their training bras, cream-colored blouses with ruffled cuffs and collar and pink frilly satin baby knickers over their diapers and plastic pants. Pink dresses with petticoats would have also quite appropriate, but sometimes their mommies feel that these femmy sissy-boy clothes are just as good for their dress discipline. Sissy and Baby were then fastened in their new leather baby harnesses, their pacifiers were pushed into their mouths and they were led out to the van and taken to the hairdresser. For the trip they were supplied with their special formula baby bottles and told they had to finish them before they arrived at their destination. Janets salon was run by a good friend of their mommies who with her pretty blonde haired teenage young assistant Tracy, she greeted them warmly. Janet knew all about the sissies having visited them on several occasions, but for Tracy this was her first view of them and she couldn't stop smirking. The sissies did not know it, but they were going to be treated to a very special haircut. Sissy was first fastened into a barber-chair, but before Janet could begin his coiffure Baby, whose bottle had been laced, urgently tugged Julies arm and whispered that she needed the potty, quick! Julie told her to speak up and the mortified Baby had almost to shout for the potty before Julie relented and took out the pink plastic potty which had been packed in the sissies nappy bag along with clean diapers and their paddle. Baby erupted immediately after her frilly baby knickers, plastic pants and nappy had been taken down and she made contact with the potty. Soon the women were wrinkling their noses and Janet asked Tracy to open the window and let in some fresh air! Baby Susie's was told she should continue squatting while Janet proceeded with Sissys haircut. The special haircut turned out to be a complete head shave! It was carried out with scissors and clippers and finished off with a lathering and close razor shave, with baby oil rubbed on the smooth head to complete the procedure! After this it was time for the sissies to change places. Baby Susie had her bottom wiped right there in full view of the attractive teenage girl who looked to no more than 17 or 18 years old .She began to blush and giggle at the sight of the poor sissy man and his tiny hairless penis and small round testacles.She had seen a few cocks but nothing this small on an adult only on young toddlers she had babysit for. She was intrigued by his nappy and thought the frilly pink plastic lined baby knickers were very cute.With his nappy and panties pulled back on Tracy took bay Sissy's hand and placed him in the barber-chair, still smirking . Tracy is she would like to do the honours this time. Tracy was more than ready and remarked that the sissies new sissy baby haircut was just adorable. Baby Susie's head was given the same treatment, Sissy strained in vain to produce something into the potty, but only managed a trickle of pee. After the fifteen minute meticulous shave was over the mommies looked at Sissy, shook their heads and Emma said it looks like you must have the paddle. As usual he cried already after the first swats and was sniffing profusely by the time he was allowed to get up from Emma's knees. The paddle passed on to Julie to do its work on Baby Susie's bottom. While Sissy was being spanked the terrified Baby had wet herself and was awarded with a fresh nappy after her spanking. Mercifully there were no other people apart from Janet and Tracy in the salon, which had been closed for the sissies visit, but any passer-by on the sidewalk who had happened to look in the windows would have been treated to the full scene, even if the sound-track with the smacks and cries had been muffled. When the party left the salon the sissies were again fully dressed and fastened into their reins, but they had also gained a new piece of clothing, diaphanous baby bonnets showing their newly shaved heads at their best! Both sissies are now always locked in pink plastic chastity devices, after Julie was able to find "baby-sized" little cages for their clitties. Their mommies found that this was necessary because otherwise they would be sucking each other whenever left alone. Of course they cannot provide the cream for their special bottles, but with their hormone treatment advancing they could produce very little anyway. But their mommies have been able to secure a supply of cummycream for the sissies through their network of lady friends, whose husbands, boyfriends and sissies regularly contribute the cream the two have become dependent on. The sissies have a weekly session when their CB's are removed so they can do their little squirties in each others mouths, usually this takes place on Saturday afternoon when a party of their mommies lady friends is present cheering them on while enjoying their afternoon tea. The sissies also have a special visitor who comes to see them twice a week. She is Lucy, a attractive woman with lactating breasts, who treats Sissy and Baby to a breast-feeding. When the sissies were introduced to her tits for the first time Sissy was silly enough to make a fuss about it and refuse to take the proffered nipple in her mouth, but a session with the paddle across Emma's knee but a stop that foolishness, earning Baby a paddling as well. Lucy also expects them to thank her after their feed by going down between her legs and giving her a satisfactory sucking and licking. She likes to rub their shaved heads while they are at it. Lucy has also teased them by telling them that their mommies should take them to the dentist to have their teeth removed, as her pleasure would be increased with their toothless gums caressing her pussy. Their mommies have yet to take up Lucy on her suggestion, but they have taken their wards fastened in their baby reins on another humiliating expedition to a tattooing salon, where the top of their necks were tattooed with the identification SISSY and BABY SUSIE respectively. Charter 7. The Birthday Party Emma and Julie had early come to the conclusion that while Sissy and Baby were quite adequate names for their sissy hubbies at home, they really ought to give them more personal names as well. As the sissies birthdays, which happened to be within a week of each other, were approaching in a few weeks time they decided they would arrange a very special birthday party for them on the same day as they were to be given their new names. This entailed some planning and preparations as they wanted the occasion to be a very memorable one and leave an undeletable mark on their hubbies. Some dozen friends were to be invited and all of them were asked to bring a special present for the sissies, which they would coordinate and prepare carefully. Sissy and Baby were of course not told any details about these plans in advance. They were only told two weeks earlier that they were going to have a very special birthday party given for them, leading them to speculate somewhat apprehensively in their sissy-minds what this would mean. On the big day the sissies were put through their normal morning chores, i.e. potty-time in the high-chairs where they were given their baby bottles and fed their breakfast of porridge with mashed veggies, then their exercises with the skipping ropes, and their bath. The little stubble on their heads was carefully shaved and their heads rubbed with sweet-smelling baby oil, after which they were put in their playpen. As they played with their dollies and exchanged occasional sloppy sissy kisses they could hear that there was a lot of coming and going downstairs with the ongoing party preparations. At noon their mommies came to let them out of their pen. To their surprise they were not put into their party frocks. Instead they were stripped down to their diapers and a little undervest with no other clothing or even a bonnet and lead downstairs sucking their pacifiers and holding each others hands. When they entered the big living room adorned with balloons and jolly ribbons they were greeted by a chorus of about a dozen people singing Happy Birthday To You. It was a warm day and the doors were open to the garden where a barbecue was sizzling. Sissy and Baby recognized all the guests, who were all female except for Sir Richard, a.k.a. Sir Prickhard - that was anyway how he had been introduced to them when he visited their nursery and gave them his generous cum-donation -, but they were surprised to see two maids in immaculate pale blue maid uniforms and frilly aprons standing unobtrusively at the kitchen door with their hands clasped in front of them in the submissive maid position. A young girl, who the sissies recognized as Tracy from the hairdressers, was busy videoing the whole scene. A playpen with thick plastic-covered carpet in it had been put on the floor for the sissies. They were led into it and allowed to sit down. After the singing was finished Julie took the floor. Welcome all to this very special party for Sissy and Baby. It is their joint birthday party but it is also the event where they will be given their new names. We are still expecting two more guests who should arrive any time now if their plane is on time. All of you are familiar with Sissys and Babys status and Emma and I are very grateful that you have wanted to present and have also kindly agreed to contribute to their sissy baby life with some very nice presents for Sissy and Baby. Now if Jeanne and Marcia are so good to be the first ones to give their presents. Jeanne and Marcia were two young women . Jeanne popped out to the hall and returned carrying a bundle of shiny satiny soft material. She and Marcia proceeded to open them and lay out the contents. It was a complete set of pretty baby wear for the two sissies, all in the same pinkish semitransparent babysoft plastic adorned with little red spots! There were two short dresses flaring out at the waist and with puffed sleeves, two baby doll tops, two frilly pink short transparent baby-doll nighties , two bonnets, dozens of frilly baby girl knickers in pink white and pale lemon, many pairs of clear plastic pants. There were also two hooded plastic raincoats. After the sissies had been allowed to look and feel all of the items they were dressed in their new dresses, frilly ruffled panties and bonnets, but not with bras which surprised and disappointed the sissies as they were used to wearing training bras to keep their budding titties in place. -Thank you Jeanne and Marcia for this wonderful wardrobe, Emma said. This plastic material is just precious and Sissy and Baby will soon get even more plastic clothes, it is just the right material for our two drooling and messy sissies and save a lot of washing. And we know they love plastic it as they are always very upset if they are not dressed in their plastic pants, and when they are, they love to touch and fondle their tiny thingies. This certainly was true as the sissies were already engrossed with each other and caressing the soft plastic which covered their bums. Emma had to call them to order. -Where are your manners? You should curtsey and thank Jeanne and Marcia and give them a sissykiss in appreciation for your new clothes. After that I think its Auntie Doctors turn to give her presents. The doctor was Lisbeth, the family doctor for all of them and close personal friend of Emma and Trish who had contributed with advice, medication and hormone prescriptions to the sissification of the two hubbies. She was just getting out her presents from her bag when the doorbell rang. -That must be the last of our guests, Julie said. She went to the hall and opened the door. In came an elderly woman with a younger one. -Hello Julie, the older one said to Mummy, I am so glad to be able to finally make it here. I have been so excited by our correspondence I'm dying to see him the baby girl after all these years. And this is my daughter Patty, she said, introducing the younger woman to Mummy. I believe you did meet at the wedding, but that was already, what, almost ten years ago. I'm so happy you two could make it to this party. It will mean the world for Baby. We have only just begun and you won't be missing any of the fun. The women entered the living room and were introduced. Only one of those present did not need an introduction. This was Baby who gaped in astonishment as the women entered, for the elder Marilyn was actually his Mum - his real mother - and the younger Patty his sister. No need to be abashed Baby, Mummy Julie said to him. Your mother and I have been corresponding all the time and she knows all about your new sissy baby status, and I know all about your sissy habits which you already had when still under her control. In fact she has greatly encouraged me and Dianne in continuing with your sissification. We all owe a lot to her. Thank you Julie, Marilyn said. Actually it is true what they say, once a sissy, always a sissy. Isn't it so my precious Baby she said to her son, not expecting an answer. I have brought you a present from your old days at home. Remember this Baby? she said, shaking out a leather object in her hand. Its your old temper tantrum hood which I put on you whenever you were cranky to calm you! Remember the time you took your sisters panties from the laundry-basket and I caught you sniffing them, and how you spent the next nights with the panties on your head under this hood? A wonderful instrument of discipline, wasn't it? I hope Trish will also find it useful, so here it is. The black leather hood had openings only for the mouth and nose and had a lock which could be fastened after the zipper had been closed at the back of the head. She gave it to her son who took it with trepidation. Sissy beside him looked a bit left out, so Marilyn turned to him and said don't cry Sissy, we haven't forgotten you. Look, here's a similar discipline hood for you too. But I don't expect them to need them today on your big day, so lets put them aside until your mummies have to resort to them. Dr Lisbeth now spoke up. -That was certainly a very useful present. I hope my presents are as welcome, and anyway they can be put into use immediately. From her bag she now took out two pink objects. They were collars in dayglow shocking pink plastic, one centimetre thick and three centimetres high. She gave the other one to Marilyn. Perhaps you might want to put this on Baby while Ill fix the other one around Sissys neck. Its been made to measure and the special locking mechanism will close itself if you just push the ends together a bit, no key is needed and once it is in place it cannot be removed. The plastic is of especially tough material and is as secure as steel, Lisbeth said as she fitted the collar around Sissys neck and snapped it shut with a loud and very final sounding click. Marilyn did the same with Babys collar. The collars had several steel rings for tethering and other purposes. They fitted snugly, but not too tightly to be uncomfortable. They weren't as high as a discipline collar, but they were meant to be seen and noticed and to be a permanent and constant reminder to the sissies of their status. After the guests had admired and commented on the collars for a while Lucy was ready to come in with her presents. They were two small boxes she invited the sissies to open. They did so to discover a shiny steel barbell in each of them. -I do admit that I had some selfish thoughts too, when I chose these to be fitted on your tongues next time you visit the tattoo parlour, Lucy said with a huge smile. The sissies curtsied and thanked her, and adding, after some prodding from Diane, how thrilled they were to have them inserted so they could give Auntie Lucy even more pleasure. -You're most welcome, Lucy said, and added with a sly wink, And if you need the dentist just ask me and Ill get you one. Emma then turned to another of the lady guests, Trish, and invited her to present her gift. -With pleasure, Trish responded. I will call my Maid Helen from the kitchen first. Get my Maid Alice as well, Lucy chimed in. He is still an apprentice maid andi t will be an educational experience for him too to watch this. The thus summoned maids curtsied on entering and remained standing their eyes downcast, their hands clasped demurely in front of them. -Go and fetch our present Helen, Trish commanded the maid, who was in fact her long-suffering sissy hubby and had served as her maid for almost ten years now. The maid left and returned a moment later, curtsied at the door and went forward to present Judy with a long object. Judy took it and showed it to everyone. -This is a high-quality, custom-made riding crop. Helen and I will demonstrate its use and effectiveness, before we leave it to Emma and Julie and their sissies. Helen, take down your panties and bend over the back of this chair here, Judy said, pointing to a straight backed chair that she had placed in the middle of the room. The maid did as instructed, lifted her short maids dress and petticoat and then took down her pretty pink frilled nylon panties. As they were lowered everyone saw that she was locked in a shiny steel chastity belt. Three years now is it since your chastity last came off? Judy asked with a wink to the audience as the maid bends over the back of the chair to grasp its front legs. As she presented her bare backside to the room did so everyone could see, that the back chain of the chastity belt was fitted with a plug which rested firmly in the pert ass off the sissy maid. Her bum also showed some fading marks indicating, that she had been disciplined not too long ago. Eight was it we agreed on asked Trish, and Helen replied almost inaudibly something which sounded like Yes Maam. The first THWACK was followed by a loud gasp from the sissy, and then a meek One, thank you Maam. Although the maids breathing became heavier and her thank you after each stroke more contorted, she remained in place and did not cry out through the remaining seven lashes, which Judy delivered at a leisurely pace. At the end the maid bottom was covered with eight clear bright red welts. Maid Helen remained in place, for she knew better than to rise before receiving explicit permission from her mistress to do so. Trish now turned to Sissy and Baby, who had been watching the spectacle with open drooling mouths, the pacifiers they had dropped dangling on the ribbons round their necks and knowing, that their bottoms would sooner or later have a taste of this new instrument. Would you like to step forward to have a closer look? The awed sissies seemed less then enthusiastic as Trish put their pacifiers back in their mouths, opened the pen gate and took their hands and guided them closer. Helen shivered slightly but remained quite as Trish placed the sissies hands on the maids bottom so the sissies could feel the welts and the warm glow of the freshly cropped bum. The sissies felt an uncomfortable tinge in their bottoms in anticipation of the day when they would bear similar marks.Why dont you take the crop upstairs to your room and hang it on the well next to your paddles and straps, while Sir Richard prepares his present for your. Sissy took the proffered crop gingerly as if it was a snake which could bite her any moment and carried it upstairs, accompanied by Baby and Tracy who wanted to take some video shots of their nursery as well. When they descended five minutes later the sissies saw their next present waiting for them in the playpen. It was a life-size inflatable rubber dolly with some special features which Sir Richard proceeded to explain. The dolly was dressed in plastic bikini pants in the same material as the sissies dresses. There was no hair on the dollys head which was also covered in the same kind of plastic bonnet as the sissies shaven heads. In its mouth it had a penis gag. The dolly was also dressed in a huge rubber bra which was actually a special breast feeding bra, which could be filled with milk or formula and be sucked like a baby bottle. And when Sir Richard lowered the dollys panties they saw that it had a real-looking sissy clitty which was encased in exactly the same kind of pink plastic chastity cage as they were wearing! Sir Richard also turned the dolly on its face to show them the tattoo-like text SISSY BABY on its bottom cheeks, and that the dolly also had a butt plug. The dolly was then turned back again and Sir Richard took a key to remove the chastity cage on the dolly, giving the key to Julie. The dolly had a three-and-a-half-inch sissy clit - certainly longer than what Sissy and Baby could come up with nowadays - and it had a teat at the tip for sucking, for it was in effect a kind of baby bottle which could be taken out and refilled. Well sissies, I believe your lunch is now served! The sissies went down on their dolly and started sucking. They were kept at it for almost half-an-hour before the contents had been consumed, alternating with each other ever five minutes between the clitty and the titties. The latter was filled with their usual milky formula, while the clitty had been filled with the special yummy-cummy which was part of their staple diet. It is true that even unappetizing meals taste better when they are served in a nice package Emma commented when they had finished, wiping some of the dribble from their dresses with a rag. -And now is the time for your penultimate present. Bring them down now she said to the two sissy-maids who had been summoned to stand-by. They obviously had been given their instructions earlier as they scurried upstairs and returned immediately carrying the rocking horses from the nursery. Now it was time for Janet to step forward with her presents. These were saddles for the rocking horses, once again of a special custom-made kind. As they were fitted tightly over the horses and fastened in place with a belt what caught everyone's attention were the six-inch long and five inch-thick dildos in pink plastic that were protruding from the middle of the seat. Janet proceeded to coat the dildos with a generous dose of Vaseline as she explained to the sissies, that they were now going for a nice ride while the adults would be enjoying their birthday meal. The rocking horses were placed beside each other at the wide door to the dining room so that the sissies could look at the guests eating and they could enjoy the sight of the sissies riding. Julie and Emma came to help, first removing the sissies pink satin knickers and plastic pants with soaked diapers and then helping them to sit down on the saddles. Once they were impaled on them their legs were bent and their ankles fastened to the cuffs at the end of the short stirrup straps. As the stirrups were placed slightly behind them they had immediately after having been thus secured to lean a bit forward and grab hold of the short grips on the sides of the horses head to keep their balance. Now they only needed to be bridled, as Julie and Emma pointed out before taking their pacifiers from their mouths and putting on a head-harness with a bit that was placed between their teeth. -Oh, there is still one more thing they need Julie said, and took out two small soaking pads to be placed snugly under the chastity cages into which their clitties were locked. Mustn't have them wet their precious new saddles. Now enjoy your ride and keep them horses rocking all the time while we celebrate your birthday with our meal! It was a long, leisurely four course meal that took almost to hours to finish with the two sissy maids taking care of the service. Although Lucy's Maid Alice may have been a novice maid she was also an excellent professional cook, as everyone around the table could agree on. As everyone finally arose from the table Julie and Emma took a small lump of sugar each from the table and went to the sissies, who had all the time kept the horses in silent movement, took off their bridles, patted their heads and fed them the lump saying good girl. The mummies undid the cuffs at their ankles allowing them to put their feet on the floor and gingerly lift themselves up from the saddles. The pads under their clitties had been a necessary precaution as they were both wet. Now it is time for you to have a bit of sissy fun together Emma cooed, but before that you will have to clean your saddles first. Get your heads down on them. They have to be as shiny as they were before you can have your fun. The sissies were appalled as they looked at the dildos covered now wet streaks after their ride. When they stalled Trish chimed in: - It seems that they cant wait to have their new crop put to use on them. Hearing this Baby immediately went down on his saddle and started using his tongue. Sissy hesitated only a second longer before doing the same. A chorus of laughter rang around the room. After a few minutes the sissies task was completed to their mummies satisfaction. Julie popped out of the room and returned quickly with a small bowl of water where a bar of soap was resting. -Now lets wash your mouths she said picking up the bar and shoving it into Babys mouth. Mouth-soapings were not new to the sissies and baby accepted the soap without fuss. Now go to Aunt Janet and thank her for the wonderful saddles she has given you. Baby shuffled over to her and, with the bar of soap in her mouth and lisped something which sounded like Wan uu elly mush fow ow nuu thalles. This was amusing enough but what almost brought the house down were the soap bubbles that sprang from Babys mouth as she said her bit! -Good. Now give the soap to Sissy who will then also thank Auntie in the same way. Oh no, no hands allowed, you have to give Sissy a real soapy kiss to transfer the bar Baby and Sissy completed the handover as instructed and as Sissy thanked Aunt Janet she also blew some nice bubbles, after which she was allowed to push the soap out of her mouth into the bowl. And now for your fun, and ours as well of course Julie said, as she guided the sissies back into the play pen and took out a key to release Babys clitty from its chastity while Emma did the same with Sissys. --Aw, how cute, look at their tiny baby sized little stiffies! Patty mocked soo tiny the two together would only make one decent sized penis,poor baby Susie's looks no more bigger than my pinky finger. But the sissies were oblivious to this as they went down on each other right away taking their stiff little clitties in each others mouths. It didn't take them long to produce their tiny squirties, but they lingered on in the same position savouring every moment of their play time. They exchanged soapy kisses and caressed each others bottoms and soon their sissy fingers were inching into their sissy cunties as they squirmed with delight. After twenty minutes of this their mummies took over again, saying that their playtime was now over and it was time for them to receive their last presents of the day. The sissies had been so engrossed with each other that they had not noticed how meanwhile the sissy maids had carried their rocking horses back to their nursery and brought down their highchairs. They were now gently disentangled and made to stand up . Now we will proceed with the highlight of our party. For this we need the sissies to be first firmly secured. Their highchairs are perfect for this purpose and it is also helpful that they are potty-chairs at the same time as they might lose control during the ceremony. Seeing the sissies consternation at this Julie added, that they needn't worry, everyone would be understanding and as they were to be seated on their potties there wouldnt be any consequences for them. The sissies were again stripped save for the bonnets on their heads before they were locked into the highchairs. Just in time too, for Baby, who must have had an army of butterflies flittering in her tummy in fear of what the unknown next event could entail, let out a loud fart and a trickle of brown liquid from her bowels as her bottom made contact with the potty. No-one minded, but Dr Lisbeth took out two tablets for the sissies to take explaining to their mummies that it would calm them down. The sissies swallowed their tablets before they were fully secured into their chairs. This was done with cuffs and straps which fastened their hands to the arms of their highchairs, another pair of cuffs that fastened their ankles to legs, with two short links which immobilized their necks and tethered them to the back of the chairs and, finally, two more straps that secured their waists and their chests just below their tits firmly to the chairs. Again Dr Lisbeth came forward and examined their modest, but nicely developing tits and swabbed them clean and dry with an antiseptic little towels.She then produced a tape measure ,each penis became erect after she lightly fondled them, Sissie's penis has now reduced from 4.4 inches erect to 3.7 inches and Baby susie's penis is a tiny 2.5 inches erect ,clearly a micro penis she announced triumphantly giggling and smiling. Completely useless for penetration .Now they only needed their thick penis gags inserted to be ready.Laughter could be heard from all the guests especially young Tracy who was filming and snapping pictures on her mobile phone. One or two women feeling sorry for the poor adult baby men who had become baby girls equipped with un manly tiny cocks. Dear friends, now is the time for Sissy and Baby to have their new names bestowed on then, Emma declared as the glowing barbecue which had sizzling quietly in the garden was carefully carried inside by the two maids. From the glowing charcoal embers Emma and Julie each now took out a branding iron which had been resting in the fire without those not in the know paying any notice, just thinking they were grill-irons for grilling meat. Emma and Julie positioned themselves besides their sissies and on cue from Lisbeth plunged the glowing red tip of their irons exactly free centimetres above the right-hand nipple of their sissies. Lisbeth counted to three while the immobilised sissies would have jumped in the air had they not been securely tethered as they frantically squirmed and made muffled noises in their gagged mouths and an aroma of burning flesh filled the air. As Dr Lisbeth said three the irons were lifted and displayed the new names in two-and-a.half centimetre burning scarlet which now permanently adorned the sissies titties, LULU on Sissy and BABS on Baby. Maid Helen was ready with a tray passing glasses of champagne to everyone for a toast to Lulu and Babs. The sissies gags were removed, but they were still left restrained in their high-chairs for a cooling down period, as Lisbeth said, applying some soothing and healing salve to the brands. And when everyone lifted their glasses of champagne the two maids approached Lulu and Babs with baby bottles and pressed them to the sissies lips. The bottles were full of yellow liquid, a personal gift from their mummies for their toast. After an hour Lulu and Babs were bandaged and let out of their highchairs. They were put in clean diapers and plastic panties frilly pink chiffon baby knickers and matching light pink soft see through very short nighties. They were then taken to their nursery were they were put in their crib and their arms and feet buckled down with straps for safety, so they could not tamper with their bandages and endanger the healing process. While this was done Tracy was still hovering around with her phone camera, which had recorded all the events of the evening. Now the young girl wished the sissies good night and added, -the highlights of your party will be on Youtube tomorrow and the the full version will be posted on the new Lulu and Babs sissybaby website which will be ready in a few days. I have promised your mummies I will be your babysitter when they go out on dates with real men and we can enjoy watching the videos together. I might bring some of my friends along . Its was true that although Julie and Emma had played with each other they missed having sex with manly types of guys, the sort who know how to dominate a woman in the bedroom take charge, men who are well endowed and know how to use their big alpha cocks.Within weeks both women went on double dates after meeting two large built guys on the internet.As the relationships quickly developed they disclosed they were married but their husbands were sissy adult babies and were unable to please them ,sex with their husbands was rubbish .When Emma and julie finally introduced their lovers to their baby girl husbands it was quite clear once nappies were removed and their tiny stiff penis were fully on display these gorgeous women needed some sexual satisfaction .The poor hapless babies who loved their Mommies very much were forced to watch their wives pleasured by the big rough men with their very large thick over sized ciocks.Hearing how these men described their wives vaginas as feeling very tight .Emma and Julie then having had to remind them of their baby dick sized hubbies was the reason. When Emma and Julie were brutally fucked hard their moans intensified into wonderful orgasms. The poor sissy babies could do nothing but make creamies in their wet nappies and pink frilly girl attire.The added humiliation of having young pretty babysitters like Tracy and her friends come over for the night made it even worse .These sexy attractive 18 year old girls having full knowledge of their cuckold status ,seeing them clothed in frilly pink baby girl clothes , seeing their tiny cocks during nappy changes heaped more shame on the sissy girl husbands but what could they do. Epilogue The sissies brands healed nicely and soon they did not need the bandages that Dr Lisbeth had covered the marks with. Julie and Emma were originally a bit unsure as to how Lulu and Babs would adapt themselves to their new names and their markings. They had even discussed whether they should introduce a special disciplinary regime of regular spankings ,humiliate them even more if the teenage babysitters are present ,seeing their baby's over the laps of their lovers for a good hard hand spanking made their panties wet just thinking about such an event. Even Dr Lisbeth encouraged Emma and Julie to continue their sissy baby husbands cuckolding, knowing that two very attractive women could never have a fulfilling sex life with their husbands tiny cocks .What woman would put up with a man dressed in frilly baby clothes in addition to having toddler sized penis Dr Lisbeth stated confidently, Your sissy baby husbands will soon get used to having real men sharing your bed, perhaps the baby girls will begin to call them Daddy and when the babies misbehave yes its quite appropriate their Daddies spank their bottoms, being a sissy baby girl is very much about humiliation and what could be more humiliating than having your husband dressed as a baby girl being spanked by a real man.The three women laughed hysterically but the two attractive mommies took the good Drs advice.
  10. "I have had enough!" "Pull down your pants this instant." He stared at his wife Cindy is a very attractive 34 year old , frightened by her outrage and clumsily fumbled with the button of his jeans. He slowly pulled his pants down until they were around his ankles and he stood back up, holding his head down in embarrassment. "Just as I thought, you are wearing a disgusting nappies again and plastic pants I see." "Clearly you are no longer the man I married. Come to think about it you have never really been much of a man inside our outside our bedroom with your tiny little problem." "I desire to be with a real man, not a little baby. Since you cannot seem to respect my demands to stop wearing nappies maybe in nappies and plastic pants is exactly where a pathetic excuse of a husband like you belongs." "I am going to make this very simple for you. Nappies or divorce?" Tears started to well up in his eyes as he tried to look at his wife. Clearly, sneaking around behind her back wearing cloth nappies and plastic pants had finally pushed her over the edge. What was his wife of ten years asking? After years of hatred and disgust over his diaper fetish was she now seriously considering leaving him? "I will not repeat myself again. Its nappies or a divorce?" Instinctively he cried out diapers, not fully understanding the consequences of his choice. He would soon find out. A smile grew on his wife's pretty face. She had expected for her husband to decide nappies and she wickedly thought about what that meant for her. Her sexy flimsy panties started to get moist over the thought she could finally now go out and find a real man and her nappied husband would have no say in the matter. "Nappies it will be then. Tell me who wears nappies ? "Babies do." "Babies do, what?" "Babies wear nappies." "Babies wear nappies what?" He looked at his wife completely confused. What was she demanding he tell her? "How about babies wear nappies AND plastic pants, Mommy!" His heart began to beat faster. Never had his wife ever role played with his fetish before and now she was standing in front of him demanding that he call her Mommy. "Babies wear nappies and plastic, Mommy." "That is right, babies wear NAPPIES. What do babies do in their them?" "They potty in them, Mommy." "That is right, both pee pee and poo poo don't they?" "Yes Mommy, babies go pee pee and poo poo in their nappies ." "How many times have you messed in your nappy?" He once again looked down in shame and could not find the words to answer his wife. "How many times have you shit in your pants you disgusting SISSY, I will not ask you again?" "A few Mommy." "I knew you were that pathetic. Well, guess what, I hope you are ready to become very messy. Do you know why?" "No Mommy." "You will now be wearing nappies permanently, baby. I am not talking about an every once in awhile thing either. You wanted to wear them so much and now you will get to wear them for the rest of your life. At first it will be difficult on both of us but hopefully eventually we both will accept our new roles in our marriage. In time my guess is that by going potty in your nappies all the time that you will become completely unpotty trained. You will have no choice but to be diapered all the time unless I decide to humiliate you by making you go potty in your pants when we are out and about...even without plastic pants if I choose to." He was in complete shock. Who had invaded his wife's mind? She had gone from demanding no nappies and plastic pants all to wanting him to wear them all the time ,for the rest of his life? Part of him was excited yet part of him was scared of the new life he had chosen for himself. "Now that I have shared with you that you will be permanently wearing your potty I think it is time for Mommy to explain to you your new life as my baby." "Since I can never look at you as a man ever again from this day forward I think it is best that you become my little girl. As of right now I have no intentions on removing your tiny wee wee or your pathetic little balls but your behavior could change my mind if you chose to be disobedient. When you are not busy at work providing for us I will be constantly reminding you that you are no longer the man of the house. At work, you will still be required to wear nappies and plastic pants and use them of course but I have not decided yet if you will wear something more girly under your pants to remind you of being my little girl. At home you will be dressed as a complete sissy baby girl always in an appropriate frilly pink satin dress and matching frilly baby knickers or onesie. This is non negotiable and you will do as I say or you will be severely punished. I am still not completely convinced that I should stay with a pathetic wimp like you have become." "The hardest thing you will have to accept is that since you are no longer a man you will no longer be allowed to do grown up things in the bedroom. Do you know what a cuckold is?" "No Mommy, what is a cuckold?" "Something you will most definitely soon become, that is one thing I know for sure." With a devilish grin on her face she left the room without saying another word and he was left standing with his pants pulled down and his nappy and clear plastic pants exposed. He could not help but to wet himself. With his wife out of the room his mind was racing. His thoughts were everywhere as he tried to figure out exactly what had just happened. It was shocking to him how much his life had just changed in a matter of a few minutes. His suddenly began to focus on the last thing his wife had told him before she left him alone. What was a cuckold he curiously thought to himself. Still with his pants down he grabbed his phone and got on the internet. He began nervously typing the word. C-U-C-K...there is was, cuckold. The first link on google was an online dictionary. He curiously clicked on the link and his heart sunk deep into his chest as he read the definition. Noun. A man who has an unfaithful wife. Is this what his desire to wear diapers had cost him? His wife's fidelity? As he started to cry he reached for his nappy almost immediately, intent on removing the pink safety pins it and showing his wife he was a man. When his hand reached for the pins he suddenly stopped. Wait a minute he thought to himself. How long had it been since he had last fucked his wife? While he was lost in thought his wife had meanwhile came back into the room. She stood behind him as he found out what the word cuckold meant and to his dismay sent a tingle to her pussy. She saw him reach into the nappy and plastic pants to find the secured nappy pins and became very upset. "What do you think you are doing little girl? Do babies take off their nappies?" "I do not want to be a baby anymore, or wear nappies, or be your cuckold. I am a man, your man." "Really?" His wife reached down and forcefully grabbed his crotch of his plastic pants and wet cloth terry nappy "What is this? Do men wear baby clothes? Do men go potty in their pants? Does a real man have a tiny cock? No they do not. You are wearing a nappy and plastic baby pants that you pissed in and you have a VERY small thin puny and unsatisfying wee wee. I can barely even feel it through your nappy in fact it can be described as a baby dick. You are far from a man, you are a sissy wimp, your tiny three inches was never going to satisfy me " "I do not want you to cheat on me!" "Maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to wear baby clothes. I will give you a choice. If you take that diaper off I want you to start packing your things and get out of my house because I will divorce you." She once again left the room and grabbed a bar of soap from the master bathroom. She returned to find her husband still wearing his white cloth nappy and see through plastic pants. "I see your nappy is still on. Mommy must teach you a lesson for thinking you can decide when to try and act as a man when ever you want. Open your mouth." He opened his mouth as his wife shoved they bar of soap into it. "Bite down on the soap, and pull your diaper down enough to expose your bottom. Mommy is going to put you over her knee and spank you." He decided now was not the time to test his new Mommy's patience so he quickly did as he was told. She was sitting on the edge of the bed and he carefully laid himself across her lap. "Mommy has to teach you a lesson little girl. If you do not want a divorce then you will take your punishment like a good little sissy baby." Smack! His wife's hand came down onto his exposed bottom aggressively and without remorse. He cried out immediately in pain but his wife was emotionless as she spanked him over and over again. This is what he deserved. After years of being dishonest by hiding his adult baby fetish and his inability to sexually please she wanted him to feel the pain she had been forced to suffer through. After about the tenth swat his bottom began to blister. That was enough for today and she demanded that her sobbing husband get up off of her lap and yelled for him to go and stand in the corner. "You are nothing but my pathetic, sissy baby girl now. You will do as I say at all times or be severely punished. I have been sexually deprived by you for years and I need a real man. You need baby clothes and I need my sexual needs taking care of, to be fucked by a real man with a big thick cock. Turn around, look me in the eye, and tell me that you will be my cuckold." He reluctantly turned around and looked at his wife. Despite the hurt he felt inside he could not help to notice that his wee wee was actually hard. His wife's dominating demeanor was intoxicating and he knew he had no choice but to do as she said. "Mommy, I will be your cuckold." "How pathetic. You just told your wife to fuck around on you and I am going to do just that. I will quite literally rub my new found sexual satisfaction in your face." "Does your best friend know you like to wear diapers?" "No Mommy, why?" "Because that is who I plan to fuck tonight. Something I am sure he never shared with you was during your birthday party I had a few drinks and my hand ended up in your best friend's lap. I was shocked to find out he had the biggest cock I have ever felt. After a few playful squeezes his big cock began to grow hard in my hand but unfortunately he quickly pushed it away. My panties were very wet. Since that night I have dreamed about fucking your best friend. I want you to call him and ask him if he is willing to save your marriage." Words could not explain what he was feeling right now. He was upset and disgusted but also extremely sexually aroused. His little wee wee started to get hard against the padding of his cloth nappy . He picked up his phone and dialed his best friend's number. "Hey buddy, what's up? I have a bit of situation here at the house and I need your help..." With that said his wife ripped the phone from his hand and began casually talking to his best friend. "Hello. Question, did you know your best friend likes to wear nappies? Yep, he even pisses and shits in them too. I have decided he is no longer man enough to be my husband and I am turning him into a permanent sissy baby girl. He wanted to wear nappies so he will now wear them forever. Since I have no desire to be with an unpotty trained sissy I was wondering if you'd be interested in coming over tonight? Do you remember that night I grabbed your cock? My pussy has stayed wet thinking about that night ever since. Your best friend has never been able to satisfy me sexually because his dick is so tiny and I am ready for a real man to take my neglected pussy. Yes, of course. I will have him ask you himself." She excitedly threw the phone back at me and told me to ask him politely to fuck her. "Hello buddy. Yes, er I do like to wear baby clothes. I need your help here. My wife needs a real man to fuck her and she has fallen in love with your big cock. Will you please come over and fuck her tonight. I am incapable of sexually satisfying her. Thank you buddy, you probably have saved my marriage." "He will come over and fuck you tonight, Mommy." His wife looked at him passionately. Not because she wanted him but because she wanted his best friend. She slowly lifted her skirt up and carefully pulled down her sexy white silky panties. As she did so he could not help to notice that her pussy juices had overflowed into the crotch and began to run wildly down her inner thighs. Her lust for his best friend's cock had her inner core molten with desire. She would soon know what it was like to fuck a real man. "Can you see how wet my panties are? You have never made my pussy this wet. I am so excited to fuck your best friend tonight. I want you to taste how excited I am. I want you to taste my need for him. Open your mouth sissy baby." With that said she placed her silky white skimpy little panties over his head. They were definitely soaked and he could taste her salty desire for his best friend.The sexy smell of her juices making his three inches ach in the confines of his nappy and plastic knickers. "Are my panties yummy little girl? This is just a little cuckold appetizer for you. I will be serving you the main dish tonight once I fuck your best friend. How does it make you feel that your best friend will turn you into my cuckold? Judging by the little bulge in your diaper you seem to be very excited as well. Ahhhh, is my little girl getting wet too?" The truth was he was very excited. His little wee wee betrayed his feelings. How could he allow his best friend to fuck his wife. How could he be so turned on by the thoughts of his wife being fucked by a real man. He began to cry again uncertain if he was crying tears of sorrow of tears of joy. "I think I will turn your best friend into my new best friend. I guarantee he will never look at you the same again. Maybe if you are a good little girl he will go from being your best friend to your new Daddy. I will happily allow him to completely replace you in our martial bed. See, isn't wearing baby clothes fun?" He laid on his back looking up at the ceiling. Was all this really happening or was he dreaming some sort of fantasy filled nightmare? She had never even considered changing his nappies before yet here he was laid out on their bed awaiting for his wife to change his diaper for the first time ever. He felt embarrassed and vulnerable but also excited and very aroused. "Where do you hide your baby clothes sweet little girl, I know you have them hidden around here somewhere?" "They are in the big suitcase in our closet Mommy." She opened the closet and unzipped the suitcase. Inside she found several different types of large terry cloth nappy squares, a vast assortment of see-through plastic pants some had lace on the rear ,a pink changing pad, diaper rash ointment, baby wipes, and baby powder. She unzipped the large pocket on the outside of the suitcase and she immediately started laughing. She always knew he was such a sissy wimp . Inside she found a large, pink satin Disney Princess dress complete with lace in typical baby girl fashion the hem being quite short.Frilly pink satin baby knickers with layer upon layer of pale pink lace on the front and rear completed the baby girl outfit. An oversized, pink pacifier with pink ribbon attached was found amongst the pile however this was shaped like a penis. As she pulled everything out she saw a very pretty pale pink short frilly baby-doll nightie she would demand her little girl wear this with some frilly baby knickers when her new lover comes to the house tonight "I only see a few of these pink sissy things do you have anymore hidden around?" "No Mommy, thats all I have ." "Of course my little bitch has. These are the baby clothes I want you to wear from now on unless I tell you otherwise, do you understand little girl?" "Yes Mommy." "You will be wearing one of this tonight when you become my cuckold." she held up the short frilly pink chiffon nylon nightie and a pair of his frilly satin baby knickers she said giggling. He turned as pink as the knickers. His best friend was about to find out just how big of a sissy wimp he really was. Reaching in his pants pocket she grabbed his wallet and pulled out his credit card. "What is the name of the company that makes these frilly baby clothes little girl?" "sissybabies4Mommy." She looked the company up on her phone and dialed the number. "Hello, I am interested in purchasing all of the pink frilly baby clothes ,dresses and panties and adult nappies you currently have such items in stock. Really oh wow I never knew nappies could cost so much. Yes, I would still like lots of sissy baby items. What size? I am not sure, let me ask my husband since he will be the one wearing them." "What size diapers so you wear little ?" "Size large Mommy." His wife did not mute the phone when she asked her husband his size and she heard the sales lady begin to laugh. "Yes, size large. I apologize for my husband being so pathetic. I caught him today sneaking around wearing nappies and plastic baby pants for the last time. Since he has decided he wanted to wear them so much I decided he will now wear them forever. You have other kinds of baby girl clothes for an adult ? I definitely think that little girls like him belong in very pink diapers and frilly knickers. A chastity device? What is that? Very, very interesting it will be fun seeing him measured up for one of those ...he's sooo tiny . I am not sure why he needs one though, he will never be making love to me again. Masturbation? That makes since. I will think about it and probably order one the next time I call. Yes, are you ready? His credit card number is...." The final charge ended up being over five thousand dollars. That meant that literally over a thousand diapers would be showing up at their front door. It was such a large order that the supplier had to contract a special freight company to deliver them. Part of him thought she was not serious about all this but now after such a large order it left little doubt in his mind he truthfully was going to be turned into his wife's little sissy girl. "Now that we have your extra baby clothes ordered lets see if Mommy can figure out how to change her little girl's nappy." Her husband had never been man enough to give her a baby so now she would have to learn how to be a Mommy. The first lesson she knew that she needed to master was how to change her husband's nappy. She knew changing her husband's diapers all the time would be an inconvenience sometimes but something about the control she had over her little girl made her pussy very wet. Her new found dominance bolstered her self-confidence and made her feel very sexy. This was perfect because she was about to start dating again. As she stood over her husband with a new nappy in her hand she suddenly had an evil idea. She needed a teacher and it just so happened to be that her young attractive best friend worked as an assistant at a retirement home. Surely, if anyone knew how to diaper an adult it was her. She had already shared with her best friend about how sexually frustrated her husband made her. Her best friend also knew that she had grabbed her husband's best friend's cock in a moment of weakness. She doubted her friend would be surprised to learn that her husband liked to wear baby clothes. She also knew that her husband would need a babysitter while she started dating again and decided now would be the perfect time to fill her best friend in on her new marriage arrangement. She laid the clean cloth nappy next to her husband and called her best friend in front of her little girl. "Hello Lucy, how are you? I have a bit of a situation here at home with my husband and I could really use my best friend's help. No, I was not caught cheating on him...yet. I did catch him however wearing baby clothes. I have caught him many times wearing them but was always too embarrassed to share his perversions with you. Today I caught him sneaking around in nappies and plastic pants for the last time. I gave him a choice...diapers or a divorce. He has chosen diapers. He has now officially become my little girl and will be wearing frilly baby clothes forever. Yes, a divorce probably would be easier but this is a lot more fun. Since I know you change a lot of diapers at your job I was wondering if you would mind coming over and showing me how it's done. I already have my little girl laying on the bed waiting to be changed. You can come over now? That's awesome, I will see you soon and thank you so much for your support and understanding." Was this really happening? Now his wife's best friend was coming over to teach her how to diaper him? Could he be anymore humiliated? He knew the answer to that was no as soon his wife would be fucking his best friend.His wifes friend was a very attractive younger woman perhaps no more than 24 years of age she had lovely long straight blonde hair unlike his wife's long dark straight hair. He was startled by the sound of the doorbell as he was contemplating his new life. His wife left the room and he heard her answer the door. He could here his wife chatting with her best friend and there definitely was a lot of laughter and giggling. Their banter grew louder as they neared the bedroom. He was so scared at this point he began to wet his nappy again. "Oh my fucking god. He really is wearing a fucking diaper. How pathetic. What a fucking loser. I told you to divorce him a long time ago and from the looks of his dirty diaper I was right. I cannot believe you are willing to stay married to such a loser. This is taking for better or worse to a whole new level. Thankfully he makes a lot of money or why else would you stay with him." He began to sob like a baby. "Now, now. I do still love him very much and I know he cannot help his desire to wear baby clothes. I have accepted that and I have now given him what he wants. Now, I will get what I want...his best friend's cock in my hungry pussy." "What? You are going to fuck his best friend?" "Yep. Tonight, as a matter of fact and I am wet just thinking about it. I will make his best friend teach him how a real man fucks a woman. He will be forced to watch his me finally sexually fulfilled." "I am so happy for you. You have needed this for a long time. Now, let me teach you how to change the sissy diaper." "First you take the new nappy and open it up. Stretch it out as far as you and carefully fold like this making sure you secure with the nappy.Use the plastic covered soaker pads with plastic pants which will help to prevent your little girl's nappy from leaking around her legs. He watched intently as his wife took the diaper from her best friend and practiced stretching and folding it. The crinkly sound the new plastic pants and soaker pad made sent shivers down his spine. "Will she be messing in her diaper too?" "It is so funny you are calling my husband a her and a she. I guess I will have to get used to that now she is my baby girl. Yes, just like a baby, she will do everything in her nappy." "Excellent. Will you hand me the changing pad over there. You should always use a changing pad because dirty diapers can be quite messy. I see she has only wet herself now but I will simulate like she is both wet and messy. Lift up your bottom sissy didums." My wife looked on intently as her best friend slid the changing pad under him. He settled his bottom back down onto the pad and waited for the laughter. "When you unclip her nappy pins be careful not to hurt your baby girl." One pin undone. The second pin undone. Now the third pin was undone. The sound was like a badge of shame upon his senses. Now came the fourth and final pin. His soft white nappy was pulled down and laughter erupted in the room. "Oh my God. No wonder you have been so sexually frustrated. I cannot recall ever seeing an elderly man's penis this small. Come to think of it most elderly women have a bigger clitoris. How pathetic. I never understood why you bought so many sex toys as you were always bragging about them. Now I know why. Could you even feel him ?" "Barely. Now you see why he is my little girl now? Her little wee wee belongs in a nappy." "It most definitely does. Now lets get back to teaching you how to diaper your little girl. First take her dirty diaper and pull it out from under her. If she had made a poo poo you would take the back of the dirty diaper and wipe as much of her filth from her bottom into the diaper as possible. She may be a big baby between her legs but she will shit like a man. Now is also a great time to talk about internal deodorizers. At the nursing home our patients that are incontinent are given a pill that reduces the very unpleasant odor given off by an adult's dirty diaper. I recommend your little girl starts taking them immediately for everyone around her's sake. Okay, back to diaper changing 101. Remove her nappy but do not roll it up yet. Now, usually I would be uncomfortable touching my best friend's husband's cock but this really is no different than changing a baby's diaper. Grab the baby wipes and begin wiping her entire diaper area down. The cleaner you make her the less chance she will get a diaper rash." As his wife's friend began wiping his wee wee he felt it start to harden. He quickly covered his eyes with the back of his arm in embarrassment from his arousal. "As you can see her little penis is starting to get hard smiling she said oh poor baby is so tiny and thin her she was unable to contain her laughter. This is quite a normal reaction when I change nappies at work. It is important to recognize this as you always want your little girl's wee wee pointed down inside of her diaper to prevent her from wetting out the top of it. Often times I will give my elderly patients a more thorough wipe down wink wink. Needless to say they always look forward to their next diaper change. Now you try. Come over here and wipe down your little girl's penis." She grabbed the wipe from her best friend's hand and began to wipe her husband's wee wee. After two slow and deliberately sensual wipes she began to feel the all too familar spasms in her husband's wee wee. He was starting to prematurely ejaculate and was doing so right in front of her friend. She quickly let go of his wee wee and grabbed the dirty diaper laying next to him. She paid special attention not to touch his wee wee as he began to make his preemies. She wanted his orgasm ruined and wanted him left frustrated. "Is he actually cuming? That is unbelievable. I have never seen anyone cum from such little stimulation. Even more reason why you were completely frustrated sexually." "I am about ready to remedy that problem tonight. Hurry up and finish making your preemie creamies so we can clean up the second mess you have made today little girl." He began to feel his semen bubbling out of his tiny wee wee and bucked his hips wildly to try and find some stimulation. It was no use, there was no nappy there to rub against. He heard his wife and best friend start to laugh as his ruined orgasm leaked slowly out of his wee wee and down into his used diaper. He was left unsatisfied and completely unfulfilled. "Now you know what it is like to be left frustrated. You made a lot of creamy sissies though. Let me take my finger and scoop up some of your pathetic gooies and feed them to you. You need to get used to this taste because tonight you will find out what your best friend tastes like." She took her sissy coated finger and shoved it in her husband's mouth. He began to suck it greedily which is what she expected from such a sissy baby His wife and her best friend giggled at him as he suckled on her finger. He did not understand why he found the taste of his release so yummy but knew he wanted some more. "Looks like your little girl made all gone." "She most certainly did. Babies need their milk to stay healthy and rest assured your Mommy will be feeding you plenty of it once she starts dating again. Now that your little premature interruption is done let's get back to changing your diaper." "I think I may need to borrow one of your husband's diapers, I have been laughing so hysterically I may have pissed my panties a little." "Oh my panties are already wet but not from laughing and certainly not from watching my little girl shoot her pathetic preemies into her used diaper." "I bet. Tonight you will probably explode. If his cock is as big as you say it is you are in for a real toe curling experience. His wife began laughing uncontrollably. "From the sounds of things it looks like her preemies will only be going into a nappy. How does it feel to know that your sticky little mess will never get a chance to make a baby...because you are the baby." Both women started laughing uncontrollably. They were really rubbing his new life into his face and despite the embarrassment he found it very exciting. "Have your little girl lift up her bottom and place the new nappy underneath her. Adjust it so that it is centered on her baby parts and the soaker pad is in the middle. You can easily check if it is positioned right by pulling it up temporarily between her legs like this like this. " Lucy demonstrated by placing the new soft terry nappy under his bottom and folding it then applied four pink headed large safety pins.She then picked up the clear plastic pants and threaded his long skinny legs into the leg openings .She pulled them up high so the waistband reached his belly button and patted his crotch,all secure now she said smiling at the sissy baby staring up at her blue eyes. " You should take your little girl out and and go shopping for a sexy outfit and some provocative lingerie. A nice mani, pedi, and a Brazilian wax all on hubby's credit card should have you sparkling for your new lover tonight. If we keep this up I will never be able to teach you how to change your husband's diaper." His wife wanted to learn how to properly change her husband's diaper as she knew this would be the new normal for her everyday life. Babies need their nappies changed. Yet she could not stop fantasizing about her husband's best friend's cock. She wondered if it would be awkward between them like it was the last time she has put a move on him. He spent a lot of time hanging out at the house with them and she knew by his attitide he was an aggressive kind of guy. She had over heard him bragging on many occassions the spoils of his sexual conquests. He definitely was not shy in the bedroom and seemed to prefer woman that were submissive to him. She even once heard him talking about fucking a girl in her ass, something she had never done before. The thought of his big cock in the depth of her bowels was tantalizing scary." "Ahhh...girl on cloud nine...snap out of it. I do not have all day to spend teaching you how to change this pathetic piece of shit's diaper. Once her diaper is positioned use some barrier cream to help prevent diaper rash. At the retirement center we use Calmoseptin Ointment but you can also use creams found in the baby aisle of your local store like Destin or Balmex. Apply the cream liberally paying special attention where her diaper will rub such as the inner thighs. A real man's testicles can sometimes cause chafing if they are big enough but clearly we do not have that problem with your husband. How disgusting. Her girly goo is still leaking out of her wee wee. We need to hurry up and get her diaper pulled up before she makes another mess. After the cream, sprinkle powder on her girly parts. Be careful not to use too much because it will interfere with the absorption rate of her soaker pad. Make sure her little wee wee is tucked down and pull her nappy up nice and tight. "Thank you so much for your help. I know this is not the normal help you would give to a friend. You have taught me so much." "What are best friends for. Besides I am happy to help my best friend out knowing that she will finally get the pleasure she deserves. Call me, I want details you dirty slut and we can talk later about my babysitting services. Love you." With that the two woman kissed each other briefly on the cheeks and left the room. The room was spinning. He had just been diapered by his wife's best friend while his wife watched and to make matters worse he made preemies after his wee wee was barely touched. Maybe his wife was right. She does need a real man. Still laying on the bed in nothing but his fresh nappy and plastic pants he heard his wife's phone ring. She answered it very enthusiastically and whoever she was talking to seemed to have her excited. He got off the bed and stood at the bedroom door trying to listen in on her conversation. She noticed him almost immediately "What the hell are you doing? This is a grown up conversation. Take your silly nappied bottom into the guest room little girl while I talk to a real man. If you get bored watch some cartoons. " "Yes Mommy." He went to the guest room as Mommy instructed, slowly shutting the door behind him. After about five minutes he could not help but to put his ear to the door. He could swear he heard his wife moaning loudly in the master bedroom. After what seemed like eternity he heard the bedroom door open and knew from the footsteps his wife was fast approaching the guest bedroom. He quickly moved to the bed and sat down. His wife came through the door with his pretty frilly pink satin baby knickers in her hand. "Here, put these on over your diaper and get dressed. We have some shopping and pampering to do before tonight. It is only fair right? I pamper you and you pamper me. Oh, I almost forgot, Mommy has a surprise for you." He watched intently as his wife reached underneath her dress and pulled something out of her pussy. It glistened in her hand as she held it up to him. "While I was talking to your best friend on the phone about the details of tonight I started to get uncontrollably turned on. I saw your pretty pink pacifier laying on the bed and could not help but to shove it into my dripping wet pussy. As you can tell Mommy can make preemie creamies too. Your best friend asked me if I was his dirty slut and if I was touching myself. I told him I had your pacifier shoved up my soaked pussy. He laughed and instructed me not to cum as he wanted me to feel that pleasure tonight as his cock is buried inside of me. I asked him if he was going to fuck me in our marital bed and he said he would happily leave a wet spot on your side of the bed. He also told me to let you know that you need to thank him tonight for taking the time to help flavor your pacifier. Now open your mouth." His wife forcefully shoved the dripping pacifier in his mouth. He could both taste and smell his wife's need for his best friend's cock. The fake penis pacifier was coated deliciously with her creamy insides. "Is that Yummy little girl? Tonight you will get to try another special flavor of Mommy's pussy, a special formula of milk from your best friend's balls combined with freshly churned cream from your Mommy's pussy. We will call is Sissy's Delight. Hey, what is with the sad face princess? You should be excited about tasting your best friend for the first time tonight." He could not believe all this was happening. He reached for the frilly satin knickers and stepped into them, pulling them snugly up over his thick diaper.and plastic pants The inside of the knickers were lined with a very crinkly plastic designed to help prevent nappy leaks. They would definitely keep his pants dry but unfortunately for him every step he takes would make that unmistaken sound of rustling plastic pants. "Wow those panties are really loud little girl. You better hope Mommy does not decide to take you into a quiet bookstore to buy you some Disney Princess coloring books while we are out shopping He gazed out the window as he sat quietly in the front seat of his wife's car. His pink penis pacifier, freshly flavored with Mommy's pussy, was still in his mouth. As he suckled on his Mommy's excitement he wondered what was going through her mind. She had not said much since they started driving towards the mall but he imagined her thoughts were consumed on what tonight would bring. Deep down inside he knew his wife deserved this and so did he. He had a flashback to the last time he remembered making love to his wife and he recalled that he only lasted about three seconds despite barely being able to feel his wife's slippery pussy. He had suspected then his wife was cheating on him as she did not seem overly frustrated with his literal shortcomings. He rolled over in embarrassment and pretended to go to sleep. After about an hour he felt his wife shift on the bed and heard the drawer of her night stand open. He felt the weight of something as she moved it to their bed. It was heavy. She moved very slowly at first trying to hide the fact that her fingers had found her pussy. He felt her legs open as she spread them wide. She picked up what she had retrieved from the night stand and positioned it between her legs. He quickly realized she was about to give herself what her husband was incapable of giving to her, sexual satisfaction. As she filled her pussy full of her very familiar lover a soft moan escaped her delicate mouth. He felt her hips begin to rock, slowly at first as she began to fuck herself. He thought about rolling over and giving his wife a helping hand but decided he had already disappointed her enough. And that is when it happened. As she fucked herself he heard her call out his best friend's name. Not once but over and over again as she began to fuck herself faster and faster. She cared little of disturbing him now as she was on the cusp of a very intense orgasm. He felt her move faster and faster until she suddenly tensed up and whispered passionately that she was cumming. Those were words be had never heard her say before when they made love. She laid motionless for a few minutes, breathing hard, undoubtedly fulfilled. He felt her reach down and pull her lover from her body and then got up and went to the bathroom to clean up. He fell asleep ashamed of his sexual inadequacies. The next day while she was out shopping he pulled a nappy out from his secret hiding spot and put it on with his plastic baby pants. After wetting it several times it was time for him to fill his diaper with his pleasure before his wife came home. He laid on the bed and started to hump his nappy and plastic pants but his wife's night stand caught his eye. He wondered. He humped. He wondered some more. He stopped and hesitated as he reached for the drawer of her night stand. He felt guilty, as if he was invading his wife's privacy. She clearly did not want to share her secret lover with him. He still could not help himself. He opened the drawer and looked inside and what he found shocked him. Inside was a very large dildo that was easily two times bigger than his wee wee and almost twice as thick must have been seven or eight inches he thought. So this is what she had been cheating on him with. At that moment he realized that he honestly did not deserve his wife's pussy. He deserved baby clothes and she deserved a real man. He closed the drawer and quickly humped away until he filled his terry nappy with his sticky sissies. As he was finishing he heard his wife come in the door. He quickly hid his nasty diaper just as the door to their bedroom opened. "What are you thinking about little girl?" "That I do not want you to fuck my best friend." "Well maybe you should have thought about that before you decided you wanted to wear baby clothes. Do you think it is fair for me to be married to a sissy baby who wants to potty in their pants all day?" "I guess not Mommy." "Of course not. I am a woman with womanly needs. You clearly are a baby with a very tiny and unsatisfying penis who wants to be diapered all day. Do men wear diapers?" "No Mommy." "Are you my baby girl?" "Yes Mommy." "Do baby girls fuck their Mommies?" "No Mommy." "Who fucks Mommy?" "Daddy." "Yes, a Daddy. Your best friend is about to become your Daddy tonight. I really gave you no choice in the matter. Either choice you made, diapers or divorce, 'I'm going to sleep with him I desperately need sexaual satidfaction. Do you understand little girl?" "I guess so Mommy." "You guess so?" "I understand Mommy." "That's my good little girl. Look, we are at the mall now. Mommy is so excited. You have so much to buy for me now that I will be dating again. First thing is first, we need to get you a nappy bag. Your diapers and baby knickers are so big that they do not fit so well in Mommy's purse." He looked over at his wife's purse and saw a few of his pink plastic pants poking out from the top. "Mommy, we cannot go into the mall like that, won't you be embarrassed?" "What is embarrassing is being married to a man who wants to wear baby clothes and has a three inch erection, a babies wee wee. Trust me, I am used to being embarrassed by you. Now spit out your paci and give it to Mommy. I am warning you now, if you back talk me in the mall I will shove it right back into your mouth regardless of who sees. Do you understand sissy girl" "Yes Mommy." They got out of the car and started walking towards the mall. His plastic panties crinkled every step he took and he felt so pathetic. He looked over at his wife and she was practically skipping. She seemed oblivious to the crinkles in his pants and had a glow to her he had never seen before. Clearly this day was going to be very special for her and he knew he needed to behave like the good little girl she wanted him to be. "Now, hold Mommy's hand little girl, I do not want my little baby to get hit by a car." The first store they entered was a large department store. They headed hand in hand towards the baby section. "Excuse me, do you know where I can find diaper bags?" "Yes mam, I will take you to them, they are right over here. Are you a new mother like me?" "Of sorts...do you happen to have any pinkish ones?" "Yes mam, here is one that has princesses and stars on it. It has ample storage room for diapers, supplies, and even bottles." Bottles. Now that was something she had not even thought about for her new baby girl. "That bag will work perfectly. What bottles do you recomend?" "Well that depends on the age of your baby, mam. I personally like these bottles." "She is almost 40 years old." "Excuse me mam? You mean 40 months, right?" "Nope, my husband has a nappy fetish and decided they were more important to him than our marriage. So today he has become my little girl. He saw the young pretty sales associate look at him in disbelief. He turned red and looked away as she made eye contact with him. "Ohhhhh...ummmmm...yeah...I see that. We really do not have things designed for a baby of his er.. I mean her size. "You mean like these?" He watched as his wife pulled out his cloth nappy and frilly plastic lined baby knickers and showed them to the shocked lady who cold have only recently just finished college.. "Those are the biggest but cutest frilly babies panties I have ever seen. Is she wearing a nappy and frilly knickers now ?" she said teasing. "Yes , but we are running low on her favorite cloth nappies and knickers . would you like to see?" "Sure, why not?" "Bend over little girl." He did as she instructed right in front of the sexy sales lady. His wife pulled up the back of his frilly kickers and plastic panties showing them to the helpful young lady. "My those are so cute and frilly she giggled. At first I was really weirded out by this whole situation but now I am kind of intrigued. As my boss always says, the customer is always right. From the looks of it you clearly made the right decision turning your husband into a little girl. She is very obedient." "She is learning to be, we will know for sure tonight." "Pardon me for asking, what will happen tonight?" "I have a hot date with my husband's best friend. Speaking of which, since you are such an amazing saleswoman do you mind helping me pick out a whole new wardrobe? Dress me as you would a single woman." "That will be no problem at all mam, I work off of commission anyway and the more you buy the happier I will be. Should I go and get a couple carts?" "Oh my husband is buying all this for me and yes you will most definitely need more than one cart." The lady left with his new very pink and very babyish diaper bag around her shoulder. He thought about running away and hiding but he knew his Mommy would punish him severally if he did so. He just stood there in silence as the lady returned with a couple of carts. It was going to be a very long day. "Wow, that is a very sexy dress." "Yes mam, very short too, should bring a hot mama like you a lot of attention while out at the bar." His wife and the attractive saleswoman chatted like they were best friends. They giggled like two school girls whispering who knows what into each other's ears. He could not determine if the saleswoman simply wanted the nice commission from all the new clothing piling into the shopping carts or if she genuinely liked his wife. He would soon find out. "I need something special for tonight." "I have just the right outfit that will have your little girl's best friend so turned on that you will not be wearing it very long." "That is the kind of special I was talking about...show me, show me now." He watched as the lady skipped over to a very skimpy short black leather skirt and pulled it from the hanger. She then grabbed a salty white silk button down blouse that was was cut off at the mid section. He had never seen his wife wear such provocative clothing even when they first started dating. "You need to try this sexy outfit on, do you mind if I go into the dressing room with you?" "Sure, why not." The two woman went into the dressing room and he was left outside by himself. Just as he thought about wondering away his wife peeked her head out of the dressing room door. "I am so sorry little girl, I forgot that you are nothing but my baby now. Get in here before someone tries to steal my little girl." "Yes Mommy." He entered the now very crowded dressing room, crinkling with every step. "Your little girl sure is crinkly." "She sure is, even though I invited you in here I want you to turn around and face the corner while Mommy tries on this outfit." "Yes Mommy." He turned around and stuffed his nose in the corner. He heard his wife start to pull down her pants and suddenly the sales lady screamed out. "Oh no way...no, no, no no, way. Single girls do not wear panties like that. You may be a Mommy but you sure the hell are not a grandmother. I will be right back." The lady left and there was a weird silence in the dressing room. What was there to be said. His wife was shopping for the perfect outfit to help entice his best friend to fuck her tonight. The lady returned quickly. "Here is something more fitting for a woman who will soon be dating. Let's get those granny panties off and get you into something much sexier." She was very excited. For years she had worn full cotton, high cut briefs as she simply was not sexually attracted to her husband. Why wear something sexy for a baby that snuck around wearing diapers. Her life was changing and it was changing right this very instant. As the lady handed her a pair of white satin and lace very sexy panties their eyes made contact with one another. Never in her life had she found a woman attractive but this young saleswoman was really turning her on sexually. She noticed that her large breasts where practically popping out of her shirt as she bent down to remove her panties. "You will definitely have to do something with this hairy mess if you plan to find a new lover." She felt the saleswoman playfully tug on her overgrown bush and could no longer help herself. "Did you just touch my pussy?" "Oh, I am so sorry mam." "Do not be, in fact touch me some more." She pulled the sexy lady up to her closely and without hesitating kissed her passionately. She responded to her advances, pushing her tongue deep into her mouth. She felt the lady start to slowly move her hand down to her dripping pussy and she pushed her hand away." "That is reserved for my husband's best friend. I can touch you though." With that said she aggressively ripped the overwhelmed saleslady's shirt off and her swollen tits immediately popped out from her bra. She forcefully reached for one of her engorged nipples and squeezed hard. She was startled as her hard nipple started to squirt a large amount of milk. "I told you mam, I am a new Mommy just like you and I am breastfeeding. Before you decided to grope me in this dressing room I was about to pump my swollen breasts. They are actually starting to hurt." "Hmm...I have an idea. Sit down on the dressing room bench you little lactating sale's slut." She had no idea where her new found dominance was coming from. After years of pent up sexual frustration she was ready to explode and exploding was exactly what she was doing." "Take your shirt and bra off. I am going to have my little girl feed on your tits while I feed on your pussy." With his nose still placed firmly in the corner of the dressing room he could only hear what was happening behind him. His wife was cheating on him for the first time with a total stranger and she was a woman. "Get over here little girl and lay across this slut's lap. She is going to earn her comission today." He quickly did as he was told and laid across the saleswoman's lap. She was wanton with lust and gently guided his mouth to one of her very large and very swollen breasts. "Suck those titties little girl. Make your Mommy proud. Show this young slut how hungry you are." Almost immediately, as his mouth latched on to her hard nipple, it started to fill with her milk. His mouth was practically overflowing when his wife shouted out. "Swallow that bitch's milk little girl." He did as we was told and it was the most amazing thing he had ever tasted in his life. Her milk was magically sweet and he began to suckle harder and harder filling his mouth and belly with more and more Mommy milk. Loud suckling noises filled the tiny dressing room. Once her tit was emptied she coaxed the hungry little girl to her other bulging milk supply. His wife got down on her kness as her little girl was nursing and spread the saleswoman's legs wide apart. Her dress rode up revealing her skimpy little panties which were no match for her growing arousal. Her pussy was over flowing with desire and she wanted to taste it. "Spread your legs bitch. I am going to eat your wet pussy now." She pulled down her soaked panties and stuffed them into her mouth at the same time her mouth met her hot pussy. The saleswoman bucked her hips wildly as her tongue went as deep into her pussy as it possibly could go. Although she had never tasted another woman's pussy she did know what her pussy tasted like as she often sampled herself by licking her dildo after she had fucked herself. She loved her taste. "You taste good slut....what...what the fuck...what do you think you are you doing you little whore?" She noticed that the saleswoman's hand was rubbing the front of her little girl's diaper. Her husband stopped suckling and turned and looked at his wife with a cute little milk moustache. "Are you molesting my little girl? Do you want to fuck her? "Um....oh....um...I don't know mam, I just need to...um...fuck right now. I am a desperate submissive little slut that needs to get off so bad. I will do whatever you say mam, just pleeeeese let me cum." "Well my little girl's wee wee will be worthless to your stretched out pussy since you just had a baby of your own but I have a better idea." "Little girl, pop that slut's titty out of your mouth, pull your panties off, and lay down on the floor." He quickly did as Mommy said as his wee wee started to harden inside of his diaper. He had already wet himself several times and was almost in need of a diaper change. "You wanted to fuck my little girl you molesting slut so get down on the floor and fuck her, now!" "I do not understand, mam? Do you want me to take her diaper off and actually fuck her tiny little thingy?" "No bitch. I want you to get your skanky whore ass on the ground, spread your legs, and start humping my little girl's wet diaper with your drooling pussy." "Yes mam." He laid there in complete shock. Was this all a dream or was this really happening. The saleswoman got on the floor and quickly scissored her legs with him. Her felt her warm pussy push hard against his squishy diaper. This was really going to happen. The saleswoman started humping her husband slow at first, adjusting to the feel of her little girl's wet diaper. "That's it you two cute, little sluts. Fuck each other. Rub your wet pussies together. This is the first time my little girl has had lesbian sex." As the two of them humped each other slowly he watched as his wife sat down on the dressing room bench and started to play with her own pussy. She owned both of them now and knew it. His wee wee quickly began to react to the saleswoman's wet pussy and he knew it would not be much longer before he would make his girly gooies in his diaper. She also seemed to be getting close as she started to softly moan and began grinding her pussy faster and faster against his used diaper. "Thats it, you are making such crinkles on your tinkles. Fuck my little girl's diaper slut. Fuck it until your pussy creams all over it." "Oh...oh...yes mam...oh...oh...I am going to cum...I am going to cum all over your little girl's frilly knickers." She bucked against him wildly and screamed out loud. He felt his own release fill his nappy and looked up at his Mommy. She had started to rub her clit frantically and she too was beginning to cum. "Oh...oh yes...fuck...I am cuming. I am creaming all over your little girl's frilly baby panties mam." "I am cumming too...yes...I am filling my diaper with my girly goo goos ." "I am cumming too you pathetic sluts...oh yes...ahhhhhh...ugh...." And then there was nothing but silence. "Looks like my little girl needs her diaper changed. Could there be a better place to change you than in a changing room? Lift up your bottom for Mommy so that I can scoot this changing pad under you." "But Mommy, the saleswoman will see me." "Now, now little girl we both know there is not much to show her. Besides you two just got done grinding your pussies together...I doubt she will mind seeing your little wee wee." His wife slid down his frilly baby knickers and started to undo his nappy. "Wow, my little girl's nappy is wet both on the inside and outside. This little sales slut creamed you pretty good. Tell me , did you like fucking my little girl?" "Yes , but I did not feel anything but a really squishy diaper." "I have never felt very much either my entire marriage." "Let's get her nappy pulled down so I can show you what I am talking about. Try not to laugh too hard." With that his Mommy pulled down the front of his nappy. Both woman paused and looked at one another for a brief second and then broke out in laughter. "Ohhh, that is the tiniest little thing I have ever seen on a grown man." "Yep, I told you that you were not missing much. My little girl really just has an over grown clit." She began to wipe his girly parts down just as her best friend had taught her. She pulled his used diaper out from underneath his bottom and started to roll the messy diaper up. As she did so she had an idea. "Do you see the mess you made in your nappy while you were cheating on me with this young girl? It smells of your pee pee and preemies. Just remember tonight while I am fucking your best friend that you were the one that cheated on me first. Now open your mouth so you can taste your patheticness." He did as his Mommy said and she shoved the used wet nappy into his mouth. "Suck on your dirty diaper just like you did when sucking the milk out of her tits. " She quickly changed him into a new diaper, powdering his wee wee as he suckled on his cloth nappy as she had demanded. The saleswoman stared in disbelief. She seemed both scared and excited. "There we go, my little girl is all clean. Did you suck your diaper clean yet? You better have sucked all your sissy milk out of it." His wife stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She loved the sexy Mommy that stared back at her and loved her dominant glow. She turned to try on the blouse the saleswoman had picked out and felt the stickiness between her thighs. "Mommy's pussy is a little sticky, get on your knees and lick me clean while the sales lady helps me put on this sexy shirt." The saleswoman snapped to her feet undoubtedly under his Mommy's spell just like him. His wife's pussy tasted so good. He thought to himself this would probably be the last time he tasted his wife while she was still faithful to him. Tonight her pussy would most definitely have a different taste and the thought of that made his nappy poke out just a tiny bit. His wife abruptly turned around to look at the back of the shirt. "Now lick my asshole little girl. It needs to be cleaned as well." "Yes Mommy." "That's my good little girl. Mommy cleaned you and now you cleaned Mommy." "I like this sexy little outfit you picked out. I will indeed wear it tonight when I fuck my husband's best friend. Let's go out and find some more clothes to put on my husband's credit card. Take me to the lingerie section. I finally have a reason to buy some new and sexy intimates." The dressing room smelled of pussy, stale pee pee, and baby powder. His Mommy had rolled his used diaper back up and was making him carry it in the diaper bag . As the three of them left the dressing area an older woman stared at them in disgust. She must have overheard the great customer service the saleswoman was providing for them. "These are cute." His wife held up a skimpy white pair of silky nylon panties with a tiny bit of sexy lace. "But Mommy, white is the color you wear when you get married." "It sure is babygirl, and tonight I will be fucked by a real man for the first time since being married." He watched as his wife piled the cart full of sexy panties, corsets, teddies, and new bras. I will be breastfeeding my little girl regularly do you sell nursing bras" "Yes mam, the are right over here in the maternity section." "Are you married ?" "No mam just a few boyfriends in the past some just a moment of madness ."." "I know about moments of weaknesses as I too had one with my husband's best friend. My hand ended up in his lap and since that moment I just knew I needed to get his big cock into my hungry pussy." "I understand mam, my friend has a very big cock as well and lasts forever." "Oh really, do you think he would like to fuck a married woman?" "I would imagine so but we would have to do something about your hairy pussy, he likes his women freshly shaven." "How dare you insult me like that. But what you are saying is true. Your pussy is nice and bare, where do you get your grooming down below done?" "Here at the mall mam at a place called Wax On, Wax Off." "Call your girl and see if she can make an opening for me today." "Yes Mam." The saleswoman took her phone out from her pocket and dialed a number. "Yes, hello, do you by any chance have any availability today? You do! That is awesome. It will be an appointment for two, one woman and one soon to no longer be a man. Yes, her husband has just been forced into nappies permanently and he needs his diaper area nice and clean. You will? You are the best, girl. They will be over soon. Kisses." "Did you just make an appointment for my little girl?" "Yes mam. After seeing you change her diaper I figured your little girl does not deserve any hair on her wee wee." "I guess you are so right. It should be much easier to clean her up if she is hairless especially when she makes a mess." "You have really earned your commission today sweetheart. Take me to your shoe section, I need a nice pair of fuck me high heels." "Yes Mam." "Wow, these are nice shoes and ohhhhhh are they expensive. What do you think little girl, a nice pair of $1000 shoes to be worn while being fucked tonight?" "I am not going to buy you those." "What did you just say little one?" "Nothing Mommy." "You are not telling your Mommy the truth. What did you say little girl?" "I said I am not buying you these shoes Mommy to wear while you fuck my best friend." His wife began to turn bright red and he knew he was in big trouble. "Not only are you going to buy these for me but you are going to buy the pretty sales girl a pair too, do you understand." "No." He felt his Mommy's hand smack him hard against the side of his cheek. The slap echoed throughout the store as he winced in pain. She quickly sat down on one of the shoe benches and pulled him across her lap. "I cannot pull your panties and diaper down here in front of everyone but I am going to give you a spanking for your disobedience." She began to spank his padded bottom as hard as she could. Despite being slightly protected by his diaper her swats were still quite forceful and he could feel them. The saleswoman stared at him. She looked like she felt sorry for him but he could also tell by the way she was shifting around that the spanking he was getting was turning her on. He watched her dainty hand reach for her crotch briefly and then quickly she moved her hand away. "Are you going to buy us some shoes little girl?" "Yes Mommy, I will buy you and the nice saleswoman anything you want." "Great, now we will both be getting two pairs of new shoes. Now open your mouth, I warned you what would happen if you gave me any lip." His Mommy reached into her purse and pulled out his very pink penis pacifier. She shoved it into his mouth forcefully. "There, that should keep the rude, little sissy from back talking me. Let's go and pick out those shoes slut...what do you say?" The two ladies laughed as they shopped for their new shoes. He caught the saleswoman once again staring at him as he suckled on his pink pacifier like a good little girl. "Oh my God, is that guy over there sucking on a pink pacifier?" He turned around to see two very attractive college age girls staring right at him and he quickly turned his head in embarrassment. "Why yes he is girls. My husband made the mistake of thinking he could backtalk me in front of this lovely saleswoman here so I decided the best way to keep him quiet was to make him suck on his pacifier." "His pacifier?" "Yes, my husband bought this pacifier at a novelty shop because he likes to sneak behind my back and pretend to be a little baby." "But it's pink?" "Yes, I apologize. I should have been more specific, he likes to act as a baby girl so I have decided to turn his dreams into reality." "Is he also wearing a nappy" "Of course my little girl is. Where do you think she goes potty at?" All the women began laughing at him together. He held his head down in shame. "We have a friend that dresses as a woman but not as a baby girl. He takes female hormones. Does your husband take hormones?" "No, that is something I have not even considered but it is something that might be good for her." "My friend and I often babysit to earn extra money while in college. If your little girl needs a sitter we would be more than willing to watch her." "Well, I am going to start dating again so I may take you up on your offer. I must be honest with you though. My little girl will be doing all of her potty business in her diaper. It might not be such a fun job changing her when she is messy!" One of the young college girl looked at him in disgust. "I am not changing the disgusting freaks diapers...that is all you girlfriend." "Now, now. It is not nice to talk about the little girl like that. She can not help being so pathetic. I am quite used to changing poopy butts and I will glady change her messy diaper for the right price of course. Here is my number, call me when you need a sitter to go out an do grown up things. Bye bye little girl. I may be changing your diapers very soon." The two girls turned and walked towards the exit of the store whispering and joking with one another as they left. Just before the nice girl walked out the door she turned and blew him a kiss. He tried his best to smile with the paci in his mouth and really hoped his Mommy planned to call her. "Mam, both of your spa appointments will be soon, are you ready to start checking out?" "Yes I suppose we are, did you pick out some nice shoes for yourself?" "Yes mam, two pairs made by Prada." "What an excellent choice and very expensive. How does it feel getting to own some of the merchandise you will be getting paid commission on sale's slut?" "Strange. I have never had a sale like this mam." "Well you have definitely earned it. Speaking of which, I was wondering if you may be interested in another job?" "What would that job be?" " Well I've noticed that you and my little girl seem to share a special bond. I have seen the way you have looked at her ever since you two rubbed your pussies together." "Umm...no...I mean...yes...I mean maybe Mam." "Do not worry, I am not upset with you. I have not been sexually attracted to my husband for years and I doubt that is going to change now that she is my little girl that will be in diapers the rest of her life. About the only way she will make me wet is if her nappy leaks on me. My little girl made you wet though ." "Yes she did. I must admit that it felt amazing rubbing my wet pussy on her squishy diaper." "See perfect. You are also producing milk right now ?" Do you know what I want your new job to be?" "Ummm...maybe. Do you want me to feed my milk to your little girl?" "Such a smart girl. I want you to be our wet nurse. You have proven that you quite literally make the perfect wet nurse as your pussy got wet as you nursed my husband. Feel free to allow her to nurse on your pussy . You will have this job until I start producing Mommy milk." "But Ma'am you are not pregnant." "This is true right now. Yet how long do you honestly think it will take before I am pregnant by one of the real men who will be filling my fertile pussy full of their potent sperm? I would not be surprised if my husband's best friend does not impregnate me tonight. I am suppose to be ovulating today. I imagine my tits will be swollen just like yours in no time " "Yes Ma'am, I will be your little girl's wet nurse." "Perfect. Now what do I owe you?" "The total comes to $12,759.35 mam." "Bitch, take your credit card out and pay your new wet nurse, we got an appointment to get to." "Yes Mommy." The saleswoman helped carry the bags of his wife's new wardrobe to their car. His Mommy had removed his pacifier but warned him if he acted up she would put it right back into his mouth where it would stay all day...walking through the mall or not. The saleswoman handed her husband's new diaper bag to her after the car was loaded. She opened it up to put some of her little girl's knickers and nappies in it and noticed two bottles of breast milk were inside. "My tits fill up a lot here at work forcing me to pump my milk. I store the bottles in the freezer in our lunch room I thought your little girl might get thirsty while you are at the spa." "That is so thoughtful of you. You are such a perfect little . I ayoung lady I'm so thankful we decided to shop at this store. Oh, I almost forgot, do not forget your new shoes." His wife handed her the bag with over $2,000 worth of shoes in it. The two women exchanged each other's cell phone numbers. "Will you need me to stop by tonight and feed your little girl while your being entertained by your husband's best friend?" "Maybe. I really have no idea what will happen tonight other than I am going to get my brains fucked out." "Okay. Just let me know" The two woman kissed each other and his new wet nurse came over to him and whispered in his ear. "I hope your Mommy calls me because I am looking forward to having you nurse on my pussy tonight. Do not worry, I will have my boyfriend fill it full of his sticky milk for you right before I come over." The short drive to the spa seemed like eternity. His Mommy broke the silence by thanking him for buying her some new fuck wear. She also reminisced of their recent dressing room romp. Both his wee wee and her pussy started to leak as she recounted their time with the sale's slut. As they exited the car his Mommy grabbed his brand new pink princess diaper bag and slung it over her shoulder. "I should make you carry your diaper bag but you are just a pathetic little girl. I will carry it for now. Now, hold Mommy's hand and lets go get dolled up for tonight." "Hello, my little girl and I are here for our appointment." "There must be a mistake mam, we do not allow minors in our spa." "Oh my little girl is not a minor she is just simply a little girl." "Now I understand, you are the couple with a special appointment. Your special friend at the mall called us and filled us in on your unique situation. We have to get you looking right for your big date tonight." "Other than a Brazilian waxing for both you and your little girl do you have any other services you desire?" "Yes mam, I would like to get a manicure and pedicure and my little girl will be getting her toenails painted baby pink." "Perfect. Your specialist should be with you shortly." They sat down in the waiting area. Mommy picked up a woman's magazine and was reading an article on how to drive men wild in bed. He dazed out the window thinking about the days events and thought about what tonight would bring." "Hi girls, I will be your specialist for today. Which one of you ladies will be getting their kitties cleaned up first?" "My little one can go first." "Okay, lets head on back to the room then." His wife got up, grabbed his diaper bag, took his hand, and they headed back to the private spa room. As he walked he could distinctly hear the loud crinkle of his plastic panties with each step he took in the quiet spa. The receptionist stared as he walked by. "Someone is very crinkly today. I hope you enjoy your spa treatment today little girl." The room they were taken to was dimly lit and had scented candles burning. There was a large padded table similar to what you find in a massage parlor. "Okay, I will need you to take of your little girl's pants, panties, and nappy. Just lay her right down on the table and you can undress her like you would a real baby. I will start warming up the wax, I imagine we will need a lot and I am going to have definitely turn the lighting up." "Is it that obvious she is nappied." "Besides the fact she was crinkling through the spa I was already pre warned about your situation. I have waxed many ladies who suffer from incontinence so this is not completely new to me. Your husband will be the first sissy adult baby I have ever waxed before though." Both ladies started to laugh. He got up onto the table and laid down onto his back like instructed. His wife unbuttoned and pulled off his pants. "Those are such cute frilly baby girl panties you are wearing little girl." His Mommy removed his crinkly panties and tossed them aside. His diaper was wet again but not quite full. "My little girl has wet her nappy again? Let's get you out of your diaper and all cleaned up before the kind lady here removes the last remnants of your manhood." "Will she leak onto my table?" "No, I do not think so. She is not quite unpotty trained yet." "Okay, if you do not mind I would still like to put a protective cover under your little girl's bottom just in case." "Sure, hand it to me and I will get it under her girly parts." "Are we just waxing her girly parts today or her whole body?" "Well I was just planning on you doing around her little wee wee and then inside of her tight little butt crack, but if you have the time I would honestly like all of her hair removed." "I figured so after being told about your situation. I cleared my schedule and I am all yours for the rest of the afternoon." "What situation are you talking about?" "Ummm, why you are here today of course. Something about you will be having sex with your husband's best friend this evening and you both need to be cleaned up down there. You, of course because you do not want your new lover to be scared away and....well...we all know little girls have no hair anywhere. I think it is only fitting since your lover will be the only man at home tonight that your little girl be reminded of that by removing all of her hair." "Oh my god. You are so right." The lady grabbed the melted wax and brought it over to the table. She grabbed the application spatula and a bunch of strips of cloth. "We will start of easy with her arms." The lady dabbed small patches of warm but not too hot wax onto his arms. She carefully pressed down the strips of cloth and began removing the little girl's hair. Although getting his arm hair pulled out hurt a little getting waxed was not so bad, or so he thought. Once the lady had skillfully finished his arms she asked him to lift his arms so she could wax his armpits. "This will hurt a lot more little girl as your arm pits are a lot for sensitive. Mommy, you may want to hold her hand." She quickly applied the wax and pressed the cloth strip into the sissy's armpit. "Okay, here we go." With a quick pull she ripped the cloth from his armpit. He screamed out in pain and his Mommy squeezed his hand hard. "Now, now little girl. Scream like that again and I will have to get your pacifier out." Wax was applied to his other armpit, then his chest, and also onto his back. Each time she pulled a piece of cloth off he winced in pain. His wife smiled and cooed her little girl. "It's okay little baby. Soon you will have none of that nasty manly hair anywhere...no you won't..." Soon all that was left was his legs and his girly parts. The lady looked at his tiny wee wee for the first time and shook her head. "I understand why now." she began to giggle. "What?" "I understand why you are going to be fucking his best friend tonight. I do not know how big your new boyfriend's cock is but there is no way it can be that small." "Oh his cock is very big. I had the pleasure of feeling it one evening and I have dreamt about it ever since." "Is this why you forced him into diapers? Because he has a little tiny penis ?" "Yes and no. He would sneak behind my back, wet and shit in diapers, and then hump them until he made his nasty little girly gooies. I got tired of it so I decided to give him two choices, diapers or divorce. As you can see he chose diapers." "Well I have to say from the looks of things your little girl definitely belongs in diapers..." "Oh my god, you nasty, bad, little girl. Did you wet this nice lady's table?" "It is okay, that's why we put the protective pad down. I figured that your little girl would probably be in so much pain that she would wet herself." His Mommy embarrassingly wiped his pee pee from the pad. She gave him a stern look and was very close to spanking him. The lady finished with his legs and now all that was left was her husband's girly parts. "Please take some baby wipes and wipe her down really good." She cleaned his girly parts and the lady began to apply the wax to his flaccid less than one inch penis. She slowly ripped his manhood away and he began to cry out in pain. His wife on the other hand reacted quite differently. She seemed to actually become excited by her husband's agony. She was not sure if it was because of the years of sexual deprivation or if it was because she was starting to become a real sadist. Either way it made her pussy wet. "Okay, almost done. Your tiny wee wee looks a little bigger now that your hair is all gone. Just a little though. Now I need you to get up on all fours and spread your cute little bottom cheeks for me. We have to get all of that nasty hair out of your bottom crack so that when you make a messy is will be much easier for your Mommy to clean you up. Now spread em lil girl." He felt as the warm wax was dripped into his butt crack. His wife was looking into his eyes holding both of his hands as the lady took the cloth and placed between his butt cheeks. "1...2...pull. The last of your nasty manhood hair has been removed." He felt like he was going to pass out from the pain but he felt excited because his girly parts felt so much more sensitive now all his hair was gone. The lady laughed at the sissy baby as he was turned back onto his tummy,she flicked his tiny soft member to get him excited. Aww soo sooo tiny I bet you will be so jealous of your friend making your pretty mommy so happy in bed tonight eh aww poor baby .His penis began to quickly stiffen as she teased him about his impending cuckolding. Oh dear that really turns baby on doesn't it she put her hand to her mouth to prevent her hysterical laughter being heard.She grabbed a tape measure from a shelf lets see just how big it gets shall we.Her soft manicured hands gently held the tape measure along side his fully erect penis. Poor baby no wonder she is a baby girl its only 2.9 inches hard and no thicker than my index finger.She looked at his wife and agreed that she had the perfect solution and that was to seek sexual satisfaction from other men outside her marriage. Mommy put a clean nappy on him and at felt more at ease she had made the correct decision ,even complete strangers such as this nice lady agreed her infidelity was the only way to stay married. "Now Momma, let's get you all cleaned up for your big night, shall we." "Yes we shall, yes we shall!" He watched as his Mommy laid down on the table. She provocatively spread her legs giving her husband a quick glimpse of the growing wet spot on her silky white panties. She was excited. Her lust for her husband's best friend leaking from her pussy as she removed her panties and tossed them to her husband. "Little girl, Mommy wants you to take her panties and go and stand in the corner of the room. Put your nose into the crotch of Mommy's panties and know that the wetness you feel, the scent you smell, is not my desire for you. It is my desire for your best friend. You are to stay in the corner with your nose and my panties pressed firmly against the wall. You are not to turn around and watch as your Mommy's pussy gets prepared for a real man. Do you understand me?" "Yes Mommy." "Good girl." His wife looked down at her hairy pussy. She could not help to think that this was what a Mommy's pussy was suppose to look like. Neglected and forgotten about. Removing all her nasty hair would mark a new beginning for her and she felt her excitement leak from her body." "It looks like your little girl is not the only one that needs a diaper pad underneath them while on my table, someone is really wet down there." "I am so sorry, I am just so excited that I cannot help myself." "Oh sweetie, I understand. From the looks of things it has been a long time since you have been this excited. Let's get you cleaned up." Warm wax was spread over her already melting pussy. The lady placed a cloth on to her hairy mound and pressed down firmly. "Okay Mama. Are you ready?" "Oh yes, please make me presentable for my new lover." "One...Two...three.." She moaned out in pain as some of her thick pubic hair was removed with a quick pull. "Are we removing everything today?" "No, I do not want to be completely hairless like my little girl. She is the baby not me. Will you please leave me a small landing strip so that my lover can land his big cock ?" "No problem. No problem at all. she laughed " The lady continued removing his Mommy's pussy hair. He could not see what was happening but he could hear as her hair was ripped away. His Mommy's panties had found their way into his mouth and he tasted his wife's need for his best friend. "I hear you over there suckling little girl, what are you sucking on?" "Your panties Mommy." "What does Mommy taste like?" "She tastes excited." "Mommy is very excited. That taste is because tonight I will be with a real man. And guess what? Tonight you will get to taste your Mommy combined with a real man." "I cannot believe how much you are leaking. Are you usually this wet?" "No. Today I am not only excited but I am also ovulating. My cervical mucous is combining with my excitement." "But doesn't that mean..." "Yep, it sure does. After tonight I might end up with a second baby. A lot will depend on if my little girl does a good job sucking his best friend's sperm out of my pussy." "Wow, you are starting to get me excited." "If you need to take a bathroom break I understand." "My panties are getting wet I will be back in a minute." The lady left the room and she looked at her little girl in the corner and started to laugh. She then looked down at her pussy. The lady was almost done and she looked like a new woman down there. "Your best friend is going to love this pussy tonight little girl." "Yes Mommy." The lady quickly returned to the room. Her hard nipples poked through her scrubs and her face was flushed. She had undoubtedly just had her fingers in her pussy. "All taken care of?" "Yes mam, did not take too much." The two ladies grinned at each other and talked as she removed the rest of her pubic hair. "There. You are all ready for your big date." "It looks amazing. I know my husband's best friend will appreciate all the hard work. I will make sure my husband gives you an amazing tip." "Thank you so much, now lets get your nails done, shall we?" She pulled down her dress over her freshly manicured pussy and got down off the bed. "Alright little girl. Mommy's new pussy is hidden away for her new boyfriend tonight. You can turn around now and sit down so this nice lady can paint your toenails. You can keep Mommy's panties in your mouth, I do not want to wear those silly mommy panties anyway." "Yes Mommy." The spa specialist expertly painted his toenails. His wife had chosen a baby pink nail polish for her sissy husband. Everytime he moved his diaper crinkled loudly. The lady looked up at him smiling as he crinkled away. "I think we have some Disney Princess nail stickers stashed away for when a little girl comes in with her Mommy to the spa. Would you like for me to try and find them for your little girl?" "That would be awesome. Thank the nice lady little girl." "Thank you mam." "Your quite welcome Princess. We will have you all dolled up for tonight." "Do you have a place I can warm my little girl's bottle?" "Yes mam, there is a breakroom down the hall with a microwave." "Thank you. I will be right back little girl. You better behave while I am gone." As mommy left he continued to suckle on the crotch of her panties. The spa lady had found the Princess stickers and began to glue them to his toenails. Belle came first on his big toe. Then a purplish heart on his next toe. His middle toe was decorated with Ariel. After another heart came Cinderella on his pinky toe. "There, all done little princess. I am sure your best friend will find you so adorable." As his wife headed down the hall she happened to notice the ladies room. With a wicked grin on her face she decided to save her little girl's breastmilk for later and went into the restroom to make her husband a fresh bottle. She entered a stall, and placed the pink bottle just below her pussy. Seeing her freshly shaven mound excited her as she tried hard to concentrate. Her bladder was full but she simply could not push any of her pee out. Could making a bottle for her little girl be this hard? One drop hit the inside of his bottle. Then another followed by another. Suddenly her bladder fully released and she watched as the baby bottle filled with her hot pee. As it reached the top of the bottle she removed it from between her legs and sat down on the toilet so she could finish peeing. Once she was done she reached down and picked the bottle up, screwing the nipple on tight. Before wiping her pussy she took the bottle's nipple and stuffed it inside herself. After moving it in and out a couple times she removed it and watched as a string of her girly juices stuck to the nipple as she pulled it away. Her baby girl was getting a special treat. Wiping herself she reached down, pulled up her panties, and stood up. She grabbed the bottle as she exited the stall. Just as she did the receptionist walked into the restroom. She stared at the bottle as she walked past. "Is that a bottle of...of what I think it is?" "What are you talking about silly, this is apple juice." His wife winked at her as she left the bathroom. As she entered the room she immediately started to giggle. "Your toenails are about the most pathetic but cutest thing I have ever seen. I will be sure to keep your shoes and socks off tonight while your best friend is over fucking me. Here is your baba." He felt excited that he was once again going to taste the sales lady's breastmilk. It was so warm and sweet as it filled his tummy earlier. He closed his eyes as the bottle's nipple was placed into his mouth by his wife. He knew immediately that it had been in her pussy. He tasted her arousal and the smell of her familiar womanly musk filled his nostrils. As he began to suckle he started to gag. This was not the sweet milk he was expecting to be drinking. This was bitter and he tried not to choke as he quickly realized that he was drinking his wife's piss. "I want you to make all gone with this nice and fresh bottle Mommy made for you, do you understand little girl?" "But this is gross Mommy." "Do you mind leaving the room while I talk to my disobedient husband?" "Yes mam, I need to take a potty break anyway." The spa specialist left the room, closing the door behind her. "You disobedient little sissy. How dare you tell me the special bottle I made for you is gross. You should be thankful that I am offering you my waste. Do not make me force feed you this bottle. Drink it, NOW!" He could tell his wife was very upset so he reluctantly started to suckle down his Mommy's bitterness. "Now see little girl, that's not so bad is it. You can take your time drinking it, Mommy is going to get her nails done now." The lady returned and looked over at him as he suckled slowly on the bottle. He could tell that she felt sorry for him as he consumed his Mommy's waste. "What color will it be hot mama?" "I am thinking something bold, Ferrari Red will be perfect." The lady took her time with his Mommy's manicure and pedicure. As the ladies talked he tried his hardest not to gag as he drank his bottle. Mommy's pee was starting to get cold making it much harder to swallow. Finally, after what seemed like eternity the bottle was empty. Mommy was done too and looked over at him. "Such a good little girl making all gones. Put Mommy's panties in your pocket and lets get ready to leave. Make sure you give this lovely lady a $100 tip for all her troubles. It's time to leave the mall and get ready for tonight. " "Yes Mommy." On the way back towards the car his wife began to fantasize about later on. Her excited pussy began to melt and run down her legs and she felt a primal need for an immediate release. "Let's hurry up little girl and get back to the car. Mommy needs to give her baby a little snack." Confused, he picked up his pace as they rushed hurriedly back to the car hand in hand. Once at the car his wife opened the back door and laid down on the backseat. She was completely intoxicated with lust for her husband's best friend. Just as she started to pull her dress up to feed her little girl she suddenly remembered that her pussy needed to be saved for her new lover. The next time her husband would get the privilege of seeing it was when his best friend's cock filled it completely full. She quickly sat up and got out of the car. "Sorry little girl, Mommy almost forgot. My pussy no longer belongs to you. You will get to see it later as it leaks the evidence of Mommy's infidelity. Get into the backseat." She opened the driver's door and suddenly had a crazy idea. She needed relief and she needed it right this second. Without another thought she quickly lifted her dress up, positioned herself so she was facing her little girl in the back seat, and straddled the stick shift of their car. Her dress was lifted just enough for her husband to get a glimpse of her inner thighs and nothing more. Her pussy needed this and she slowly lowered herself down onto the stick shift right in the parking lot of the mall. He could not believe what was happening as he watched his wife, still fully clothed, fuck the stick shift of her car. As she started to ride it he noticed that the black leather quickly started to turn white with her cream. She rapidly started to pick up the pace, fucking her own personal hot rod with passionate lust. She bagan to moan and started to scream his best friend's name. "Oh fuck me. Fuck me hard. Take your best friend's wife and make me yours. Oh my god. Uuuuuugggggghhhh. I am cumming....oh....ahhhhhhhhhh....ugh." She stayed motionless for a few seconds as she fell back to earth from her sexual high. She slowly lifted her spent pussy off of the soaked stick shift and looked down in disbelief. She could not believe how soaked she had made the car. "Little girl, Mommy made quite a mess didn't she?" "Yes Mommy. As they started home, there was silence in the car. Her thoughts were consumed with thoughts of his best friend and his were consumed with his new life. Suddenly he began to feel a rumble in his tummy. The sales woman's breastmilk began to work its magic as a natural laxative and within minutes he began to start cramping as his bowels began to struggle against his milk filled tummy. His wife watched him in the rear view mirror closely, noticing his uncomfortableness as he fidgeted around. He was trying his hardest to hold his gurgling bowels but he was losing the battle. He desperately looked out the window as saw a McDonald's near by. "Mommy, could we please stop at McDonald's?" "Is my baby girl hungry already? You just fed on that nice sale lady's breasts and then ate Mommy's cream but we can stop babygirl and get you a happy meal." "I am not hungry Mommy, I have to go potty." "A happy meal it is then." She intentionally ignored what he said about needing the potty. His fidgeting was so evident and she knew exactly what was happening. With an evil grin she pulled into the McDonald's parking lot and parked the car. She grabbed the new diaper bag and her babygirl by the hand and led her into the fast food restaurant. "Welcome to McDonald's may I take your order." "Yes, I would like one happy meal please and a cup of ice." "Okay Ma'am, is this happy meal for a boy or girl?" "Oh it is very much for a little girl. A little baby girl that still belongs in diapers." The pretty teenager no more than 17 years old at first seemed confused but quickly realized the baby girl Mommy was talking about. His face turned bright red with embarrassment as their eyes met. "Unfortunately Ma'am I do not think we have a high chair big enough to fit your baby girl but I can give you a Ronald McDonald bib for her and a pack of crayons for her to color with."she said with a cheeky smile. "How thoughtful and nice of you, baby girl thank the nice lady for thinking about you." "Thank you." "Thank you what?" "Thank you Ma'am." "That is better. I apologize for her rudeness. She is just beginning to learn how to respect women properly. I may need to change her diaper soon, may I change her in the lady's restroom." "Of course you may, have a good day." He watched as the nice lady at the counter went around and starting telling her female colleagues what had just happened. All of them laughed hysterically as they pointed and cooed. They sat down and she watched as he clearly grew uncomfortable. "What is wrong babygirl?" "I have to use the potty Mommy." "Well then use the potty babygirl." He got up to head to the restroom and she forcibly grabbed his arm. "Where are you going babygirl?" "To use the potty Mommy." "Then use it babygirl and potty in your pants like a good little girl. Do I have to remind you that you will not only be wearing diapers for the rest of your life but also using them like the baby you wanted to be? If you would like we can get right in the car and head to lawyer's office if you are having second thoughts about your new life babygirl. I am sure I can find happiness without you." "But Mommy I have to poo poo." "I know babygirl and you are going to do so right here, right now, right in your pink diaper. Go ahead, it's okay...Mommy will hold your hand as you fill your diaper. Show everyone here just how pathetic you really are." As Mommy said that his bowels finally surrendered and he messed his diaper as he shamefully looked in his Mommy's eyes. He was now her baby and nothing more. "Mommy cannot have her hand getting all sticky as she drives home so I think it is time to teach my little one how to suck on a stick. You want to clean Mommy's mess off of a stick don't you baby?" "Yes Mommy, so bad." "You are such a good little sissy bitch. First and foremost get onto your knees like a good little girl." He did as she instructed, moving his face closer and closer to the mess his Mommy haf freshly made. "Okay little girl. First I want you to stick out your tongue and slowly lick up and down the shaft. Be sure to start at the tip and work your way down to the base." She watched excitedly as her husband began to lick the stick shift coated in her thick juices. "That is a good little girl. Now put your lips around the tip of the stick and slowly start to suck." He did as she instructed. As he started to slowly suck on the stick shift he felt as his wife's hand rested on the back of his head. She gently, yet forcibly pushed his mouth farther down the used stick shift. "That is such a good little girl. I guess Mommy should not be surprised that you would be such a natural at sucking on a stick. Now relax your throat little girl because you are about to learn the hardest lesson about sucking on a stick." With that said she pushed his head down farther onto the shifter and he began to gag as it invaded his throat. "Just relax little girl and accept the stick down your throat. All of us girls have to learn this lesson and tonight Mommy will demonstrate her skills on your best friend." He tried his hardest to obey his wife but soon began to panic and quickly raised his head up for a breath of fresh air. "It's okay little girl. You will be getting plenty practice. The next stick you suck will be easier for you because it will be a little softer and will taste oh so yummy." He finished licking up his wife pussy juices from the stick shift and sat back into the back seat. Was all this really happening? His marriage went from boring to unimaginably crazy in one day all because his wife caught him wearing a diaper. He did not know who this new woman was he was married to. Even though her new demeanor scared him he felt so excited about the attention he was getting. Would she really keep him in diapers for the rest of his life? "You smell terrible babygirl. I guess both of us are just going to have to learn how to adjust to the stinky mess you will be making in your diapers from now on don't we my little poopy butt?" Tears still streamed down his face as Mommy verbally scolded him for going poopy in his diaper. She had laid him down right on the bathroom floor in the middle of the ladies restroom at McDonalds. His mess had smashed deeper into his bottom and towards the front of his diaper where his tiny wee wee was as he laid down on his pink changing mat. The smell was almost unbearable and Mommy had not even untaped his diaper yet. "I had hoped that you would mess your diaper tonight in front of your best friend just before he fucked me so he could see how truly pathetic you are but I understand my babygirl cannot help when she has to go potty. Perhaps Mommy will give her babygirl an enema tonight so she can fill her diaper again...I bet she would like that...wouldn't she? Do you want to shit your diaper while your wife it taken by a real man?" "No Mommy. I want to be the real man in your life." His wife began to laugh so hard that she felt wetness seep into her panties. Was it her piss or just her excitement for the big cock that would stretch her neglected pussy tonight? Either way...her pathetic excuse of husband was making sure her panties were soaked. " You are a man? Really? We are in the ladies room at McDonalds and I am about to pull down your pants and change your diaper that you just went poopy in. What kind of man messes his pants? What kind of many wears diapers? What kind of man cannot sexually satisfy his wife? You are not a man, never have been, and never will be. You are a nappy wearing sissy ...my baby girl who I will keep in cloth nappies plastic pants frilly pink satin panties and dresses for as long as we are together. So baby girl, tell Mommy what you are again." "I am your baby girl Mommy." "That is exactly what you are. What are you wearing baby girl?" "A diaper Mommy." "What is your diaper filled with baby girl?" "Poo poo Mommy." "That is right babygirl it is full of your nasty shit because you are nothing but a pathetic sissy wimp" "And who is going to be Mommy's man now babygirl?" "My best friend Mommy." "Finally you are being a good little girl and accepting your new life. We will see how behaved you are tonight as you watch my new man fuck me, as you watch me beg for him to cum inside of my pussy and give you a new brother or sister. You are going to watch Mommy make a baby tonight. Now let's getting your stinky diaper changed. Changing her little girl was a lot harder than she had ever imagined. Her poopy stuck to her bottom more than she had expected and wiping her bottom with the diaper did not help much. The smell made her almost sick to her stomach. After she had wiped the shit from her babygirl's bottom and tiny little wee wee she pulled the diaper from underneath her and looked at the disgusting mess she had made. She decided that her babygirl should see it too. "I cannot believe I am doing this. Changing your shitty diaper. Can you smell how nasty this is? Maybe you should take a good look and see just how pathetic you are." She took the diaper and shoved it near her face. Her babygirl tried her hardest to turn away but she was not having it. "Look at this diaper or I will rub it in your face babygirl." He looked at the mess he had made and felt defeated. His Mommy smiled as he submitted to her and she pulled his used diaper away from his face and rolled it up. "Such a good babygirl for your Mommy. Now let's get you in a nice and clean diaper shall we my little princess?" All he could do was shake his head yes. At 7pm Jack arrived at the house.His wife was wearing her new high cut satin panties and camisole top over a white silky blouse and black mid thigh leather skirt.The greeted each other warmly then began to kiss .It was jack that broke off the kiss asking where was his friend .Oh shes all tucked up in her cot in the spare room would you like to come up and meet her.The door to his nursery was deliberately left wide open and he could clearly here the conversation and then the heavy steps climb the wooden stair case.He was fearful but strangely excited he was going to be cuckolded by his wife and his friend was going to give his wife what he clearly wasn't able to, deep penetrative sex and possibly a child. The two adults entered his room holding hands,his sexy stunning wife announcing here she is ,my little baby girl ,isn't she adorable.He could not face his friend as they both looked down at him.His wife had removed his pink baby blanked so Jack could get a good view of his baby clothes.You see just like I told you a real sissy baby ,She lifted his short frilly pink babydoll nightie higher so his thick nappies and frilly pink satin plastic lined baby knickers were in full view.His friend smirked and then both began to laugh.His wife poked her finger into his leg openings ,she felt his wet nappy and announced she's all wet aww poor baby wet his nappy cos hes scared of the big rough man and what he is going to do with Mommy ,,eh aww c'mon let me change my baby girl.She slowly pulled down his frilly knickers and pulled away the thick terry cotton nappy.His hairless tiny penis and balls were exposed to his friends great amusement. Oh fuck hun no wonder you need me to come round and fuck you that is fucking dick is not cool.Its a baby dick my wife reminded him and babies have small ones and sissy babies have tiny ones.She turned toward Jack and they kissed passionately ,there hands exploring each others bodies.this was quite a provocative act to humiliate her husband and see what reaction it would have.She did not have long to wait.To his shame the tiny one inch flaccid penis quickly grew to its full maximum three inches.They howled with laughter when they looked at the adult sissy baby girl again .just look at that she said loudly stifling a laugh,he is turned on by us kissing he really gets off on it don;t you baby girl. His wife and best friend began removing each others clothes,she was shaking and rushing to quickly release the hard throbbing member that was tenting out his chinos and brushing up against her leather clad thighs.She yanked down his chinos and pants at the same time and his enormous erection sprang out.His wife just stated open mouthed for a few seconds before recovering and grabbing the long thick shaft with both hands sank to her knees .She greedily placed him into her red lipsticked mouth and sucked ,She was only able to get him half way down her throat he was so huge and thick.Her short black skirt was rucked up around her waist and the bikini style white satin panties were damp at the crotch. Her baby girl lay in the cot watching his beautiful wife behave so slutty with another man.He lifted her onto her feet and plunged his large hands in side her sopping wet panties and rubbed her vulva furiously.The sissy had a clear of her white silky panties now soaking wet with her excitement.She cold take no more and pulled him on top of her .She took hold of the oversized penis and guided it to the entrance of her sopping slit moving her panties to the side with her other hand .Fuck me please just fuck me she yelled,he pushed his cock into her and slowly deeper and deeper he sank the thick shaft in her excited vagina . You feel so tight babe , she replied well you have seen his tiny baby dick now you know why.She winced as his this monster sized organ pushed deeper and deeper reaching places her poor baby would find impossible with his baby dick.Soon his penis reached her cervix ,a mixture of pain and pleasure pulsated through her ,never had she felt such penetrative pleasure .His pace quickened ,large heavy balls slapped between her legs as he fully thrusted deep into her womb.She began to cry and sob,her face contorted as her orgasm approached .She began to buck and move her hips upwards to meet his thrusting taking everything he gave her.Her moaning became louder and louder ,slapping noises getting louder,he placed her legs over his broad muscular shoulders and slammed his pensi into her.Jeez that feels so good she mouthed ,please come in me cum deep inside me and give me a baby , a baby brother or sister for my sissy baby husband, they laughed and fucked ,they kissed and fucked until she climaxed .She began to sob and cry into his hairy chest and until he pumped his potent manly sperm deep into her devastated spoiled vagina.Their bodys lay locked in embrace,his thick slimy shaft stil pumping in and out of her but gradually decreasing in tempo.
  11. Hello everyone, I hope this sparks discussion about what helped shape our "Sissy" side. I know for me, this was a big tipping point. I wanted to make this thread to share specific memories or stories about your Sissy side. I'll share some of mine, starting with the following. This is the most open I've ever been with any of my friends growing up about panties and sissy things. When I was about a Sophomore in high school, i would stay the night at my friend Jim's house from time to time. We'd known each other since kindergarten and were really close. We both had younger sister's as well. Well, one Saturday after midnight, he and I were sharing our favorite "adult" videos with each other on his computer. We'd been a little "worked up" and both went to the bathroom (separately) to finish the job. Afterward, we were relaxing in his room and I half jokingly, asked "Have you ever wore Mel's (his sister) panties?" He said "No dude, and i don't think i'd fit haha" "Have you tried Ashley's (my sister)?" Nervously I said "Yes, sometimes when i'm home alone i "play" in them." He was immediately curious "Wait, you fit?....how do they feel? Are they soft?" We both wore generic store brand boxers at the time. His sister was almost the same age as us but on the "plus size". I knew she had a cute selection of panties from the many times I'd hung out at their house. She'd always bend over, showing her Hanes or Old Navy panties. Always with bright colors or cute sayings on them. My sister was a few years younger and more petite. I had spent many hours (when home alone) modeling her panties in the mirror. She was more subtle with simple polka dots and stripes from Gymboree or Gap. I told him "they barely fit, but they're so SOFT!!! and it feels amazing to 'finish' in them" "i know i could fit in Mel's just fine" It was too late that night to do anything, but we began to plan. I told my friend he needed to try panties as soon as possible. He was apprehensive but agreed. Just a few short days later, he sent me a text with a picture, "Dude i'm home alone which ones should i use" attached was a photo with 2 pairs of panties on his sister's bed. One was plain white with a very small pink bow on the front. The other was lime green with orange flowers. I replied "use the green ones, ones with patterns are so much more fun" He replied roughly 10 mins later "Dude!!!! holy crap that felt so GOOD" Later that week, i was home alone and sent him a similar message. The photo showed 2 pairs, one with rainbow polka dots and the others (and older smaller pair) with cinderella on it. He replied instantly "o you have to use cinderella!!!! will you fit in them?" I squeezed my butt into the cinderella pair and 'finished' almost instantly. I texted him back "i almost ripped them but it worked!!!!" We would play this game for a few months, quickly learning our entire sister's panty drawers and which pairs fit and felt good. Then one day he texted me and said "....would you ever want to wear Mels?" Sheepishly i replied "....ya...they look so freaking cute....would you want a pair of Ashleys?" "....ya.....if it's not weird..." "...no dude it's cool...just our secret man...promise...?" "ya of course man....totally.....when should we trade?" we waited a few more weeks, then found the perfect excuse, we needed to study for finals. He came over after school and my parents left us alone to study. We had the whole house to ourselves. I asked "Do you still want to do this, we don't have too?" "Ya man i;ve been thinking about it all day" Jim replied. "what kinda panties do you want? I asked. "The girlier the better dude" I excused myself to my sister's room and selected the pair. It was all cotton. Red with white polka dots and 2 little white bows, one on each hip. They were the largest size, so i hoped he would fit. When i returned, he told me to close my eyes. I heard him unzip his backback and place some soft fabric in my hand. I opened them and my heart started racing. They were bright blue with tons of white and pink stars all over. The waistband was bright pink and the on the butt they said "outta this world" I showed him the pair i selected and we both got tense. I told him to go first, if he wanted. He walked into the bathroom and shut the door. I could hear his shorts hit the floor. Then him shuffle to slide into the panties. "Wanna seee....just for fun hahaha" he asked. "Sure" i said. He slid the door open. He was barely contained by the small cotton panties that stretched around his waist. "dang those look good on you hahaha" "thanks man...these feel incredible...my sister doesnt have ones like these." He closed the door and 'finished' in them. then i went in. I couldn;t believe it. I was going to wear a real girl's panties!!! I practically jumped in them. "wanna see?" i said after i had modeled them to myself in the mirror. They fit like a glove. better than any pair of boxers or tighty whiteies i had as a kid. I felt magical. I opened the door and Jim said "whoa those fit you so well man!" I blushed and said "thanks." I then closed the door and 'finished' in them. We then realized we had 2 pairs of "dirty" panties that we didn't know what to do with. After a bit of deliberation, we decided to throw them in the dumpster behind my parents house. We both really wanted to keep them but realized it would be impossible to explain if we got caught. We never exchanged panties again but we would send pics and make each other choose which ones to "play with" throughout high school. A couple times he even had his cousin visit who was a year older than us and how thongs and PINK brand panties. We went to different colleges and soon only would reconnect on spring break or other holidays. We never spoke of the panties again. Recently he moved out of my area and got married. we only reach out to say "happy birthday" or send christmas cards.
  12. Kaede

    Fav sissy dress

    From the album: Sissy Baby Kaede

    Love this dress, makes me feel like such a sissy baby
  13. Kaede

    So frilly

    From the album: Sissy Baby Kaede

    Would love to go to a party in this dress, such a sissy baby
  14. Kaede

    Sissy baby girl

    From the album: Sissy Baby Kaede

    This dress screams sissy baby hehe
  15. # Preface This is a completely shameless self-insert story. I used to write stories for other ABDLs in a setting called "The Adult Baby Research Institute". ABys would find my stories on Tumblr, and if they were smart/brave, they would message me and I would make them fill out an "intake survey". After that there would be an in depth interview and I would craft them a very pervy story. The setting was a fictional asylum / kinky medical facility staffed by caring sadists. Unfortunately all the content was lost during the great tumblr purge. It was a lot of fun. But now I've decided it's my turn for a stay at this fictional asylum. This is an intense story with dark themes of intense masochism. It's all about turning everything to 11 and getting too much of good and bad things. This deals with themes of heavy duty ABDL, infantilism, sissification, gender fuckery, sadism/masochism, torture, medical fetishism, dental fetishism, force feeding, messing and more. This story is not written for everyone, and I don't blame you if you want to nope out. Any time a chapter deals with an edgy theme in detail it will be called out at the start so you know what you're about to get into. This is a hard story. If you're looking for a feel-good story, you may want to skip this one. There will be some feel good moments, but they'll be interspersed with sessions of deep sadistic torture, painful humiliation, and extreme sissification and babification. This is a sissy story. I'm keenly aware of the link to that as a fetish and misogyny. While I'm hoping that the gender fuckery is deep, I'm also trying to ensure that it isn't deeply misogynistic. I'm not perfect, so if you feel I missed the mark somewhere I'd love to hear about it and understand if you're willing to share your thoughts. # Day 1 Saturday ## Chapter 1 I sat nervously in the back seat in the middle of the van. I was enveloped by the pink PVC padded seat while a 5 point harness pinned me down. Even sitting down in the seat, my pink frilly and lacy dress wasn't covering my thick disposable diaper. It didn't help that my legs were spread wide with a spreader bar attached to the pink patent leather ankle restraints that matched my Mary Jane flats. My matching wrist restraints were clipped to the side of the car seat, not that I could do much with my hands since they were trapped in pink fingerless mittens. I was sucking on a big pink pacifier gag, it's straps circling my head. "I'd like a cheeseburger happy meal with yoghurt, apple slices and an apple juice... and a McChicken meal with coke and fries." That was Cloudy, my wife, my caregiver and the love of my life. I was pretty sure she was getting the McChicken, coke and fries from the drive through. Yuck. Sounds like the rest of that was for me. I hated process cheese... and yoghurt... and apples! "That's $19.59, 2nd window please!" "Mmmmmm ... McDonalds! Your favourite!" Cloudy smiled, knowing that while it was a guilty pleasure, it most certainly wasn't my favourite. "I wonder if the McDonalds worker will see you? Will they recognize you?" I was so mortified as we drove up to the pickup window. Luckily the worker wasn't in my eye-line but how much did they see of me? Cloudy continued, "They told me to make sure to bring a snack, because they aren't sure how long we're going to need to wait in the waiting room." The rest of the drive was uneventful as we went across town, then just outside of city limits up to a nondescript building. There was a smattering of cars parked here and there but it was otherwise a quiet summer afternoon. Cloudy parked the van in the back of the lot and cortisol flooded my system. I was going to have to cross this parking lot dressed up like a baby girl. She turned off the ignition, turned around in her seat and saw the look of dread on my face. "It's okay sweety. No one will know you're really a boy under there!" She smiled, and then unbuckled her seatbelt and got out. "Ok, lets get you out of there." Cloudy sighed as she opened the van door, unclipped my restrains from the seat, and unfastened the unnaturally tight restraint belt. "Get your dolly and your sippy cup!" I struggled to grab the sippy cup and doll with my mittened hands. Cloudy made a show of impatience before tucking the dolly under my arms and grabbing the sippy cup herself. She attached a leash to my leather reins, before grabbing our meals and a large pink diaper bag. She stuffed the sippy cup in a side pocket of the diaper bag, shut the door and started walking to the front door, dragging me behind her. With my ankles still attached to the spreader bar I was struggling to keep up to her brisk pace. We finally got to the door and Cloudy held the door open for me while I walked through into a tiny vestibule. On the other side was a thick windowless door with a heavy handle. Cloudy went to an intercom unit off to the side and pressed a button. "Hello, we're here for our appointment?" Cloudy said tentatively into the unit. "Name?" "Becky, it's for 1:15" "Perfect, come right in." Said the woman on the other side of the intercom. The door buzzed, and Cloudy hefted the heavy door open. "In you go sweety!" Cloudy gestured, and I waddled through into the brightly lit room not knowing what to expect. "You must be Becky" giggled a woman behind the desk, her coworker let out a wry smile. Both of them were dressed in colourful nurses scrubs. "You and your mommy can wait over there." The woman behind the desk gestured at the small waiting area with some chairs. Cloudy took me over and sat me down on a low chair next to a table full of baby toys. Cloudy sat down beside me on a comfortable adult chair and pulled out the food. She filled my sippy cup full of apple juice and passed it over to me. With my hands in the gloves it was hard to get and I dropped my dolly on the floor. Just then the door buzzed, and a tall distinguished gentleman with silver hair and a short silver beard walked through. "Hello Sir" both of the ladies behind the desk called out. "Good afternoon!" He replied in a singsong voice. He turned over to me and smiled. "Whoops, it looks like you dropped your dolly little one." he smiled. I was petrified. He scooped the doll up, winked at me and put my dolly in a toy high chair on the table. "There. That's the perfect place for him isn't it?" He winked again, before looking up at Cloudy and offering his hand for an introduction. My dolly certainly didn't look like a 'him'. "It's a pleasure to see you again my dear. Thank you for agreeing to do this for us." The Director said to Cloudy. "You're welcome." She smiled. "I'll see you both once everything is ready." he said with a grin and away he went, behind the desk and down a long hallway humming to himself. Cloudy unwrapped the cheeseburger and set it down on the table, following up with the bag full of apple slices and the squeeze tube of yogurt. I wrinkled my nose. None of that looked appetizing, and I wasn't sure how I was going to eat it with these mittens on my hand—much less the pacifier gag in my mouth. I just idly busied my self with the bead maze and busy board. "Eat your lunch Becky, it's getting cold." I looked back at Cloudy with a look of "just how exactly?" "I see fussy eating is one of the treatments listed for Becky" one of the ladies behind the desk said. "We can start treatment on that right away. It will be good for her to get some food in her belly before we go over the full treatment plan." She came over, pulling some thick metal clips out of the pocket of her scrubs. She deftly attached them to my restraints and then restrained my hands and ankles to the chair. She gripped my chin in her hand. "Your mommy and I are going to fix you your food, we'll be right back. Don't be scared sweety, okay?" I looked up and nodded. What did Cloudy get me into? "Hi Cloudy, my name is Christine, and I'll be one of Beckys primary nurse caretakers." She offered her hand to Cloudy. "Shall we get this little ones food ready?" "Sure, okay" Christine scooped up the meal and put it back into the bag—even the sippy cup full of apple juice. The two of them walked down the same hallway. I could hear their conversation slowly drift as they walked away. "Her obedience is also on the treatment plan." "Well, it's not like he could eat with that pacifier in his mouth..." "That doesn't really matter, she barely even tried! A good baby slave would have found a way to at least gotten some yoghurt down. She just stared at her meal." Christine retorted with a smile in her voice. "I noticed that you use he/him pronouns, but she is very clearly dressed like a girl. " "Yeah, I have a hard time thinking of him ... i mean... her.. i mean... " "It's alright. What are they comfortable with?" "I'm really not sure, he says he wants to be referred to as he/him, but sometimes I wonder. And when he is dressed like this, I know he would rather be she." "Well, the good news is that as part of the gender treatment plan we will be exploring that and will help you get to the bottom of it." "Oh..." Cloudy trailed off "Don't worry, you're an integral part of the treatment plan as well." I strained to hear the conversation. It sounded like they had gone to another room, and there was the sounds of banging. Like some kind of equipment was being set up. "What's involved in that treatment?" Just then there was a high pitched whirring sound from the room where Cloudy and Christine were. I could hear them both speaking, but couldn't make out the words. Finally it stopped. "There, we'll pour that in there. And now the burger." Again there was the whirring sound. I knew what was going on. My food was getting blended together and I was going to be eating that cheeseburger whether I wanted to or not. It stopped and I could hear their voices again. "Eeeww gross!" "Hmmm, too far you think? You're the boss, for now. But if she was my charge—and she will be soon—this would all be mixed together. Yoghurt, burger, apples and all. And I would make sure that it was thinned out with formula too!" I shuddered in a combination of anticipation and fear. At the time I didn't realize how often that feeling would hold over the course of my stay. "The selection of formulas we have available...Wow! Everyone here at the institute have tried them, and some are easier to choke down than others." I could hear them coming back, the sound of wheels on the linoleum floor trailing with them. Christine was pulling along an IV stand with her, a pair of large bags hanging from them. An unappetizing brownish grey mixture in one, and a slightly pinkish one in the other. "If you wouldn't mind taking off the pacifier gag we'll get this proper feeding gag in place and someone can have all their lunch they so rudely refused to eat!" Cloudy walked behind me, unbuckling the strap to my pacifier gag. Meanwhile Christine was putting on a pink silicone bib that said "Messy sissy" in big bold letters. Cloudy pulled the pacifier out and strands of drool spilled out into the bib and before I could even take a full breath, the thick feeding gag was stuck in my mouth and buckled in place. "Now, burger first, and then your apple yoghurt desert." Christine said, as she lowered the IV stand, letting me have a good look at the greyish brown bag. I could see little flecks of orange process cheese. "Cloudy told me just how much you love cheese, so I made sure to add some extra." I did love cheese, but I hated the taste of process cheese. Couldn't stand it. Christine released the clamp on the bag, and I watched as the sludge slowly crawled down the tube, little orange cheese flecks and all. "This might be the best meal you will have all week, so enjoy it!" All week? I thought to myself. The smell of it hit before the taste. The burger was blended with apple juice. The sweet of the process cheese and apple juice contrasting with the bun and the meat. The blob of ketchup, mustard, pickle and onions were just a faint whisper in this sludge. It finally entered my mouth and it tasted worse than it smelled. The first blob that hit my tongue clearly had large chunks of pickle and cheese mixed in with the meat. The texture was thick and chunky. I couldn't help it and immediately retched. Christine again gripped my chin. "Try me. Anything that comes up is going to go right back down again." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes and tried to ignore all the flavours and textures and suck it down. It was tough, and I almost lost it 5 or 6 times. Finally the last of it was done. And this was going to be the best meal? "Good for you sweety! Now it's time for your dessert!" The tube was swapped and the slurry of yoghurt, apple juice and purée apple slices made its way to my mouth. I had a hard time deciding which was worse. On the one hand apple juice cheeseburger surprise was pretty nasty, but I hated yoghurt. "Your mommy told me all about how much you LOVE yoghurt, so we're going to make sure that it's part of every meal during your stay with us." I shuddered. Finally Christine took a syringe out of her pocket—without the needle—and pulled out a small bottle of medicine. She uncapped it, put the syringe in and filled it up 2/3rds full of a thick, yellow, cloudy, oily substance. The tube was pulled from my feeding gag and hung up on the IV stand and replaced with the syringe. The smell and taste of caster oil was unmistakeable. She pushed my head back so that I could savour all 60 CCs of every drop. I was going to be in bad shape in a couple of hours. "Alright. I think we're about ready to start working on your treatment plan." Christine said, while the other nurse was pushing over the largest and kinkiest stroller/wheelchair I have ever seen.
  16. Hey guys! I'm editing my post because my first Youtube channel was deleted! Booooo! They have a lot of new (and ridiculous) rules I wasn't aware of. I don't think I did anything wrong, but they did so...... I started a NEW channel and a podcast! I'm an audiobook narrator in my real life, so I wanted to start working on ABDL related content too. I'll be using this thread to post stories in audio form, so you can just lay back and listen ?. I will be marking them as "age-restricted" in YouTube because of the content matter, but they are SFW. Well, minus the diapers part, so listen at your own discretion haha. For the record, these are all recorded in MY voice. NO AI or ROBOTS! lol Anyway, here is the first story I did: Bratty Gemma's Birthday, written by my friend Boober (who is here on daily di). Enjoy!
  17. Subscribe to our patreon for access to exclusive captions and stories from only $1!https://www.patreon.com/femdiapers I had a friend edit this for me let me know what you think! Jerry sprawled across the couch, his legs dangling over the footrest. Skilfully, he tried not to take his eyes off the screen as he carefully manoeuvred through the battlefield on Call of Duty. Pausing to take a quick break, he parked his character behind a wall, so one of the hands holding the softly buzzing controller could grab a handful of Cheetos. As he did this, suddenly his target approached on screen, and Jerry had to shove the food in as quickly as possible to deal with the intruder. The Cheeto's went everywhere- the golden orange dust sprinkling his mouth, face, and clothes. 'I don't know what to do with him....' Jerry's mother shook her head, annoyed 'he dribbles his food everywhere like a damn toddler.' She put her cup of coffee down on the table, clutching her temples as she heard her son cheer from the other room. Vera, her most trusted friend, petted her arm sympathetically. 'I know it’s hard with boys....' She said, eyes sparkling 'I should know- there are ten in my class alone!' 'It's not the same thing, Vera!' His mother laughed in annoyance 'you look after preschoolers....Jerry is a teenage boy.' 'Well....' Vera shrugged, smiling 'you know what they say- boys will be boys. He's just not grown up yet, that's all. I still see Jerry as that cute little lad who would run into my arms whenever you dropped him off.' 'I would give anything for THOSE days back...' His mother sighed 'he was easier to handle. Not as messy, not as loud....Just a perfect baby boy.' 'What the boy needs is some responsibility' Vera said, looking over at the blaring TV with fondness 'Jerry should find a job, or volunteer.' His mother laughed out loud, shaking her head. 'Good luck getting him a job! His resume is a piece of tumble weed!' 'Oh it can't be that hard!' Vera laughed, grabbing her friends arm excitedly 'listen- drop him off at my work! I'll let him volunteer at the daycare! He'll learn not to be such a baby when he sees how other babies are!' For the first time in a long while, Jerry's mother's tired and exasperated eyes widened. 'Vera, that is a wonderful idea!' She gushed, smiling widely 'he'll absolutely love it! I'll send him first thing tomorrow!' 'So....Why am I going to Vera's again?' Jerry rubbed his eyes grumpily, staring out the passenger side as the morning birds flocked from tree to tree. It was the earliest he'd been woken in months. 'I want you to learn something from being here.' His mother said sternly 'and I'll pick you up at five, understand?' The car slowly snailed to a halt in front of Vera's home and business, Chickadee Daycare. The sign hanging on the fence was written in a childish crayon, with pictures that the children had done overhanging the fence. Jerry watched as Mum's and Dad's walked tiny figures to the door, put their child's bag on the pegs outside, and kissed them goodbye. 'This is going to be a long day....' Jerry muttered in annoyance. 'Don't even think of sneaking back home.' Jerry's mother warned as Jerry climbed out the car sleepily 'or you can kiss that Xbox goodbye for three months!' Jerry came inside just as the last parent had left, hanging shyly in the doorway. Inside, he saw a big custard coloured room which was almost bursting with colour from all the little hand painted pieces of paper on the wall. He noticed shelves and shelves of toys- building blocks, prams, teddy bears, toy kitchens and cars- and he noticed that on the big flower mat, sat a dozen small children, all gazing up at Vera in adoration. 'Now, boys and girls...' Vera said in her honey sweet voice, taking a marker from out its packet and writing on a whiteboard parked beside her 'we have a new boy today, a big new boy. His name is Jerry. Can you all say that? J-E-R-R-Y Jerry saw Vera look up at him and beckon him over as the children all slowly and carefully pronounced his name, smiling eagerly at him. Vera patted the soft carpet beside her. 'Only grownups are allowed in the big chairs' she winked at him. Jerry shyly sat down, crossing his legs as the other children did. Jerry didn't understand why he hadn't been introduced as the assistant carer, but he didn't mind. The carpet was soft, and had the faintest smell of lavender. As Vera went through the day's first lesson, Jerry could feel his eyes drooping. He hadn't seen a 9am in months and he certainly hadn't prepared for this. He let out a loud yawn, right as Vera was handing out the chores of the day. 'Uh oh.....' She muttered quietly, putting down her marker 'someone brought Jerry to school sleepy....Do you want to have a nap, Jerry?' Jerry's head clunked up and down sleepily as he nodded. He felt Vera beside him, her warm hand slipping into his. 'Come on, honey. I'll show you where you can sleep.' Vera led Jerry into one of the more quiet rooms of the daycare: the baby room. So far, no new babies had been admitted, so Jerry had the place to himself. He stood, feeling almost ready to hit the floor, as he looked at the comforting blue walls with fluffy clouds. He heard Vera behind him, a clunk, and a sliding down of something. 'Climb into here...' She said soothingly 'my goodness, such a tired boy....' Jerry found himself practically crawling into the warm space, curling up and yawning. His head rested against a soft mattress, and from his little vision he could see a smiling lamb toy stare back. Jerry was too tired to care, and his eyes were soon shut. 'Let me wind up the special song for you....' Vera whispered gently, stroking his cheek 'I know how much you used to like the special song...' Jerry heard a winding noise, and so he lay on his back, half asleep to investigate. As he heard Vera leave to attend to the other children, he noticed a beautiful swinging mobile, gently turning and tinkling out a lullaby. Jerry soon fell into a slumber more quickly than he realised, comforted by the warmth of his blankets and the soft beautiful music. When Jerry awoke, he'd felt like he'd had the best nap in years. He stretched, staring up at the mobile gratefully. He almost wished he could play it again and again, never to end. Vera opened the door quietly at first, before seeing Jerry's eyes meet hers. She beamed with warmth. 'Hi sweetheart....' She cooed 'did you have a nice nap?' Jerry nodded, smiling. He loved Vera. Ever since he had been a child at the daycare, he had. She just never seemed to pressure him like his mother did. 'I have a little something for you to try....' She smiled 'just let me check if its right....' Jerry noticed her carrying a bottle in her hand, with an old fashioned rubber teat at the end. It was filled with a milky liquid, and Jerry at first seemed sceptical. 'Sorry honey....But I've seen how you eat and drink at home. I just don't want you to get a drop on the sheets, that's all!' Jerry nodded, embarrassed. If was going too really help, then perhaps he should. And besides, he didn't want to drink lying down. Vera held out her arm, shaking the bottle on her wrist as some of the liquid dabbed her arm. She checked the temperature, nodding to herself with a smile as she knew it was perfect warmth. Jerry was surprised as the bottle was offered to him, as she offered to feed him herself. 'Go on...' She whispered gently 'you must be hungry.' Jerry bit gently on the rubber teat, and an explosion of milky flavour warmed his mouth. It was deliciously sweet and creamy, massaging his tongue like no beer or soft drink could ever do before. It was almost addictive, and Jerry gleefully took great gulps, forgetting Vera who held the bottle to his face. 'That's it, my little one....Drink all of it. But not so fast. We have some bad news to talk about after...' Jerry wasn't listening, and was only focused on the sweet warm drink. He finished it faster than he wanted to, and still eagerly cleaned the teat with his tongue when he was finished. Sighing, he licked his lips. Looking up at Vera, he toyed with the lamb that was left in the cot, suddenly nervous. 'What's the bad news?' Vera sighed, taking the bottle away and placing it on the small white sideboard. 'While you were sleeping, the toilets flooded and all of them are broken. We put the rest of the children in their nappies....But I was wondering, if you'd like to try one too.' Jerry stared at her, bright red, wondering if she was serious. She smiled kindly; judgement was not in her eyes. Jerry thought about the idea of being comforted with a soft plastic layer, lightly scented and fresh. He thought about how he would be able to sleep and be himself all day- with no interference. And he also imagined Vera changing him, her warm soft hands running down his body as she cooed to him. A small blush on his cheeks, Jerry simply nodded. Jerry soon found himself laying on the floor, atop a big colourful blanket with a beautiful Disney princess on the front. He watched as Vera pulled a nappy down from the stack sitting on the changing table, and gently took off his own jeans and sneakers, his old identity. Jerry watched as Vera gently took hold of his legs, raising them in the air, and slightly powdering him with baby powder. The bottle spluttered a little too much, and Vera laughed as Jerry couldn't help but sneeze. 'Ooh!' She cooed, tapping him on the nose 'do you have the sniffles?' Jerry couldn't stop his smile, and Vera copied it as he began to grin from ear to ear. 'You're my little smiler...' Vera said, placing a nappy under his back and pulling the straps out 'you always have and you always will.' From the moment she pulled the plastic tabs tight, Jerry felt at home. It was a snug fit, and the plastic felt soft and safe. As he moved about, he enjoyed hearing the plastic crinkle from underneath him. 'I have to get back to class, honey-face.' Vera smiled, taking a big box of toys down from a shelf and putting them down for him 'but you can play with these on the rug like a good boy until I get back. I won't be long!' Jerry pulled himself up, pulling the big red box toward him. He filed through the toys, wanting something interesting to play with. He let blocks, trucks, cars, and action men slip through his hands, before his eyes fell on a small pink dress. It was beautiful, with bright puffy shoulders and a big purple crystal in the centre. Jerry couldn't help himself but clutch the dress- wanting badly to put it on. What was going to stop him? Nobody was going to see him here- and nobody would be there to tell him no. Slipping off his own shirt and pants, Jerry let the pink silk encase him as he firmly tied the ribbon behind his back in a big bow. At the bottom of the box, he also found a (slightly squashed) pair of baby pink ballet shoes, which he also tried on to go with his new dress. He looked simply beautiful, and Jerry wished more than anything that this could be his every day wear. Jerry realised soon that he had missed out on the glories of being a small girl. He found teddy bears and dolls to cuddle, their soft material squishing against his face. He found Disney Princess stickers, which he couldn't help but pocket for later. He also found his favourite new toy, a beautiful blue eyed doll named Isabella, who looked like she had been made in the 1950's. Jerry found himself enjoying her company, as most little girls do with their dolls, and as he waited for Vera to return, even slipped into a nap with her nestled in his arms. As the afternoon drew to a close, Jerry's mother stood impatiently with her car keys in her hands, watching with an envious sigh as new parents carrying their toddlers out the day-care exited. In the back of her mind, her heart bled for the chance she'd missed on having more children. She was especially angry now that she knew Jerry was not in the main room where she told him she would pick him up, which meant her only child had defied her again. Vera appeared from the staff room, picking up stray blocks and toys as the last of the children exited. 'So, Jerry stormed off, did he?' His mother said bitterly in anger, crossing her arms 'I'm so sorry, Vera. I just knew he'd-' 'Jerry has been wonderful!' Vera said with a smile, shaking her head 'he's been so quiet and well behaved! He's having a little sleep right at this minute, if you'd believe it.' 'Sleep? Well behaved?' His mother said, puzzled. Memories of her little boy with golden curls fled back to her 'you've only used that language when he was a baby!' Vera winked. 'Just come and see him now....' She beckoned his mother to the door. Vera opened the door gently to show Jerry peacefully asleep after a hard day's playing with Isabella in his arms, one thumb gently being sucked. His mother put her hand over her heart. 'Oh....' She choked out 'he used to always sleep like that.....My baby boy.' 'I think you still have him...' Vera said, gently winding up the mobile 'Jerry is still the baby you knew. He needs his toys, his nappies, your love, and patience. He wants his Mommy back, too.' 'He's in pink.....That's new.' Jerry's mother said, puzzled 'I would love him as a child if he wished, as I still love him as if he were my baby- but why is he dressed like this?' '….Perhaps...' Vera smiled 'he has chosen to start again as a little girl. And you can now start over with a daughter- a new child for you to raise.' Upon hearing those words, his mother’s heart soared. Yearning for a new child without realising that Jerry had been in front of her all along was almost too much to bare. Gently, Jerry's mother shook him lightly, with Jerry slowly opening his eyes to not seeing a grouchy usual Mum, but a gentle and soft spoken mother. 'Darling.....Sweetheart...' She said gently 'it's time to go home, princess.' Princess? Jerry looked toward his mother, scared of seeing judgement in her eyes. 'You don't have to hide from me anymore....' she smiled down at him 'I don't want you to live unhappily as I have, and with you being my baby girl- we'll both be happy. Now come on sweetheart- it's time to go home for tea.' 'Can I still wear my nappies?' Jerry asked in a small quiet voice as he arose, holding Isabella by the hand and rubbing his eyes. 'Of course, little one. You need them.' Jerry's mother said, taking his hand 'we'll figure this all out together, don't you worry. You're never going to be alone ever again, my precious little girl.'
  18. sidbaby

    Stinky Diaper Change 2

    From the album: Christmas and New Year 2021 at Mommy's House

    My mommy wipes my bottom in a way that makes my little wee wee stand up. She laughs a lot about it.
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